
Are you making the most of your Salesforce home page?

Is your Salesforce home page wasted real estate? Too often we see nonprofits not using their Salesforce home page at all or under-utilizing it with minimal information. In this vlog, we share easy ways to add great content to your home page in under 5 minutes! Learn more at Let's be friends! Connect with me on social media at: LinkedIn (Company): LinkedIn (Personal): Instagram: #salesforce #salesforceintegration #salesforceimplementation #nonprofits #nonprofitleadership #techforgood #nonprofittech #fundraising #donordatabase #donorlove #salesforcefornonprofits #implementationpartner #salesforcesystemadministrator #nonprofitsuccesspack

Guiding Force Consulting

2 weeks ago

Hi everyone! It's Stephanie from Guiding Force  Consulting and today I want to show you how you can utilize your Salesforce home page as extra  real estate to engage your users, help them be more productive, and also make their experience  better by giving them the information they need right at their fingertips when they first log  in. So we're going to dive into my demo org, all fake information in there, and I want to show  you how you can edit your home page in less than five minutes. So let
's dive in. All right so  what we have here is the home page in my demo org and I want to show you how you can change  the components on this and if you don't have a home page listed right here in your tab, let us  know and we can help you figure out how to get that added. It's usually pretty simple and just  a couple of setting changes in your setup area. But once you're on a home page, you're going to  click on the gear icon in the top right corner and then you're going to go to "edit page" wh
ich  is at the bottom of that drop down list. This is going to open up all of the formatting options you  have for adding and changing different components on the home page. So the first thing we have here  is one of our dashboards. We have a dashboard with two charts on it and we can change that dashboard  by clicking on this down arrow and selecting the one that we want to use. You can set component  visibility so you can add in filters. For example, if you want to filter by the user - so who
gets  to see this dashboard - or by the permission. So this comes in handy when you want to show a  dashboard for a specific department but perhaps the whole organization doesn't need to see it,  or not everyone on the team needs to see it. So one use case that I had is senior leadership  wanted to see dashboards with patient information and fundraising. So we made them a dashboard  that showed both but when other people logged in that were not on senior leadership they only  saw the dashboard t
hat was applicable to their department. This spot here is called a rich  text box and here I put in a bunch of links that I would go to frequently as a user. So  I have Salesforce support - this is where you can open a support ticket if something is  going wrong and you need Salesforce to help you navigate. I put a link to the Trailhead  so I can learn and grow and follow all the different trails and badges and modules to aid in  my professional development. I put the Trust Site to let me know w
hen something's down or there's  some maintenance scheduled. It's a great just touch base to see how things are going. And then  I also link some Community User Groups that are also using Salesforce. You can use this for any  link, for anything that your users are going to on a regular basis. So if you have another  platform that they're opening all the time, if you have help articles, if you have operating  procedures, if you have something on your shared site that you want to include, that wou
ld be  a great use to add in a rich text box and link all of the information that you want.  Again, all of these come with component visibility. And I don't really see many people  using Assistant, so you could possibly ignore that. If you want to get rid of something,  you can just hit this delete box and it goes away. Let's say I accidentally deleted this  one and I wanted to add it back. Here on the left hand side of the screen you can see all  the different components that you can add into y
our home page. So I want the Chatter Feed to go  right on my home page and I want to put it right underneath this box. This chatter feed is going  to show me everything that I've bookmarked but I want to know everything that someone says to  me specifically. So if they tag me in Chatter, I want that to show up right here.  So when I first log into my page, I can see what people have shared with  me and that I need to reply to. Again, you have all sorts of filters that you can use.  So email, dep
artment, profiles, you name it. Also, if you're using the task feature, this is a great  place to put today's tasks. So these are all of the things that you're responsible to execute  coming up today. This is a feature that's also highly underutilized that is really great to keep  organized when you have to reach out to different people. So I can show you the Task tab another day  but it is a feature you should definitely check out. Here I have a Program Management Dashboard.  I have a gif so I
uploaded just a fun image. You can upload your company's logo. You can upload  an image that is relevant to all the employees. Maybe it's your company values or a motto or some  positive affirmation that you want people to see every time they're logging in. I also included  the Recent Records so I can quickly click on those if I need to go back. Some other things  that you'll see over here - you can add in List Views. So let's say you want to see the - I got  to drag it, I can't just click on it
. Let's say you want to see the list view for all of your  donations that are getting ready to close this week or that you have to follow up on. You can put  in any list view that you have in the rest of your Salesforce right over here. So in this case, let's  see, I'm going to put my recurring donations. And what else do we want on  here? This is where you can find the rich text feature. I can  also pull up certain custom objects, so if you're using Zoom for Salesforce you  can perhaps put a li
st of your upcoming meetings. And then the other fun feature that a  lot of people don't know about, is if you click save to save your changes, and then you go to  Activation, you can customize this for the entire organization, per app - which means the nonprofit  success pack or outbound funds or service depending on what you're using - and then you can  also assign it by the type of app and the profile. So let's say you only want a specific profile  to see this home page, you can assign it to
that profile. Maybe it's the system administrator.  Maybe it's everyone in your fundraising team. Maybe it's all of senior leadership. So you can  customize who sees what per home page to make it specific to their use. When I was in a fundraising  department a handful of years ago, we used to sell raffle tickets and we put how many raffle tickets  were sold right here on the homepage, because we needed to know when we were about to sell out.  That was really, really important as people were call
ing and the phone was ringing off the hook, we  got a constant update every minute that we could refresh and see how many we had left before  we took that order. And so there's different use cases where you can help make your team more  efficient based on the type of information that you put here. What we recommend is asking your  team what information are they going to the most, what are they clicking on the most, and what  would they like to see the minute they log in, and there's probably a w
ay that you can enter that  on this home page. And the last feature that I'll show you is up here in the top left. This is your  desktop view. You also have the option to edit this for your mobile view, so all of your mobile  users can have their very own home page and it can be set up to be maximized for mobile. And then  you can also have an option that will do mobile and desktop both. So you have lots of features  here to make this custom to what you need for your users. So let's take a look
again at what is  on the home page. So here, we have the dashboard that we added. Again, they can refresh right on  the spot. We have those links so this takes me right to the Trailhead. I can see in my Chatter  people mentioning things to me. I'm going to put my tasks over here. This gives me a list and as I  finish them I can actually just check them off and they'll go away. So it's a really great spot  to put information for things you need to do without having to toggle back and forth. I can
  click on Recent Records and it'll take me right to that record. This is the little image - I did  an animated gif - but you can do whatever makes sense for your team. And then here's my Recurring  Donations. I don't have any set up in the system but if I did, it would show up with a list here  of all of those recurring donations. So I hope you utilize this home page as a way to maximize  productivity, to help people get information they need quickly, and just as an option to showcase  all the
things that you want your team to use and maximize in Salesforce. As always, if you have  any questions, please reach out. We can build this for you or we'd love to help you and  guide you through that process. Take care.
