
Asmongold hears about Adventure Quest

Noone's getting away with it. #AQ #AQW #AQ3D Asmongold: Reddit link: Twitch original video (deleted in 2 weeks):


2 years ago

[ __ ] is gonna help you in the long run but all  i'm really saying is that lost ark i think will retain a lot more players than a lot of the people  might might imagine and the reason why i think it's going to retain a lot more players is because  it has those cascading in-game systems that cause people to continuously play it that's the big  reason do you guys see kind of what i'm saying because there's so many things to do at the  end game people will still have those loops to go through and
they're not going to immediately  hit level 50 through three chaos dungeons get the best gear in the game and then quit because  there's all the abyss dungeons there's all of these like apparently there's like a cube  dungeon thing like i'm gonna try and do that today i don't know how it works yeah we're gonna  do a cube crawl okay okay let's go back over and we're gonna see the rest of these posts here  lost ark fans explaining how any mmo charges yep star wars fans i found new baby  yoda mount
s on a micro texture sword black desert i finally get bikini armor oh  god wait why is the wow guy the neckbeard oh my god adventure quests why this was so uncalled for this  was so unnecessary look at this in my opinion i think this is a great [ __ ]  video because i love videos that make fun of everybody you know it's like nobody's special  nobody's safe no one's getting away with it everybody's getting [ __ ] called out for this  dumbass [ __ ] yeah this is [ __ ] amazing except for um see i
don't even really know what adventure  quest is what the [ __ ] is adventure quest yeah what what's the what's adventure quest i  have no [ __ ] idea man yeah can i go ahead and see let's see here um adventure quest it's an old  flash game oh it's a 2003 online game okay yeah i didn't really play a lot of those back in the  day i remember i played one oh dude i forgot all about this game i played at my dad's house i don't  remember anything about the game i just remember i would recognize it imm
ediately if i saw it now  let's go over and we're going to talk a little bit about uh this here elden ring fan art cast i can't  wait to play it so should i do the announcement should i do the announcement  tell you guys what's going on because it does have to do with eldon ring it's a good good time to do it what the [ __ ] is adventure quest i love  videos that make fun of everybody you know so you
