
ASMR Android Checks Your Health After Cryosleep | Sci-Fi ASMR

Immersive Sci-Fi ASMR roleplay in which you woke up after cryosleep at the Peak-15 base on Moon 8-15 and the android assistant checks your health. ✔ Subscribe: #asmr #asmrscifi #dreammakerasmr #asmrspace #immersiveasmr #cinematicasmr Background: video footages from the Resident Evil 3 videogame ( Background sounds: Adobe Audition Sound Effects

DreamMaker ASMR

3 years ago

Greetings, Volunteer we're happy to welcome you to  the moon 8-15 colonization program. I know now your consciousness is confused after cryosleep. It  is okay, don't worry everything is fine. Soon you will come to your sense and start an exciting  work at the Peak-15 station. And now our android will help you to... Hello there! Take your time you are still  not back to normal after cryosleep. No need to worry everything is okay! Let me introduce myself - I am Howard, your  android-assistant. Nic
e to meet you, Volunteer! My primary task here is to help you  in everything at the Peak-15 station. First things first after cryosleep I need to  check your health condition. And if everything is in order I will guide you through the station.  Our work on colonizing Moon 8-15 is very important! I hope you realize it. The company is counting  on us!.. By the way I brought you some coffee. It will help you to get back to  normal condition sooner. Here you go!.. Oh, forgive me my untidy appearance
. There are  good reasons for that. Some incident happened... A major software crash caused by the  fall of a meteorite, to be precise. Many of the base systems were shut down for years  and some are still not functioning. That's why I'm so excited that we have at least one volunteer.  We have a lot of work to do, I cannot do it alone. No the information is correct.  One volunteer that is you. All the others have stayed in the  cryo capsules forever. Unfortunately I wasn't able to help them all.
The main reactor was damaged very badly. There  was not enough power. Following my programs I found a solution to continue our mission.  By redirecting the power I could only save one out of five lives. The choice fell on you. If you want to know it was a difficult  choice. I would say The trolley problem... I completely understand your  confusion but this is not the time to give up. We must continue our mission at all  costs. Pull yourself together, I am counting on you! Yes, Volunteer of cour
se. You've been in cryosleep for 18 years 3 months and 12 days. No the information is correct. I know it should have been 18 months. But it's  the consequence of a major software crash which i've been trying to fix all these years. Yes, I understand that this news has shocked  you, but we must follow standard instructions. First i need to check your  health condition after cryosleep. Since the diagnostic systems at the station  do not work I will have to do it the old way. My knowledge base cont
ains enough  information to do all the tests and examinations for human  beings. So let's get started! Could you tell me please how  do you feel? I mean in general. Okay. Dizzy? It is okay after cryosleep. Anything else? Good. How well do you understand my  speech? Is everything clear for you? Perfect! How well do you see me? Does your  vision not fail you in general? Okay, good. Now would you kindly follow my instructions,  please. Okay look at the pen. Good, now look here... Look here, look he
re... Good, look here. Again here. Perfect! Now follow  the pen only with your eyes. Okay, keep following... Very good. Careful is going to be right now! Don't look at the light, look at me. Okay, very good. You are doing great! Enough. Your pupils respond to light normally. So now tell me please how well do  you hear me? Are there any problems? Okay. Let me take a look at your ears closer. One moment please i just need to  check. Okay? Good... Okay what do we have in your ear... I just need to
shine the light to see... Okay. Very good and now you right ear. Aha, let's see... Okay, everything looks quite normal for me. Now we need to check your clarity of  mind. Please give me your full name... Okay, do you remember when were  you immersed in cryosleep? Take your time. Do you remember the exact date? Okay, okay... Why were you sent here? What's the point of our mission? Right! What's the square root of 64? Yes. The answer... is correct, eight.  Please give me your date of birth. Okay,
now take the date of your birth from the  year you were born. Okay, and what is the result? Very good! It seems that your mind is quite clean and  your consciousness is quite clean, as well. And your memory is slowly returning to  you, despite such a stressful awakening. Finally let's check your coordination.  Please, raise your right hand up. Very good. Put it back down. Now your left hand. Okay, very good. Touch the tip of your  nose with the finger of your left hand. Okay, good. Now with your
right hand. Perfect! Now do the same but  only with your eyes closed. Okay, with your left hand.  Good, and now with your right. Pretty good! Open your eyes, please! I have to  admit you are doing quite well for a human being :) That is all for tests and examinations. Now I have to leave you for a while. I need to  take the records of your tests to our archive. Since the incident I have to keep  it mainly, writing everything down. Oh, you will have some time to be  alone and gather your thought
s. Is it okay for you? No, I mean to be alone now? Very good. Finish your coffee it won't be superfluous :) Okay, I'll be right back and bring  your work uniform. See you, Volunteer!



I was not lost. I was in cryosleep for these two months too :) Support this video with a like and comment, I'd appreciate it! My Patreon: Enjoy the vid!


Seriously this was the most immersive asmr experience i've ever had in my life. I admire your dedication in creating these amazing videos!!!


Какой вы всё таки талантливый 🤝 Просто генератор идей и кладезь мурашек 🤗 Смотрю вас уже несколько лет и всегда от ваших видео у меня хорошее настроение 😌 Спасибо большое


I usually hate roleplay ASMR, usually because I find the acting cheesy or phoned in. However, I really enjoyed this. The affected inflection in your voice that conveyed a sense of artificial cordiality, along with the stiff and methodical movements gave a truly immersive experience. Well done.


Okay, this was INSANE. I felt like I was in a AAA Game this entire time, like Fallout of something. This is the first video I’ve seen by you and I’m SHOCKED you aren’t at a million subscribers. And I’m going to be one of them when you do. 💞


Боже, это было настолько убедительно, что я испытал эффект зловещей долины. Невероятная работа, образ, детали. Абсолютно уникален, в плане контента и подхода к нему. Спасибо за расслабление и развлечение в одном лице. Я будто отрывок из фильма посмотрел😊


This just blew my mind! It feels like I'm playing a very good and expensive videogame 😂. The acting is amazing too! ❤️💞💕✨


This reminds me of the departure series by asmr requests. I'd love to see more with this Android character, I'm glad o found this channel.


Шикарно! Надеюсь, мы ещё увидим продолжение этой истории. Даже можно было бы сделать что-то вроде сериала, развернуть мысль, мол, в Говарде произошла системная ошибка во время катастрофы, и поэтому он решил проблему вагонетки обратным способом: спас одну жизнь вместо четырёх. Так можно даже драмму какую-никакую создать: главный герой, узнав, что он должен был умереть вместо остальных, винит себя в их смерти. В качестве продолжения можно снять, как главный герой осматривает бумажный архив вместе с Говардом, чтобы узнать, что произошло за эти 18 лет (тут и триггеры, и сюжет).


Plot Twist: He's a shy human pretending to be an android just not to be talked with :)


😁Who else think this roleplay is like a very good sci-fi movie ? ⬇️


Это не АСМР, это уже какое-то искусство.


So so good, the small things like the coffee cup make it so immersive!


I've waited 14 minutes for him to say Bazinga in a whisper


На самом деле видео такое криповое) Речь андроида поставлена монотонно, спокойно, но в тоже время можно почувствовать какую-то пассивную опасность. Вокруг гробовая тишина, ведь андроид остался один и выполняет функцию, заложенную в него, до конца. Всё это чем-то напомнило иллюзию из серии Разлом Орла сериала Любовь, смерть и роботы))


Wanna see bloopers from this video. You surely had fun recording it ;)


the crinkly cape is everything to my ears💕 and the way you keep the "ok" in the same pitch is absolutely amazing👏


такой балдёж можно и на английском смотреть


Just imagine the work behind the takes, the angles, the makeup, clothes, background noises, the script. Gooosh, im totally amazed, this is incredible, congratulations, love your channel 🖤


Absolutely in love with this video! Thank you for making these english videos, it shows how dedicated you are