
Author Jack Carr speaks about fourth thriller 'The Devil's Hand'

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2 years ago

a former navy seal and new york times best-selling author has done it again jack carr just released his fourth book the devil's hand carr drawing on some inspiration from his time on the battlefield for the latest book in his series his thriller is catching the attention of readers everywhere and hollywood as well yesterday i had a chance to talk with him about his latest book and how he got his start as an author jack carr welcome to news nation thank you so much for having me on today i sincer
ely appreciate it so tell us about your latest book the devil's hand yeah so the devil's hand is the fourth in a series the protagonist is a former navy seal sniper who gets involved in a conspiracy that takes out his seal troupe and then his family on the home front in the first novel and then he moves on into a story of redemption in the second one and then the third one is really really explores the dark side of man through the dynamic of hunter and hunted and this one i wanted to take a brea
th and explore something that i thought about a lot when i was in the seal teams and what i continue to think about today as a citizen and an author which is what has the enemy learned by watching us on the field of battle for the last 20 years at war so if i was iran if i was china north korea uh a terrorist organization a super empowered individual what would i have learned by essentially watching the united states play poker look at our cards see how we play those cards and then apply those l
essons to future battle plans did you always enjoy writing or was were you was this really informed by your experience as a navy seal you know i did from the earliest days i remember i wanted to serve my country in uniform specifically as a seal and then i wanted to write thrillers because back in the 80s and early 90s when i was growing up you couldn't just google navy seal uh and go down the rabbit hole and learn a bunch of things you had to go to the library you had to put in the effort uh an
d a lot of what i learned actually came from the pages of these thrillers that i was reading by guys like tom clancy and nelson demille and david morrell and aj cornell and jc pollock and mark holden and all these guys who had protagonists with backgrounds i wanted in real life one day and i had such a great time escaping into the pages of these novels that i knew after my time in the military i'd write the same kind so i didn't look at it this way at the time but looking back i was really givin
g myself an early education in the art of storytelling how does it feel to know that your gift of writing has resonated with so many people to the point that you have best-selling novels chris pratt is going to be now in a movie how does that feel yeah so it's pretty surreal because when i was writing this when i sat down to write this being a child of the 80s it's very hard not to think of an actor playing your main character and as i sat down to write this is about december of 2014 so i think
of chris pratt and then lo and behold before the book even comes out he's the one that options it and i couldn't think of any other director other than antoine fuqua to direct it who's just an amazing person and he's the one who's directing the first episode so it's completely surreal that's pretty amazing so you've kind of created your own reality do you think there is something to that to creating your own reality yeah i think that well there's a little something to that but the reason that he
got the book in the first place is i got a call out of the blue before the first novel was published from a friend i hadn't talked to in about five years who was in the seal teams with me and he called and he said i wanted to thank you for what you did for me in the seal teams he said you sat me down you talked to me about transition you introduced me to people in the private sector as i was getting out and nobody else did that for me so i always wanted to thank you and i said no problem and th
en he said i heard you have a book coming out and i said yeah i have a book coming out i can send you an early edition and he said yeah i'd like that but i'd like to give one to a friend of mine and i said no problem who's that and he said chris pratt so uh yeah it worked out and now that now that guy jared shaw is actually actually has a role in the series wow amazing so lastly i just want to ask you admiral admiral william mccraven gave that famous piece of advice if you want to make a change
in your life and accomplish things you start by making your bed every day what piece of advice from your seal training your experience your writing all of it do you have for the average person that we can carry with us every day yeah the main thing is not to pay attention to the odds because you only have so much bandwidth and if you're focused on something and you're worried about the odds of doing it or how hard it is and well that's wasting bandwidth that could be focused on getting you where
you need to go so it's really about never paying attention to those odds and then like i tell my kids try to never miss an opportunity to make somebody's day amazing advice and uh can't wait to read your book can't wait to see the series jack carr thank you so much for joining us today thank you so much for having me on take care
