
Avengers Infinity War Trailer Spoof - TOON SANDWICH

An animated parody of the Avengers: Infinity War trailers, in which Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow and Spider-Man adopt new names, Gamora and Thor struggle with their disabilities, Starlord has another fraction of a plan and Thanos confronts his traumatising childhood nickname. You'll be infinitely amused!* *not a guarantee To SUBSCRIBE: 😀 To JOIN: 😇 To BECOME a PATRON: 😇 For ArtSpear MERCHANDISE: 👕 (thank you so much!) Keep up-to-date with all things ARTSPEAR: 👤 👤 📷 🐦 TOON SANDWICH - THE FULL PLATTER! (All our animations in one all-you-can-eat playlist) ▶️ TOON SANDWICH - Seasoning 4 (Animations from this video's year) ▶️ THE VOID: REBOOTED (Our live-action-packed comedy series about a never-ending film production) ▶️ Toon Sandwich LIFE (The misadventures of Toon Sandwich creators Joe & Rita and their animated houseguests) ▶️ Sandwich Making (In-depth looks at the making of some of our biggest Toon Sandwiches) ▶️ Sandwich Press (Joe & Rita talk all things ArtSpear and Toon Sandwich) ▶️ Thanks for watching! We hope you enjoyed this sandwich! 😃 ______________________________________________

ArtSpear Entertainment

5 years ago

طوال الوقت الذي عرفته فيه كان لديه هدف واحد فقط للقضاء على نصف الكون النصف اليسار أذا حصل على الأحجار الابدية لا أحد يتحرك لقد أسقطت حجراً - يمكنه أن يفعلها هكذا ماذا تفعلين - لاشيء - هل أنتي من الناس الذين لايستطيعون طقطقة أصابعهم - لا ، يداي دهنية فقط - أخبريني بأسمه مجدداً فانوس أعتقد أنه يبدأ بـT نعم ، هو كذلك قوليه مجدداً فانوس هل قلتِ "فانوس" بـ"F" لا ، قلت فانوس كل ماسمعت "فانوس" حسناً أنت مجنون لأنني قلت "فانوس" إذاً أنتِ لايمكنك طقطقة أصابعك، لايمكنك نطق "ثانوس" هناك الكثير من الأشياء
يمكنني فعلها كنت قد صادفت أثنين من ذو الخبرة. أحسنت انا أسفه ، فيجين أنها جداً مشتته نحتاج لأزالتها لاتقلق - أكدوا لي أنه أجراءً ليس مؤلم أما أني وصلت أخيراً سن البلوغ ... او ياللهول مبنى كرايسلر يبدو مهيباً هذا الصباح! نحن في مشكلة تلك الحلقة العملاقة تبدو مخيفة عندما تكون خارج التركيز تماماً هي، بيتي أذا انت سبايدرمان هاه، هذا ممتاز اللعنة أوه ،لاتخبرِ أحد ثق بي لن أنطق بكلمة ما هذه الأصوات لاشيء يجب ان أذهب أصابعي العنكبوتية! أجمعوا كل الدفاعات أغلقوا السياج الأسود أيضاً وأعطوا هذا الرجل أدوا
ت حلاقة أهلا بعودتك ، كابتن امريكا لم أعد كابتن أمريكا



I love how ridiculously expressive the faces are.


infinity stones sold separately If that ain’t the most Apple thing I’ve ever read-


"Oh, we're using our made-up names. In that case—" "I'm a freaking doctor and my last name is Strange."


When endgame came out, I remember completely forgetting that infinity war existed.


“Umm, that’s some questionable math, Peter “ “SHUT UP PETER !!” Lmfao


“How do you pronounce your name? Is it thaynos, is it thaynoos, is it thanos is it fanos, Or is it.... T H E A N U S ?


"Stay away from me, you just a publicity stunt" that part was cold. This entire thing had me cracking from beginning to end. Nice job.


2:44 there are actually 5 cuz drax isn’t there.........


All of Gamora’s disabilities: Can’t snap fingers Can’t pronounce ‘th’ Can’t show 2 fingers Can’t say disabilities Can’t clap Can’t stop being thrown off a cliff Can’t count Can’t get legally adopted 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Peter Parker: “That is some questionable math Peter.” Peter Quill: “Shut up Peter.”


1:39 They predicted MJ knowing peter is Spider-Man!


"I'm not Black Widow anymore, I'm blonde homewrecker" lmfao


"Mr. Stark, what are you wearing...?" "Well you stole the last of my iron so i guess i'm Lycro Spandex Man now." *gets shot by laser* "See this? That's on you." Best part ever


"Don't touch me you're just a publicity stunt."


Mom : “Its going to be okay the injection will only feel like a pinch” The kid in the next room : 1:12


“We got one advantage, he’s coming to us. Which means we save on travel expenses, visas, parking… plus, we have what thanos want, so we can name our price- 6 thousand, 8 thousand… and than there postage and handling, sales tax, finders fee… We’re lookin at a cool twenty G’s. ez.” This part had me dying of laughter! XD


4:40 "Soon you skin will be as smooth as mine." *Sounds of dead animal skin being pulled along rocks* Me: So smooth... 😵


This animation does put a smile on my face.


0:58 I couldn't stop laughing at his face


4:13 my friends when I borrow 0.01% of their iron in minecraft