
Baldurs Gate 3 Xbox Save File Bug And How To Fix It

There's been a nasty bug on Xbox that causes you to lose all your Baldur's Gate 3 save files. The good news is that there is an official workaround that might help you avoid this issue. UPDATE From January 16: Xbox just released a new patch, hopefully it fixes it. However while it's not been out for a while - please use as well Larian's workaround Sources: Larian: Xbox: Other links used in the video: #gaming #baldursgate3 #bug #xbox

Not So Casual

2 months ago

Picture this, after investing over 50 hours into a game, you finally reach its final act. You made a long the way, many life and death decisions. You completed your companion quests, you collected rare artifacts, now you are on the verge of witnessing how it all unfolds at the end. As always, you save the game and take a break, however, when you try to load it up later, you realize that all your saves are lost. If this has happened to you, I'm sorry to hear that. Most likely there is nothing you
can do other than starting a new game or submitting a request on xbox store for a full game refund. However, if you've been playing like usual and it haven't happened to you, you should also be concerned. This issue has happened to many people and mostly it happens closer to the third act. The good news is, there is actually a way to prevent this from happening. Baldur's Gate 3 save file bug on xbox is alive and well. I just lost all my saves for a 60 hour playtrough. That's a really bad bug. I
love the game, but I don't know if I'll ever go back to it after that. For almost a month this has been a known issue without a proper fix. I'd be quite disappointed if I lost a 60 plus hour save file. And this is not just a singular case, if you try to search it on google, you'll see quite a few posts from players that got the same issue. Many of them have it actually in a very sizable amount of playtime and many of them just quit the game because it's not fun to start all over again. It's a l
ong game and these type of games really focus on player progression and losing it all is just not fun. However, there are some good news. Larian is aware of this issue and they're providing a workaround till comes out a patch to fix it. With We're aware that there is a safe issue on xbox and continues to linger throughout the holidays. It occurs when exiting the game after saving. The game thinks the save was successful but due to a firmware issue, the save file is not fully committed to this ye
t. Microsoft is aware of the issue and is working on it but obviously during the holidays everyone is working at lower capacity so it may take a while before a proper fix becomes available. For a time being we can offer a workaround with the Larian Cross-Safe system. Create a Larian account at slash account. Go to the option menu from the main menu under gameplay activate cross saves linking your Larian and xbox accounts. From now on your last 5 saves will automatically be uploaded to
the Larian servers. It is important that you do not exit the game before the upload is finished. The upload is finished when the message syncing cloud save is no longer visible. If the firmware bug occurs you will need to activate the cross save functionality in the option screen. This will give you access to save games that were successfully uploaded. This is not the first workaround offered to avoid save loss. Microsoft is also aware of the issue and they did publish some precautions that you
can follow. Here is what they post. There is a link in the description where you can actually read the full statement. Xbox is aware of known issues that users have reported on several platforms that may cause loss of save progress. Here are some steps to avoid this issue from happening to you. Ensure your console remains powered even when turned off. Make sure your xbox is up to date. Close your game completely when you are done playing. Clear some of your local save game data. Larian workarou
nd does look more promising. Unfortunately even that the Microsoft came out with this solution people even following all their steps still get that bug and still other save data. The positive from the Larian side that they actually are providing a place where they are storing your save data so even if it gets lost on xbox you are supposed to be able to recover it from Larian servers. So that's pretty much it. If you enable the cross saving option on Larian website you connect your xbox to it. Yo
u should have always a backup on the Laryn page. If one day you try to load the game and you don't see any save data you will be able to use the backup that is on the Larian server. If you are not sure if it's actually safe and it works then the safest bet probably will be to hold off from Baldur's gate on xbox till the issue is permanently fixed. Let's hope that the workaround works and a patch fixing the issues will come sooner rather than later. Hopefully, it will be a matter of days and not
weeks. Even considering all the game issues this is still a very special game that is definitely worth playing.



UPDATE From January 16: Xbox just released a new patch, hopefully it fixes it. However, while it's not been out for a while - please use as well Larian's workaround Let's hope there are no more issues with that!


Quick update on the Save Bug: Larian posted a tweet announcing that Microsoft found out the issue causing the bug. On January 16 you will be able to install manually a patch or wait till January 23 for the global update. Till then the safest option is to use the workaround in the video. Hopefully, this patch will fix it permanently! 🤞


Just lost all my saves and almost 150 hours of game to this and the worst part? It was linked to my Larian account. Worst yet? Can't create any new saves because it says my storage is full (while it shows nothing on it). Thank you alot MS


Thanks! MS is the current reason “some” people are losing their save files. The only platform to have this problem mind you!! So while playing BG3 I don’t use quick resume. I wait until saves are fully completed. I only use 2 quick saves and 4 auto, and only a handful of my own saves. I quit out to menu on game. I then quit game to Xbox interface. I don’t unplug power to my Xbox. I Do use the always update PWR option to make sure Xbox is always updated. I’ve had no problems with saves on Xbox series X!


Thank you for this! 👌


I lost a 200H save... Ffs! This game went from a 10 to 0 for me. Never touching Larian game again.


It just won’t launch it will show the Latin studios logo then boom back to Xbox home


This vid is funny because most people think having your account linked to both cloud save systems is the issue in full or part.


lost over 120+ hours , looks like I'll leave it for a few months sadly and see if they eventually fix it. I did notice however my local save data was like 3.4kb so yeah its deleted by itself this evening and theres no cloud back up working from xbox where as every other game has a cloud backup. What a smart idea not to have it working on a game people are putting hundreds of hours into vs games that have far far less


Apparently this crosssave is why my game is crashing🤦🏿‍♂️ $70 for this game & it's literally unplayable


My saves are in danger right now, I’ve created larian account, now my saves are in cloud… BUT every time I start playing, after quick resume there are 0 saves, no local saves, no cloud saves. There are many advises and guides to solve this problem, but all of them mean I should exit the game, but I’m afraid, there will be so saves after, and no quick resume, and I will lose almost 80 hours-character


Thas why i always have an external ssd...


So glad I didn't buy it. The way these half a** game developers are working I may never buy new again. Im leaning towards waiting a year when a game comes out to give the developers tome to finish the games they release not complete.


I lost 97 hrs!