
Bamboozled - 2023 Easterseals Disability Film Challenge Entry

Bamboozled" is a PG romantic comedy. On his way to his best friend's house, a teenage influencer meets the sweet, romantic girl moving in next door. Realizing he doesn't know how to charm such a girl, he calls upon his deeply intellectual and poetic best friend for help; little does he know that his best friend is in love with the same girl.

Easterseals Disability Film Challenge

10 months ago

[Music] get up get up [Music] [Applause] here we go [Music] the guns are willing to smile at me you won't believe what I saw next door Roxy and I gotta remember if you did want to hang don't wanna say that we're the most beautiful creature ever laid eyes on Grand Theft admire the pleasure of your company lovely contemplates on the Mysteries a life and live such beautiful language I recently enjoy such don't say that let me see that um [Music] she did oh no what if she talk all fantasy I don't kn
ow what to say oh no what if he expects me to Taco slingy I won't know what to say [Music] here we go what movie would you like to watch can't ow are you okay hard by the presence of your radiant beauty shop and watch the president Brian lady what a most lovely movie are you okay so stuck on the side that you're restless and focused on Badness easy to see so down in the dumps that you're too shy to get up and dance and sing and be free easy fix follow me if we get up happy things will come our w
ay we don't understand what it means oh [Music] stuck on the views and the likes and the stress that you feel keeps you up at night what are you doing here what is he doing here service was helping me to talk dirty so you you like me Bailey was helping me talk though so you would like me and those pretty boys were yours all the snowboards were yours yes [Music] and [Music]
