
Batumi. Prices. We are shocked! Georgian food Fish market. Borjomi. Vine Georgia 2022

Батуми, Грузия. Путешествие по Грузии 2023: Боржоми, Батуми. Обзор отдыха в городах Грузии. Батуми интересные места, еда, цены, достопримечательности. Что посмотреть и куда сходить. Минеральная вода Боржоми. Грузинская кухня. Еда в Грузии: хинкали, хачапури, шашлык, осетрина, осетр, рыба, лосось. Рыбный рынок в Батуми. Стоимость отдыха. 📍 Подпишись на канал Gilza : 📍 Новое видео про квадроциклы : Поддержите ребят подпиской! ---------------------------------------------- 📕 Инстаграм: ✎ Телеграм путешественников, поиск, общение: ▶ Вконтакте - Клуб путешественников: 📍 Мои Авторские Туры и путешествия 2022: Трансферы Грузия - Россия: ___ 📍Сотрудничество, Коллаборации, Реклама: ___ ✈ Заказать бесплатно навсегда лучшую карту для путешествий ALL Airlines — кредитная карта для выгодных путешествий. Копите баллы за покупки и обменивайте их на авиабилеты: 💸 Заказать бесплатно навсегда дебетовую карту Tinkoff Black — ___ Таймкоды: 00:00 - Батуми. Грузия. П утешествие трейлер. 01:16 - Интересный и познавательный канал Gilza! Подписывайся!) 02:42 - Возможные маршруты путешествий по Грузия. Путешествие в Батуми из Тбилиси. 03:40 - Первые минуты в Боржоми. 04:33 - Вкус воды в первом минеральном источнике Боржоми. Холодная минералка. 05:25 - Информация про город Боржоми. История Боржоми. 06:23 - Дегустация Грузинских вин. Киндзмараули. Саперави. Гранатовое вино. 07:44 - Парк Боржоми. Стоимость. Обзор. Что есть в парке? 08:04 - Пробуем второй теплый источник минеральной воды Боржоми. 10:25 - Гуляем по парку. Река Кура. Парк Боржоми. 11:00 - Сернистые бассейны в парке Боржоми. Цена. 11:45 - Пробуем автостоп в Грузии. 12:38 - Грузинская кухня Обед у Рубена. Шашлык. Вино Суп. Хачапури. 13:10 - Проблемы на дороге Боржоми - Батуми. Повезло с попутчиками в маршрутке. 15:11 - Информация о городе Батуми. История. 16:25 - Рыбный рынок Батуми. Первый день в Батуми. 18:16 - Нашли ресторан где могут приготовить свежую рыбку. Фишландия. 19:22 - Пробуем рыбу и морепродукты: осетр, креветки, форель, сибас. 20:38 - Стоимость готовки и блюд. 21:14 - Канатная дорога Арго. Стоимость. 21:30 - Порт города Батуми. Рыбаки. Судно, Корабли. Мидии. 23:13 - Площадь Пьяцца в Батуми. Итальянская архитектура. 24:38 - Церковь Святого Николая 25:29 - Башня Чачи. Грузия. 26:42 - Колесо обозрения. Цена. 26:55 - Скульптура Али и Нино. Достопримечательность Мальчик и Девочка. 28:15 - Пляж Батуми. Что с погодой в этом году? 29:54 - Набережная Батуми. Новый друг. 30:55 - Площадь Европы. 31:54 - Транспорт. Такси Bolt. Всем советую, дешево. Без карт можно оплачивать наличкой. 32:15 - Железнодорожный вокзал Батуми. Батуми - Кутаиси - Тбилиси. Цены 34:15 - Уличная еда Батуми и Грузии. Шаурма :) 34:48 - Отправляемся на поезде в Тбилиси. 36:59 - Какой-то глюк у ютуба. Вот такой черный номер :) Марго Хотел хороший отель. 38:11 - Еда в Грузии. Хинкали 3 вида, салат, Аджахури. 40:22 - Курс валют. Рубль Лари Доллар евро. Май 2022 41:11 - Отправляемся в Армению. Поезд Тбилиси - Ереван. 42:27 - Выпуск про Ереван Армению смотрите в следующем видео. Все достопримечательности Батуми: 1. Канатная дорога «Арго» 2. Турецкий квартал и мечеть Орта-Джаме 3. Площадь Пьяцца 4. Церковь Святого Николая 5. Армянская церковь Христа Всеспасителя 6. Батумский цирк 7. Площадь Европы 8. Статуя Медеи 9. Улица Мемеда Абашидзе и кинотеатр «Apollo» 10. Площадь Эры (Театральная площадь) 11. Морской вокзал Батуми 12. Башня чачи 13. Морской порт 14. Парк чудес 15. Башня с мини-колесом обозрения 16. Приморский бульвар Батуми 17. Пляж Батуми 18. Проспект Руставели 19. Церковь Святой Варвары 20. Парк 6 мая, дельфинарий и зоопарк 21. Музей Аджарии 22. Музей искусств 23. Батумская синагога 24. Собор Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы 25. Новый Батуми 26. Католическая базилика Святого Духа 27. Центральный рынок Парехи 28. Церковь Самеба 29. Ботанический сад Батуми и пляж Мцване Концхи Батуми (груз. ბათუმი [батуми], до 1936 года — Батум ) — город и порт в Грузии, расположенный у побережья Чёрного моря. Столица автономной республики Аджария. Образует муниципалитет Батуми и является главным туристическим центром современной Грузии. Третий по площади, после Тбилиси и Кутаиси город Грузии и второй по населению. Грузия (груз. საქართველო , Сакартвело) — государство, расположенное в западной части Закавказья на восточном побережье Чёрного моря. Относится к Передней Азии; рассматривается часто как страна на стыке Европы и Азии, иногда — как часть современной Европы. #батуми #боржоми #грузия #грузия2022 #путешествия #путешествие #georgia #batumi

Travel Forever : Вячеслав и Ирина Юмабаевы

1 year ago

Georgia is the endless mountains of the river forest and insanely beautiful nature, but in this video I propose to go down from the mountains and go to the Black Sea coast to the city of Batumi. Batumi is the main seaside resort and tourist center of modern Georgia, the third largest city in the country , whose history spans more than one millennium [music] in this issue, we see together with you how the locals live and why Batumi is so famous for the twenty-second year, almost many interesting
places and sightseeing places of the city we will try Georgian local dishes and drinks we will walk around the fish market we will look at the assortment of seafood and prices and of course we will try to buy fresh fish on our own and find a place where all this can be cooked production barge m3 is stopped, we will try to pick up what Borjomi mineral springs and compare the true taste of the world-famous mineral water, so right now like it write comments with the word Batumi subscribe to the VKo
ntakte youtube group and instagram and Telegram channels so as not to miss new releases from various countries and mountains odes on my channel Travel Forever friends I want to be with you the channel of my good friends sleeves ostrich I will say the channel is unusual guys make videos on the topic of dangerous professions of extreme survival sports but at the same time they dump it in amazing information and crazy facts in fact it is entertaining so that the channel but Russian youtube i haven'
t seen this yet acting u won't subscribe i'll come personally skiing today [applause] they've got a fresh video about a quad bike there's all the cool races stupid falls abandoned graveyard dangerous saxifrage overall real adrenaline rides [music] no [music] link I left a sleeve on the channel in the description under the video, go and subscribe and do not forget to leave a comment from me [music] after a few days we got lost, we decided to move to Batumi, a distance of 370 kilometers in Tbilisi
and Batumi can be overcome by train or by minibus there are also bus services like jor john bass but most often all the locals move to the march On a shuttle between cities, you can also get to the city of Kutaisi, at the airport where low-cost airlines are based and other countries fly at low prices, prices for a minibus are on average 45 GEL, and the train will cost 20 GEL and more, about halfway to Batumi, there is a mineral springs borjomi at the beginning, we decided to get there on the mi
nibus and then we will go to batumi and already on the way back from batumi to tbilisi we will go in search of it so we will review all types of transport minibuses run from the station to the didu metro station every hour but only in the daytime the coordinates of all stations I put the description [music ] we drive up borjomi go again it's raining I don't know how it's so lucky today they say that Borjomi doesn't produce mineral water right now so we came here from drinking it to try the true
taste of the weather of course no luck well now than as far as we were told by children from several sources that is, somewhere cold somewhere hot Borjomi if something does not work out and is not kind going further, it will be possible to stop, but bugaga andryukh, well, I recovered , we took an hour, we will try me on mineral ones, it’s honestly nice, but it proves the road, as if he doesn’t scold the mineral walls well, but it looks like the course another cooler has an allowance and can be e
asily handled and why it’s called cold spring still hyde park burning now we will also try it cost 20 kopecks principle became a glass the city of borjomi is located a bar for women's village that in the south and east of georgia at an altitude of about 800 meters above sea level this resort is surrounded by mountain ranges that are covered with forests the population of the city is a little over 10 thousand people borjomi located gorge kuri which divides it into the right-bank or coastal part t
he name of the city comes from the words borsch fortress wall and ami war according to ancient legend borjomi was founded as a natural fortress, the walls of which served as the Caucasian mountains on the slopes of the gorge to protect against the enemy were built watchtowers remnants of koto ryh exists to this day, of course, first of all, Borjomi depends precisely on how the balneological resort local mineral water is used to prevent and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism
of the biliary tract and kidneys , you can also take baths with this water, which is indicated for cardiovascular diseases with problems respiratory organs and nervous system kidomaru ice kindzmarauli this is natural my wards up to managers up to 15 stalls then at 20 we sell there are no people just to sell and to children which is not to be confused very tasty well white learned shapira this is a deficiency of the cowrie console it’s just confused on the background says there is semi-dry pomeg
ranate once pomegranate is also there [music] come on let's try pomegranate [music] the first cool 1 kidomaru this is odessa and this is odessa fault odessa just what it is look odessa-mama my native city this odessa is called a grape variety to put a little look guys take what I think york coachman strength with 1 grenade then take 1 pomegranate, we all have to pay 5 lari at the entrance to the park, one ticket costs and you can go to the park, where where to drink, there is no other there, lik
e here, after all, such a hot spring, the entrance cost 5 lari, the park itself, come pour it, let’s go to the left, you liked it well, let's try on the camera right after on the better warm mineral water without gas, my type right between 1 well, cool daddy is more than 0 2 you three-dimensional liters of it yo my video here the kids can play and here apparently it is Prometheus that carries the fire of riga kuroko and that's just look at all like the shoulders of the herd, apparently right beh
ind the showers and a small waterfall there , the weather is certainly dirty, but we decided to take a walk to take a walk to the sulphurous vans to see what we could swim in, but it seems to me that the water is not so warm there and we’ll wait for a swim in such rather cold weather it will be for sure with the summer on the right way how to go there it turns out to be about 2728 km 340 minutes and it’s even better to walk here in the summer when it’s like sunny the weather is warm, you can sor
t of walk just a real buzz or instill a squirrel wrestling, we look at the normal , in general, we came to the base, of course, we expected more swimming pools, fuck it, there will be two pools, visibility is small, which is more dressing room there, it costs 5 GEL and in front of the GEL you can rent all the towels we we don’t even know how to go, the weather certainly improved, it became obvious. it came out already beautifully all the kebabs are fried, but such a thing is like undressing to c
hange clothes [music] in general, we have such a topic trying in general initially tried to be more precise to go to hitchhike to each city but everything is not going according to plan we are going on ordinary buses and minibuses of water now we managed to be lucky try hitchhiking now let's try to get to hit literally for a kilometer probably 345 but so far there are no cars but still such an interesting thing I don’t know how I always dreamed of trying let's try everyone looked at the park on
the way back the sun has already come out everything is sunny and it's nice to walk much nicer than when it's raining well let's go have a barbecue, our new friend , we walked around Borjomi and decided to go to the turbine, so we went for lunch, in fact, soup that I didn’t take Chuck Norris wine because we have a little bit of draft and free now, I’ll turn it on now, everyone should have a good appetite after visiting Borjomi, we decided hitchhiking to batumi out of 30 cars, none of them stoppe
d the bus mustaches and minibuses are depicted no longer went as it was seven eight in the evening, so in order not to stay Borjomi started, we took a taxi to the village of Khashuri and Surami in the hope of taking a minibus from Tbilisi and Batumi, as a result, having caught a minibus, we got to Bottom already at night with fellow travelers on the route unfortunately we were unlucky as 5 people drank endlessly after which they began to pester all the passengers and they wanted to chat with us
about politics pleasure a little half the way we generally went with Tony as we went on the highway so it’s better to travel by train or a comfortable bus so move around I advise you on the minibus only as a last resort, but the temple itself knew about the light, the gods didn’t think about it on the bushes, but I won’t put it on yet, and they couldn’t immediately paris the capital of Adjara, the main Black Sea resort of the country, batumi, is like young wine, carefree, fragrant, free and head
y bottom the resort is not a port city which is located on the Black Sea coast 3 in terms of area after e tbilisi kutaisi and the second city in terms of population throughout history, representatives of different ethnic groups lived in this territory, this left a mark both in the past of the region, as evidenced by archaeological finds and in the present, for example, in architecture, since baton is a cultural religious economic center, the tourism industry has different direction the contrast
of mountainous areas and the coastal zone makes the area especially picturesque batumi it is the personification of modern georgia and the beach equally to water Europeans, Russians and neighbors in the Caucasus means for some it takes the best DJs on the planet in hotels offers quality service in the restaurant and delicious national cuisine except In addition, the city and its surroundings have all the opportunities for active recreation, diving and water sports [music] [music] the timer in Ba
tumi is not happy again, I don’t know why, what’s wrong with these May days, it was raining, but the words of God often ceased we're going to a fish restaurant let's take a look so everything looks like a dorado came up they have 125 sea bass example 2740 52 rows choose you your charge will be massively a kilogram here and the red eccentric is a free tank red mullet avenge long equipo de folie and this is more on the headlights than a kilogram of 18 kilograms and I think it’s enough like one mod
e lady sturgeon orgone is even alive, I really have a soul , but in general, shrimp don’t work out for 3 1 thing, but it seems to me a little expensive for us minoshki 5 and squid, too, 5 squid 7 blue squid, or how much were these mussels and some small ones should have ordered fish given already to cook came out example 2 kilograms and dasler establishments finland is called d.fy nickel hoses among the new ones you read your ingan thinner so the price is approximately follow the ports when norm
al but we took for a side dish and because we took sturgeon shrimp about 6 7 lari for this 6 by 22 cm about 120 rubles any side dish is more expensive but the weather is not very good so we decided to sit inside but I think standing ru further lifting sturgeon today in the evening or tomorrow the city of baku has become bad there are no pants and the wind will be but today you can still say tomorrow morning and at lunch well they brought our fish so here is the big theater above we took a couple
of shrimp try let's try we'll try 1 sturgeon life but tried all three well, it’s tasty in principle, and well, of course, I didn’t know how it tasted, but yes, ordinary fish, like fish, are shorter in one with the neighbors , and the fish and they like sea bass it was, or I don’t know some kind of sea trout, in general , they were given a little, they took unique grinding to in short, if you take fish, then take it thicker so that it is fried, the leaf remains here because we tried it here in t
his fish here it is so drier, we are right here to install it right here with juice, but in general it’s delicious , and by the way, you can also order here I’ll already change the fish, but it’s indicated there, knowing approximately 0 5 kilograms, or it’s a little cheaper here to take it all the same on the market, bring it here already here, butcher it, fry it against I think everyone grows up to pack other fish, well, everything came out 56, that is, salad 2 potatoes and hot 12 service charg
e 6 [music] butcher cable car works from 11 to 10 and goes up to five to the mountain there are three glory there and back, in principle, you can go [music ] such there is no morality how do I put a cockroach dial what remains to be canceled [music] husband is already on the bell tower means we will bring almost Europe near the square whether we will help yatsa [music] well, I got to the piazza to get such an Italian style it is unusual to see this in Georgia, of course, and you don’t even know
your own chapel, there is either an observation deck, maybe there is also a cafe here, or I don’t know, you can go the hotel projects of the square designed your arbeloa in 2010, the heel is made in the Venetian style and is devoid of Georgian flavor, the latter does not interfere at all with the square will be a favorite place for locals and visiting tourists here are shops and restaurants, and sometimes yielding even to artists right in the open air , construction was carried out at the inters
ection pedestrian streets so that the noise of the city that wears minimally here [music] everyone looked like they are called 3 cool jokes as far as I understood everything I’ll look at Nikola’s proofs but as far as I understood the maximum number of population believers it’s very much and at the entrance or to people come for example nearby the cheese is cool and crossed as a whole, it pleases the utensils right every minute today we have a lot of different motorcades on Saturday and here the
tower is located more often you know the meaning of them in what it is but to find it, let's look at everything inside and the door is closed and you could see earlier it was to go upstairs energy there are small fountains, but as far as I understood the city, they were built by some kind and the building was built by the Turks because the city is full of such unusual buildings a small chapel is like an alphabet tower but in general it’s cool so a little of course and between it but in general y
ou can see it unusually here and where -something else such a building is like an eye [music] you can ride on a ferris wheel costs 10 lari the wheel is not a small thought you will see almost the whole city either on the ropes on the hands of the tour stands reed flare and here are the statues of alina not girls boys who you were from a family of different faiths and whose parents well and their parents were against them being together but still they are all that you are connected so that you ca
n come to admire the opening of the project, then the stamps weigh the review has been standing since 2011 in an eight-meter sculpture luster the famous love story of a Muslim Ali and a Christian woman, but their parents were against the couple’s romance, which is why every evening the sculptures come down in an unusual style and become one whole and then the area around it diverges again, it is highlighted, which creates a special atmosphere, well, in general, the clouds are striking, it’s very
interesting now for Alice, how unusual it looks, by the way, it seems to me that jewelry work has been done , it would be cool if they were friends back, if they froze like that, they turn out to pass so again again on circle repair omul such weather in winter yes where were well yes cold on the model the dungeon was warmer, by the way , they caught it’s not a particularly large lizard [music] the path is more this [music] here and now we lost our friend just wanted a bird [music] Vasek ran awa
y all andryukha more to learn the Georgian alphabet he tower alphabet is called the Georgian letter z z well, all our guards returned, we were two at the gathering and the dog of the boat gordon say by the way you can climb this tower lasts 15 lari well I don’t know why I don’t see much if you went down and wandered for a walk and in Batumi the course is extremely unprofitable but here is the best found 0 385 for rubles, that is, for a thousand rubles, he receives 3 and a half lari to the dollar
and the euro, see the exchange rate yourself, but if anyone is interested, write. I ’ll probably leave it in the description , but at the end of the day we reached Europe Square, but of course it looks cool, but it’s still somehow a little awkward, of course Piazza Square is much more interesting in terms of turns in a more uniform European style, here’s a misunderstanding, tolich, drive away for the Czechs, this is some kind of I don’t know monument not a monument, but you can see in the photo
s the building is so new and cool, in fact it’s shabby but for beginners [music] and mortgages, because in general guys and pink glands use a taxi bolt downloaded some magician hal now will drive up and go even to the station will cost toyota prius will cost us only 5 6 like larry cool in principle but friends now we came to the railway station took two tickets this is how it looks like two tickets to tbilisi it costs 24 lari turns out to be 24 lari in principle inexpensively goes about 5 hours
called batumi you didn’t take it yourself knows on the map you can generally go to the airport at the airport in kutaisi and duku, that is, you can get there for a walk for example or later sit down to go further at night you will have to buy a ticket and it also turns out to get to come true to Yerevan reserved seat and it goes out on odd numbers, for example, on May 9, we think to take and at a cost it goes out reserved seat 90 minimum you buy somewhere from 110 GEL, but in general it’s like h
e subtracts in 2020 evenings on an odd number and hello 6 am yerevan, in principle, it’s convenient to have a golden sleep to rest, how to save the 1st one night she’s a hotel, in principle, it’s convenient now I think we’ll even take it to batumi right away and we’ll come for a walk and on the 9th of may 9 we’ll go уже перевал но все друзья мои взяли два билета то есть это у нас до тбилиси что это он 24 лари вышел это мы поедем получается 8 числа а вот 9 мая вечером погуляем по тбилиси и поедем
в erevan боковых уже не осталось поэтому мы взяли вот получается места буковые 4030 руб 2 для андрюхи нижняя 76 верхние чуть подешевле вот но в целом как то так отъезжай шаурму фил оканчивать наше путешествие по батуми мы приехали на ж.д. вокзал заранее купили билеты и вот так выглядит сам поезд оказывается он двухэтажный и выглядит красиво но я уже думал будет намного учите мы их или на маршрутке сюда которая вся тряслась там люди пили алкоголь орали кричали в общем отправление получается есть
таких три поезда утром вроде около 9 2 действия у нас сейчас кризис и какой-то вечерние вроде их стали в 5.7 так что если вы собираетесь поехать в батуми либо из батуми то знаете ну поезд довольно комфортный в принципе даже есть вроде вай фай знаком с паролем с паролем но и ко второй этаж у нас попался когда наса очень в 6 прибыли на ж.д. вокзал называет он не central bus station они вас сontrol station глаз центральный вокзал так все выглядит делись новый номер право эти глянем называется марг
у fatal туалетная комната душевая кабина кстати первый раз тут у нас есть холодильник и чайник есть может попить шкафчик тапки сейф холодильник пустой у нас еще есть даже 100 этот столик кондиционер и тотчас балкон или просто окно окно просто ну не понятно куда у нас 4 или 3 этаж но отель кстати стоил сюда 200 там ларри я вообще в шоке был вот и сегодня скидка там что больше 75 процессе 75 процентов до общем да номер обошелся всего 57 лари принципе нормально фай все есть такое видно что отель хо
рошенький но немножко skoda ставшие уже но в принципе нормально всем пришли в новое заведение взяли хинкали то есть три у нас разных попробовать 3 с грибами и сыром и 3 но мясные андрюха подсела на куриный салат сейчас еще будет а джеффри это свинина с картошечкой ну и наконец-то гибрид liturgy хури это картошечка со свинкой но все всем при ятного аппетита на только негромко давайте друзья попробуем это первое за грибами получается на вкус необычно но дальше на сырами и свиней ну соответственно
немного весь ход давайте разную камеру камера снимает было а атмосфера все рассчитайте как дворов такой типа домашние блюда баран задумал тобой будет растекся там как написано дурачок чтобы мы конечно я загорел вареники стороны то же самое про кейси ладно это едим ты серьезно представлял как думать и как пицца такой грузится [музыка] царя ашоки навозом наверное вы на спорт как ну-ка все [музыка] спустя три дня курс поменялся приходили на площадь свободы буквально дня 3-4 и курс был 041 или 040 а
сейчас уже вот изменился на 5 копеечек так что как-то так и кстати сегодня мы опять бились и отправляемся в ереван и как только мы отправляем все заметил странную выходит солнышко и погода просто прекрасная фото гулять так что возможно сегодня тоже посмотрите сколько мест и отправимся дальше пришли на автовокзал автовокзал конечно не вызыва ет доверия но вот этот поезд кстати рассвет какой рассудочного вокзала на в общем вагона как обычно у нас в hd но довольно таки обновленной есть даже розето
чки здесь той стороны стол в принципе такой новенький не по шару по натуре дак свеженький премудрая надо кого-то новенький принципе кондёр есть магазины я им сейчас будет первый нас погран контроль выезд и после уши если принципе чок бог что если берете нижнюю полочку до разложить постельку не сможет потому что уйдет соседа сосед такой настойчивый пьет у нас что бог мужская в 10:00 по green будет границ первые сеансы фрукты но тебя мужская еда лай лай лай беду [музыка]
