
Become a better Hair animator | After effect expression tutorial

In this tutorial, i will show you how i animate those hair looped perfectly. Expression code: DON'T CLICK THIS [Momo] [Paypal] Follow me on social media! Facebook ► udyr.tuong Instagram ► cgmighty


2 years ago

My League of Legend Digital Painting Animated loop I will show you how i did the animation let’s go First of all, we need our hair separated in layers in photoshop next up, open After effect Layers are organized same in photoshop select 1 hair layer, then hide the rest solo the hair we are going to do first I use the legend puppet tool if you dont see any mesh grid, turn it on here click to create pin in this tutorial, i do it as simple as i can To show you guys the loop work, 6 seconds long wil
l be better now create keyframe note that, hair moves just a little bit so tweak the position just a bit it's time for expression loopIn('pingpong') + loopOut('pingpong') - value F9 easy ease Copy expression, paste on all other pins offset these keyframe to create delay fx let see what we got with this expression, animation is looped perfectly do the same for other hair put more pin to make it more wavy now it looks cool right? let see what we have done for now this is my animated digital paint
ing for 8 years LoL aniversary In this project, i put in some different expression such as Wiggle loop expression code is i put the code link in description as you can see, wiggle now looped perfectly same trick for scary mouth particle loop, i will show you in the next video Thank for watching! Hope u guys find this useful



Learn more After effect tutorial


Well explained, I totally love the way you explain most of the people make it complicated.


Fantastic results on many of my new artworks, you are the boss. Would love more of this kind of videos in the future if you are up for it.


YEAH! Finally, this was what i was looking for. Thanks from 🇦🇷


Thanks you so much, i finally find the actual easy tutorial for hair


đúng cái kiểu chuyển động tóc đang cần


Thank you so much. You made me learn something cool today!


me ajudou, gratidao !🙏


hay quá bác


Hi vọng anh tiếp tục ra video kiểu này cho kiểu animation khác


Hi, why does this not work for a composition that is 3 seconds long? It seems to work only for 6 seconds for some reason. How do I reduce this to 3 seconds? My file size varies a lot because of the composition time being increased to 6.


Thanks, this might be helpful for me. Just wandering, do you know how to do it more automatically? Like if I move head (=crate new keyframes for position, scale, rotation) and hair is parented, but it's behaviour is natural.....or controlled by me smh (not doing every time new animation for it)


I do exactly like you showed, however it doesn't loop correctly. I mean it loops, but it is not that smooth, the animation starts harshly again from the starting point, what should I do?


e xin link nhac voi bac :))


pupet truyền thống thôi chứ có j ms ?


Cái này so với spine pro cái nào mượt hơn anh nhỉ?


Làm kiểu này e nghĩ nó vẫn cứng do chỉnh tay, với một số ảnh nhiều tóc phức tạp nó cũng không đẹp mắt


Cái này dùng autosway làm animation nhanh hơn:v