
Bee and PuppyCat Full Series (Ep. 1-10) - Cartoon Hangover

Bee, a reluctant hero, becomes entangled in the adventures of a puppy (…or is he a cat?) as they travel between reality and the void of Fishbowl Space. Created by Natasha Allegri, character designer and storyboard artist for Adventure Time. We can neither confirm nor deny the autobiographical nature of Bee and PuppyCat. Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space is Now Streaming on Netflix. Subscribe: Watch Full Episodes of Bee and PuppyCat on YouTube: Watch All of 107 Anime Facts Season 2 For full Bee and PuppyCat credits visit: Thanks for sharing your Cartoon Hangover with us! Cartoon Hangover is the home for original cartoons and factual programming about animation for dedicated fans. Our original programming has included Bravest Warriors, Bee and PuppyCat, Too Cool! Cartoons, Fin Punch, GO! Cartoons (The Summoning, Boots), Slug Riot, and Shadowstone Park (from FilmCow). Our factual programming generally focuses on anime titles (like My Hero Academia, Tokyo Ghoul, etc.) and thoughtful pieces on animation. New videos two to three times per month. ChannelFrederator channel: Leaderboard channel: Cinematica channel:

Cartoon Hangover

5 years ago

you want to [Music] hi [Music] why can't i ever dream about food [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] okay bye ah that's [Music] who wants to make a million babies with me who wants to make a million babies with me who wants to make a million babies with me there you are oh cool i say keda they are so cute go get your helmet let's go to the grocery store you look so cute in it [Music] [Music] this is a perfect time to come to the grocery store because it's empty hey where are you fish cak
es man i haven't had these what's all this stuff where did you find a leather jacket well i don't know how you're gonna buy all that stuff if you left your money at home why don't you go put that back oh we are getting close to my cash limit 56 dollars that'll be 55 even yeah get a gum hello hey hi i got all the stuff we need to make this recipe i found in a magazine who's this bee puppy cat wow it makes funny noises for a wait is it a cat or a dog well he looks like a cat i guess but like oh sm
ell whoa dog smell yeah very cute puppy cat can you pass me those [Music] um well that's not what we wanted but that's okay we can work with this i like your salt shaker that's okay we can work with this are you guys still wearing your pajamas it's almost nude [Music] oh hi cat you're home early i finished my coding early what are you guys trying to do we're trying to make this recipe i found deckard why aren't you at work uh i i caught i called in sick and i have one go ahead awesome if you wan
ted to fool around in the kitchen you could have just gone to work you're a prep cook i i wanted to try a new recipe i i i make the same thing at the restaurant every day have you heard back from that culinary school yet um you're going to corridor school uh i applied to one but it's off the island and uh i can't even cook a simple rest recipe recipe recipe recipe we can still finish it nah i didn't want to say anything but we're missing uh an ingredient i have to go to the bathroom crazy bath s
he takes her cat to the bathroom it smells like a dog you smell like a dog you look like a dog [Music] i used the last of my money on gum now we can't go back to the store to buy the missing ingredient because it [Music] if you can get us a quick time job i will let you keep all the money left over after we get that ingredient and i'll get a leather jacket for you [Music] stop [Music] puppy cat don't look okay now you can look hey i haven't seen you guys in a while oh you guys smell good like ho
me-cooked food and home burnt food tampot stop we don't have a lot of time we just came from the bathroom ew you touched my face wait did you wash your hands there is no time to wash hands we need quick cash no okay i've got a simple temp job on file on jelly cube planet no one's wanted to do it for some reason hold still for uniform assignment [Music] extra pockets whoa magic pockets [Music] you guys need me to hail you a transport no time let's go ah run so slow you might as well not have legs
[Music] where is my gum are you two here too yeah we're here for the temp thing what do we have to do on the opposite side of my sweet jiggly planet on top of my whipped cream puddle is a beautiful sugared cherry okay you want it or something okay here i go puppy cat stay here your legs are too short to run fast [Applause] ah get off bee's been in the bathroom for a while now who cares deckard don't you think it's weird that she hasn't grown up yet she's just having a hard time finding a job th
at suits her we aren't all born computer experts that's not what i mean look i saw your acceptance letter oh snooping who's not grown up now i know you like bee and i know she likes you too but if she found out that you're avoiding your future because you're sitting around looking for excuses to mother her i think she'd feel bad about that oh it looks like that snake likes you or maybe it's just hungry that cherry is the only source of nourishment for my animals no there's no need to do that the
cherry is merely a vehicle to transport the fertilizer to grow my true crops [Music] she is the fertilizer oh very pretty huh puppy cat my gum cat look at that oh jeez you're heavy oh man you got a fan [Music] what's up [Music] stupid trick cherry stupid pockets stupid [Music] and from the sacrifice bounty of life springs forth for as the lamb is laid in the soil the flesh may rot but the soul nurtures the crop you turn people into pet food you're here and yet my livestock feeds my innocent ani
mals do not punish them for my indiscretion i look i killed your stupid cherry thing but this gum i have oh it works better than people oh my payment was supposed to be the sweet release of death and a permanent home for the soul what up i'm taking this you didn't have all these animals i'd murder you [Music] oh the sweetness of gum [Music] oh we got back late awesome hmm hey let's go [Music] i know i promised you a leather jacket but since we didn't get paid i had to kind of recycle one okay op
en your eyes oh it's my old jacket from when i was a baby [Music] yeah because it's a surprise you're welcome [Music] running makes me tired [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh man this out looks good what did you get it's yogurt that's all you're having for lunch soon it will be cheese soon it will be treated well if you want some of my salad you can have it ah thank you pretty patrick we'll be back to the pretty patrick lunchtime marathon after the break oh man i love this show stay tuned we're play
ing every episode of pretty patrick lunchtime leading up to a special new episode where we were real pretty patrick's favorite food oh i gotta know i gotta know touch my hair yeah okay ah that's toilet water you [Music] i haven't seen you in a while cardamom how school it's okay how's your mom still sleeping your toilet is leaking into my toilet i'll fix it for you oh you don't have to do that of course i do i'm your landlord now i'm pumped me we're not supposed to have pets in the building well
[Music] has rent soft also fat come watch tv with us there's a new special episode of pretty patrick lunchtime at nine i can't it's my job to fix your toilet problems i need more room to work okay more room back up further this is as far as we can go [Music] come on puppy cat let's go find a tv [Music] i don't like water homie i guess the best bet's a cafe there's a lot of them one's gotta be playing the pretty patrick lunchtime marathon [Music] cleavage dude let's go cleavage cleavage dude [Mu
sic] [Applause] popsicle cleavage [Music] [Music] ice cream cleavage none of the places are playing the show we like this i don't like telling people what to do [Music] hmm i like that we like the same show puppy cat if i could i'd buy us our own cafe we could watch pretty patrick lunchtime all day deckard could work there and cass could program some kind of anti-breaking toilet so when cardamon visits he won't have to fix it um [Music] [Applause] a huge tv ah i got sand in my suit we just gotta
go over there and ask tempot to just let us hang out and watch her until the new episode of pretty patrick lunchtime comes on [Music] [Music] yeah cool [Music] no cleavage [Music] too many hot dogs [Music] yeah you got it [Music] [Applause] also cats are you hungry yeah i don't know people yeah why hello puppy cat hello b my two chubby babies how you both today are you ready for some temp work we just need you to be a tv for a few hours do you have a remote oh you gotta work wait when does he g
et an outfit transporting you to cat head planet have fun little flapjacks cafe i worked at a cat cafe before wow fancy fancy puffy cat why is there too much fabric in the crotch there's a lot [Music] but cats hate water though wow [Music] a new cafe pet so cute would you like a pastry oh hell yeah it's made out of fish wait you i get to be a cat yeah of course usually we have a bunch of different pets to fawn over but you're the only one today do you have a tv why yes we do you're all so nice c
ome on puppy cat let's go watch pretty madrich lunchtime [Music] do you have everything you need yes thanks i can't see [Music] we now return to the pretty patrick marathon oh they forgot to leave out the tomatoes do you want it your body is terrible you're not cute enough to be a pet here and it's like wow i'm trying to listen to patrick yeah quit harassing our pet [Music] they're winter pajamas but it's also a dinosaur costume pumpkin pie roof [Music] it's ruined that's okay it's no big deal i
'm always messy at home looks like we're gonna have to clean you up you're gonna lick me ah wait so who's gonna lick me we don't clean with toms here silly we're in a bath house we're gonna dump you in a bath oh what [Music] no no no no no god don't do that anymore [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you didn't see any of it i'm sorry i was too busy eating to pay attention to you i'm the worst pet owner ever pumps [Music] huh [Music] [Music] oh god we need baths our toilet is fixed no cleavage oh we
just missed the new episode huh [Music] oh little giraffe dear b i shaped that show you wanted to watch oh yes did you hear that puppy got oh i don't know why you'd want to watch a show where a guy just eats a pile of mashed potatoes but i'm not one to judge spoilers [Music] don't be sad i'm still your dad i'd be there if i could i sure hope that you're not broke and everything's been running [Music] [Music] it's my birthday i'm trying to get my birthday candy well it's a box my dad made me see
check this out i love you bee i love you bee puppy cat is cute puppy cat is cute poop poop poop gross yeah so i wouldn't be lonely on my birthday every year on my birthday dad box gives me a candy [Music] i find stuff in the couch to eat and i nap until i get a headache something up my blood yeah [Music] well me and dad had kind of a thing we did it involves leaving the apartment though yeah let me get my raincoat here you go rain boots [Music] this is where we used to go every year for my birt
hday it looks different let's go inside after you milady why are you walking like that oh my dad made some of these games oh hmm oh sorry hello welcome to clutch gorge let's play some games [Music] which hamster can kiss the best move it shake it hamster i'm gonna kiss that hamster so hard you're not gonna know what i'm gonna babysit these kids so good you're not gonna know what i'm gonna fill up so many workspace water coolers you're not gonna know this is the best game my dad came up with it w
hen i got sick it used to be in our apartment i played it non-stop but he moved it out when i stopped going outside let's play here uh oh maybe the rest of these are candy oh yeah oh they're candy well let's go home well yeah what i don't want to work on my birthday [Music] phone can you say that more birthday [Music] wow i didn't think you'd do that this one insert coin adventure awaits help me fill my dark heart with stars yeah yeah it's gonna be awesome insert coin whoa this is one of my more
fun birthdays yeah even though i'm gonna go work ah my photograph whoa that was close i feel kind of bad having so much fun on my birthday hmm the incoming uh hi tempo oh puppy cat and the other one you don't look very happy today no i'm fine it's just my birthday isn't turning out like it usually does i'm supposed to be sleeping all day but we tried to go play video games and oh i have a video game job for you maybe there will be cake open up open up open up let's go clouds hey wait for me [Mu
sic] hmm [Music] you played this game wait don't help me i want to beat this on my own [Music] cloud world our world for centuries we lived a peaceful life our hope for getting back our peaceful lives was almost gone when suddenly a hero arrived what's going on ah there you are the prophecies were true yeah they were and what is your name great hero i got a fart what a beautiful name and what is your sidekick called let me choose puppy cat please it's my birthday a true heroic name what is it yo
ung tom it's the eye elder it's staring again yes i know it's been there for centuries the thing is it's really creepy makes my skin crawl yeah so i gotta fart you have to destroy the eye it's your quest oh this sounds like a really hard job it's like destroying a whole planet i want to do something easy it's my birthday you know yeah side quests or or whatever i got a side quest for you could you hand me that shovel i could try [Music] whoa this side quest was perfect and i was good at it yeah
that was an a-plus 10 out of 10. seriously that was great now about the main quest are there any more side quests sure you can solve them first if you like did you deliver this to my girlfriend i mean fiance i can do that i can do that really well you can trust me with your big meat this meat has a bone in it should i give that to her too what kind of meat is this here i go yes thank you [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] puppy cat these people need me i'm the only one that can help them okay s
ee you soon ah the legendary barf in my honky tongue what would you like sugar [Music] [Music] how do you like my gear [Music] um well i'm gonna definitely do it once i'm all done with all the side quests i just wanna make sure i'm so powerful that there's no way i'll fail puppy cat yum yum yum why is this happening to me i know i'm an adult now but i haven't had a good birthday since you've been gone till today i usually try to sleep to avoid thinking about it i'm having fun now though even tho
ugh i miss you your shoulders are so hard like stale breath elder the eye is winking at me whoa our hero did it everyone cheer me see is on this game great and that's just the tutorial yeah it's great now let's go you're meeting my parents today okay you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] deckard [Music] [Music] hmm deckard rents do will you deliver it for me i got to finish up coding this program today catch [Music] sorry do you like doing this computer stuff i'm good at it yeah but do you like it i
like money ah go pay rent and drop this off in the mail too did you fill out my cooking school acceptance form i told you i didn't know if i was gonna go or not oh oh hey you toast my name is toast sorry don't play stupid [Music] you know your full name i can't believe our parents named us after wizards our winners are cool [Music] your sister with her mom hair was the lowest ranked wrestler in our women's wrestling cult what you said you were like ranked 12. yes out of 12. and i was ranked 11
safely not worst oh yeah toast [Laughter] when you left you forced me to take your place as the most pathetic wrestler the only thing i've ever wanted was to be the strongest and now that i'm ranked last toast i have been bar hopping learning world man fighting techniques from drunks so lost in the fog of their own mistakes that they can commune with devils who live on the periphery of suffering uh i don't have time for this i have to finish scripting this program before monday i won't be able t
o buy for a student get out of here man [Music] freelance [Music] this is great i haven't paid rent on time in forever cardamon is gonna be so excited oh can you get down the stairs [Music] come on you can do it come on you gonna keep trying very impressive oh you're paying rent too whose dog is [Music] [Music] no hitting [Music] a dog is choking on your hair they look like they might start pooping i'm not scared of poop oh they're done all those years of docile nature all those wasted years and
now my true bloodlust has awakened you how dare you enter the sanctuary of my mind you just want to bite and mess everything up too [Music] [Applause] they look so happy maybe they're salmon sam soul mates [Music] [Applause] you're so clumsy sticky [Music] come on sticky [Music] this seems to be a popular show today we're making origami first line up your paper and fold it in half now carefully make sure the edges line up now we'll make the final fold and it's mashed potato origami [Music] she
was away from home and lost in the night night and night her place was far too far away to find [Music] he was alone and happy to see someone new he said it's nice to spend the night with you you you nobody [Music] [Music] he said come with me [Music] she said maybe [Music] nobody told [Music] feels [Music] he wasn't scared he was terrified he was alone he was sure he was gonna die alone he felt a tear and he multiplied [Music] he let go and it felt [Music] we are here to pay rent an envelope an
d everything and it's not in coins [Music] deckard could make you a soup yeah or tea iced tea no wait that's stupid no thank you or i could get you a blanket no thanks or some economy echinacea [Music] some vitamin c [Music] two mittens can i borrow your pet i don't have a puppy cat um sure let me just i'll be right back uh here's my rent i don't know who you are come on puppy cat just hang out with him for a while it's all he wants but just look at him he's sick um i'm in room 101 usually one o
f my brothers gives you the money and his mom's not around true [Music] so cold puppy cat so cold like a monster in winter [Music] me i've got some fried rice today using up some of the leftovers see you later oh hey i've got an extra napkin do you want it stay here kiss each other go on a date [Music] good thing i had that napkin you've got something on your face [Music] it's your wedding day now you're getting married [Music] so i guess he's gonna borrow puppy cat for a while you want to go to
your place maybe we can try to make soup uh nah my sister has a friend over up man you're strong oh whoops i'd say let's make soup at my place but i don't have a kitchen yeah how does that work so i'm a rent so cheap can i show you something it's like what it's around back i think you're gonna like it it's almost food how'd you miss a giant dump stir [Music] come down [Music] milk milk [Music] hmm [Music] she's been asleep for a long time i read in a book that only a prince can wake up a sleepi
ng princess i thought if i helped you fall in love with sticky then i would be acting like a prince then maybe my mom would wake up have you ever been in love puppy cat [Music] i planted all kinds of things i could use for uh cooking uh there's a bunch of recipes that i want to try with like homegrown herbs and vegetables so uh i just like found some packets laying around and i planted them so they're edible yeah uh i and i i sort of like kind of tried cross-pollinating them i think with uh hey
they taste bad wait you can tell me if they're bad what what's wrong hey hey nothing's wrong they're really good [Music] you missed the dumpster why are you trying to throw this out ah cass filled it out for me i don't even want to go i like my job i like living here do you want me to leave [Music] puppy cat up we go got it oh so you got stuck in the window huh i did that once it happens trust me give me your paws [Music] [Music] oh i was wearing chapstick hey we can just transport out of here w
ith this temp job did i hurt huh hey sorry i'm sorry [Music] everything is going to be okay what's happening we're floating down what's that a big tv hi baby where's puppy cat what does this have to do sorry i thought puppy cat and i would be transported not you like soul binding or something i uh i can't process this my brain isn't letting me i even if you were right you disappeared off my shoulders i would have lost my mind i'm sorry i didn't think that far ahead it's okay i'm feeling good tod
ay so i'm gonna burn you up ah stop it okay whatever who's ready for a baking assignment she was gonna kill us just you well i haven't baked in a while i can always smell the food cooking in your house what cooking is different from baking wow ah matching aprons just like when we worked together before you got fired fire that's a weird word [Music] no it's not [Music] you're still in here you didn't have to use the bathroom at all did you [Music] where are we looks like a bowling ball with no ho
les and a bakery wait wait never mind hey you're right kind of there you are oh man i've been waiting so long for you guys i gotta go real bad i've been holding it so for a while now okay months maybe what what day is it i have to go now maybe i have to go in 15 minutes no maybe 50 minutes so what do you need us to do i need you to manage my business while i'm using the bathroom just make sure my worker is doing his job right please i don't trust him to be alone he's a little bit craziness huh y
es sir these two are in charge do everything they say i'm going to the next planet over to use their bathroom don't destroy the kitchen while i'm gone okay of course anything you said yeah i'm sure he really is a nice person once you get to know him whoa what are you can i try well you're a bit small but okay i haven't tried baking in forever man man man oh man [Music] wow deckard you really are good at this a perfect jam filled donut thank you mr deckard now we take the donuts through the black
hole to be delivered that looks so cool can i give it a try of course would you like to try i'm no good at baking well what are you good at uh i don't know nothing eating oh eating is good i make these for eating i don't sleep i spend all day making them i put all my hopes and dreams into them and i wait until someone on the other side of the black wish hall wants one and sometimes they give me a thank you gift and sometimes they don't ah [Music] huh you okay oh man my boss is going to be so ma
d [Music] are you are you stronger than me [Music] i finished my donut let's send it out yes sir huh [Music] well okay thanks for being so nice to me no one's ever bandaged my finger before [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] you guys how could you let him do this to you [Music] [Music] hey [Music] i turned in my cooking prince academy application oh man really that's wait are you going now yeah i figure i want to get a feel for living on my own before scho
ol starts [Music] well say goodbye to everyone before you leave [Music] hey deckard's leaving for school [Music] no we're in pajamas you're not depressed anymore he's still depressed he's just depressed in pants what really you can be depressed in pants let me go i'm gonna depress your chest cavity [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] wait what happened to you uh i don't know oh i almost forgot will you give this to be [Music] [Music] two [Music] [Music] hello [Music] oh hey [Music] oh yes
i guess there's a lot of stuff we don't know about each other [Music] lavender wait no pink [Music] [Music] they're so chubby you're like dog mermaids everything i don't know everything is that an answer everything [Music] and now a special look at being puppy cat lazy in space coming in 2019 [Music] right over



A new series, Bee and PuppyCat: Lazy in Space, is coming in 2019! Haven't seen the teaser? Watch it here:


Bee: perfectly voiced, relatable character Puppycat: anime


I called suicide hotline and made a friend over the phone, she helped me get through my problems and seemed to care, in fact she asked if I enjoyed cartoons, as they give me ease and a sense of innocence, she told me about this show and I'm so happy she did


This show is literally the EXACT thing I imagine when I think of a relaxing and chill pastel themed show. Lots of soft colors, beautiful scenery with more soft colors, soft tones for sound effects, aesthetically pleasing music and character design, everything is just- chef’s kiss


I’ve never wanted to live in a fictional world more than I do right now… I have watched all bee and puppycat content at least 15 times now. Best vibe ever


For anyone new or just confused on the Netflix version. All you need to know is that the pilot + the 10 episodes on youtube are just a better done version of the first 3 episodes on Netflix (for some reason they decided to stuff 11 episodes worth of content + some extra lore stuff into 3 episodes thus killing the pacing) and basically season 1. episodes 4 and onwards is seasons 2 and don't worry its good


Came back after the Netflix version.. I think both are beautiful in their own way. I think the changes were well thought out even though some of my favorite scenes didn't make it to Netflix I hope new fans come to enjoy the original. I hope there will be a vol 2 and that Netflix will allow them to build and complete their story.


"He's still depressed, he's just depressed in pants." "what?" "You can be depressed in pants!"


8:10 I like how she notices Bee doesn’t really mature. That ties into her being a robot


I just watched some of the Netflix one with my girlfriend tonight and was so intrigued, looked it up and discovered this! I really like this show, it’s hilarious and it’s also got a lot of depth in terms of emotional impact and it just pulls me in for reasons beyond my understanding. I hope they don’t cancel it this time.


I love the concept of telling an adult human “no biting!”


This makes me feel the way Adventure Time made me feel when it first aired (I know, same creator). I never thought I’d find a show that hits the same spots in my heart/mind. I really, really love this


This is way too good... after watching this at least 10+ times before the Netflix release, I'm just going to pretend the reboot is actually just a season 2


"hows your mom?" "Still Sleeping" MAH HEART


1:00:00 something about this finale just felt so much more impactful then the Netflix adaptation. I loved every second of it but the original keeps her secret so well leading up to these scenes and you find out she isn’t human. Both are brilliant


Nobody didn't even realize the Spirited Away reference at the cat bathhouse? No Face running to catch Chihiro at the movie, and a bunch of cats trying to catch Bee at the episode. Amazing how they actually did this reference!


the line "i guess there's a lot of things we don't know about each other (1:04:48)" made me cry. i don't know why. maybe it was the bittersweet feeling of this being the end of the first season? i'm not sure. all i know is that i love this show because it made getting past tough parts in life a lot easier :)


Had to come and see the original because I didn't realize I was so attached to this rendition of bee and puppy cat


Not even joking when I say I’ve been watching this every night to go to sleep for the past 3 years. Even after the reboot has come out on Netflix. This version is just so perfect and is so comforting <3


“You’re not wearing Pajamas! Are you not depressed anymore?” “He’s still depressed. He’s just depressed in pants.”