
Behind the beat: South Florida students work hard to produce song

South Florida students at Miami Art Studio talk about all the hard work that went into producing a song.

CBS Miami

5 days ago

well this is the real deal these South Florida students are not just learning at their magnet art schools music program they are working with an actual record record label this is so cool all that hands-on experience is making way for a new special song that's set to be released tomorrow CBS News Miami's Morgan Riner gives us a sneak peek behind the beat this song it's fun and it's catchy but more than anything these students got an industry level education from marketing to Sound Engineering th
e new song is called No by a student ban melodia irba at Miami Arts Studio this is a traditional Sala song More falling to the Roomba style Melissa Cruz is the lead singer a sophomore a song six months in the making it takes a lot of hard work and um a lot of teamwork we've worked a long nights over call and everything and a lot of recording sessions and takes after takes until um it's perfect cuz we really want everyone to enjoy our music as much as we do teacher and director of vocal music Rya
n Alice said proud is an understatement Arts education is is extremely important and the traditional choir band and Orchestra is is great but we wanted to do something that was more relevant to today's changing music industry so um we sat down with some music industry professionals and um and students and we came out of the room with the idea of creating a record label the song out Friday is a team effort the engineering part of it and the music writing part of it is maybe 30% of the process the
other 70% of the process is 60,000 songs or are released every day on Spotify how do you stand out the whole marketing music business end of things and they retain all the rights to their creative works and um uh and and they license it to Moss records to be able to put it out so they're learning from entertainment law I appreciate every single moment of it it's such like um a wonderful experience to be in a school where everyone is willing to help you um complete your dreams and fulfill everyt
hing you've ever wanted this project is only solidified for students just like Carlos that this is what they want to do after they graduate permanently reporting from inside the Miami Art Studio Morgan Riner CBS News Miami love it if you'd like to reserve the download of no just go to our website and that lead singer's got some pipes I'm telling you she can sing yes sure can love it
