
Belief Dependence | PsychSensei Coffee With Casey Clip

What’s Good Gamers?! Caffeine it’s in everything. From soda, powders, tea, energy drinks, and even candy bars Caffeine is one of the most common psychoactive substance in our society today. But let’s be real, caffeine is a drug. So how does it work? How can we leverage it for health or performance? And is there such thing as too much caffeine? Come grab a cup of Joe and enjoy this clip from the last episode of Coffee With Casey: Caffeine If you like this clip catch the full episode here: Catch me live here : and remember gamers, stronger. mental. wins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Social Media: Twitch: Twitter: TikTok: LinkedIn: Facebook: Discord: Contact: Email: Website: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Disclaimer: The information provided on this channel are for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. Content provided is not intended for clinical, academic, or therapeutic reference. All views and opinions are those of Dr. Ryan Terao and do not represent the opinions of any other entity. Dr. Terao acknowledges that he has highlighted facts, research findings, and other data to support his opinions, statements, and ideas. As such, Dr. Terao is not responsible for any errors, omissions, and/or misunderstandings or misinterpretations of information presented. The consumer is responsible for their use and application of information provided. Dr. Terao has done his best to correctly cite sources and credit contributors to further contribute to the discussion surrounding the presented information. Dr. Terao does not promise or provide warranties of any kind from the presented content, suggestions, or conclusions drawn from the presented information. All information is presented on an “as-is” basis and there is not guarantee for accuracy or validity.


2 weeks ago

the mechanism behind caffeine for physical performance measures doesn't seem to be related to anything that you might see like on Google the mechanism for caffeine for performance reasons what it actually does is it Blocks Your perception of pain and so because it Blocks Your perception of pain you're able to work harder before your body gives up and so what they saw was that the people who were in the very high dose they were able to put much more work in and they accumulated much more like lac
tate and acid in terms of their muscles like they were able to tolerate more burning feeling before they gave up and just for context by the way so like a one percent Improvement on a 10K 10K chapter problems like beforehand you were neck and neck and now the dude is like one football field behind you and then a three percent Improvement is like okay you guys were neck and neck and now the guy's three football fields behind you at the finish line so huge huge tremendous performance enhancements
right and the rub is that I I just lied to you um which was what the researchers also did to participants and and all three groups got Placebo they got all three ghosts for Placebo and no fun but okay so so here here's I like to talk about this with relation to Placebo effects and you you brought that up and that's why I wanted to get your opinion on this um we've known placebo effect is very real in nutrition science for a very very long time like Placebo effects well documented all the time th
is was the first ever study the first ever study that showed Not only was placebo effect there but there was a dose response placebo effect so what this means is the strength of your belief determine the strength of the performance enhancement so the people who thought they were getting the 4.5 minutes per kg did modestly better and the people who thought they were getting the nine makes per kg did a lot better they did three times better and actually the really interesting thing was um I omitte
d this just to make the story a little bit more compelling but the people who were told they were getting zero actually did worse than Baseline measurements so if you were told you were getting nothing you actually did worse than what you would have done if you weren't told anything so it's like there was this dose responsible sibo factor it's like okay you got worse when you were told zero you got a little better and then you got like a lot better with it and so anyway yeah I'm just that's grea
t yeah yeah there's like this Placebo and uh also you know belief effect and I think you you mentioned a lot of those things too so anyway that I like captures everything that's like well I think that I think what's really interesting is that dose dependence because yes that demonstrates Placebo Works those depends the new curveball and then also it demonstrated no sibo the the opposite of that which is crazy
