
Best Gaming PC 2018

Sponsored by cleaning companies, like all the other big tech youtubers. Noonoovideo cooling solutions are the best! Check out my channels: ● 3kliksphilip: ● 2kliksphilip: ● kliksphilip: Other information you might like: ● Website: ● Twitter: ● PC Specs: Ryzen 1800X, 32 GB RAM, Geforce 1080


5 years ago

if you want the best insist on nunu calling of cannon blast technology to have the best you've got to surf with the next generation of risin CPUs released in just a few weeks time their rival is rushed to launch that next gen architecture first codenamed cannon blast it's fast it's powerful and it's stable with a new new cooling system I got my hands on an early prototype which I'll be putting through its paces in this video right now it's in quiet mode but thanks to turbo glass technology it ca
n overclock its course to give you more performance whether it's running demanding benchmarks games or simply launching word turboblast powers up to deliver unparalleled performance and immersion but enough the synthetics you guys want to see how it performs in games I can tell you it breezes past the competition and will literally blow you away here's their sense here's Skyrim here's planet coaster because factorio here's me invading England in Rome today with quake hits Age of Empires here's A
RMA 3 here's do here's the witcher here's a windy walking csgo and now here are the benchmarks as well as excellent processing performance cannon blast ditches the subpart integrated graphics and yesteryear and fits both Vega and Bolton's the check that makes for vulgar graphics to provide smut and filth and unprecedented clarity it will blow you [Music] immersion in games it's brought to the next level thanks to air works technology stood in a desert the CPU will overheat more than normal to ma
ke you feel as though you've really there storm brewing fans point towards you and provide an exhilarating and terrifying experience truly the cannon blast system is direct which will buy it sails past the competition is a blast it's made of fine



Quality Shitpost 👌👌👌


1:10 a HUGE difference of 0.1 FPS


cuts to airships "It sails past the competition..." cannonball fired "...and it's a blast to use."


That chest hair is sooo 4K


I see you couldn't settle with just one April fools video


Two April Fools day videos? Kliksphillip, you are a legend.


Can i get just the cooler? I have a GTX480 so i kinda need it


Sounds like my cooling system back in the days when Crysis just come out.


1:10 I like what you did with the benchmarks. Just spend a term of school learning about graph manipulation. You sir, are a master. My hat goes off to you


that's how my fan sounds when I play mankind divided


I love that there's a loud fan in the background. Lol.


This is why I watch your videos. Great video once again.


only philip would make 2 april fool's jokes we love you buddy


I love the wind noise in the background XD.


I love this channel so much.




Stylish and practical too, nice!


Loving the telly tubbies cleaner


Philip has such high quality standards even his april fools shitpost is a well thought out funny joke.