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2 years ago

哦,我的天哪,即将发生的事情是什么,为什么你只是站在那里 ,嘿,伙计们,这是安迪,我们 快要 疯了,因为我们正在对 bi 做出反应 ,这是宇宙的信息电影第一双,他会保持真正活着它 无论如何都 不会出现 现在你让我搞砸了标题这不是让真正活着的火活着是的但 他意识到这就是为什么我说真实因为当你说谁会是一个双我以为 他是真实的所以真的打他,他是一个现实主义者,但我们确实想告诉你们,我们确实听过 这首歌,因为我们确实看到了你们给我们发的推文,你们说 你们 如何 需要歌词方面的帮助,我们就像好的 所以这里有歌词 所以我们要去 实现我们的愿望 所以我们继续听这首歌 我们没有看 虽然我们没有看 我们只是听了这首歌 是的 我上网了然后我试着 寻找歌词,但事实上这只是一个我ssage电影是的,它 不像一首完整的歌曲,它实际上是从他的专辑中组合在一起的两首歌,所以 没有歌词是的,所以我要做的就是回去听他的 歌 ,我不得不把它放在 像50的速度上,因为他笑得太快了,我就像他的第二个频道我就像 因为用韩语输入所有类型我不能我不知道如何输入你想在 这里说的话你想说的话 bi tell我们,然后我们去了,我们翻译
了所有内容,我 试图让你知道打破一些酒吧,但我不能百分百确定这是否正确 是的所以请耐心等待是的,我尝试过我们希望我们是对的,我们希望我们希望我们正在做你的 歌词正义我们不想屠宰你的歌词哦永远是的所以如果我们这样做请原谅我们 但我们会尽力而为我知道我知道不要这样做这让我感到害怕我尝试好了你们但 我们很兴奋,是的,让我们开始吧,我想看视频,因为我们已经像 我们说的 那样听到了这首歌 ,这真是太火了,你们这家伙真的像沉默片刻一样被点燃,让 我们自己都好起来,因为我的神现在也变得雾蒙蒙的了是的,保持火,它是火, 我在这里很热,我们要打开交流电是的,但是好的时刻沉默 好吧 振作起来 好吧 所以我们不会迷失太多 好吧但这不是那不会 发生对 我们可能会迷失自己 是的 但无论如何 就像我已经 在这里看到他穿着他漂亮的高领毛衣 我知道没关系好吧,他很可爱,但好吧好吧 好吧,我们走吧,走吧,该死的,是的,这里有 vin 柴油在玩 变速杆,他不是刚刚学会了如何驾驶 面具中的那个家伙,我知道他像激光一样或像这样的事情 我说你们他的说唱流太棒了 我们不得不把它放慢到 50 因为我就像我不知道他现在想说什么 哟这
么多音节 但我在想肯德里克拉马尔事情我知道你是在谈论谦卑,但 一个 什么 是的,我太喜欢他的歌词了 是的 好吧 那是椅子上戴着面具的家伙 哦现在是双 你看到两个激光就像眼睛我什至没有注意到它们都是成对的 是的, 等待那个家伙面具也有那只红眼哦, 它可能就像所有人都盯着我的类型的东西,但是是的,我只是因为戴面具的人在 椅子上而 沉积 了好吧好吧让我看看让我看看让我看看然后现在是双没事哦,没关系 哦 ,我们谈论的歌词我们谈论的歌词后,甚至一部分后,他去了 哇喜欢甚至他,他就像这是一个该死的酒吧就在那里 ,即使双向他自己无法处理,他喜欢是的 ,但不是哦,我就像哟,他填充得太 灵活了是的,他填充得很好,我见过那些笨蛋袋鼠,你们都看到了 ,当我看到钢琴时,我想这样做,好吧,让我们伙计们,让我们明白这 太 天才了 这家伙正在脱下垫子 他说他会弹一点钢琴 你的生日蛋糕对你来说,对我来说不,如果 你们没有看到我们对他的采访的反应,因为你们知道他的专辑 将于 11 月 11 日发行。从技术上讲,在美国时间是你知道 11 10 是安迪的生日,所以我们是 开玩笑说哦,我的上帝,bi 会为安迪的生日带来这张专
辑,我怀疑是的,但我 只是开玩笑说这是给他的蛋糕,但这可能是给他的,因为这也是他的生日, 对你来说很抱歉,不是给你的,而是给你的知道什么是很多蜡烛很多 蜡烛但他看起来不太高兴我知道是的也许他不想给你那个蛋糕 我只是在开玩笑但无论如何我只是认为那是一个蛋糕,我就像你一样,这对你来说 非常真实是的,我们预订了所有三张专辑是的,来吧,所以请继续 关注开箱,你们没事吧,我们走吧[__]这是双天才,是的,你听到那个节拍 他在烧钢琴 哦,不可能 哦,我的天哪,即将发生的事情是什么,那为什么是你你就这样站在那里 他会打屁股是的是的是的, 当我们回去看视频 然后在描述中它有两首曲目时, 他只是说明了 为什么他这么热, 是的,我就像哦,就是这样关于 中间有一个中场休息,这就是他在这里做的事情是的, 这就是他说的好吧让我回到推力虽然你们是 是的好吧停下来准备好停下来兄弟 你看到谁舞者 哦 ,你看到这个编舞的节奏变化了吗 这个合唱升级了他从 瀑布 ilila 升级 他升级的是同一个编舞 看起来它的流程 风格看起来一样 是的 但我喜欢它 我非常喜欢这个编舞你们看起来多么复杂 啊 好吧你们我在这里哭泣好吧让我们
回到它虽然那是兴奋剂兴奋剂 让我嚼口香糖 哦我的天哪你们请 好吧好吧冷静冷静冷静是的哟我们是现在一团糟, 好吧,我忘了如何感觉我的意思也是因为这是火哟这个编舞就像我们说我们听到这 首歌所以我们已经在想老兄这首歌是火或两首歌因为 有 两首 但与编舞这很疯狂他感觉它就像你使用疯狂的方式, 你们看到这个舞蹈有多复杂不仅如此,而且节奏的变化 是的,不是太多是的,我不是那是合唱部分,而是合唱部分 ,这件事真的是这样就在这里,他的概念是超级涂料,我想 我明白他的概念是什么,因为显然我看起来就像我们看到了歌词是的, 伙计,这做得很好,你们 在这里 停下来好吧 是的 ,他为什么看起来这样做很可爱,但你做了什么那是 什么 那是 什么那不是双做的那太好了好吧让我们回去你们 继续刷它等待[__]就像但它就像它只是模糊了在后面 你看到哦,他们应该是火焰吗或者它应该像一个身体或其他东西 哦, 你们这里 是火焰 哦,我的天哪 是眼睛sbi 哦,我的上帝 哦,我的天哪, 嘿 ,这是一个嗡嗡声,这是我们的死亡之歌,从字面上看他就像 是的,它真的很糟糕,它是从字面上你知道我有一个问题要问你为什么你 总是让我的喉咙滑过多
少次你必须滑过我的喉咙才能让你满意 我试图摆脱你们来吧我想要bi “正在为 bi 腾出空间,但无论如何 你们那个视频几乎就像一个音乐视频几乎是布鲁赫他所做的太酷了因为 他做了很多人不做的事情是的所以就像你说的那样一个音乐录影带, 但问题是他制作了一个视频,是的,但使用了两首歌曲,我说两首歌曲是的 ,我认为活着和火焰,嗯,就像哟,就是这样 [__] 太有创意了,是的, 就像一个编舞视频与音乐视频混合在一起,就像我什至不知道一样, 来吧 b ro stop it stop it oreo like we need to learn that choreo 你知道我的意思你 可以学习做choreo 是的,我要学习它,因为这看起来很先进 [ __ ] 那是 我可能不会做 的 最好的事情在另一个层面上,但无论如何你们 现在是抒情时间是的,是教授安迪来吧,让我们走吧,让我们开始吧, 好吧, 在我们开始之前, 是的,茉莉花在这方面帮了我很多,因为有很多事情我实际上 正在挣扎,但是茉莉花过来剪了谢谢你但是没关系安迪教授来吧让我们得到 它你们得到它让我们走吧谢谢没有茉莉花这不会发生 说实话因为我在挣扎他
夸大了来吧好吧让我们走吧第一行主要体现了 他基本上每天都在说我模仿将枪口放在我的头上并扣动扳机, 就像视频一样 嗯嗯 ,记住它会一直关闭是的,我会进入 bbi虽然是的,我我要去那里为什么 因为为什么下次你要关掉 疯狂是让我意识到我还活着的动力所以他基本上是在说就像 我周围的 所有 这些疯狂和混乱一样让我感觉还活着是的它在下面点燃了火是的 来吧它很善良比如当我们说就像当有人完全激怒你 这 会让你更有动力 你可以把火带到你身上 这有点像他说 的 就像你知道的那种愤怒 当人们也欺负你时 让我们只是说 你就像你知道有一天我会变得更好你知道这就像那样的东西 它在你身下点燃了一团火是的当有人告诉你你不能做某事或当 有人告诉你喜欢或喜欢善良像耶 的是一种 居高临下你喜欢它 的灯光的火要像反击呀不喜欢做更好的呀,也许 不是物理地反击,但像精神上那种像没事我要去喜欢智力 训练自己成为这种人而我会像你一样向他们展示我所 看到的,这是他喜欢诗意的一面出现的地方,所以我不确定我的第一 部分是否正确,因为就像我说的,我必须听它来写下歌词,但我想想 他说的话就像一只落下的鸟准备迎接冲击知道生命即将结束你 知道只有
当你知道某事即将发生时你才真正开始就像 你知道努力做某事来生活是的你知道我的意思,当你的生活 在你眼前一闪而过,然后就像那时你有点像你一样,就像你在某一 时刻 放弃 一样想你知道我会死的感觉是的,但就像它一样实际上即将 发生就像你的思想改变有点像不不不战斗模式是的,就像愚蠢的力量是的, 所以这有点像不不,我还不想死,你开始做任何你可以 活下去的 事情 ,就像他所看到的基本上就像一只鸟,就像一只我所看到的鸟ike is fall 意味着 坠落,它坠落是因为它的翅膀 他的翅膀像折断了 也许他断了 是的 是的 然后他正在坠落 但直到那一刻 就像他意识到他想要生活 所以他 准备好迎接冲击 他试图飞翔是的,试图软着陆,我认为这就是 他所说的,是的,再一次只是为了提醒你们我们所说的不是我们认为的那样 肯定是说是的,我们不是我们对我们的解释完全像我们一样“不是说这正是 我的意思,因为就像我总是说我们不是,是的,我们不是双性恋,所以我们不能真正 代表他 说话 ,但我们可以做的是尝试尝试是的把它分解一下, 看看他试图用这首歌去哪里,是的,他的信息是什么,嗯,下次 上帝, 我真的很喜欢那句话,因为他说为了
让你再次感到自由, 你必须失去你生活中的一切,只有当你真正的时候, 这是一个事实,这是一个事实,我已经b EEN在那里,我已经有太多是的,我们已经在那里是的 ,我们一直在那里,它就像事实上是啊是啊,因为它就像你知道当你有很多 像呀,你有一切你尝试做任何事情来保护它是的,所以你被困了 你被困是因为你在保护这件事 是的 然后你并没有真正给 自己自由 因为你正在尽你所能保护你正在轻拍 你 有点忘记了外面到底发生了什么,你正在陷害自己 ,这就是为什么你这么说,但为了让你自由,你需要失去所有你知道 我的意思,那是你真正自由的时候是的,这是真的你意识到很多事情是的 ,不仅如此,但我不知道从我的想法中是否喜欢 bi 是基督徒,但那句话 也有点像克里斯蒂安国王总是有点像通过小道消息听到它是 的,就像我也从那条线上得到的东西有点像你知道他们说你需要 我把一切都交给上帝,就像你需要真正把一切都交给上帝一样,这是 当你真正实现永恒的时候,所以这是自由是的,你知道我的意思来吧,兄弟阿门比 兄弟是的,我不知道到底是什么你的脑袋 但不管它是什么,它不是什么东西 哦, 它有很多东西 我想要一块是的 我也想要一块 你
可以来吧 你是不同的人 你只是它就像一个幻觉你的大脑结构不同, 是的,这就是为什么他的歌曲错觉哦,下次不会凭空出现,兄弟 ,我做出的选择,我的生活场景和一切你必须放弃一切是的, 就像放弃你的过去,一切只是忘记你不能坚持下去 不, 你不能坚持下去 没有继续前进,这就是我的意思,当你开始 坚持 某事 时,你实际上是不自由的,因为你在坚持是的,因为 就像你不顾一切地放手并继续前进必须放手继续下一张幻灯片, 所以没有错误,除了其中的一两个我计划这样做,因为 我在孵化器中的时候有人在他出生时就像他计划的那样他通过了 妈妈的繁荣是的和他的妈妈是这样的,是的,我想 是时候离开这里了,这里有点局促, 我要说的是他计划了这个 [__] 是的,兄弟,就像有多少人能说的那样这一点, 那么有多少人能像球迷,其实是喜欢哦[__]就像我真的相信 是啊像我相信我觉得这是他也说他有点像你上面 不是明明他的球迷,但像憎恨的仇敌你知道我的意思,就像我在 你身上一样,他对怀疑者也这么说,就像我在 你身上一样,基本上已经告诉医生,就像你怀疑我一样,你认为我会失败但是看 因为发生了什么事但是哟我计划了这个我知道什么是g即将发生
的事情 就像来吧兄弟让我们走吧兄弟下一张幻灯片 我有10颗心在太平洋对面我真的不知道他 在那里 真正的意思 但是当整首歌出来时我真的很清楚他的所作所为 点燃了那条线,尽管是的,他有十颗心,就像我感觉的那样,尽管 我们可能不确切知道他的意思,就像他写的那样诗意, 我什至不知道他到底是什么试图说,但它有点让我震惊,就像哇,太美 了,我有十颗心,我有十颗心,嗯,横跨太平洋是的,基本上我认为 他的意思是他无处不在,就像我要穿过太平洋一样就像因为 横跨太平洋就像美国 就像他在说他是全球性的 是的 你知道是的 然后有点像新疆 这就是音乐录影带中记得那些 戴着面具的人 是的 都是双 是的 所以 10 颗心他是的,然后他们就知道了互相伤害, 但他就像基本上说看起来你可以杀了我,是的,但我回来了,是的, 再次 杀了我,我 又回来了,尽管你知道我在说什么,就像我们假设的那样 这就是我的假设,但就像我不知道那条线对我来说是如此美丽 是的 是的 基本上说就像他在说我很强壮 就像我无敌 是的 有点像 九条生命 是的,他有十条虽然不是九颗,他是的,所以就像他有 10 颗心,是的,所以他说 是的,就像我有 10 颗
心一样,你摧毁了这一颗,我还有九颗,是的,然后我 又多了八颗,但再次就像我们说我们必须听完整的歌曲 100% 知道,但 到目前为止,我们得到的氛围是 这样的感觉就像我 有 10 颗心,所以是的,你知道这就是他的全部,下一行是我们发疯的地方,是的, 这这就是为什么他是天才的原因是的,只有当我看到他这样做时,我才确定是 100 正是 我知道歌词 的 唯一原因是因为我读过漫画并看过动画是的 ,他告诉我这件事是的,当我看到时它在视频中,他做了这个,我就像这样,这 很好,是的,因为我认为这是一个我不知道的词,但我就像不知道,但 我会认为是这个,我会解释为什么现在是的 所以他说的是我 不知道如何放弃 chong de man 所以 changdeman 我不知道 你们是否看过动漫灌篮,我知道那是最喜欢的动漫是的, 在灌篮中,有一个叫 changdeman 的角色,在日文中他的名字是 Hisashi mitsui 他在 shohoku 时 穿着 14 号他在动漫中开始时就像一个恶霸,就像他不是公牛一样 是的,我想你可以说欺负有点像流氓,然后那是因为 他是一名篮球运动员,他喜欢篮球,他受伤了膝盖 ,然
后他不能打篮球,或者他认为他不能再打篮球了,但他 发现就像你知道的那样,他可以修复他的膝盖,然后回来实际为球队打球,是的 ,这就是他所做的,然后基本上是说hisashimitsui chengdeman从未放弃他的梦想 他从未放弃他就像是的我有点像打嗝一样 他打嗝但他最终从未放弃 ,他 甚至 像任何人一样 他就像那里是一个酒吧 那是一个酒吧老兄 他就是她遇到的方式 是的, 他甚至通过观看实际视频而使情况变得更好,他这样做然后他 进入我认为这是一个笼子然后他去了哦,那太热了,我想是的, 就像只有一定数量的人可以使用像 实际上一样的名字在他们的歌词中下降并使其听起来很酷是的像 bi 听起来 很酷他可以从字面上说天线宝宝是的,他会让它听起来酷他会让它 听起来很酷是的因为我知道钟需求的唯一原因是因为就像我说的那样我读过 灌篮我用英语读过实际上我用韩语读过就像有一次我在韩国这就是 为什么你“一切都是最好的朋友是肯定的,这就是我们将有彻夜狂欢呀, 我们要以扣篮在一起啊,但什么爱国者你是在和他要踢我出去 不,我不会踢你好吧 你要把我 踢出去 事实 但无论如何 那是一个酒吧 虽然那是一个酒吧 是的 但
无论如何是的 下一张幻灯片 意味着刺激 意味着喜欢传播 所以他说我要 传播 我进入 的刺激 我奔向 无限的灵感 他一直向前奔跑 他只是一直朝着他的目标奔跑 为什么因为风围绕着他 保护着他 它覆盖着他 这 绝对是风 你知道我的意思 他说他想成为风当他重生时是的 为什么因为风是如此自由是的所以他f鳗鱼就像当他奔跑时是的,就像 你知道他在奔跑时一样,它几乎看起来就像他在风中切入一样,就像你知道的那样 ,你们曾经有过这样的感觉,当你跑步时,就像你感受到风 一样重新切割风,但如果你真的真的感觉到它,风实际上确实感觉 就像它就像拥抱你就像拥抱你一样拥​​抱你是的就像覆盖它 我给了她一个有趣的表情,我就像你知道什么 是的我喜欢这首歌,你们是的,你提起这首歌真的很酷,看看这就是 茉莉花帮助的原因,这很酷,为什么你提起 这首歌 ,因为他把他在这里说的一切都连接 到了他的瀑布中,这仍然是因为在我看来这是一个延续, 这个人的 美丽 是的,你知道做到这一点有多难,就像想象这是专辑 的一半是的,另一半到底是什么,想想这就像写剧本想象 写一个剧本喜欢让我们说鱿鱼游戏是的,这是对的什么我 就像八集那样的事情然后想象
你必须做第二季是的第三季 是的第四季你继续前进而不只是就像他们有象征意义一样 ,电影中的所有内容都是一样的与他,他必须是诗意像你知道的哲学嗯 是的,这与歌曲这么多的难度比它与电影和电视节目老实说,我 也 这么认为 ,因为个人你要像唱,然后写这些歌词,然后你 希望并将他们联系起来,然后让粉丝和你自己用你的想象力将其形象化, 所以这很难,所以这意味着你必须是一个非常非常好的 解说员,你必须是一个聪明的家伙,就像他很聪明,你们是轻描淡写的 天才不寒而栗现在就在想我我们天才不g 我可以用一句话来表达请我可以用一句话来表达请bi是个天才g我 不知道我来自哪里或我要去哪里但为了寻找我倾倒的理由油在我的灵魂上 然后我不明白它因为我就像为什么但是为什么然后当我想到油时我认为 它就像kirum欢呼就像你知道当你在机器上涂油时我 在想就这样,我就像等待,但就像一个灵魂,然后茉莉花进来了 ,你说什么我在说我说这可能是因为你知道你需要油来 点燃你体内的火,或者不需要,但是点燃一般的火,所以他说他 在他的灵魂里 放油 ,然后当他的灵魂上有油时,这就是火可以点燃的地方, 你知道我的意思是的,然后我说哦,因为这就像
你一样”重新点亮它点亮了 所以你可以看到它因为他说他不知道他要去哪里或他来自哪里 所以为了让他发现他正在点燃他的灵魂所以他可以像他可以正确追踪一样找到它 这有点像当我们说我们需要在我们心中拥有那股火时,火是不可能发生 的没有什么你需要在上面涂油 [__ ] 或者你在那里放一些木头是的, 你必须生火,这不像你是超级英雄, 所以我觉得他是说他在他的灵魂上涂油正是为了 点燃自己身上 的火, 你知道我的意思是火哦布鲁是的哦,但如此美丽的 理查德他不想知道我真的在为那个而挣扎,因为我就像 但是你为什么要涂油像你这样的灵魂会像我不明白的那样在机器上涂油但那 是当她说点燃时我就像哦我的上帝听了安迪对我的帮助很多你们 她通过你变得更聪明你已经比我更聪明我没有甚至不知道那是什么我 就像你如何在灵魂上涂油就像在机器上涂油一样但无论如何在下一部分 我感觉还活着我还活着 我感觉还活着我还活着他是说,当火正确燃烧时,我感​​觉 还活着,当我上气不接下气时 ,我感觉 还活着,所以这个我能不能在我看来我觉得它可以有两种方式 当火燃烧时 我感觉 还活着就像当火在你内心燃烧时当你觉得你知道 他在他被点燃时感觉更活跃就像
当他连接时完全到石油部分, 所以这就是他点燃自己的原因,因为他就像他试图找到一个继续前进的理由, 或者试图找到一个理由,你知道朝着他的目标 前进, 是的,然后他说这就是 让我感到活着的原因火在我身下点燃,就像我内心一样,就像我们 一开始 说的那样 ,就像有人让你生气,或者你知道你需要 内心的 火来呃战斗, 而不是身体上像精神上那样的动机是的,动机和另一个意思是 ii 这只是我的意见,我可能会触及这个问题,但这也有点像当你受到攻击时, 因为他确实说过你需要失去一切才能让你真正 感到自由是的,所以他有点像我喜欢我在冷杉下是的,基本上 是承认 它 不仅仅是承认它,而是说我喜欢那发生的原因,因为现在我是一个更好的我是的, 就像你知道的那样,所以我现在感觉更有活力,因为我摆脱了一切[ __ ] 来自过去 所以谢谢你我喜欢被抨击是的就像我喜欢艾萨克这就是为什么我爱年轻因为 他承认这一点他是一个言出必行的人这就是你所说的男人是的男人 你能说在一句话 bi 是一个男人 哦,我明白了,伙计,兄弟,继续前进到 下一个级别,我的下一个级别是的,因为我什至不知道如何拼写天才,好吧,是的, 你到处都是我不知道到
底是什么我不知道我想干什么 我想你知道开个玩笑但你知道无论如何下一个迹象当 我上气不接下气 时 我 感觉还活着 所以这也可以去两种方式都上气不接下气就像你知道当你 在火中时你知道当这像火一样的烟雾和你无法呼吸的东西 是的所以它很善良就像是的,他感觉还活着是的,当他受到攻击时是的,即使如此,当他是 是的时候有点像因为他记得即使在这张专辑中,是的,他做了那张专辑, 他一直在做 他在那里 做的事情, 就像你知道的在瀑布中一样他才在水中做,我知道,他这样做是在 伊利诺伊州,他这样做是在幻想耶灰色,像他那样说了很多,因为他,他感到窒息, 他关于它在专辑谈了很多很多怎么样窒息,他觉得耶和现在他说 我觉得活着,当我这样的,但不仅仅是因为他也说我觉得活着的时候,我 在 我的气息了 喜欢跑步记得他说我坚持跑步,直到对他的漂亮进球的话 ,他 没有尽头 使用你们,就像我说的那样,这不仅仅是与他以前专辑 的联系,现在甚至是从歌词开头到同一首歌结尾的联系,你知道 我的意思,上帝,我就是无法克服那种感觉他是一位如此聪明的作词家,他知道如何将 词组合在一起,而且它们是 r非常难的词太像其中一些我实际上必须查找它 是
的但是他把它组合在一起如此美妙以至于只要查找这个词我就知道 他想说什么你知道我的意思或者我们所以我们认为左右我们认为是的,我们不认为 是的 我们不想说你很聪明 但无论如何现在它还活着 是的 哦你是说 火焰 或者我很抱歉 火焰解释我的头现在 好了 所以现在这部分会是火焰 是的 火焰从这里开始 所以它从风扇开始 火焰 相信我的命运从未消失 永远不会打破我的命运 在这首歌中来吧 是的 在这首歌中 是的 但即使 是现场的也是虽然它们都很好,是的,它们都很好,我什至无法选择一个我不 喜欢的,他只向我们展示了一点火焰是火虽然我无法克服舞蹈, 但歌词时间虽然嗯,他在这里说的是一个不会熄灭的火焰已经 诞生了我自由地遥远所以他说的是一个确实存在的火焰不会轻易燃尽 已经 出生 所以 想起来就 像他重生 所以在瀑布专辑中他也说 像重生 他的最后一首歌叫做重生 所以在这张专辑中他重生了所以他 现在说的是一个不存在的火焰不容易出去是的,这是一个强大的屁股是的下一个迹象是 所以我在路上就像我去一样我去 所以他自由而遥远但我觉得我不知道这只是我的意见 但我觉得这里有一个文字游戏是的因为他说 nagaji 我去 是的
我 想是的我想是的我可能会像不停地伸手一样 是的但没有停止所以他就像一场戏 就像一个计划就像他在说我我在路上 就像我要出去 就像我要出去 我要继续前进 是的 就像自由和自由 就像我要走又走 是的 我要走又走 我要走继续不停止 自由是的因为如果像他说的那样火焰它不会死它不会死是的所以永远不会死 他会永远去去去去你知道是那样的文字游戏是超级涂料因为 这里的一切就像是这样,就像他用呃这个词结束它 一样 , 这意味着遥远但遥远但也有杀戮,就像可可一样,就像悟空 一样,就像你知道的一样是啊等,但使用这个词,因为它有中金黄金在其作为去是啊 ,这那么傻戏耶喜欢看怎么聪明这个家伙是花花公子,他连喜欢的话 也正好是啊,这正是是一个计划,它和它的容易理解的下一行 的人生 下一个 时间 增益,使你感觉更活着,当你被打到或者你打破给了我的生活 是一个游戏,反正你知道我的意思就像是一个游戏给他,所以你可以玩它,你必须 发挥它赢得它正确的,就像基本上他在说什么喜欢它就像生活在 你玩赢它是的,你永远不要玩游戏失去你总是发挥它 赢得 它是啊,所以他现在在这里 游戏 然后就是这样,即使你玩 像哟这样 的游戏 你知道我
们玩什么游戏都一样你一直被击中你一直被击败是的 但你不要放弃是的因为你就像我要击败这个级别我要击败这个级别 是的所以就像一场你永远不会输掉的比赛,你想达到 那个比赛 的最佳 水平,你想打败比赛,是的,你只是想 打败比赛,你想打败你想要的比赛不要只是停留在第 10 级。如果有 100 级, 我将达到 100 级,你知道并猜猜你赢了什么,是的,你 100 级。到目前为止, 你赢了,是的,下一个标志 chitty bang chitty bang bang dog money or fame come on mean something else too yes we all adults here so okay bang bang is from like i think it was from like the world war i don't know which one the first or the second one but it was a slang used in the navy where it was like a word that you use to g
et like i forget what it is it was like to get permission yeah to go to a brothel yeah stuff so overall like more than that it's more it's just pretty much sex yeah yeah so he's like he's saying sex money fame anyone can get it but but it's like that's not everybody wants it everybody wants it but that's not what it's about yeah so the what i said is like the true definition of chili bang bang but in slang chitty bang bang is like sex yeah it's like having sex right so i think he's seeing it lik
e chitty chitty bang bang and then money and fame didn't you want your money or fame kind of thing like anybody wants sex money fame but to him it's like that's not what it's about though yeah exactly like it's kind of like god now that you put it like that that's actually very smart yeah like that because it's you know it's pretty vocal vulgar we're all adults yeah we're all adults but in a song it's kind of like you know he did it in a more creative way if that's what he meant if that's what h
e does exactly you know people do say chili bing bang as in gunshots yeah right an d then there are guns in the music video so he could have meant that yeah but if we think even further and the definition of where that came from it could mean that too because they do say sex money or fame they do say that yeah that's what's in that career like industry right in the entertainment industry there's a lot of sex money and fame in it yeah so it's kind of like he's saying and anybody can want it yeah
yeah like as in like everybody wants it yeah everybody wants money or fame or in this case sex money or fame or yeah and it's just kind of like it's true it's very true he could literally be using a sound effect too cheap you know what i mean but if like i said if we want to go in deep with the lyrics and possibly look at options he could be saying you know sex money fame anyone can want it but at the end of the day what he means to say about that is like but that's not what it's about yeah i th
ink and that's what he says in the next one yeah he says and the translations for t hat lyric is but that's not important to me the chitty bang bang but to him it's not important and he says after thinking for myself and making a decision the heavens will guide and bring purple rain so purple rain like purple you guys i'm pretty sure you guys know the song purple purple rain by prince yeah and the meaning to that song is purple rain is like and we think that's what he's referencing by the way ye
ah and then purple rain is like a new beginning the meaning of it right and purple being like the sky you know when the sun is like rising like it's like dawn yeah the purple dawn because it's a new beginning and also rain like when it rains it's cleansing and then not just that but he says that bi says that in waterfall oh my god see he's like linking everything yeah remember in waterfall he says i pray to the heavens maybe that'll wash me away in class and there's another lyric in there he say
s god is so generous that he saved me again basically saying give he gifted me with a new beginning yeah and that's why it kind of makes sense because when i did look up purple rain the definition it also says something in ways of like a loved one or god guiding you to either purple rain or guiding i didn't know that yeah so it's like something with the guidance and i feel like that kind of links up to waterfall right now what you said about god gave him a chance you know and it's kind of like u
m what did you say about it like god is so generous generous right right that like he gave me another beginning like he gave me a new life yeah he's like he saves me yeah and then purple rain is kind of like the guidance to that you know i don't know it just connects something it just connects and he's referencing it come on bro yeah like i have it in my mind i can't really speak it right now but like it's just it's crazy come on oh it's all connecting yeah so sorry if i'm all over the place lik
e i'm trying to make sense of it but it makes sense okay but like i can't get it out correctly but if you guys know what i'm trying to say here yeah it made sense though but yeah like what he said cleansing like the new beginning it's just he's basically like i said he's going back to his waterfall album and connecting it and he's connecting everything so it's kind of like that's so freaking dope like that's super dope yeah like imagine listening to a song and going he said that in his last albu
m like you know what i mean it's literally a storybook yeah and it's not even like made up it's like it's a real thing like he he wrote from his heart about what happened to him and how he's feeling and that's what we kind of meant about the whole like show thing where it's like you know there's like season one and season two and in season two you're just like oh my god this is what happened in season one exactly exactly we find out that he killed her yeah you went in deep with that yeah i'm wat
ching right now you're killing somebody it's kind of like after you're done watching season one and you know there's like that big like gap when season two is being made and when you watch season two and [ __ ] happens you get reminded of season one you're like oh yeah remember in season one this happened that's why this is happening yeah so same with the eyes album with bi's album it's like you hear it it's kind of like oh oh he said that in in waterfall yeah and that's why he's saying this her
e right now come on bro so next slide make me the chewing gum come on had enough trials in my life i had enough trials my goals are trials by the way you can always make it weird but anyways okay child yes trials he's saying he had enough of it my goals are absolute like so he's like you know what i got my goal right here mm-hmm and then that's where i'm going like these yes with one more chance that makes me the protagonist so he's saying i had enough trials my goals are absolute and then with
this one chance that i did get again that makes me the protagonist so he's saying he 's the choingo chewing gum is a protagonist like a main character so he's like yeah and he's saying once again now yeah once again he's the main character yeah come on come on yeah he had enough trials that's enough no more no [ __ ] yeah now his goals are set and he knows exactly what he wants yeah and he's running for it it's gonna be do do better and be better and keep like you said keep running for it until
the goal exactly yeah god was so generous enough to save me give me another chance so with this chance made me the main character again while i run towards my goal yeah i had enough trials in my life yeah come on so next sign is flame in my tongue i gotta go hang on flaming my pupils um flame and my pupils maybe that's the red eye the laser yeah remember and then they they have that korean saying um something like that and saying like you see red right they're doing whatever they can they're tha
t motivated you know even in enemies like when you see someone motivated in anime the ir eyes like there's fire in them it's like that so again flame in my pupils the hot temperatures i gotta go my footsteps going towards chaos are like dinosaurs i think this is what he might be saying because he's talking about chaos right and what was chaotic in the dinosaur era yeah it was when the meteors yeah because there's fire you know remember when the media i think like they like the meteors hurt what
i've heard yeah yeah hit the earth that's why they got extinct yeah exactly because the volcanoes erupted and then you know the dinosaurs like all running away yeah right but what bi is saying i'm like those dinosaurs that ran towards it i'm running towards the chaos you know what i mean yeah ain't no such thing as extinction for me why because i got 10 hearts yeah like i'm coming back again obviously he's talking metaphorically like he's talking it's a figure of speech my footsteps that are mov
ing towards the chaos are like dinosaurs because those are big footsteps basically say ing he's not afraid he's not afraid of chaos anymore he's not afraid of anything yeah he's not gonna run away he's not gonna run away he's gonna run towards it like and he's gonna face his fears there you go that's what andy's trying to say he's going to face his fears i'm telling you man no see he helps and i just conclude things for him yeah yeah we finish each other's sentences as you guys probably already
know let's continue yes as in my worries may sound like high class problems to your ears right which i disagree with because i feel like everybody in life regardless of status or anything like that like worries are worries yeah nobody's worry is less or more than others yeah that's the way i believe it in my opinion everybody and what he's he's speaking about isn't high class problems it really is high class problems is like when you're like super rich of a mansion and you want that extra car bu
t you're like oh my god i already have 10 cars in my driveway but like my driveway's to o small to add another one that's pebbles and i want another car and i want another car but my driveway's too small that's pebble what he's talking about isn't high-class problems but obviously he's saying to the haters y'all probably think i'm exactly yeah just because of his status yes exactly which is not a good excuse that's a no that's not a good reason what you guys talking about is not high cost proble
ms yeah it isn't that's not a good reason but next line my so-called philosophy and vagueness in right or wrong probably won't know the essence of it so this part like i'm i'm still working on this part yeah it's just one line but i'm actually having a lot of trouble i couldn't figure it out so this is what we think yeah so i think maybe he's saying yeah you guys say like i have no philosophy or just a little talking to the haters yeah and then saying like you guys may think that like you know i
may be very vague with what my like definition of good or wrong is but in the end like basically saying like you don't understand me like you won't know the essence of it yeah like or he could be saying it in the terms of like in the point of view of the haters or the doubters saying like obi like with his little knowledge of philosophy and like his vagueness in good or bad like this guy doesn't even know what good or bad it is that's what i meant yeah yeah and then like you know he doesn't eve
n know the essence of it yeah you know and the reason why i feel like he's talking in the point of view of a hater is because the line previous to that it was about him talking about the high class stuff you know what i mean like into your ears it might sound like oh it makes sense if you think about it so the next line leads to him still talking about the haters are thinking to him like dude you don't know what you're talking about you don't know what's right or wrong look at you you know what
i mean and he's kind of like well you might not think that but i know what i'm doing yea h i know what i'm yeah all right stop it get your ass out of here yo you stinks thank you yeah next slime so what he's saying here is who i step on the ground assume all you want how far i'll go basically saying like you haters are just assuming yeah like i'm not gonna make it too far but okay you can assume all you want because i'm gonna go freaking far why because i challenge myself to reach the sun as thi
s foolish human being that you guys call me and which i accept yes you know what i'm saying yeah he's saying he accepts that he's a foolish human being yeah because of his past and he's fine with that yeah but as he ain't gonna stop him though yeah but as this foolish human being he's gonna challenge himself to reach for the stars reach for the sun come on bro how beautiful is that you guys so that has a tear in my eye it's basically like yeah he's actually being nice to the hater yeah he's actu
ally not saying anything bad he's just saying like you're gonna probably think this about me and just about me and that's okay but still as this foolish human being i'm still gonna you know challenge myself to reach for the yeah and be better like we always say because as we know like he talks a lot about him being reborn yeah at least his past songs and it seems like from you know his new song right here too a little bit but i feel like he's kind of thinking like you know you haters are gonna o
nly think about that time that i had that little hiccup in my life but i'm not that person and you're just gonna pin that against me forever yeah and that's fine you can do that yeah but i'm a i'm a i'm changed i'm gonna do me i'm gonna keep going excuse me i'm not gonna let you guys stop me and i'm gonna be better and do good for myself kind of like kind of like i'm not gonna let your guys's assumption or your guys's thoughts or view of me like i'm not gonna let that kind of like strain me down
anymore like i'm not gonna let that hold me back like it's okay you guys have your opini on about me but i'm i'm gonna move on now because i have to i have a goal that i set for myself and yeah if it means that i have to roll like go through you guys then i will like a dinosaur like a dinosaur yeah go through yeah bruh be i know i got you bro got you bro come on we think or something but next slide he says i got the juice make it proof represent youth duty yes so he's saying my view is clear i
don't drink alcohol i don't believe in luck my conscience is like water my heart is on fire so consciousness is like water as he's letting his conscience just float heart is on fire why he's motivated and he doesn't believe in luck he believes in talent and skill and it's faith yes but he says that a lot in slavery thanks exactly you know yeah so it's just like he's just saying like he's moving solely based on what he feels so it's kind of like his conscience is like water like he just flows wit
h the he goes with the flow yeah and then he doesn't believe in luck his fate this is what i was meant to do with because i have skills and i have talent for this yeah and his heart is on fire why because he's motivated yeah he's inspired like and that's the end of it yes and i need more we need more seriously when we heard the song obviously because we had to deconstruct it first you were like yo these lyrics these lyrics are it was really uh it lit a fire under us yeah it did it really did i w
as like and then like we said the connection that he had and not watching the video i'm just more alike dude this is even better this is like if we really think about it like this i'm sure is going to light a fire on everybody yeah to work harder to really and not just work harder but like whatever you guys might be going through you guys are going to get out of it just fine yeah bi is an inspiration if anything i feel like he was only one of the like few if not the only one that actually got ou
t of that situation like perfectly like the way it should have been done like i said that' s why he's a man yeah like that's a true man it is like acceptable we respect bi exactly accepting repenting and then becoming stronger moving on yes and then i think as of now now people need to stop like judging him yeah for what happened in the past yeah i agree because it's like it's more about what he's gonna do right now not about what he did in the past you gotta see the person he is now you know if
that's the thing i feel like people as human beings we judge a lot from what that person did or you know from the past but that doesn't mean that past person is who they are now right i've done a lot of stupid things in my past but if people were to judge me for what i was when i was a teen and whatnot that would suck it would suck you know what i mean i'll be like that's not me anymore though so with vit you could see a change he's doing better he's trying to he's trying to make a change here
right and you could clearly see that you know what i mean i look up to bi a lot people need to just really stop judging bi for what he was in the past yeah it's about what he does now and we should just watch him grow like he's he's doing so beautifully so well he's stronger than ever he's stronger than ever and right now is what matters whatever happened before that's that ship sailed already done yeah whatever yeah that's all root for bi yeah who he is now that's not for us to judge and us to
deal with that's for him to deal with on his own we should just be supporting him for what he's doing now you know what i mean how don't you talk about that anymore yes you know what i mean oh but anyways you guys you guys this was amazing i'm gonna go watch this again the dance was freaking on the big screen yeah it's not the big screen we're gonna watch on the big screen where's the big screen we don't have a big screen yeah i just acted like we had a big stream but anyways guys let us know ho
w you guys reacted to this film yes and let us know your guys interpretation of what you gu ys thought through our translations at least and if you guys enjoyed this reaction and lyric deconstructing time please give us a thumbs up and don't forget that subscribe button and we'll see you in our next video guys bye thank you guys again for watching if you guys want similar videos you can click on the link right over here and if you guys want to follow us on our social media our links will be righ
t below and also our often alone merch link will be right below so go check that out guys



Another update: We also think B.I could’ve been referencing the movies The Terminator and The Predator: The movie Predator because... B.I has been the one getting preyed on this whole time..(media, etc.) and now HE will be the one to be the predator. (Also the headpiece accessory he’s wearing on 9:28 looks like the predator.) The movie Terminator because… The red eye looks very similar to Terminators red eye and terminators are cyborgs. They don’t die and there’s no end to them. The movie’s story is that the terminators are sent from the future to the past to save mankind. When one terminator is terminated, there are still plenty in the future to send to the past. The backdancers portray the many terminators (who are also portraying B.I) that will still be around even if one may be gone. B.I will never go away. And Arnold Schwarzenegger happens to be in both of these movies so kinda makes sense 😜 lol. What do y’all think? _________________________________ Lyric update: Thanks to a comment, we were able to learn something new! On 20:27 “열대”(yuhl-dae) also means tropical. Which leads to him saying, to cross the pacific oceans. Tropics are warm and hot and he’s saying his heart is hot like the tropics. So in our opinion, it sounds like it can be a double meaning.. behind him are 10 back dancers who have masks on, supposedly depicting, that it’s 10 B.Is behind him (when B.I unmasks himself as one of the masked dancers) so “YUHL-DAE” can mean 10, or tropical. Which is why we ALSO THINK he throws in that adlib “WHOO!” after that line cause he could be insinuating that that line was fire lol. Which it was 😆🔥 What do you guys think he means? Would love to hear it and hope y’all are enjoying! ___________________ Hey guys~~ thanks for waiting!! We had some technical difficulties so it took us literally 12 hours to upload this video cause it kept getting stuck 😭😭 but for B.I we will make it work!! LOL. Hope y’all enjoy and love y’all 😘🙏


An hour-long dissection of a B.I piece? The quality content we don't deserve Thank you for all your hard work :)


Waterfall was water and this album is fire. Should we expect earth and air next? Hanbin always has a bigger picture in mind.


I will never stop saying how AMAZING your reactions and personality’s areeee 💖💖


I always need Andy and Jas help to interpret B.I lyrics because my brain can't handle it. B.I is too freaking genius.


54:30 woww a beautiful message there. People should stop judging others people past. Like, there's so many people struggle to survive because of people being judgmental. Even, in the society today , mental health issues start with when people begin to judge others and not being supportive. Like B.I said in the video introduction to TOBI is "What's matters is what i am, Not what i was "- TOBI Kim hanbin, 2021 Hope everyone here continue to bring this message and be kind to others.


Yeah waterfall and cosmos is really connected. The last track in waterfall is re-birth then he start the cosmos by the first track called alive.🤯 He is so genius. Periodt.


Me thinking to find a husband who is a co-fan of Hanbin and Hanbin bias 😅😅😅 P.s. I was amazed this reaction is almost an hour long. Kudos to you guysss!!!


What you said at the end, is true. You can see that he is working really hard to be better as an artist and as a person. He is a true artist. Thank you for what you said. Nuff respect.


i’ve already watched the video a dozen of times but watching it together with you guys just hyped it up even more!!! haha my fav reaction duo🔥🔥🔥


My guy addresses all viewers in his songs - new viewers, ID's, fans that left and came back, haters - and all of that with such eloquence. ♥🔥


I just saw this in Twitter, the OP explained that the BLURRED FLAMES kind of represents a diss to KMedial. Hanbin was blurred in TVs before.


I really really really hope you guys can work along side B.I and 131 label or even get to interview him and talk about his lyrics. I know it might not be the exact interpretation but you guys are literally soooo good at it. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Love you both!


BI is exceptional… he’s not another good, ardent rapper, musician but he lives & breathes music & everything related to music. Hence, he can do it all & do it differently. An & Jas you guys rock! •\(*<>*)/“


thanks for reacting!! i think the blurry part depicts the time when music and variety shows in korea blurried his face whenever he comes out of the frame during his hiatus. the part where he was seating at gun point next was he was the one holding the gun is like the tables have turned (if he got the inspiration from fight club the red eye person could be his alter ego) or the knetizen & media who gravely critized him. i also noticed the ending part where b.i and the dancers were popping dancing the song was like an enchantment . it literally gave me goosebumps when i heard it. i couldn't find the right word to describe it until Jas mentioned it's like a death song. not sure it's just my theory..😀


Watching you guys reaction is a must when it comes to B.I.. very well put & we all can understand better for the lyrics.. Thank you Andy & Jas ♡


My Hanbinie! ☺️😊 I just realized it was almost an hour reaction for Hanbin. I am so happy I wanna cry. He deserves the best. I will always cheer for him. I am not asking for haters to love him but at least don't hate him anymore. Everyone deserves a chance and he grab that chance to be a better version of himself. Thank you for your reaction guys.😘


WOWWWW thank you so much for this in-depth lyric deconstruction!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 It just makes me realize even more how much of a lyrical genius B.I is!


That 'blurred' part on the background is I think a diss to kmedia, cause when the scandal was still hot.. THEY blurred him in the group vids.. literally blurred his image with the group. thats what I thought. but i like how B.I gets back and shows it... something like you cant blur the FLAME within me.


When the video got out, you guys came to my mind, I was "Yow I need Andy And Jas' reaction with this." Hahahah Thank you again for this incredible reaction vid😊