
Bible Science Experiment - THE UNSEEN REALITY - Object Lesson

Looks can be deceiving. What are “Unseen Realities?” In this object lesson, J T Show-Me uses a great Bible Science Experiment to talk about the most powerful Unseen Reality. Many powerful things in life are real. We might feel or see their effects, but we cannot see them. Air, wind, floating viruses and germs, and certain gases are just a few of them. Press the play button and come join the action. Show-Me Kid’s Ministry - “Where Curious Minds Have Fun Building Faith.” Enjoy! J. T. Show-Me CONTACT US: Your comments, suggestions, and constructive criticism are greatly appreciated. Email: *** New *** Website: (A work in progress: New stuff added weekly) We appreciate your support by SUBSCRIBING, clicking on the LIKE button, and SHARE this link with your friends. Click on the link below to view other videos on our YouTube Channel: Links Using Google: Links Using YouTube: @Show-MeKidsMinistry @jtShow-Me @jtShow-MeKid’sMinistry

Show-Me Kid's Ministry

6 days ago

hello boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen I'm JT show me and today's Bible verse is coming from the book of 2 Corinthians the 4th chapter and verse 18 and here's what the Bible says for we look not at the troubles that we can see now we fix our Gaze on the things that cannot be seen for the things that we can see now will soon be gone but the things that we cannot see will last forever today's topic is the unseen [Music] reality W for our optic lesson today we're going to use my lap standand
and attached to my lap standand and we have two carer tubings one tube is 10 in long and the other tube is 20 in long twice as long as the 10in tubing and in my hand I have two metal objects a round metal ball and a cylinder and if I were to take both of these objects and raise to the same height Which object do you think would hit the tray first would it be the metal ball or the metal cylinder what do you think let's count the three and see what happens one 2 3 whoa they both landed at the sam
e time well what would happen if I took the metal cylinder and put it in the short tubing and I took the metal ball and put it in a long tubing now which one will hit first what do you think will land first let's see what happens 1 2 3 who the round ball hit the tray fast than the cylinder headit what do you think made the difference boys and girls and ladies and gentlemen the reality is that there is one law that takes place with the steel Ball but there are two laws that take place with the ma
gnet with the still wall That's the the LW of gravity and the ball properly hits the tray but with the magnet there are two laws that take place you have gravity and you have lens's law and with lenses law the magnetic field crosses resistance to the gravity and it takes longer for the magnetic cylinder to hit the tray so things are not always as they appear you can't always look at the appearance of things to tell what's going to happen sometimes looks are are deceiving and just as dropping thi
s magnetic cylinder through this carpet tubing created an un unseen reality so in the Bible in the book of Second Kings the 6th chapter the Bible tells about a story that has an unseen reality the Syrian King wanted to make war with the children of Israel he didn't like God and he definitely didn't like God 's people he was a mean Wicked King and so he got with his he got with his generals and he made a plan of attack upon God's people but God was there to protect his people just like he's alway
s there to protect you and me and what God did he spoke to the prophet Elisha and he SP Elisha with the King plans were and had Elisha to let the king of the children of Israel know what the king of Syria was trying to do and so the king of Israel was able to avoid the king of Syria's attack and this happened several times and this made the king of Syria real mad and he was wondering who is the SP in our camp who is it that's telling the children of Israel everything that I'm planning on doing b
ut one of his men said to the king he says King it's none of us which really happening while you are in your bed sleep the god of the children of Israel is telling Elisha everything that you are planning and that's how the children of Israel are aving your attack and the King was really mad and he was determined to get Elisha and so what the king did he sent a whole army with soldiers and chariots and horses after Elisha and what happened Elijah and his servant woke up one morning Elijah's serva
nt open the door to get some fresh air and a y and stret and then open his eyes and what do you think he saw he saw that he and Elijah were all surrounded by this vast Syrian Army and he stepped back in and he got Elisha he said Elisha come here something I want you to see and he brought Elisha to the door Elijah now what are we going to do and Elijah SM SM Adam and said they that are with us are more than they that are with them you see Elijah realized that you can't always judge what's going t
o happen by the way things look Elijah realized that looks can be deceiving Elijah realized that his Destiny was not to be determined by the things that he sees all around him Elijah realized that the things that are not seen are greater than the things that you can see and and so Elijah prayed Lord open his eyes so that he can see and you know what the Lord did the Lord opened his eyes and you know what he saw he saw that surrounding the Syrian Army that there were angels and thousands and thou
sands of angels with fiery chariots surrounding the Syrian Army God knows how to protect his people and so as the Army approached Elisha prayed Lord I pray that blindness will come upon all of the Assyrian army that they will all become blind and you know what God did he made the entire Syrian Army blind and they couldn't see and so when they came looking for Elijah Elijah said let me take you to who you're looking for and you know what Elijah did he led him to the camp of the Israelites to Sama
ria and when they got into Samaria Elijah prayed Lord open their eyes so that they can see and you know what the Lord did he opened their eyes and they saw that they were surrounded by the children of Israel and the king of the children of Israel said great we got him Elisha shall we kill them and and Elijah said no we're going to be kind to them let's feed them and give them water and let them go on home boys and girls girls ladies and gentlemen God knows how to protect his people what lessons
can we learn from the unseen reality number one we can't judge by the appearance of things and by the way things look our destiny is not determined upon the way things appear Satan our enemy will always try to make us feel frightened and afraid but no matter how bad things may look but we're never to base our faith on the appearance of things on how things look number two whenever we're facing difficulties God is always with us and number three God has thousands and thousands of angels that are
there to protect us from hurt and harm and danger and from the attacks of the enemy if you like this video then go ahead and subscribe and give us a thumbs up by clicking the like button and thank you for watching showby kiss Ministries and um we would love to hear from you we love to hear your comments your suggestions and your advice so to contact us just click the link that says contact us let us pray father God I thank you for the lesson of the Unseen realities I pray that you should bless u
s help us that we should always trust you and never be fearful by the outward circumstances or the way things look but we will always trust you and depend upon you and have faith in you is our prayer in the name of Jesus and for sake amen we'll see you next time bye
