
Blender with Stable Diffusion XL - Anime scenery

Please like and subscribe, If you have enjoyed watching this tutorial. Thank you for watching. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2D Anime scenery seen from the sky, beautiful clouds and mountains Negative prompt: (worst quality, low quality, normal quality:1.8) Lora files used #1 - lora:SDXL_Dices_Mega_Detail_v1:1 Lora files used #2 - xl_more_art-full_v1:1 Please use any available models to generate an image with Stable Diffusion. :) Here is Blender's official tutorial playlist on Youtube. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Here is Blender's official material node guides. Please learn more about what each node does. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Please watch the following tutorial to copy my Blender settings for Open Image Denoise, Filmic, Curves, transparent background and so on. Tags - #stablediffusion, #stablediffusionprompts, #stablediffusionwebui, #Blender, #tutorial, #3D, #tutorials, #blender, #blender3D, #blendermodeling, #blendertutorial, #blendertutorials, #blenderbeginner,, #blenderbeginnertutorial, #blenderlearn, #learnblender, #3dtutorials , #blendertutorialforbeginners, #subdivide, #subdivision, #3Dtutorials, #3D, #blendermodeling, #material

Blender Study

13 hours ago

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to create this image by using Blender and Stable Diffusion XL. I'll use a basic primitive mesh to create a simple prototype scene for the stable diffusion. Please render the image, and import it in Stable Diffusion. I'll share the full prompts in the description below. Please set the preprocessor to None, and select the correct depth model. Now that the AI knows what we need, let's send this result to image to image to further enhance the details. This is the
end of the tutorial. Thank you for watching.
