
Blind Girl Adventures at the Miracle Gardens, Global Village, and Atlantis Resort in Dubai!

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Molly Burke

1 day ago

honestly I have no idea where we're going but I'm enjoying it okay so this is just a quick clip to explain um because the footage you're about to see should have been in the last Dubai video AKA this video the first video in this three video Vlog travel trip series but it was filmed on my phone because the phone we usually filmed on had died because it was day one and we did so much that day we got so much footage we saw so many different things with our tour guide as you would have seen in that
first video um so this was actually the end of the first day but because it was on a different phone I forgot to transfer it to Robin so I wanted you to see it because it's really fun and really cool so here it is final stop on our first day here it has been a long one but an amazing one we just had to say goodbye to our guide who just made the world of a difference he was the nicest man and he dropped us off at the miracle Garden where he told us they have 40 to 45 million flowers and they mak
e all of these sculptures so it's very fragrant I can smell all these different flowers as we walk through different areas and they make these different shapes so some of them because the Sun is setting I can actually see some of the outlines if the they're backlit by the sun which is kind of fun the one behind me right now I can't see cuz the sun is facing it but my mom was describing it to me and it's an air Emirates plane which I so wish we were able to fly on we couldn't get an air Emirates
flight which would have been amazing I've heard so many cool things about their planes but they have one of the planes here covered covered in flowers this is amazing it kind of reminds me of the um gouty Park that we went to in Barcelona like same overall Vibe but obviously like very different um but it's just it's so fun I'm here we're seeing some footage of the beautiful flower gardens there's so many colors and the trees honestly look like a bunch of spider legs hanging but they're covered i
n pink blooming flowers and green leaves and it's Reds whites yellows pinks they have some giant penguin shaped plants which are so cute there's a body of water surrounded by pink and blue flowers and some beautiful little cottage looking homes covered in more plant it honestly looks like something you would see in some sort of fantasy film all the lights are turning on now at the miracle garden and so there's like all of these shapes that are being lit up um I can't really see most of it of cou
rse but I can see some of the lights which is fun okay so that was day one and now the next clips you're going to see are all back in chronological order where we left off so in the last video I did the little taste test I was sick with a slight cold uh took a nap and then we go to this which was the final night we had in Dubai after being lazy and swiping on tick to I was about to say Tinder I was not swiping on Tinder I was swiping on Tik Tock laying in bed um my mom was packing up and took a
shower I was being sick and now we're having a little Cosmo outside before the sunet and then we are heading to the global village we were trying to decide between glow Gardens and Global Village because we just don't have time to do both but everybody's been raving about global village and they keep being like you have to go you have to go so it made the choice for us plus the global village like has the glowing Garden Vibes still but so much more so I'm really excited about that don't know wha
t my hair is doing I don't know my good does it I don't know my dice in here with me and I usually use the round brush attachment to do the bangs so now they're like kind of looking like I'm in grade six again with the side swoop but I feel like the side swoop is coming back with t Swift like she's been doing that a lot so maybe it's my next move we have arrived to the global village the sun has just set which is the perfect time because it's all lit up I am so excited I mean look when all you c
an see is light seeing light is very exciting so I cannot wait this is quite literally an entire space devoted to Unity and light in the world my mom and I got in for free just a perk of being disabled so funny all the time my mom would like you know sometimes being disabled has perks and I'm like yeah mostly for you cuz you're not disabled but you still get the perks like I actually have to live with the disability um so like less perks you know um but anyway so just so you know if you're disab
led you get in for free and you're plus one also something that's interesting is here in Dubai and I assume in all of the United Arab Emirates they say person of determination instead of disabled person um and I'd be very curious in the comments I'd love to have like a healthy discussion you know polite kind healthy constructive conversation around your opinions on that um it's not for me personally it gives differently abled to me um but everybody has different perspectives so I'd love to hear
what you think of the idea that here they do not say to say abled or disability they say a person of determination so funny right so we've gotten inside and right away I was like oo big Ben ooh uh like this grocery store and then she's like La La Land what's that and I'm like Mom that's la like we quite literally live there it's LA and she like do you think yes that's what they call La La La Land that is true it is La La Land Statue of Liberty so there's a is it called Alibaba it's called alibab
super so maybe we could get more authentic snacks here so we've come to the grocery store and the first thing my mom sees is Cheetos Skittles and then lays so um apparently not my mom just says Big Ben how unique and I'm like thinking in my head like actually it's the opposite of unique it is not unique they they've replicated the Big Ben is not unique Big Ben in London is unique Big Ben in Dubai not unique the opposite okay so I've come into one of the Arabic perfume shops I am the pickiest pe
rson about fragrance I'm very sensitive and I'm so picky I love perfume I'm in my fragrance era as my mom knows but I'm so Ultra hyper picky like I know what I like and mostly I don't like anything so I'm I'm hard to sell too I like that one ald Turkish baked potato come on let's go see what this we might have to get some turkey faked potato the Irish girl in me oh I smell it I smell the potato good there ol and corn I think it's like Disney Turkish cofa and Grill house this whole place has the
vibe of Disney doesn't it and then there's chai fruits over there ooh it's literally like the whole world is lit up and then there's just like food and monuments and it's such an interesting place to come especially for children like if you can't afford to travel or you haven't had the opportunity to travel a lot I think travel is so important to understand other cultures and unfortunately there's so much discrimination in the world and I think it comes from a lack of understanding and a lack of
willingness to try to understand and learn and travel is such a beautiful way to experience other cultures and connect with other people with different beliefs and different thoughts and experiences than you and I think it's really important to keep in mind that you don't have to understand or agree with people to show them respect um and I was like saddened when I shared that I was coming to this part of the world to see like people sending negative comments about me coming here and yes it mad
e me really sad because I don't know that I didn't know them yeah and I think that like I said you don't have to agree or understand other cultures to respect and to not be rude or mean or hateful and travel is so so so important and I I urge you like if you can to try to travel in your lifetime to places that you wouldn't usually consider um because it opens your mind and the world is so beautiful and I just love experiencing other cultures and I I wish more cities in the world had somewhere li
ke the global village because like I said not everybody can afford to travel and this is such a lovely way to experience other cultures hot chips what Molly I don't know where they're from but my mom said she saw Yemen and that just made me think of friends and this one is when pho's boyfriend goes to Yemen this is Nash Hot Chicken Molly I think I'm going to have Turkish ice cream for dinner mom okay let's keep going though cuz we're going find something else but I want to try Turkish ice cream
hot dog and Fries Egyptian Pie Pizza Mochi I Love Mei that's the way they're teaching children about the world I know and the kids can go around in these little cars I wish I had a little car to go around in believe it or not is that Ripley's Believe it or not I think it is it is it's Ripley's Believe It or Not oh my God so funny that is so funny look at all these cars there's like double-decker buses and then the like hippie volkswagons and it's really it's Pat bear Molly I want to touch P bear
so now you can touch Padington bear over here he's here I miss my vertigo is really bad right now I feel like I'm walking sideways um so we grabbed a wheelchair that way we could actually get food otherwise I couldn't keep staying um so we grabbed fries because that was all we could agree on they're called Fancy fries and they're actually delicious they're so fresh we grabbed a bottle of water because hydration is important okay so we had to get this this is a apparently I don't know a traditio
nal Arabic dessert that like if you went to somebody's house and they were to make dessert this is what they would make that is what a local so it's like condensed milk and like a cookie or something so I've got to try it okay so is like bread pudding it's got cookies yeah like a bread pudding yeah very like bread with eggs and looks like pistachio nuts and almonds ice cream let's go close in it looks so good let's try this maybe it's Camel Ice Cream Camel Ice Cream do you think I don't know but
it's very though okay so we were leaving cuz my vertigo is just like I'm not having it you know but on the way out we found one of these bike ride things where the you sit in the cart and the bikes you around and I never get to go on these and I've always wanted to have never been on one because I always have a guide talk with me and I I mean maybe he could sit here but you know I feel like he'd be like so I never go on one so I'm going to go on one before I leave honestly I have no idea where
we're going but I'm enjoying it that bike ended up taking us basically from the entrance of global village to the taxis which was ideal because as you saw I was having really bad vertigo so it actually worked out perfectly all right so that was our final evening and then we basically had most of a day so I feel like we got so much done in Dubai given we were only there for like three and a half a little more than three and a half days um so we did Friday Saturday Sunday and then Monday we bought
day passes to go to the Atlantis resort on Palm shamaya which is like a super famous resort if you're on like social media at all like a year or two ago I feel like all these influencers got invited to go see the opening of Beyonce singing at the Atlantis Resort I was not cool enough to get invited but I wanted to go check it out so we bought a day pass and then around 2: in the afternoon we took a taxi to Abu Dhabi where the rest of the trip took place so this is that right now right here here
you go what better way to spend my final day in Dubai than at the spa at the Atlantis Resort Perfection and this is the H tub area here we're seeing some b-roll of the beautiful Resort the architecture is just so detailed and tactile and colorful it's really unique this first room is Earth Tones but it has a lot of stone and just textural design designs and tiles on the walls it's so stunning there's a little pool of water and then in another room the tile is this beautiful like orange brown pa
ttern I don't even know how to describe it and then the walls have a very warm tone to them the ceiling is colorful it has very Under the Sea Vibes to it with corals and blues and oranges and like seashell patterns I could just lay on that floor and look at that ceiling for hours honestly and then there's this beautiful table full of these bright pink flowers of all different shades the pathways are very peaceful there's palm trees and it's just very green and Serene it's so stunning another roo
m in the building has once again more of that Under the Sea Vibe it has these pillars that almost look like the fin of a fish and then there's this art piece I believe it is in the center of the room that's all of these colorful squiggly pieces of glass formed together around a fountain it's so pretty so captivating I just had the most wonderful massage oh God it was like sent from the G thoughts it was wonderful and now we are sitting out on the beach still at the Atlantis Resort we bought a da
y pass so we can hang out at the beach the pool get some food I just ordered a gin fizz you guys know me when it comes to drinks I love wine champagne and Cocktails and when it comes to cocktails Jin is number one tequila is number two so I got a Jin Fizz which is always good it smells so good smell that Mom ooh delightful anything with egg whites too an egg white cocktail o high on my list let's try it oh yeah that's good and now we're waiting on a wagu beef burger that we're going to share the
burger has arrived it smells spectacular and I substituted the regular fries for loaded sweet potato fries and I need to make these at home like sweet potato with jalapeno is God's gift to the Earth like we all need to be eating this I am genuinely the biggest baby about cold water so I'm very proud of myself that I got in because this is chilly but you know what it's refreshing come on in me your not right now before we leave Atlantis and had Doby Dobby in our car I was just standing at this w
indow that goes into the aquarum Arium and it's back lit like I don't know where that light is coming from but it's kind of back lit and so if I look like up that direction I just kind of saw one move and I couldn't see what it looked like but I could see the shape moving which is really exciting you know when you don't see much seeing anything is very fun what do you see mommy this big huge like SL fish I don't know what his name could be um a stingray like he's got like a big long like tail ou
t the back like a Spike oh my gosh there's so many beautiful fish here so we just left grabbed our bags back at our hotel we've packed up we're in a car and we're off on an hour and a half to 2 hour Journey probably two hours because of the time of the day uh to our hotel in Abu Dhabi tomorrow will be the start of the Forbes 3050 Summit which is the whole reason I've flown all the way out here so I'm really excited for the next leg of the journey Dubai has been fabulous it's time to see what Abu
Davi has to offer hello and good morning after my longest deepest sleep to date uh I've woken up feeling great I'm so excited for my first day of the conference look at my pass look at it I've arrived we're having breakfast I have a lot the most delicious mango juice and a plate full of non-breakfast foods I always love traveling to other countries because a lot of other countries don't do this like egg bacon sausage pancakes situation which I don't like I do not like any of that kind of breakf
ast foods this is my type of breakfast veggies noodles potatoes rice like any of that kind of stuff I'm in so I'm really excited Bliss we just had breakfast and I changed cuz I was hot um it's so beautiful out it's not pure Sun but honestly thank God because it would be too much it is very humid um I only have about half an hour before I'm getting a massage I know I'm being a little extra two massages in a row yesterday and today but the tension is tensioning so I need some support and I was a s
pa early I got to see what the spa here has to offer this Resort is so unbelievably beautiful like I need to come back here for a honeymoon this would be amazing in fact speaking of honeymoon they even have the beach separated there's like the side for families with kids and then the side for like adults and couples the dinner we had last night I've never had a better chocolate lava cake in my life and I say that as a person who's like that's one of my favorite desserts of all time wasn't it inc
redible mom fabulous and the couscous too good um but yeah we're taking a little 30 minutes that we have to just lay on the beach the sand is so soft under my toes woses like the softest of Sands so we're just going to lay here for a bit then I'm going to get a massage maybe go for a swim cuz I quite literally think that's going to be the only opportunity we have to swim because this conference is going to be so hectic so okay so at this Resort that I'm staying at they have Aladdin's cave and th
ere's like a little Lazy River and obviously it's for children which I have a large inner child and it's coming out right now it doesn't take much to nuzzle it out you know so I'm I'm getting in and they're all like confused as to why I'm here and they're like you're not five and I'm like no I'm 30 and I'm cutting in okay byebye bye see the other end is it warm yeah ooh nice hello it's nice it brings me back to being a kid again now I'm being an adult and I'm swimming in the girl pool which is m
uch warmer than the one yesterday at Atlantis so I am thrilled about that okay blind girl life Haack just figured it out in real time you know we're always constantly having to learn to adapt and accommodate for ourselves so in this pool like I'm swimming alone and it's really confusing and I keep getting disoriented and lost because it is so massive and it is a really unusual shape and there's like music and birds and people talking and these water fountains fallowing into the water so there's
like lots of sound that's making it hard for me to auditorally navigate and like not get lost and so I kept getting lost so what I did was strategically plac my water bottle right here so when I swim to an edge what I then do is just run my hand along the edge until I find the bottle and then I know where I am boom off I go you guys the funniest thing happened to me okay so I was without my mom for an hour and a half in the room it's fine I'm just hanging out in the room I was washing my hair ta
king a bath getting ready for the first Forbes event that I'm going to it is the listers Meetup so it's like a little cocktail hour for anybody who is Forbes 30 under 30 or Forbes 50 over 50 so we can all like Network and meet each other so I'm getting ready my mom's having a massage she's relaxing cuz she didn't get one yesterday at Atlantis so she had one today and she's enjoying herself I'm pleased for her she leaves the room I'm already in the bath sudsing up when she leaves everything goes
Pitch Black in this room pitch black all the lights gone the blinds I can hear them they're closing this is a very smart hotel which we know blind girl love technology and equally hate it because if it's not inclusive it's horrific it's worse than no technology so it's all like on sensors so I guess it sensed that she left the room and it just all turned off so I'm just I mean it's fine I just did my bath and my lotion up and blah blah blah in the pitch black cuz I I can't see anyways it's fine
it's just a bit weird cuz I usually have lights on but here's like the panel you can see it's like a touchscreen panel for all the lights so once I got out I like try it's just like a flat panel it has so many buttons and options on it but I can't see any of them so the blind that cover this window here are like touch lindes so it's super cool actually for like people with Upper Limb differences Utes I don't know for like reduced Mobility I feel like it would be useful for so many people you lit
erally just go and touch them and they open so I knew that so I was like okay well at least be able to open the blinds so I touched and opened and then it sens me moving so like two lights turned on like really dim and then I like just pushed the screen a bit and some lights turned on very dimly so I had a few lights but then I was like oh my God I'm starving so so I went and sorted snacks I knew there was snacks in the room somewhere that we brought with us I was like looking through drawers cu
z my mom had unpacked when I fell asleep and I found this and I thought oh great that's my applesauce it's not I ate half a pouch prune juice prune juice prune organic worse prune like applesauce but prune sauce and it tasted like prunes immediately I was like I'm pretty sure that's prunes but I'm here now um so I ate it and and now I'm like oh we go so you know but I'm ready to go I'm looking fabulous neeve's back I survived I can do it I'm fine um anyways it was just all very funny very blind
girl okay so we got invited to this dinner the first night and it's all like women and entertainment I don't know if I've actually like said what this conference is it's the Forbes women 3050 Summit so basically it's all women related to Forbes whether your 30 under 30 or 50 over 50 or just adjacent to that so it's for international women's day to sleep PP trees this is just a tiny tiny section of well this is what we're going to get tomorrow that's why I need to go to sleep you guys tomorrow we
're going on a cultural tour of Abu Dhabi so we're going to go to like palaces and um temples and stuff so it'll be lots of this of it's so incredible my mom keeps ignoring me when I give her directions and I'm right every time and I'm telling you you need to listen to Blind people when they give your directions cuz we know what's up all right we're not distracted by all this following you is always go ever since you were a child I'm still following you look at this look how beautiful this is bl
ind people always know where they're going cuz we're not distracted by all this beauty that you are Eve all right that was our first official night of the Forbes 3050 Summit in Abu Dhabi and that is where I will leave you for this video and the next video coming next Friday Friday will be the rest of our time in Abu Dhabi at the summit and I can't wait to share it with you it was honestly the experience of a lifetime so amazing so get ready for that next week and until then you can click here to
watch part one if you neglected to do so or you can click over here to see that trip where I went to the gouty park in Spain all right see you next time bye
