
Bloons Adventure Time TD - Worth Playing? [Steam Review]

Welcome to my Review for Bloons Adventure Time TD! Hope you enjoy the video Support by rating or leaving a comment :) Let's see if one of the most overlooked BTD games is worth playing! BMC Review: BTD6 Review: My Ninja Kiwi Videos/Playlist: Game: Intro (0:00) Summary (0:26) Presentation/Cutscenes (1:25) Progression/Achievements (3:13) Currencies (4:47) Game Modes (6:03) Main Adventure (7:10) Monetization (8:31) Mobile/Updates (9:20) Wrapping It Up (9:56) Best Opinion Ever (10:37) Outro (11:16) Thanks for watching! #bloonsadventuretimetd #bloons #review


12 days ago

yo what's up guys right now we're taking a look  at one of the most underrated BTD games balloons Adventure Time Tower Defense just saying the title  I can't believe this game is real after making jokes and not taking this game seriously is it  actually worth playing well after about 30 hours I think I have the answer but first there's a lot  to get into because believe it or not this game is very different than your typical balloons tower  defense game in a lot of little ways I'm sure you can n
otice that I didn't place any ordinary Tower  my tower is Finn from Adventure Time obviously ninjak kiwi had some good connections to get a  crossover like this and it's not as confusing as you think for example Finn is like s from btd6  this game actually came out in a similar time in late 2018 early 2019 so it's funny to think of  Finn being the first version of s or the fire princess being the same as Adora for the most part  it's like two worlds colliding not to say they're entirely copies t
hey're all pretty different  they can have all these upgrades that make it feel different and even the way you upgrade in  this game is pretty different you don't have your triple cross path upgrade system like you do in  btd6 you can just get whatever upgrade you want with very little restrictions that part of it is  very simple but then there's other ways of getting upgrades like certain characters having Synergy  to unlock new upgrades like my favorite combo is having Finn and Jake together t
o get a merchant  man type of upgrade you can only get if they're next to each other this makes the game feel more  connected with all the characters and it's not just the presentation The Adventure Time aspect  affects the gameplay too I think it's really cool hearing all the characters interact with each  other Jake lots of colorful things headed this way hold up they're balloons wow so many of them  and they just keep coming um Jake not now dude Jake I'm in the zone dude Jake Zone Finn the Zo
ne  normally I think this type of thing is a little corny like in balloons pop but these are also kids  games so I get it but if you watch Adventure Time or just remember the characters like me then  it makes the whole experience more unique and enjoyable it makes it that much more exciting  unlocking a new tower because you're not just unlocking a new tower you're unlocking Princess  Bubblegum or the Ice King or something Ice King come out we know you're up to something oh well my  husband the
Ice King isn't here at the moment go away fin Jake he's finally lost it dude enough  yeah oh now look what you've done you're going to pay for that as well as the entire map based  off the show as you go from level to level it's cool seeing places you recognize in unlocking  the characters who are there in the show it's things like this the soundtrack and the voice  acting that make the presentation very good to those who appreciate it lemon grabs in there and  he's up to something unacceptable
your silence is unacceptable his silence would be great acceptable  talk to me we need to get inside and find out what he's up to no we need to get inside and remove  his Talking part seriously I can't listen anymore there's also the Allies which are like secondary  Towers which aren't as strong with less upgrades but they're usually cheaper and you can get some  strong ones one big difference from an ally in a character like Finn is that Finn can level up  and get items just like the upgrade sy
stem this is something that makes this game very different  from the other BTD games as you play the game you unlock new items you can Equip to your characters  they're called Trinkets and you can get them from these wish orbs that are basically supply drops  jackpot these trinkets can upgrade your characters and can change the gameplay quite a bit so  it's not something you can ignore and should try to do correctly some trinkets have Synergy  with certain characters and can only be used by cert
ain characters not to mention that each main  character like Finn or Jake have their own level and get stronger over time you also have your  own level where you unlock new things and get more starting cash as you level up so even at  30 hours I've made a decent amount of progress I think once you get over that beginning stage  everything starts to come together I don't know if it sounds overwhelming with all this progression  but it can be exciting like when you get a cool new weapon for a spec
ific character it can be  a lot to explain but it's easy to get into the progression has been one of the best parts for  me there's a lot of little things like the quest system that keeps you engaged and rewards you well  enough you unlock more Quest slots as you level up too and I think it's a really good idea when  you actually get rewards for getting achievements it's already nice getting the achievement but now  it's satisfying getting the reward normally you'll get a wish orb or some curren
cy at 30 hours I  have about half of the achievements speaking of currency I'm sure you can notice at the top of  the screen that we have a few different kinds of currency of course that's just your level in  XP but I'm not too sure about the gold coins I think you can only buy Powers with gold coins  and I don't even use them yet then you have your gems which I'm choosing not to spend on anything  because they're pretty valuable I just want to spend them carefully it looks like the main way  yo
u should spend these is getting the best daily deal you can get these are very good and valuable  items in a rotation I heard beo is really good so I've been saving up and waiting for him the next  currency at the top right is called shards and you basically get these when you scrap items you don't  want there's a couple other ways of getting them too but I like this currency because it makes me  feel smart for getting rid of duplicate items and keeping some good ones you can craft your own  wis
h orb with these shards and you want to be smart and patient with them because you can craft  an epic wish orb this is the best wish orb that I've seen and I've only got my hands on a few of  them to craft your own epic wish orb it took me about 30 hours of playtime saving up for it but  I got a really good item so it felt pretty worth it if you're patient and like being rewarded like  me then all these little things will satisfy you there's also this Cosmic Essence that helps you  level up your
your characters even faster so it feels like you can get ahead of the curve there's  this one final currency but it's more connected to another game mode which is the Martian Games  it seems like ninjak kiwi likes having a king of the hill or contested territory type of game mode  and I think it fits pretty well into their games it's more competitive trying to last longer than  other players and it's fun pushing your Towers to the Limit trying to get to the highest round  you possibly can you g
et this currency that you can give to the Martian Trader for items to get  even more ahead of the curve but I'm going bigger going home saving for the expensive character the  Martian Games usually switches up the gameplay in some weird way so combine that with being  competitive and getting good rewards I really like this game mode there's a few different ways to  play this game like deflation mode and the spawn Beacon the spawn Beacon is something they have  in most of their recent games and I
think it's a really good idea and warm up every day you play  so there's this spawn Beacon that picks a random level every day and you get bonus rewards for  beating it it's nothing too crazy but it gives you the that extra bit of progression for playing  every day like the daily rewards for just getting on the game there were a few other unique things  like a game mode in the map changing back when I was playing during the holidays but other than  that there's not too many different ways to pl
ay the game other than the main Adventure this is  your main story progression and Adventure this is where you learn everything this is where you  unlock new levels and characters this is where the characters talk to each other the balloons  have already made it to the fire Kingdom I can't see Flame Princess anywhere if you've touched  her I cannot be held responsible for my actions if they've touched her they'll have disintegrated  silly PB what are you doing here were you spying on Finn Jake w
hat are you doing here woke up was  bored so decided to spy on Finn admit it Jake you were missing me great did everyone follow me it's  pretty cool how it feels like a little story that you naturally play in a certain order but you  actually have more freedom than than it seems you can just go around the map playing wherever  you want as long as you have it unlocked but even when I unlocked very challenging levels I  wanted to go at my own pace you can see a list of all the levels but you'll no
tice that I don't  have random medals I go in a certain order for a certain reason even though you can play any level  doesn't mean you should I also like the designs and how the levels play I like how they're unique  to this game and based off places in the show it's one of those things that makes the presentation  all Come Together adventure mode has been really fun so far and I'm excited about the late game  levels but one thing that can be a game breaker for some of you is the monetization l
ike is this  game even worth playing if it's just a long grind well as someone who doesn't plan on spending money  I don't have too many complaints so far I just want beo there's only been a couple of times in  the early game that felt like a bump in the road and made it a little tempting to spend money but  after that it's been a smooth experience most of the time if you get stuck on a level you can just  go back to other levels and get stronger just like balloons monkey City I don't feel the n
eed to  spend money the store can be tempting throwing sales in your face but it never seems worth it  it'd be nice if you can spend Gems or coins in the store I thought about getting one of the character  packs especially for beo but I'll see how long it naturally takes just ignore the store for most  of the part unless you see a sale that you really want since the monetization is very noticeable  I'm sure you can tell that this is a mobile game I'm sure the mobile Community is very strong like
  it is with most Ninja Kiwi games but for a good reason ninja qwi games have to be some of the best  if not the best mobile games I'm playing this on Steam so I'm not sure if there's any differences  with the mobile and PC version either way ninjak kiwi games is where the PC and mobile Community  could come together to play a great game in peace it's funny because this game will still tell you  about updates in their new games while this game hasn't been updated in years it probably doesn't  ne
ed the updates but you can see the patch notes from the home screen if you want but you guys  see what I mean isn't this game pretty underated rated especially being one of the least played BTD  games naturally this is probably one of the last games someone would play in the series but that  doesn't mean it's the worst I prefer this type of gameplay over BTD battles and I think I like this  more than balloons monkey City so far this seems like a game I can get in a good routine with all  the dai
ly rewards and progressions seems like a trend with most mobile games but ninjak kiwi does  it better than 99% of mobile games they don't hold you back from the game play too much in 30 hours  the only difficulties I played on was hard and normal I haven't gotten to extreme difficulty  yet but I play The Martian Games when I want that late game satisfaction there's also one big  reason to support this game and I'm about to say something crazy but ninjak kiwi did a crossover  with the last good C
aron Network show there I said it whatever like Adventure Time is cool but what  about Courage the Cowardly Dog code name Kids Next Door foster home for imaginary friends Ed Ed and  Eddie these are the the classic shows that made Cartoon Network the best I don't remember when  Gumball a Regular Show came out but those are cool too this might be a generational thing but  Cartoon Network and new kid shows suck argue with me in the comments if you want to lose listen when  we get balloons Pokemon D
efense then I'll be happy but until then you guys should definitely check  out balloons Adventure Time Tower Defense one of the most underrated and Charming balloons tower  defense games I can tell a lot of effort went into this game and felt the need to tell you guys about  it I mean there's like no reviews on this game so if I don't tell you who will I think that means I  reviewed every balloons tower defense game except the old school classics and the original balloons  TD Battles it's been a
fun Journey checking out every BTD game and I'm sure some of you are on  that same Journey too if you are make sure you don't forget this charming underrated passion  project that is balloons Adventure Time peace



Kinda crazy that your this small, great production quality


I remember playing this one a few years back because I didn't want to pay for BTD6. This video is tempting me to reinstall and give it another go