
Body language expert on Biden's ice cream-foreign policy exchange | On Balance

President Joe Biden was recently out getting ice cream with "Late Night" host Seth Meyers and answering questions about a potential cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. Body language expert Patti Wood joins "On Balance" to analyze Biden's actions and mannerisms during the exchange. #JoeBiden #ceasefire #foreignpolicy "On Balance with Leland Vittert" takes a critical look at some of the day's hottest subjects. Weekdays at 7p/6C. #OnBalance NewsNation is your source for fact-based, unbiased news for all America. More from NewsNation: Get our app: Find us on cable: How to watch on TV or streaming:


6 days ago

[Music] can you give us a second of when you think that will start sir well I hope by the the beginning of the weekend I mean the end of the weekend at least my my my National Security advisor tells me that we're close we're close it's not done yet and My Hope Is by next Monday we'll have a ceasefire all right while eating ice cream with late night host Seth Meyers Biden casually dropped that he hoped for an Israeli Hamas ceasefire by next week call it mint chip diploma body language expert Patt
y Wood is with us all right Patty I mean everybody's hopeful right when you're eating ice cream everybody's excited and hopeful but what was the president really what was the president really telling us well you know you it's created a gotcha moment for him because e body language is joyous buoyant it makes you smile it's silly and he's stuck with an ice cream cone in his hand and he's asking ask about a ceasefire in Gaza so his body language naturally does not match that question that the serio
usness the gravitas of that so they created that moment for him but he does subdue his body language as he's asked the question what I liked what made me feel safe about his answer safe about the situation is he answered calmly and matter of factly uh with a certain level of um confidence in it uh and that voice the par language cues that matched the question in a way that showed authentic belief that it can happen that the ceasefire can happen it looked crazy because he's got an ice cream C in
his well look we look we've obviously followed the president's um issues when it comes to speaking extemporaneously and in these moments over the past couple of years and we've seen him have some hard times you and I have talked about him he was actually sort of at his best at this moment and I think what what struck me and I'll we'll play the clip uh you know without the sound again but he sort of started to answer and then he kind of stopped himself and then he restarted was that authentic or
did he have the second part of that answer pre-planned well part of that is he's had a stter since he was a small child and so sometimes people with a stutter have learned to start again to get get clearly through a statement but also I think it was that switch he wanted to make that switch of I was just asked a question about something incredibly serious I want to make sure I match that I come to that place of seriousness and his demeanor he I didn't feel like it was he was puzzled or SE the ri
ght answer I didn't see any of that that stuttering yeah you almost think it if they put him in more situations like that he he would he would do better um he was on Seth Myers's show as well um it's kind of an odd place to talk about Israel Hamas and and do that rather than say from the Rose Garden or you know talking to reporters reporting Marine One or whatever but that's where that's where he chose to do it uh here he is talking about uh Israel which obviously he has a big problem with when
it comes to Arab Americans he's trying to put a lot of pressure on Israel here he is take a listen Israel has had the overwhelming support of the vast majority of Nations if it keeps this up without this incredibly conservative government they have they're going to lose support from around the world how does he look so different there than he did in the ice cream shop well I think here he's doing this gesture that I think is Meaningful he is holding his hands in a in a slight grasp Palms down be
cause he in this moment is being asked of can he calm down this situation in Gaza can he make Israel make the right decision so he's holding that down and as he further into this statement you actually see him make a padding down motion as he talks about the situation um I kind of like that it makes me feel like he's in control of the situation he's not flailing his arms out like this um so another politician who kind of does that isn't there kind of flails their AR there's another politician th
at kind of flails their arms I wonder why they came to my mind this evening I don't I don't know I don't know but thanks for watching go to join to find news Nation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact driven unbiased coverage



Everyone relax, I'm enjoying my ice cream cone and everything is going great.


Where is all the ice cream going, Biden looks like he has lost a lot of weight and is very frail.


At the same moment Iran has their nuclear weapons program just about wrapped up. "Yummy, me want ice cream."


Ooh she felt safe


God this is insulting to see our president eating ice cream on camera all the time. I'm glad life is so light for you Joe, wish it was so easy for the rest of us


One question three answers.


Dam shame, the media treated Biden like a kid nd ask kindergarten questions. Meanwhile they ask Trump questions like he is studying for a PHD.


what time of day was this?


Pretty sure Joe Biden thinks that ice cream cone is a microphone...


To me he looks like a grandpa answering a question. It does look a little silly when you think about the seriousness of the question. I don't think he should do more questions like that because I wouldn't take him seriously. A few lighthearted moments are fine, but it shouldn't be the norm.


Stupid people look at the ice cream smart people listen to what heโ€™s saying


But, of course, this was all rehearsed.


Trump would have to use both little hands to hold on to the cone


What world do we live in when a senior citizen cant even enjoy his ice cream in peace ๐Ÿ˜•


This was embarrassing on Uk news they showed kids running for parcels of food falling from the sky poor kids are starving then show him enjoying his ice cream. History will judge humans non actions. The world sits by and watches women and children getting slathered. They are NOT the enemy


Pseudo science. How embarrassing. What has the news become?


Good Lord every time I see Biden heโ€™s either falling down or eating ice cream๐Ÿ˜‚ like heโ€™s at the retirement home, itโ€™s just not a good look


Is it really that deep? lol come on guys. The man just eating some ice cream. Dam


ERP, Obiden makes ice cream look nauseating af.


NewsNation should just admit that they're a Fox News clone