
Boost Your Brand Growth with Seller Central's Customer Lifetime Value Tool

Learn how to boost your brand growth with Seller Central's Customer Lifetime Value Tool! This tool can help you analyze and improve customer relationships to increase sales and grow your brand. Start optimizing your customer lifetime value today!

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1 day ago

Boost Your Brand Growth with Seller  Central's Customer Lifetime Value Tool (1) === [00:00:00] In Seller Central, if you're brand  registered, are you using the predictive customer lifetime value tool yet? If not, you're  missing out on seeing which customers are most likely to help your brand grow the next  year. This is really great for consumables and looking at which types of customers you could  potentially target with additional promotions, like brand tailor promotions and things like  tha
t, that'll help them maybe move from that. Oh, you know, they haven't bought  in a while to adding to their cart, or you could also use this inside your  advertising strategy with thinking about how to retarget and how frequently to retarget  people that have already purchased from you in the past. So if you're not already using  that tool, make sure to look into that today.
