
Borderlands - Trailers Impressions #borderlands #borderlandsmovie

Borderlands and I know this trailer come out uh a while ago but I want to review the movie so I'm going to do uh my first ...

Elemental Idea

7 hours ago

Borderlands and I know this trailer come out  uh a while ago but I want to review the movie so I'm going to do uh my first impression for  the trailer because it's the first time I saw it so what I gather is the cast I don't know why  they I think the cast is failing um I think like Kate Blancher is awesome but she's a little  old uh well the same go for jimy Lee Curtis and I see that Kevin Hart doesn't go with the  role either if you're not like a hardcore uh fan for the game uh I think it's go
ing to be  a fun movie but still if you're making an IP the already exist why you insist to make it away  from what it is right so that's that's some stuff the Hollywood uh doesn't grasp yet but it looks  like a fan movie and let's hope it's enjoyable



Why do you kinda soud like gus fring 😂