
Boy Becomes Monk To Avoid All Girls | Part 2 | Anime Recap

Akemitsu Akagamai is abandoned by his father who leaves him to go chase women. This traumatizes the young Akemitsu, so he decides to completely disassociate and avoid all contact with girls. Anime Name: TenPuru: No One Can Live On Loneliness anime recap, anime recaps, anime recap romance, romance anime #animerecap #animereview #romanceanime #tenpuru

Neko Anime Recaps

3 months ago

With the future of her family shrine at stake, priestess Yuzuki and the boy turned monk Akemitsu head to Yuzuki’s marriage candidate appointment. But after Yuzuki makes several mistakes navigating the city, they end up getting trapped in a truck. Luckily, Akemitsu is able to break through the truck doors and commandeer the vehicle. Yuzuki must get married soon, because the lack of a head priest for the Mikazuki Temple means that it will soon be shut down. After a rough landing Akemitsu and Yuzuk
i makes it to a neighboring Ryukoku Temple for her matchmaking meeting. Akemitsu says his goodbyes and wishes her luck, but while waiting for her one of the priestesses of the temple mistakes him for one of their monks and drags him away for work. Meanwhile Yuzuki meets her marriage candidate, a monk named Kijo Hoan and she starts to talk about her life at the Mikazuki temple, when she suddenly spots Akemitsu working nearby. Akemitsu starts beating himself up when he becomes worried that his pre
sence is distracting but things get worse when the matchmaker becomes sick and Akemitsu needs to take his place. A horrified Yuzuki is worried that Akemitsu will mess up the meeting, and her worry starts to increase when during the interview Akemitsu becomes jealous and angry when Kijo starts to talk about a future life with Yuzuki. Soon enough Akemitsu passes out in rage and has to be dragged away. But when Kijo tells Yuzuki he has a good sense of her character, she admits that she is lying tha
t she wants to be married. Yuzuki actually just wants to save the temple, and she was given advice to try to find a marriage candidate to save the shrine but later divorce the priest because she isn’t interested in being tied down. Kijo is understanding of the situation, but he also points out that the Mikazuki Temple is in a terrible shape due to their poor finances and that the temple may not be worth protecting. Suddenly Akemitsu appears, distraught over the role his father played in bankrupt
ing the temple and he swears to do anything he can to help save it. When Kijo attempts to leave Akemitsu begs him to help and Kijo begins to question Akemitsu on his dedication. After asking if Akemitsu will support Yuzuki for the rest of his life and help protect the temple, Yuzuki realizes that Kijo is almost asking Akemitsu to give marriage vows. In the end, Kijo agrees to the engagement to help save the temple even though his interference displeases his head priestess. Later that night Yuzuk
i and Akemitsu head back, and the priestess apologizes to him for all the trouble. But when Akemitsu realizes that the temple will stay open and he won’t be homeless, he starts dancing happily in the street, leading an embarrassed Yuzuki to hug him. Unfortunately for the pair, the last train has already left for the night leaving them stranded. Noticing that Yuzuki won’t be able to make it back to the temple with her sandals, they end up taking shelter in a nearby love hotel to Akemitsu’s shock
and discomfort. After they check in, Akemitsu realizes that Yuzuki has no idea what the true purpose of the hotel usually is. Akemitsu tries to hide the truth from her, but this fails when Yuzuki accidentally turns on the television. Both Akemitsu and Yuzuki struggle with the realization that they are in a love hotel, with Yuzuki thinking about Akemitsu’s dedication to her during the matchmaking meeting. She wants to ask Akemitsu about his intentions, but is exasperated when he ties himself up t
o a cross to punish himself for entering a love hotel. The next morning they make their way back to the temple and try to pretend nothing happened. Later, Yuzuki and her sister Tsukuyo are making their way to school when Tsukuyo asks her sister about what happened after the marriage meeting. After finding out that Yuzuki went to a love hotel with Akemitsu, she reminds her sister to keep quiet about a young man living in the temple at school because the temple is technically supposed to be a nunn
ery. Tsukuyo also wants to make sure that the family reputation is preserved at school. Unfortunately, as soon as Tsukuyo gets to school her friends confront her about rumors that she got a boyfriend and that some of the classmates had seen her kissing a man in monk robes. Tsukuyo realizes that the rumors are misunderstanding a previous situation with Akemitsu but she is unable to dispel the rumors when her friends start to celebrate. To make matters worse, Akemitsu appears on campus wearing his
monk robes to help deliver her lunch. Before he can interact with her classmates, Tsukuyo quickly ambushes him with a disguise to prevent him from accidentally triggering more rumors. She takes him to the nurses office but also stops him from leaving because there are too many students around the school. Suddenly her friends arrive, and she has to hide Akemitsu with her on a bed, leaving them in a cramped situation. They both try to make due with this terrible situation, while Akemitsu discover
s that Tsukuyo has recently quit her position in the archery club. After her friends leave, the monk wonders why she had left the archery club. But when he excitedly proclaims his support they end up getting discovered by her friends anyway. Tsukuyo had actually joined the archery club inspired by her older sister, but when Yuzuki had to take care of the temple she was forced to quit the club and Tsukuyo decided to quit as well. Meanwhile, Akemitsu is cleaning the temple the following day when Y
uzuki shows off her archery skills, advising him that it is a useful activity for meditation. Inspired by her demonstration, Akemitsu looks for Tsukuyo to talk about archery but the middle sister is hiding in her room. The monk decides to use a rope to get to her window and he tells her that he finished all the chores around the temple so that she could have time to rejoin the archery club. But to his surprise Tsukuyo tells him she isn’t interested and she leaves the temple on an errand. However
, when Tsukuyo walks by the nearby archery range she can’t help herself but walks in on the pretext to help clean the archery hall. She finds herself unintentionally practicing archery when she discovers Akemitsu has followed her. After they leave the archery hall, Akemitsu wonders why she won’t rejoin the archery club because she appears so interested in the sport. But Tsukuyo reveals that her older sister Yuzuki is much better at archery than her, and she feels that she doesn’t deserve to be a
ble to do archery if her more skilled sister had to quit to take care of the temple. Akemitsu tells her not to feel guilty about the responsibility her sister has had to take, and he brings her to see Yuzuki practicing archery as a form of meditative practice. He also shows Tsukuyo how terrible her older sister really is in archery, and that Yuzuki’s fabled skills as a figment of Tsukuyo’s imagination. Yuzuki reveals that she actually quit the club not because she was too busy taking care of the
temple, but because no matter how hard she practiced she was always terrible at archery. Afterwards the sisters reconcile with each other. And later that night Tsukuyo tells Akemitsu that she has decided to return to the archery club and when she asks him why he helped her, he responds that understands her struggle to pursue her passion while being held back by family circumstances. A grateful Tsukuyo then seems to kiss him, but she pulls away to write an idiot on his forehead instead. The next
day Akemitsu prepares lunch for her, and she decides to formally introduce him to her friends at the archery club as a monk at their temple. Meanwhile, Kurage is thinking about all the changes that have happened recently at the temple while writing in her diary. She appreciates the presence of Akemitsu especially since her family seems to be happier lately and she will never run out of things to write about since chaos keeps happening at the temple due to him. Later, Yuzuki discovers that she h
as gained weight recently. She speaks with the rest of the temple and discusses the possibility that their weight scale has become cursed by a spirit since it seems to be reading everybody’s weight. Refusing to acknowledge that they have all gained weight, they come up with different strategies like dieting and exercise, and with Tsukuyo’s suggestion they all start yoga exercises. But although they start off strong, the girls eventually give up and are unable to continue. Their next plan is diet
ing and Yuzuki discusses the possibility of asking Akemitsu to cook less food for them to eat. None of the girls want to reveal they have gained weight to Akemitsu, but Kurage reveals that she would willingly give up one of her sisters if she could keep eating the food that they get. Instead she asks one of her sisters to marry him so that he can stay at the temple forever to cook for them. After persuading her against the idea, Yuzuki thinks that since Akemitsu cooks healthy food it might be ok
ay for them to do nothing, until he arrives with freshly cooked sweets for them to eat which completely eliminates all their weight loss progress. The next day Yuzuki asks Akemitsu to start adding vegetables to all their meals but after he agrees he spots her holding an old axe. Frightened with the possibility that she is practicing her beheading skills, Akemitsu desperately tries to make an excellent meal so that she won’t get angry and attack him. But when Yuzuki has no reaction to his cooking
, the monk continuously passes out in fear. He later finds Yuzuki struggling on the ground and fears that he will be attacked. But the head priestess Kiki tells him that Yuzuki is practicing a skill that head priests need to learn where they react to nothing and hold the same position for two days. This also explains why she had no reaction to his cooking and why she had an axe earlier that day, since firewood chopping is important to the training. Inspired by her dedication, Akemitsu asks if he
could join the training as well and since he has been working hard at the temple Kiki gives him permission to train with Yuzuki. Meanwhile Mia overhears them as well and decides to join, which slightly annoys Yuzuki. They first start with learning several sutras and bowing positions from Kiki, and Akemitsu is surprised that this is a core skill that monks need to learn which means he hasn’t actually become a monk yet. Yuzuki arrives to demonstrate how ignoring sensations will lead to enlightenm
ent, but she becomes easily distracted and fails. As they watch her perform firewood chopping, Kiki tells them that Yuzuki isn’t a true priestess yet either since she is still undergoing her training. A determined Akemitsu rushes to Yuzuki and declares he will support her and help her become a true priestess. But before they can start training, Kijo from the Ryukoku Temple makes a sudden visit. After surprising the inhabitants of the temple, Kijo announces his intention to inspect the temple whi
ch he finds to be in a state of serious disrepair. The normally calm Kiki reacts angrily to his presence, especially when Kijo is disappointed that Yuzuki hasn’t actually completed her priestess training yet. He then announces that if in three months time Yuzuki doesn’t pass her training, he will break off the engagement which will force their temple to close. And this is all for this video, make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next one.



My man is focused


Nice video