
BPO 'Beyond the Planets' special concert for the eclipse

Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra 'Beyond the Planets' special concert for the Total Solar Eclipse


11 hours ago

talking about it for weeks the total solar eclipse is now just 5 days away it will begin over the South Pacific Ocean before making its way to North America by 11:00 a.m. totality will take over parts of Texas then the path will continue across the country and it will wind up here in Buffalo where we will experience totality at approximately 3:18 p.m. and there is of course so much excitement building up to that big moment joining us live in studio right now is Buffalo Phil harmonic orchestra mu
sic director Joanne feta thanks so much for being here on most Buffalo Joanne thank you I'm so excited about the eclipse and about our concert and yeah you put a whole concert together just to get ready and celebrate the coming Eclipse so tell us about it what's it going to be like well this has been in the planning for a year and a half wow but it the main feature is an enormous and popular piece called the planets of course by Gustaf Holtz some people will know that they know it but everybody
knows this everyone knows this if if it's like a surround sound piece loud dramatic gigantic uh from Mars to the beautiful Venus to to every planet It's amazing And while people are listening to this music we are actually live syncing photography of NASA that NASA has put together for us so they'll see this extraordinary show of outer space of the planets while they're listening to this music I that's really a very very unusual thing so I don't want people to miss that it's just too good and yea
h if you've never seen the BP with the projection a I know you do movies and different things it's really just an amazing multi-sensory experience and NASA produced this footage for you they did they did we put it together they gave us the the the raw material put it together and and it's really and and before the concert we have a NASA scientist with us to talk about what's going to happen at the eclipse so so I mean we are pulling out all the stops this is something we've been so excited about
and uh we just don't want people to not be there it's it's happening on Friday morning and Saturday night so plenty of time to get ready for the real Eclipse but don't miss this incredible music you said this has been in the works for a year and a half and is this the kind of thing that even though this is a scientific atmospheric event artists and musicians can of course appreciate it and draw inspiration from it as well oh absolutely and the music does that because each planet has its own per
sonality Mars is about war so it's very threatening and very loud Venus of course of love so so uh it's really artistic I mean it's just a beautiful experience to be at live with the BP and people who've been in clein Hance know that the the music just like surrounds you in that in that situation and it's it takes you to a different place and you know you'll be up there in the in the universe looking at everything and really ready then for Monday and have any of the musicians at rehearsals or an
ything talked about what they'll be doing on Monday or will you be in rehearsal are people going to be playing luckily Monday is our only day off okay you know orchestras work six days a week but Monday's our day off so everyone has their own plans I've got my little spot picked out my sister's coming up from New Jersey to to be there so we're all thrilled but um having a chance to sort of share this music raises the excitement level and uh I think that people who've never heard the BPO if you'v
e never heard us this is the concert this is the concert the planets and it's coming up Friday morning and Saturday night at kleinan Music Hall anything else that we're not mentioning that you'd want to share well just that uh we look forward to seeing people there and I can guarantee them that they will have a fantastic time I'm sure you'll have visitors from all over as well all the visitors coming to town early people are already bought their tickets they're coming in to of course see the ecl
ipse but but they taking in the concert too and get there early if you want to hear from the NASA scientists that's right okay wonderful tiet avable yes all right Joanne fleta is the music director of the Buffalo philarmonic Orchestra thank you so much for being here and and sharing the the concert experience with us here thank you so much thank you and of course Channel 2 is your Eclipse epicenter as we continue to countdown to the big day join us on April 8th for extended live coverage
starting at 11:00 a.m. on Monday we'll take you across Western New York from Niagara Falls to Jamestown to show how our region will all experience the eclipse together we'll also have live experts to walk you through what what happening join us Monday beginning at 11:00 a.m. right here on Channel 2
