
Breacher Teams Laugh in the Face of "Unbreachable" Aliens! | HFY | Sci Fi Short Story |

They were known across the galaxy as the best at breaching even the most formidable defenses. When a Tarkossian orbital fortress threatens a vital system, Sergeant Major Kane leads his elite human Marine breacher teams on a daring op to crack open the enemy citadel. Fighting deck by deck, the breachers' creed is maximum speed and violence of action. But will that be enough to plant their explosives at the heart of the impregnable base before the advancing alien counterassault overwhelms them? All of my stories are original.

ALL Sci Fi

3 days ago

sergeant major Cain looked out over his assembled breachers their matte black assault armor barely reflecting the bright lights of the launch bay all right breachers listen up today we crack the tarian orbital Fortress over Kar Intel shows they've got a standard diamond formation of pulse ion cannons protecting a concentric sphere layout around the core nothing we haven't breached a dozen times before the breachers pounded their armored fists against their chests and roared approval Cain continu
ed pacing before them like a Chieftain rallying his Warriors for a raid their defenses are designed to repel Capital ships or missile volleys not a specialized Strike Team punching a hole straight into their heart will be going in hard and fast through a weak point spotted in the AFT ventral quadrant he tapped a button on his Gauntlet display a holographic model of the Fortress appearing before them rotating slowly once we breach Hawkins takes red team starboard while I lead blue team Portside s
weep and clear security bulkheads until we reach the central sphere and the reactor Bay the assembled Marines nodded silently focused and ready they were the elite breacher shock troops of the United tan Federation inheritors of centuries of Daring assault Doctrine passed down from the legendary 21st century special operators where other races hesitated when faced with formidable orbital defenses the humans relished the challenge finding way to overcome any obstacle through equal parts creativit
y technology and courage kan's ice blue eyes gleamed with predatory excitement behind his face plate the tarians think their Fortress Is impregnable they believe that nothing could possibly breach that thick neutronium shell protecting their precious guns let's show them how very wrong they are the Marines howled their battle cries pumped up and hungry for Action transport alarms blared the magnetic containment field dropping as the specially modified assault shuttle maneuvered into the bay the
rear loading ramp extended with a hiss of hydraulics seal helmets and check gear we breach in tus2 shouted cane over the den the breachers swiftly secured helmets testing weapon systems integrated into their combat suits each Marine was equipped with micro hydraulic powered limbs for smashing through obstacles along with an assortment of plasma torches wire cutters explosives and electronic countermeasures gear integrated into the armored exoskeleton tools specially designed to carve entrance ho
les into even the most stubborn defenses Sergeant Hawkins leader of red team clasped forearms with Caine though the men couldn't see each other's faces behind the tinted face plates they had fought countless battles together this was just another mission see you on the inside sergeant major said Hawkins his voice cracking over the suits external Vox amplifier s try to keep up Hawkins laughed Cain as he stroe up the ramp slapping the man on his armored shoulder the breach teams filed into the ass
ault shuttle taking positions on shock absorbing benches along the sides of the cramped passenger compartment as the armored door slammed shut behind them acceleration pressed the Marines back into their seats as the shuttle blasted out of the hanger weaving between the engines of the Teran battle cruiser orbiting high above kther 1 minute to Target reported the pilot over the internal comms the breachers said nothing running through weapons checks and suit Diagnostics each Marine psyching himse
lf up for the imminent Clash breacher Doctrine called for unrelenting speed and violence of action like their ancient ancestors crashing against steel castles with Siege towers and battering rams they lived to smash their way into the enemy's most hardened sanctuaries 30 seconds came the call the shuttle vibrated as the outer ablative shell was was blown away exposing the dense Neutron Boron inner hull this radiation shielding would protect the breach team for the precious few seconds needed to
burn their way inside to relative safety from the enemy guns at least that was the theory brace for impact the Pilot's warning was nearly drowned out by the sudden shriek of proximity alarms the tarians had spotted the incoming craft swinging their ion cannons into position blinding white flashes erupted from the rocky surface of colon as mighty electromagnetic rails propelled streams of deadly subatomic particles into space the shuttle jolted wildly but held course as the pilot fired attitude t
hrusters to stabilize their trajectory the Marines ignored the teeth rattling shocks psyched up for the drop the range closed rapidly The Battered shuttle aiming straight for the shimmering energy barrier protecting the relatively tiny breach point in the battle station's layered defenses the pilot diverted all available power to the forward Shields an instant before impact with a flash of blue cherenov radiation the overstressed barrier field collapsed just as the shuttle crashed through the ou
ter neutronium Hull and into the armored corridors of the tarosan station emergency bulkheads slammed shut on all sides as the shuttle skewered through several layers of deck plating before coming to rest partially buried in the station's super structure the rear hatch blew off and sergeant major cane stormed out plasma rifle blazing the rest of blue team fanned out behind him Hawkins and Red Team spilling from the other side of the ruined shuttle alarms wailed at the sudden decompression the br
each teams mag loocking their boots to the deck plates to keep from being sucked out into space through the gaping wounds torn through the orbital Fortress the First tarosan Responders rounded a corner and ran straight into the human breach teams brief surprise registered on their fanged faces before being blotted out by rapid reflexes honed over countless hours of tactical drills Rippling fields of coherent energy erupted down the corridor plasma bolts and ionized particle beams crisscrossing t
hrough the panicked melee the tarians had reacted swiftly but they were only internal security teams equipped to handle small infiltrations or civil insurrections they were no match for two squads of elite Teran breachers the desperate aliens quickly collapsed under the Savage human assault breaching team forward shouted Cain pointing with the smoking barrel of his rifle towards a yawning blast hole torn through the security bulkhead leaping bodies of dead tarosan were unceremoniously shoved asi
de by armored gauntlets smeared with glowing alien blood emergency sealant foam gushed from ruptured pipes slowly hardening as it filled suddenly vacated spaces within the ravaged Corridor the foam would slow any Pursuit but that hardly concerned Cain his mission was to plunge ever deeper into the bowels of this Fortress and no mundane security measures would impede him for long his heavily armored breachers were like a spike Ram straight into the station's heart once lodged inside their target
nothing short of utter Annihilation would pry them loose before the objective was achieved cutting through announced Hawkins extending a focused plasma Lance from his arm to slice an opening in the shimmering emergency field blocking the team's Advance Showers of Sparks erupted under the 10,000 Dee plasma stream as Hawkins swiftly traced an entry point wide enough for two men to pass through a breast Cain fired a micro grenade from his shoulder launcher down the newly open passageway Beyond a Th
underclap shook the walls and rattled helmets as the breaching charge blew the next bulkhead open Caine was first through his men close behind in textbook bounding Advance formation one fire team covered the next as each breached the next obstacle there would be no slope pecking at external defenses with these daring Raiders the Teran Doctrine relied on achieving immediate shock and Chaos through Relentless momentum straight into the enemy's vulnerable vital systems deck by deck the breacher tea
ms fought their way closer to the spherical Central reactor Bay the throbbing Heart Of Destruction high above the atmosphere of Cur missile strikes or capital ship guns might Scar the surface but the humans were determined to plunge a blade straight into the station's vulnerable core Troopers who had never faced a breacher assault crumpled before the fury of the Relentless humans even as they transmitted desperate pleas for reinforcements against this unprecedented attack several decks later the
teams finally encountered dedicated Zerg assault troops the tarians reacted swiftly to this new threat maneuvering to surround and isolate the breachers from their goal through a series of coordinated counterattacks but by this point Kane's HUD marker showed only three more levels until the reactor Bay and he could practically smell it no mere internal security Force could stop them now they were so damn close the desperate battle against the tarian assault squads raged up and down Zerg passage
ways across rotating Hab sections through hydroponic Gardens and Water Reclamation plants nothing slowed the progress of the Teran breachers as they blasted smashed and cut their way forward against increasingly stiff resistance the bodies of dead aliens and destroyed defense turrets floated in the breach wake amid swirling clouds of crimson blood crystals finally reaching the reactor bay doors Kane's team set their breaching charges in sequence while Hawkin Squad provided covering fire against
the tarosan assault teams still doggedly trying to terminate these Interlopers there would be no help from reinforcements the breacher doctrine relied on speed and decisiveness not gradual attrition and slow advancement they would achieve their objective quickly or die trying no drawn out sieges for these modern Warriors breach on my Mark ordered cane taking position beside the entry hatch they had just wired with linked explosive discs and thermite paste his HUD flickered rapidly with damage al
erts as tarosan fire raked against his squad's rapidly fading Shields 3 2 breach hell exploded through the entryway molten Composite Materials splashing across Scorch deck plates to join floating Globs of flash boiled alien blood Cain was through first his men close behind with weapons blazing the surprised technicians within barely had a chance to look up from their instrument panels before being cut down by the Relentless Onslaught C detached a cluster charge from his belt and expertly activat
ed the magnetic clamps slapping it down upon the emitting array of the Colossal Singularity reactor dominating the center of the compartment demo set perimeter defense He barked his men spread out around the spherical chamber forming an armored wall bristling with plasma repeaters and automatic grenade launchers daring the depleted tarosan assault teams to come dislodge them Kane established a remote Uplink to his Cruiser still dueling the tashian battle Fleet in high orbit Strike Team to Overlo
rd actual mission accomplished payload attached ready for extraction copy Strike Team came the clipped reply from the tan Flagship extraction inbound ETA 3 minutes well done Kane allowed himself a fair grin behind his face plate at those final words another impenetrable Fortress cracked wide open and awaiting Annihilation command was right they had done well this day breacher Doctrine had carried the day once more never failing in over 300 years since their formation a few minutes later assault
shuttles emblazened with Fierce Teran symbols touched down within the ravaged Landing Bay originally torn open by the breachers Bold arrival survivors dashed aboard avoiding sporadic parting shots from tarosan security teams still gamely trying to repel these audacious Raiders even as their Doom counted down to donation a few decks below safely back aboard the battle cruiser and watching from the Tactical display Suite Cain felt the familiar surge of adrenaline and satisfaction that came after e
very successful breach and demolish op behind him floated the broken wreck of the formerly impregnable orbital Fortress now just a tangled mass of slag and debris marking a pivotal defeat for the tarian fleet let them puzzle over the civilian shuttle never showing up on their scans that had delivered such death and destruction straight into their inner sanctum he thought with a tired grin even now the breachers were analyzing Telemetry in schematics of the Fortress incorporating new Lessons Lear
ned into Doctrine and specialized tactics for the Next Generation there was always another Fortress another impenetrable defense to overcome and defeat utterly such was the armored fist that held a loft the torch of human civilization among often hostile starsnone could stand before breacher teams Unleashed thought Cain with pride we scale the most formidable barriers smash through the thickest defenses and stride straight into the enemy's beating heart that is our special art unique among the k
nown Galaxy we are breachers and we shall never be stopped



Imagine wearing something like the armored suit pictured in the video and then dropping something important on the ground.


Sappers up!


Gotta say those suits look dope af


Great story


Alien Commander: Our fortress is unconquerable. Our shields are impenetrable, our walls thicks, our garrison seasoned veterans... Alien Minion: Yes, boss. Alien Commander: Nobody is crazy enough to come here to fight us. In the shadows of the same base. Human Commando (1): All right boys, five minutes and we bring the hell. The main army is waiting. Human Commando (2): Why not now sir? The troops are ready. Human Commando (1): Because he is speaking. Human Commando (2): Oh! We are kind people now? Giving a few minutes of peace before the storm? The leader of the human team hits his soldier. Human Commando (1): Of course not. I'm recording this. I like see the step from almighty to cry baby. You know, like: Guest who is here?!


GM ❄️☕️ 2nd ….They’re going in through a “aft”…so going in through the asssss😆