
Breakdown (& Speculations) of the Intro to Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake

The intro to the 2nd episode of the Fionna & Cake series took my breath away and made my heart skip multiple beats. Unique Adventure Time opening themes are always a treat, and this one is no different. Join me as I break down the intro, as well as speculate and theorycraft on what the imagery might mean for the rest of the Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake series. Patreon: Donate:

Uncivilized Elk

5 months ago

The intro to the 2nd episode of the Fionna &  Cake series took my breathe away, but can you blame me!? It comes at you fast and hard at  a breakneck pace, and concludes before you’re even done processing what you’ve seen. I really  dug that shnazzy mystery-laden sound and I loved the accompanying visuals. I assume this is going  to be the opening for the rest of the episodes, though it would be absolutely amazing if there  were more unique intros before the series ends. Okay, enough preamble, le
t’s  jump into the breakdown. The opening theme starts with zooming  through the Human City – which is a floating metropolis occupied by the human  colony that migrated from Founders’ Island. This is where Simon Petrikov currently lives  and works in a human zoo-esque situation. We did not need even more foreshadowing that  Fionna’s world might be in Simon’s head, but the intro literally shows  her world inside his head. My eyes went wide at the Golb effigy  that showed up after Simon’s spectacl
es, but I didn’t have to wonder about it for  very long, because it was representative of Simon’s ritual (to open a portal to Golb)  going haywire at the end of the 2nd episode. Fionna runs through the streets  of her reality in her work outfit, prime world adult Finn runs through the  forest he took Simon to in the 2nd episode, and something I missed during my first viewing  of this intro was that between those clips, there looks to be a buff baby Finn joining  the fray to punch some buns in a
decrepit town overgrown by fungus? If this ain’t a young Finn,  then I don’t know what the hell I’m looking at. Younger Finn relates inversely to what we see  next, which is the Fern Tree looking as it did around the time Betty merged with Golb, followed  by the Fern Tree 1000+ years into its growth. So given these two things, are we going to have  time shenanigans enter play during this series!? We know Prismo can manipulate time and mess with  reality as if he was editing videos for YouTube, b
ut it’s gonna be wild if Prismo ends up editing  time intervals of 1000+ years. That opens up the potential for so much chaos – for all we know it’s  gonna turn out that in the future, Simon turns into Magic Man and travels back in time to live  on Mars! (I am joking here, to be clear.) On an actually serious thought, some timey-wimey stuff  might help us answer why the Ice Thing showed up in the Temple of Mars during Betty’s quest, [Finn: Hey, he’s juking the stats!] since that broke the chrono
logical order of when  Gunter wore the Ice Crown to become the Ice Thing. Continuing with the intro, there’s  destroyed buildings from Fionna’s world which are followed by a reel burn  effect, signifying what I’d imagine to be the potential destruction of the  entire non-magical Fionna & Cake reality. The snapshots of Simon at different angles almost  look like a series of mugshots to me, which makes me wonder if perhaps Simon will get accused of a  cosmic crime (such as for bridging dimensions
that should not have been bridged)? The last snapshot  has the back of Simon’s head glowing with sparkly blue portal magic, foretelling Cake emerging  from his head at the end of the 2nd episode. There’s tired Prismo looking a bit worse for wear  with some new facial hair – obviously Prismo and his outside-of-time room and magical spacetime  remote will have a prominent role in this series. I adore the animation of Fionna  hitting the ground running, but Fionna totally clipped her leg through  h
er shoulder if you frame by frame it. Next, Fionna and Cake fight ice cream creatures, and also dehydrate themselves via tears in what  looks to be a smoldering desert. It took me a few rewatches to finally notice that Fionna is wearing the jacket of Finn’s dad! What is that about!? Are we gonna get to see a genderswapped Martin AKA Martia Campbell? Cake goes through a series of transformations  that I don’t think signify anything(?), before her and Fionna leap into the vastness of  space outs
ide Prismo’s Time Room. The intro ends with Simon in the classic blue muumuu of Ice King  hanging on to a geometric shape that also snagged the Ice Crown. Prime Gunter had physically  merged with the Ice Crown, so this Crown must be from a different universe, I would presume.  If it turns out to be the Farmworld Ice Crown, Prismo really goofed in his attempt to destroy it. [Prismo: There. Now the ground zero bomb explosion  should destroy the Crown in that reality.] But it’s also possible this s
pecific Ice  Crown is from a reality we have yet to see, or an entirely symbolic representation that the  legacy of the Ice Crown continues to haunt Simon. Okay, so that’s gonna wrap things up. I was  originally gonna have this be the opening section to my review of the episode “Simon Petrikov,” but  the intro breakdown got so chunky that I decided to just split it off into its own video. Let  me know in the comments if I missed something, or if you have any thoughts or predictions based  off th
is awesome intro. I hope you look forward to my review of the episode “Simon Petrikov”  which will be coming soon. Tata for now.



Cake transforms into one of Golb's floating 3d shapes. The same that show up around it and the same that show up in Simon's rituals


Heard someone say that maybe the reason Prismo isn't doing too well (with bags under his eyes, some stubble, and also a messy room at 3:28) is because of Jake's Death, which is really sad to think about, but would make total sense. I would be surprised if Jake's death never got addressed seeing as Finn seems very suppressive of it, so it seems like he'll go through an arc at some point in the show, which could involve Prismo


Everyone likes the mainstream characters, i, instead, love the two headed goose that in Fionna's world are just two separate geese and yet they stay togheter


I kind of hope each episode does have its own unique intro. We can never get enough songs when it comes to Adventure Time and I think the more this series goes on, the more variety in worlds and characters we'll see, and an appropriate intro song would be a cool way to introduce and differentiate the episodes.


The little golb effigy breaking in two is such cool imagery.


Fionna's mom would be Martia Mertins, since Fionna's last name is Cambell & not Mertins plus she lives in a genderswapped reality it makes sense why she would take the last name of the genderswapped Minerva Campbell


The intro tells you so much in only the first 3 seconds, it's pretty blink if you miss it, I love it


I'm betting that the "young Finn" is actually gonna be that little girl from episode 2.


The younger baby finn from the intro is probably just finns equivalent from the universe where Marceline became evil and helped the vampires instead of humans that had some clips leaked of it.


I love the idea that the Fionna and Cake world becomes "boring" because Simon isn't Ice King anymore. Because they only exist inside of his mind, literally and physically to an extent... they popped out of a portal from the back of his mind. Signifying that they still exist, similar to the Ice King identity, in his mind, even if they are simply " in the back of his mind". A common phrase used to represent an idea that lingers in your head even if they're not at the forefront. I hope that this is the case because I think its super cool and pretty much the first thought i had when i saw cake come out of his hair lol


That part where the jazz finally gets going and Fionna and Cake leap over Simon is perfect


Fiona’s world has a bunch of small problems like missing pieces in its background, like the middle of pillars missing. Wonder what it could mean


I love how Fiona and cake isn't just Fiona and cake. It's an adventure time multiverse series😁👍


Wow, more Uncivilized Elk content! I’m almost as excited for your reviews as I am for the actual episodes! Keep up the great work! 4:03 it would technically be Martia Mertens


its actually crazy to me how good your writing is. its so snappy and well phrased. I watched a few other people's breakdown of this intro and they all spend like 5x the video length to barely explain anything while writing with middleschool grammar.


Literally buzzing with excitement at the anticipation of you reviewing episode two. It’s such a good episode and hits like a flippin truck


So good to see you back, dude. It's always fun to be part of something bigger, especially when that something rewards different perspectives so much. Gives me those oldschool fandom vibes


You have no idea how many times ive seen your videos; youre literally one of my favorite people ever. Thanks for your dedication; wanted to make that clear.


So awesome to see you return like this, I remember binging your video when I got into adventure time a few years back. Keep up the great work!


Theory finona and cake was magical when Simon was still ice king but Simon is Simon now = no magic and ice king is kinda dead so magic is dead in finona and cakes worlds