
BREAKING NEWS: Putin: "The war has only begun" | Oct. 1, 2022

Amir reports on the Russia/Ukraine situation

Behold Israel with Amir Tsarfati

Streamed 1 year ago

Shalom, everyone. This is Amir Tsarfati. I'm live from Irvine, California. I'm on my way, in just about 45 minutes, to Chino Hills for the Futures Conference today. On this evening, Charlie Kirk will start and then tomorrow, I'll be speaking there in the afternoon. But listen: breaking news, big, big, big news. And if you're not on Telegram, you probably don't even know what I'm talking about. If you are on Telegram, you better check it right now, because tons of stuff has happened since the mo
rning hours. And what you just saw is Vladimir Putin entering the big hall in the Kremlin to give a speech that is a landmark in the future of this planet, of all of us, because of his declaration of intentions. So before I go there... and I will talk about the threat of an imminent nuclear war and I'll tell you what, in the last few hours Israeli intelligence picked up from a Russian base in regards to nuclear bombers... So, listen, let's start with a prayer and then jump into this. This is sup
er important. And please share it with as many as you can, okay? Father, I thank You that in You we know we have security, stability, peace and hope and encouragement. Without You, in this world, we are lost. There's so much tribulations ... and wars and rumors of wars, pestilences ... There's so many things that are going on but You, Jesus, told us not to worry, not to be concerned - these things must happen, but the end is not yet there. Lord, we thank You that we [can look into Your] Word and
we can look into world events, we can connect the dots, draw much encouragement, but at the same time, be on the edge of our seat to see Your next move. We thank You and we bless You. In Jesus's name. Amen. Again, shalom everyone. This is Amir Tsarfati. This is breaking news about what's going on in Russia. And listen to me, folks, it is important. I, honestly ... I don't know where to start from because it all goes back to two weeks ago when me and Pastor Barry Stagner gave a special update w
here I gave you on camera, live, a detailed outline of the philosophy of Vladimir Putin's main spiritual leader, Alexander Dugin. And Alexander Dugin ... literally ... What I said two weeks ago from Fort Worth about his philosophy, a few hours ago, Vladimir Putin said these things, word for word. It's amazing! Now, let me explain: in the last few days there was a referendum ... Are we not with sound? The last few days ... Are we with sound? There's sound? ... There's sound. The last few days, t
here was a referendum going on in four Ukrainian provinces, in Donetsk and Lugansk, in Kherson, and in Zaporizhzhia. And in the four of them, just so you know, the majority of the pro Ukrainian people fled already and whoever was left there were people that were actually forced to vote "yay" for an annexation to Mother Land, Russia. And a couple of days ago, I reported to you the actual results of the referendum, if you remember, over 89%, between 89 to 95%, approved to be annexed to Russia. Lad
ies and gentlemen, today, in a big ceremony, you just saw a video of Putin walking inside. Today, in a very big ceremony, Vladimir Putin gets into the hall, gets on the stage. And he said something that is quite remarkable. Now, a lot of Christians are falling for the deception that is going on here, because he is saying the right things, he is against the progressive mindset of the West, he is against the liberal mindset of the West, he is against a lot of the things that all of us as Christian
s are against, which is wonderful. But what you tend to forget is that a couple hours before the speech, he ordered the attack on a Ukrainian convoy that killed 24 civilians within three seconds. All of them were butchered. You're talking about someone who is not exactly a role model for any Christian. So, you know, we can say the right things but if we do the wrong things, we DO the wrong things. We're not to be followed by anyone. So Putin understands that the way to get to the conservative pa
rt of the western world is to say the right words, to come against fluidity in sexual orientation, to come against the change in the family structure. He's against parent one and parent two. He comes against surveillance in society, he comes against what he calls actually the colonization of the rest of the world by the West. You know, he says a lot of things and I'm going to tell you a few things that he said, but I want you to know Christians, for some strange reason which I don't know, fall i
n the trap of that deception. You see, the enemy, Satan, is very smart in deceiving people, not only one way, he is actually deceiving in two ways: to these people he's selling this lie and to the other people he's selling that lie. And no wonder why we are told to judge the tree by its fruit. You know, people can say great things, but if they do the opposite... Let's say there is a serial killer and he's saying, "Hey, I'm a conservative Christian." And on the way to the meeting with you he kill
ed ten and on the way out of your meeting with you he's killing another ten. Well, he can have maybe conservative views, but he's definitely not someone you want to align with. Well, this is exactly the situation here. I am not pro-Ukrainian mindset or Western mindset, or Western values, progressive liberal values. No, no, no, it's not even about that. But I identify the fact that there is double deception here. You know, the West is deceived by the fact that they think that gender has fluidity,
and family can be determined by same sex marriage as well. And climate change is the biggest problem and the government can reach out and take your liberties ... All of these things I'm certainly against, but at the same time, I cannot be lectured by someone who is killing innocent civilians, not on a daily basis, but on an hourly basis. Now, let me explain to you what Vladimir Putin did and what he said. But before that I will tell you this: an Israeli satellite company, intelligence company,
has detected ... (And all of that is on Telegram, I have the photos, the maps, the videos. If you're not on Telegram, get it now or else you're not informed and who is not informed nowadays is disinformed, misinformed. Because all the mainstream media will feed you lies or won't tell you anything about what's going on.) Well, an Israeli intelligence company has detected an irregular presence of Russian Tupolev 160 and Tupolev 95. These are strategic NUCLEAR BOMBERS and they are stationed at th
e Olenya airbase. The base is located on the Kola Peninsula, that houses a significant amount of military equipment, tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. You're probably asking me, "Why are you telling us that?" Well, hours earlier, Vladimir Putin said the following thing. In his speech, he says "the USA was the first to use nuclear weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and thus set a precedent." Note the use of the word "precedent", as if it's an excuse for Russian use of nuclear weapons to
day. But he said many more things. He said many, many more things. And allow me to tell you that in the backdrop of all of this speech, besides the annexation of these territories ... And by the way, on Telegram, I put the map of the annexed provinces to Russia right now. But in the backdrop, there is a great battle that is going on right now. Before I went to sleep last night, I knew it's gonna get ugly, because the Ukrainian military managed to encircle and surround the Russian troops in the c
ity of Lyman, in the Donbas area in eastern Ukraine. Now, Donbas is Putin's crown jewel, this is the first area he wanted to take over and of course annex, and now the Ukrainians are having a major victory in the area Putin claims to be his. Hundreds of ... it says, the headline says: "Russian correspondents saying thousands of Russian troops are about to get trapped in eastern Ukraine." There's a battle going on right now. Thousands of Russian troops are surrounded by Ukrainian forces. We are
talking about battalions and divisions that are right now battling over there. It is ugly, it is destructive. And if Putin loses in that battle, not only is it a very humiliating defeat for him, especially in light of the annexation, but it will be such a big blow to the morale of the soldiers on the ground that A) they will feel like their government just abandoned them, B) they will understand that there is no way they can get out of it alive. And ladies and gentlemen, this is exactly why Puti
n was using these words. Now, let me tell you, if Lyman ... which is not a big city, it's considered a medium to smaller city, but it's a key city because if that one falls, then Russia is officially defeated in the Donbas region. All the advance of the Russians in the last few months will be wiped out within one day. Thousands of Russian soldiers are going to be slaughtered by Ukrainians, who are rightfully, you know, trying to kill them because they are trying to kill them also. I mean, it's
a war. Now watch this: if that happens ... I'm not sure if Putin will allow that to happen. And I'm sure that the speech that he gave kind of paved the way for him to say: "If needed, just like America did in 1945, if needed, I'm going to use nuclear weapons and I will not be lectured by America, which used itself nuclear weapons in the war, which was not even on its own soil." Now, this speech was quite amazing because it was like defiance, not only to the west and the western values (just like
he said, "I don't want a parent one and parent two"). Vladimir Putin, a few hours ago declared war on the world order that exists and he publicly announced a new world order thus had begun. He said, "China is on my side, North Korea is on my side. If I want, many of the Muslim Islamic countries, including Turkey, will be on my side. India is on my side and many other forces." It was a very, very aggressive speech. And it's a speech where he's looking at the future. It's not a speech of "Aargh!
That's it, I'm gone, I'm done!" It's a future. And he said something that should worry all people who think that the war in Ukraine is going to finish very soon. No, no. He said, "Actually, Ukraine is not even the end of this war. It's the beginning of this war. It's the beginning of an irreversible process to create a New World Order." How many times have you heard the term "New World Order" and you were always thinking about, you know, the Antichrist system, and the Great Reset and all that? B
ut someone is actually right now fighting for a New World Order, regardless of the globalist system. In fact, someone is fighting globalism with the term "New World Order". And look what he said, okay? He said, "After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the world wanted to bring Russia apart, to make it fall apart, not just Russia, the land, its language and its values, he said. But it did not succeed. It wanted, the world wanted to wipe out the spiritual strength of the Russian people, the r
esilience of the Russian people." Then he moved on, and he said, "All the promises that NATO gave us that it will not expand to the East were violated. We've warned you over and over, again and again. But the West was determined and is determined to bring Russia down." That's what he said. Then he said, "The West was surprised with this war, because the Western world did not understand the spirit of the Russian people. We will defend our land. We will use all the forces we have and ALL THE POSSI
BLE MEANS, he said, against the West." Then he said, "The West will do all it can do to preserve the colonial system that it created in the world." He said "America is the first country to use nuclear weapons twice. America is used to taking everything with extortion. They are printing dollars and euros. But you cannot feed people with paper bills." That's what Putin is saying. Putin is literally talking to the conservative base in America, to conservatives in Europe. He is basically telling all
of them, "Look, you need to be on my side. I'm fighting your fight." Now watch it. He says, "The citizens of the four provinces in Ukraine chose to come back to their own land, Russia. And you have to respect that. From now on, they are Russian citizens and their destiny is our common destiny." Listen, if that's not enough, he said, "The beginning of the cancellation of Western domination and hegemony is irreversible." Putin is basically saying, "Guys, this is just the beginning." He says the
world that the West created is not democratic. It's just an illusion. And it's hypocritical. Then he said ... And now look at what he ... he's very smart. He's now turning to the Europeans and he says America is leading Europe to the destruction and the collapse of the European industries. And basically, it is bringing down the pan-European system. He's trying to put a kind of a ... like something between ... How do you say to put some wedge between a ...? ... drive a wedge between America and
Europe, very smart. And then he said ... (This is not like this is the end.) He said, basically, "I'm ready for a greater war." And he then signed the paper. Folks, this is quite phenomenal what Putin basically said, and I'm telling you, this is the beginning, he is not ruling out the use of nuclear weapons. Israel detected already movement of nuclear bombers in Russia, and stuff is going to get ugly in the coming days and weeks. Now, why am I saying all of this? By the way, not to scare anyone
of you. This is the situation on the ground. This is not to scare you. That was his speech. And that is the situation in Ukraine. And that is the situation also in the different parts around it. Putin also said, "We know who bombed the Nord Stream pipe, and we know who is benefiting from it the most." He's basically saying, "Look, I have a moral, legal and political justification to do what I'm about to do." Now, I'm not sure if he's pointing his finger at America, or maybe at Israel - we don't
know. But I do know one thing. I know that he's already calculating his next step. You know, the Bible says ... It's very interesting, you know? I quoted that on Telegram, and again, I cannot stress it enough: if you don't have Telegram, get it! I'm putting videos and, by the way, I don't know if you saw it, but a terrible attack happened in a couple of hours before the speech. And I did not share with you the footage of the dead civilians in Zaporizhzhia. But it was terrible, carnage that I hav
e not seen for a long time. But I will share with you the biblical portion that is important to know, ok? So the Bible says in Ezekiel 38, verse 3, "Thus says the Lord God, Behold, (God is saying, "Behold") I am against you, oh Gog." Gog is the title of the leader. The leader of who? The prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. This is basically a biblical description of Russia. God says, "I am against you." And then comes the Ezekiel war, and God is going to defeat them Himself. God is against him.
And so God is not buying all of this moral lecturing of Putin. By the way, make no mistake, I agree with [what he said about] the very, very disturbed, progressive liberal mindset of the West... Everything he said about how the West is completely corrupt and ... I guess, rotten and causing everybody to go the wrong way. I agree with that. But what I don't agree is that some Christians think that Putin is the savior of this world now and he's the good guy in this whole picture. Putin is reading f
rom a piece of paper that was written for him by Alexander Dugin and Alexander Dugin is a smart man who understands how to get to the hearts of the religious people around the world, those that are holding religious values. He knows that, he understands that. He says, "Look, we ... Islam and Hinduism and Buddhism and Christianity and Judaism, we all share the same, you know, values of family and mother and father and we all share the same thing about value of life and all that ..." He's talking
about the value of life while he's butchering hundreds of people every day. So I need you to understand that the enemy is very, very smart. The enemy is speaking through someone to whom God says, "I'm against you." So don't fall into that trap of thinking that there's the good guys and the bad guys here. No. Somebody woke up one day and decided that it's his time to invade a sovereign country, and to annex 20% of its territory to himself overnight. That's what really happened. Now, there is much
more that I could share with you. But I don't want to make this update too, too long. But I do want you to know, a nuclear war has never been so close as now. He puts it on the table, Putin, he said, "Look, don't lecture to me. America used it first. America sets the precedent. I can do it. And I will use ALL THE MEANS within my disposal to push forward the battle for a New World Order." Very interesting days are ahead of us. And I want you to know that the Bible is very clear about against who
m God is here. But I also want you to know, folks, that the only way, the only way you can understand world events today is if you go back to the Scriptures. And I will conclude with this, you know? I wrote today a short commentary, and I would like to read it, and it's also on Telegram. I would like to read that to you: "For the Antichrist to rise, Europe and the Middle East must go through a terrible war. (Because he is, remember, he's the one who brings peace.) I believe that also America a
nd China and others will go through a terrible financial downfall that will render them powerless. (Which is at the horizon. Everybody agrees.) And then, that's basically how the world will not only beg for him to rise, but worship him as well, when he 'delivers' them from war and financial distress. I see that day approaching rapidly. And the answer isn't by buying gold or stacking food. The answer is turning to the one and only true deliverer, that can give you, even in the midst of all of thi
s craziness, that peace that surpasses all understanding, the joy of your salvation, and the security of your eternal life with Him. And remember, folks, before the evil one rises and gets into power, the saints will be taken out of the way." And I want to remind you 2 Corinthians 6:2, "Behold, now is the accepted time; Behold, now is the day of salvation." So let's remember that, folks. And I'm on my way to Chino Hills for the conference. Log online for Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, YouTube and
Facebook, for the conference itself. But I'm gonna tell you, folks, we're expecting a full house. It's going to be a wonderful time of fellowship, and teaching of the Word. But listen, stay tuned, get Telegram, follow me on my channel. I've got about 311,000 subscribers there. Don't follow other fake channels using my name. Again, look for the channel that has 311,000 subscribers. And just click there and follow. And I'll keep you posted. Tons of stuff is about to unfold in the next few days. An
d I want you to stay posted. Hey, thank you. God bless you. And do we have the... ? Yes, let me put a video of how you can download... We don't have ... okay. So basically go to Telegram Messenger, get the app, download it, and get on my channel and stay informed, okay? Well, thank you. God bless you and shalom from Southern California. And if you're coming to the Futures Conference, see you in just about an hour. God bless you. Bye-bye.



I don't put Putin on a pedestal but don't agree of NATO and USA in urkraine.


God being sovereign is the best encouragement.


Yes, I hear you. I'm in Texas, USA. GOD, BLESS Amir. this show and folks! Thank You Lord!


Breaking News : YOU'RE FOOKED!


He speaks out of both sides of his mouth-a politician -we should not be fooled by this🤷🏼‍♀️grateful always Amir


Putin waited for 8 years warning NATO...... I think no one would have been that patient...


Ooo Amir Amir, I always had a bad feeling about you…wolf pastor! I was so right! And so so many christians decived by you! Jesus warned us about pastors like you!


Greetings from Slovakia in the Yeshuas Mighty Name! Shabbat Shalom!


Nothing about Z, about his refusal to negotiate, about the persecution of the Russian-speaking population, about the Treaty of Minsk? About the escalation "give me weapons (to die until the last Ukrainian) give me money to pose for Vogue!" We are not idiots, we know what world we live in.


All must be fulfilled, this earth will become a sea of fire!


God bless you Isarel Amen


Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙏 Hallelujah Jesus 🙋‍♂️


“ Of two Evils, choose neither” Charles Spurgeon


Those who read the newspaper, knows what's going on in the world. Those who read the Bible know why.


Thank You JESUS 🙏🙋‍♂️🐕‍🦺


Jesus is the peace of Jerusalem!!! Slalom.


All I know is if God brings us to it, He will get us through it....Praise God!....🕯


listening from Washington State


It was Ukrainian military that slaughtered convoy that was trying to escape to annexed region.


Hi all from Ontario Canada! Jesus is coming soon be encouraged and thank you Amir!