
Breeding Palworld's STRONGEST team of Daedreams

Here’s how I created the most POWERFUL team of Daedreams the world has ever seen.. If you liked the vid, why not leave a like and subscribe? I plan to keep making more great content after all. If there were things you liked, or didn’t’ like, let me know down in the comments, as I’m always looking for ways to improve, but otherwise, I’ll catch you in the next one. Hey! Click this link to end Pal Slavery #DaCodesta #Palworld #PalworldPals #daedream #hoocrates #palworld #palworldgame #palworldgameplay #breeding


6 days ago

Alright, so everyone who plays  Palworld already knows that Daedream, is one of the best Pals in game,  especially when you’re first starting out. But what if I were to set out and  create the perfect team of Daedreams. Would it still be good even in late game? Well in this video, I plan to find out. And thanks to this comment on my last video, that means perfect passive  skills, and perfect IVs, for a full team of 5 Daedreams. But that’s not all. Typically, the best strategy for daedream  is wh
en used in tandem with Hoocrates sooo I’m also thinking about  getting a perfect hoocrates, that way I can test a team of only daedreams,  and then a team of daedreams plus hoocrates. But without further ado, let’s hop right in. Okay, let me take you guys through  this whole process with me just a bit. The first step to creating any perfect Pal  is deciding what traits I want it to have, and then figuring out how I want to breed it. As far as daedream goes, I want to see just how much damage  th
ey can do using only the necklace, so we’ll probably want as  much attack power as possible. That means something like Ferocious,  Musclehead, Legend, and Lord of the Underworld. Now to anyone who thinks that  something like Lucky would be better, here’s the math on why that’s not true. If you have any doubts, we can talk about it  in the comments, but for now let’s move on. Now thanks to my last 2 videos,  I’ve already caught Necromus, and done some breeding down from him, so after some thinkin
g I think my plan is to  work my way down from Bristla and also Dazzi. The only reason being that I have Bristlas  with Legend and Lord of the underworld, and Dazzis with Musclehead and Ferocious, so I can just pass down the  traits and I’ll be good. But that’s where IVs come in. The surest way to breed a Daedream, or any other  Pal for that matter, with absolutely perfect IVs, would mean its parents also  need to have perfect IVs, as IVs are mostly inherited from their parents. So in a perfect
situation, I’ll  want Sparkit to have perfect IVs, and Direhowl to have perfect IVs. So here’s what I did to get a perfect IV Sparkit. I went out, and caught a LOT, of chikpis. I then went and sifted through them all,  until I sorted out which ones had any 100 IVs. After which, I would pair one with perfect  health, and another with perfect Attack, until I got one that had both those stats perfect. And after excessive cross breeding, I eventually got a couple chikipis  with perfect stats in ever
ything. After which, it became as easy  as breeding these chkipis with my bristlas that had the passives I wanted, eventually giving me sparkits with both  perfect IVs, and the two traits I needed. And not to bore you guys too much  with all the breeding shenanigans, it was pretty much the same  exact process for Direhowl, except I caught Direhowls and bred them together  once I had some with the right traits and IVs. Then inevitably, I had both a perfect  Sparkit, and a perfect Direhowl. After
which, it was really just a  matter of how long it was gonna take, for me to get all the Daedreams I wanted. Now I cannot stress this enough. This was  way more difficult than I make it sound. I should have timed how long it took me in real time, but the whole process took  about 900 cakes give or take. But I finally got there. 5 Daedreams with perfect IVs and perfect  stats. Man I hope it was worth it. As far as naming them goes, I really wasn’t sure  what I wanted to name them all individually
, so instead, I named them all different letters, so that in team they would  spell out the word DREAM... making them, the dream team. Haha get it, because they spell out dream, and their names are daedream,  and they’re a good team... *cough* anyways, now all that’s  left is to fully condense them, max out their stats with Pal souls, and  get some food to feed them before fighting. And after doing all that. Here’s  how strong they are at level 1 Now since people typically use this  team for fig
hting Zoe and Grizzbolt, that’s what we’ll do once I get them to level 10 And just like that, here we are. With the whole team at level 10, and we’ll see just how good this  strat is against the first boss, Alright time to see if the dream team lives up  to their name. which where... oh there they are. Get em boys. Ooooo okay that was like, what  a little over 3000 damage. That’s pretty good, especially when you consider  that they can’t take any damage themselves, so I guess its really just gon
na come down to how  many shots it’s gonna take to bring them down. Let’s just skip through it and  count how many shots it takes. 4 5 6 7 8 9 One more shot and that’ll be it. And ten That’s honestly pretty damn good, and in  only like a minute and 14 seconds too. I would say that this is a pretty  viable strategy. But let’s move on Hey! Remember how I said I was gonna  test a team with hoocrates too? Well, I decided to skip past the  breeding for him, but here he is. A perfect hooocrates at lev
el 10. Now we can  see how this comp compares to the last one. I will say unfortunately, the Daedreams are now level 11 instead of level 10 so it  won’t quite be a perfect comparison. Oh and, they no longer spell dream, It’s now dear socrates. Which idk, it was one of the  only things I could come up with. Anyways lets just get in there and do it. Alright Socrates this boss should be no  problem for an owl as wise as you are. Okay, here’s my initial prediction. I think this  team is going to do
more overall damage right Since Socrates can use real attacks, and  use them more often, but on the down side, Socrates is actually going to be being  able to take damage and even possibly die. But he also buffs the daedreams with a 20% damage  increase, so I thinkkkk it all balances out. And we can kind of already see it all. Socrates is taking some moderate damage,  but he’s also able to deal some as well. That on top of the daedreams doing there  thing, and yeah, this is a pretty good team. Y
EAH and the Daedreams are puttin in WORK right now. I think they do still around 3000 damage, which  is crazy considering it’s one less Daedream Well, let’s just let the finish this one out. Shoot alright, that was like, what 59 seconds. If I remember correctly the dream team was  like a minute 14 seconds, so there you go, this teams a little bit better, though I guess the  Daedreams were level 11, so take it as you will. Alright, for around level 10,  both teams were pretty good, But what we re
ally want to see, is how  strong they’re gonna be at level 50, so I did just that just, and I  think it’s time to go find out Alright, time to see just how strong they are... Phew, 20000 damage one in one attack. Yeah,  yhat’s the kind of damage we were looking for Godayum... It only took 2 attacks, that  was barely over 15 seconds at most. Well, I guess let’s try it with hoocrates,  though I can’t imagine it’ll go very different. Alright real quick, before we do the fight, here’s the stats of S
ocrates  for anyone who wanted to see it And here’s the stats of our Daedreams  for anyone who wanted to see it. Alright, let’s see it Socrates Dude, that was only like 7 seconds. They didn’t even last 10 whole seconds  against Socrates and his squad. I guess we should test him  on something stronger huh. Alright let’s do something a  bit different for the finale. Usually, I would go fight another  boss like maybe Lily and Lyleen or even Alex and Orserk, but nah, this time, Let’s try them out on
Paladius I figure a legendary Pal  should be a good test, right? Let’s find out if this team can truly  hold up in the late game of Palworld. So, Socrates, you and your gang got this. Luckily for them, I’ve recently caught necromus, so we can test our little  squad here on just Paladius I honestly have no idea  how this is gonna turn out, WEAVE but they’re doing some pretty solid damage to him I guess we’ll just have to see what  happens, but even if Hoocrates dies, eventually the Daedreams wil
l be able to kill  Paladius, as long as I stay alive anyways. But that’d be lame, we want Socrates to  and co to be the undisputed winner of this. Dude honestly poison blast goes crazy, you guys in the comments of my  last 2 vids were absolutely right. Yoooooo that was sick, almost like  it was straight out of an anime. Oooo okay, daedreams are doing  like maybe 90 damage a hit roughly, which just a little less than 400 per shot. That’s honestly not bad,  especially against a legendary I don’t w
ant to jinx it, but it’s lookin  like Hoocrates has the upper hand here, though it definitely helps a little bit that  Paladius will sometimes target me instead of him. On the other hand though,  if I were actually helping, this would have been a completely different  story, it might’ve been a bit one sided . You know honestly, I though Paladius would  be putting up a better fight than this. He is a legendary after all. Oooh, oh no, no way I just jinxed  it. Socrates is about to die. Come on bud
dy you got this Yeah come on come on, just a couple more attacks Ohhh its gonna be close Come one throw something!! That’s not enough... THE DAEDREAMS Woooooohhh that was close, alright well there you have it. This strategy is pretty solid even in late game...  and honestly, that was actually pretty impressive. Well, I guess that’s the end of Socrates  and the Dream team, until next time.



Hey! If there's any other content you guys want to see, leave a comment and I'll see what I can do Also! Let me know what I can do better on this and my other videos. I appreciate any and all feedback!


Next goal: a perfect Lovander with a party of Cremis


Banger vid. Very well presented. And perfect IVs, you madman!


Your palworld videos and shorts are top tier. Thank you for the palworld pals explained series and interesting content like this!!!!!


I would love to see a perfect lifmunk. How strong can the smg get?


Next pengullet pls ❤❤❤❤


I wonder how Zoe felt when the same person with a team of daedreams kept returning back.


any site to check the stats range for each pall? i need to know to get the best pal with the best IV for attack, from my experience the amount of IV is the same, but how it got distributed is different


how do u get the second set of numbers for the attack and defense to appear? I noticed you called them "iv's" thought u meant their passive skills lol


Do palworlds mose dazzling team pls! (4 dazzi's)(they also have tye same necklace as daydream)


Secondo voi qualè il team più forte da avere in squadra?


Small correction: you should had said "volley" instead of "shot", since it's multiple shots at the same time


So proveme wrong but I think I.V.S are only show on PC I got the xbox mini fridge AND I CAN SEE THEN IN ANY WAY so ples tell me I'm doing something wrong


Next tanzee