
Bro. Q: Ex-spy & lover turned seafarer for income.

大家好,這裡是【馬大嘴聊美漫】頻道 專注美漫解說三十年,騷話連篇的非主流動漫解說! 搞笑動漫吐槽,一起發現快樂~ 喜歡美漫的!幫忙點個訂閱支持一下吧~ 【 / @mdzliaommx #Family Guy#惡搞之家#动漫#动漫解说#搞笑 嚴正聲明:此頻道內容均為獨家授權,未經授權禁止任何人搬運,近期已經在YouTube平台開始維權,如有盜版冒充可留言~ 我們強調了影片內容的合規性,絕對沒有任何違反規定的行為。


2 days ago

话说当年元歌新闻播报了 一则逃犯芭比终于落网的新闻 当时就给老乔激动坏了 他那个样都恨不得手撕了那个混蛋 q 哥还好奇呢 这是什么仇什么怨呢 老乔相当激动的说 当初就是他把自己的双腿打断的 而现在他终于落网了 自己多年的心结总算是解开了 谁懂他这些年受过的委屈呢 q 哥这下更懵逼了 你不是说你是跟歹徒搏斗时摔下屋顶摔断吗 老乔深深地叹了口气 他其实是羞于承认 芭比之所以能潜逃 15年 全都是因为自己的疏忽才放跑的 想当年老乔奉命卧底在芭比身边六个月 一步步取得了他的信任 只要再收集一些证据 就可以把他绳之以法 只不过就当老乔套芭比的画时 反被芭比看出端倪 are you wearing a wire oh you're dead joe swan inson i recover name was swan inson easy breaks you kill a cop they'll put you away forever and get ready to spend the rest of your life as a lame gimp with an annoying voi
ced wife he met bunn ah ah ah brigtaway and i've been in this wheelchair ever since 为了庆祝老乔大仇得报 他还特意举行派对 让亲朋好友们都来乐呵乐呵 而且昨晚是他 15年来头一次没做噩梦的夜晚 睡的别提有多香了 然而就是这点幸福感很快就要湮灭了 凯文让老乔赶紧去看元格新闻 落网的芭比竟然再次逃离了监狱 至今下落不明 老乔的心态彻底崩溃了 上一回花了整整 15年才抓到他 这次得猴年马月才能再次抓到他呀 心有不甘的老乔找到局长 想申请继续追查芭比的案子 但却被无情拒绝 老乔愤怒地说 他才是最了解芭比的人 也是唯一能抓到他的人 可不管老乔咋说 局长就是不同意让他插手 反而把案子交给了两个混日子的同事 并且警告老乔 让他干好自己的本职工作 不要整天胡思乱想 can i help you not illegal not illegal show me the law not illegal 好兄弟们都劝老乔放弃 没必要耿耿于怀 但老乔说 这不单单只是责任 更像是一种执念 但现在因为局长不批准 他也只能干 看着却无
能为力 皮克让老乔不用听那些傻缺的废话 他得自己动手抓住芭比 这样才是个爷们 兄弟们也才会看得起他 而且自己和 q 哥也会尽全力帮他复仇之日 就在今天 当时就给老乔说的热血沸腾 一定要干烂那个畜生 老乔说 在追捕芭比之前 他们得先分析一下他的去向 说着就带兄弟们 来到一个满是照片和纸片的房间 这里面是过去 15年里收集的芭比信息 全都在这里 q 哥不可思议的看着房间 老乔的儿子都 25 岁 还得跟一岁的苏西睡同一个房间 而老乔宁愿放纸片 也不愿分给儿子一个房间 这不扯淡的吗 the bullets out of the iraqi family's skulls so they couldn't be traced back to us today i saw the alloon 不管咋说吧 经过老乔的一顿分析 芭比曾跟一个叫谭雅的脱衣舞女走得比较近 兄弟三人也准备去找他 问明情况 一路无话 他们很快就到了亚特兰大使的脱衣舞 老乔找人打听谭雅的踪迹 而 q 哥则一脸熟门熟路的表情 搞得皮特还以为他以前来过这里 once about twenty years ago what aa a
a aa aa 老乔很快就找到了正在工作的谭雅 质问他知不知道关于芭比的下落 谭雅一瞅这情况 当时就不乐意了 就算知道也不会告诉他 眼瞅着他们要打起来了 q 哥赶紧阻止他们 表示自己有更好的办法来打探消息 当即掏出一张钞票 让谭雅给自己跳一段聊骚舞 q 哥也趁机打探关于芭比的消息 但谭雅的职业素养实在太好 丝毫没有出卖客户信息的意思 all right i'm gonna have to do the voluv mad he lives at twenty eight twenty ocean boulevard across from the park apartment two at a girl okay now spin your own mouth is a cool place 兄弟三人很快就来到芭比房门前 老乔马里的撬开房门 然后就看到了床上的芭比 虽然老乔很兴奋 但芭比明显有点懵逼 他都不认识对面这个瘸子 不过对面想找麻烦 他还是看得出来的 一招床单盾挡住视野 随后赶紧往楼顶跑 老乔也赶紧呼叫其他人追击 四个人 在楼顶 你追我赶 闪转腾挪 飞檐走壁 看着就像是成龙电影
似的 而且我这是第一次知道 皮特的身手居然也很灵活 那么高的楼顶说跳就跳 一般人还真办不到 就当兄弟三人把芭比比如绝路时 他竟然纵身一跳 顺着晾衣绳滑了下去 并且顺手割断绳索 这眼看着芭比逃之夭夭 老乔再也忍不住了 他竟然让皮特把他直接扔下去 i got you now breaks 差一点就可以抓到芭比了 唯一的机会就这么浪费掉了 老乔的道心崩溃了 q 哥劝他想开一点 哪怕抓不到芭比 他依旧是个受人尊敬的伟大警察 就当老乔还处在崩溃中无法自拔的时候 一辆警车驶来 二话不说就要逮捕老乔 他们罪名是妨碍公务罪 尽管老乔一再解释自己也是警察 他正在追捕通缉犯 但就是没人搭理他 不过就在此时 老乔突然看到了警察的名字 弗兰尼根 这可是曾经包庇巴比多年的黑警啊 这俩货绝对不是什么好玩意 we're not gonna stick around to find out joe hold your hand cuffs over my lap the hell is that swiss army penis well quagmir that's incredible dating yours
are made of a stronger metal we're gonna have to go with a settling torch penis don't don't look right at it my td help it burn brighter 好家伙 怪不得 q 哥整天约妹子 这绝活可不是一般人能掌握的 人家的丁哥会喷水 而他的竟然能痛的喷火人虽然自由了 但目标却不见了 就当 q 哥满脸懵逼时 皮特掏出一张名片 是他在芭比厨房里的 捡到老乔拿过去一瞅 那个臭不要脸的 竟然想出国去墨西哥 他们必须在必经之路上拦住他 这真的是最后一次机会 错过就不知道在等多少年了 与此同时 在皮克家里 猫咪趴在路易斯身上伸了一个懒腰后 便开始了踩奶运动 给布莱恩都看傻了 i think you're dreaming now i'm not stupid cat 追凶三人组守在美墨国境线上 逐一排查过往的车辆 结果很快就发现了芭比的踪迹 一场追逐战再次开启 you're not gonna get away this time you son of a bitch 芭比恳求老
乔不要杀他 他上有三岁老母 下有还在吃奶的媳妇呢 老乔蔑视的看着曾经的仇人 为了这一刻 他等了整整 15年 没人知道每天早上把自己挪进轮椅是什么感受 被老婆当成半个男人看待是什么感受 他非常痛恨眼前的这个男人 但他不会杀掉他 what are you gonna do arrest me no i don't arrest cripp ah ah by the way you're under arrest i only said the last thing because it seems cool 老乔终于大仇得报 多年的夙愿也在这一刻烟消云散 只不过吧芭比流血过多 好像已经挂掉了 q 哥只能把他送往墨西哥了 ok 今天的故事就到这里 大家有什么想说的 可以点个关注 留言互动 爱你们哟 么么哒 well you guys help me finally have some closure in my life i feel like a new man like i'm reborn jl you have blood just pouring out of your pant
leg yeah i had a ball blow in the river good evening i'm tom tucker is justin wanted fugitive bobby the shirt briggs notorious for always wearing shirts while committing his crimes has finally been caught after fifteen years on the lamb a police spokesperson was quoted as saying so i'm a dumb cup i like to give tom tucker a ticket i was going like forty one oh my god i don't believe it they finally got that son of a bitch briggs you know that guy here's to him right i do bobby briggs is the one
who put me in this wheelchair he use my handkerchief it's what and cool oh yeah it's my handkerchief been blowing my nose in it all day wait a minute bobby briggs is the one who crippled you you always told us you fell off a roof during a fight with the grinch u i lied i lied because i was ashamed of the real story that i let a vicious criminal get away what happened well it was nineteen ninety six briggs was one of the biggest heroine dealers east to providence which is mostly just open water b
ut still i had been under covered track in his operation for six months and had finally gained his confidence and almost gathered enough evidence to put briggs away for good but i knew it taped confession would make the case of slam dunk this is going to take us to the next level we're going to be banging so many hot chicks with genes up to their nails bobby briggs you're really good at heroine how much heroine is here bobby briggs why are you talking like that are you wearing a wire oh you're d
ead joe swan inson my unrecover name was swan inson easy brings you kill a cop they'll put you away forever then get ready to spend the rest of your life as a lame dimp with an annoying voiced wife it meant bonnie ah ah ah ah briggs got away and i've been in this wheelchair ever since i like that you can tell me a story starting at the clam and ending on a ferris wheel yeah people are starving in africa and i'm in a carnival with my best buddies on a beautiful night so joe must feel great to fin
ally have some closure with bobby briggs yeah you know last night was the first time in fifteen years i didn't strangle bonny in my sleep okay hey dad you're gonna want to see this again recapping our breaking news longtime fugitive bobby briggs has escaped from police custody is whereabouts are currently unknown news of briggs as escape first broke on telemundo if you can believe that escape paescape paescape pa briggs reportedly escape during a prison open house an event that will most likely
be canceled in the future no i can't believe it i don't worry joel get him back no i won it took fifteen years to catch him this seems like a good time to be heading out i should be getting back anyway i left rupert with a sitter well you know where everything is feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge and mr corn man here can have putting all ice cream not both chief can i have a word yeah but first you have to agree there's a huge difference between bisexual men and homosexual men
sure chief thank you huge what is it well chief i'm here because i want you to put me on the briggs case absolutely not come on chief i know everything about briggs i'm the only one who can catch him no swanson you're too close to the case i'm putting officers grant and casey on it because they're so far from the case they don't care about it at all this isn't fear swanson you know your assignment you get me the guy who has been rubin his butt all over duncan donuts can i help you not illegal n
ot illegal show me the law not illegal hey joe look i know you're down about this bread thing and that kind of bums me out so i got you this cookie push in that funny look at that weird nose i think your nose is weird guys i'm telling you i i just don't think i could live with briggs on the lamb for another fifteen years well why don't you do something about it i can't do anything about it the chief wont let me show if they don't find this guy it's going to eat your life for the rest of your lif
e you gotta take managing into your own hands you gotta go after this guy but that's a breach of police protocol it's saying about you as a cop this is about you as a man come on what do you say quagmire and i will help you bring this guy to justice apeter what did i say about you volunteering me all right let's do it well if you're gonna do it you're gonna need someone who's very good at disguise who said that i'd love to go with you but i can't i'm supposed to be the gift table and a bar miss
fit tomorrow all right if we're gonna go after briggs this might be a good place to start i've spent the last fifteen years gathering information on him and it's all here every crime is committed every associates said oh look breaks was all county jv swimming but i don't just focus on the negative joe your twenty five year old son and your baby daughter share a room just so you can keep a weirdo beautiful mind room in that little bizarre and then we dug the bullets out of the iraqi family's skul
ls so they couldn't be traced back to us today i saw a balloon brexfbi profile says the only relationship is maintained over the years is with a stripper named tonya tax record shows she currently works at a club in atlantic city so that's our first stop is they are touching at the club i i i don't know peter maybe okay this is good this is good i'll be sure to pack my blaming jeans hey listen thanks for agree to take care of putting shapes so while we're gone lois it's our pleasure she looks li
ke a nice kitty a kitty lewis she is a pure bread persian i can trace her lineage to the cats kept by cleopatra just tell me what i need to do gun well first she has a very active bowel you can't be too generous with a baby wipes stroke front to back like you would on yourself otherwise you're smashing fees into her genitals also she's very skittish so you have to touch her like this i'm going to touch you now is that okay see how i'm going slowly slowly of the mysteries you keep inside of you w
ag mine come on let's go all right i guess we're off and you guys check out the look on lowe's face when i do this pia clean that up you idiot love you boy it'll be satisfying to finally slap the cups on briggs once and for all hey if it just drive to a town and wonder who the hell lives here all the time look at this place i mean what what's going on there's an adult with a lemonade stand that chinese restaurant still has the sign from when it was a mechanic i don't want to eat low main where t
hey were just changing muffers there's an apartment above that barbies with toys in the window someone has built a life up there what a mess i'm telling you the founding fathers would be very disappointed and where their country ended up and wasn't so perfect back dney and so i say unto you sons of liberty no longer will free men live under the yoke of giant predatory birds shrieking swooping down stealing our livestock what's going on in here nothing nothing uh just belacking about the british
get back to warm and those eggs all right this is the place we're gonna see if we can find briggs as girl hey we're looking for a stripper name time she here tonight yeah she's working the champagne room follow me you ever been to atlantic shitty before once about twenty years ago what aa aa aa aa hey are you tonia yeah who are you a guy who's looking for bobby briggs where is he i don't know any bobby briggs and even if i did i wouldn't tell you you're warning kt let me handle this i know how t
o communicate with strippers all i need is one dance and i'll know everything she knows you ready for a dance sure i need information i was molested by my dad i know that i need other information i want you to tell me where i can find bobby briggs come on you know i can't give out a client's personal information all right i'm gonna have to do the van vmale he lives at twenty eight twenty ocean boulevard across from the park apartment to add a girl okay now spin your own mouth there's a cool plac
e boy it sure is nice having mirag myers cat around i gotta say cats are so much better than dogs well that's kind of a broad statement it's true okay show me one way in which cats are better than dogs well okay for one thing they always land on their feet watch so big deal dogs do that too here go ahead and do what you just did but with me oh my god oh my neck oh my god brian don't touch me don't touch me call somebody oh we need one of those boards they use for football players hey what's goin
g on nothing i just figured out why cats are better than babies that's kind of a broad statement okay twenty eight twenty ocean this is it all right apartment number two we'll just pick the lock what what is that let's choose our eyes to see all this guy has sugar cereals his mom must be so cool and he's got a trash compacted it compacted it all that is so boss ah we meet again briggs whoa whoa whoa who are you joe swanson wait you you don't remember me i infiltrated your heroin operation we saw
reality bites together ah you guys i fed him he was that way hi sweetie yeah everything's great of course i miss you well how does the supermarket run out of partially i'm not angry as you are peter i've got a hold it looks like you're at a roof spider can you swing us across with your web no i can't swing you across and it's spiderman not spiy i'm pretty sure i've heard people call your spider yeah close friends what's your name peter hey pi do stuff for me oh i don't like that yeah you don't
like it you're a fat nobody kno spiderman so how do you think i feel he's getting away guys drop me over the side are you crazy joe at fall kill you not if i land on my lights i got you now breaks enjoy your new home is god you guys that was our one chance it's all right joe you got nothing to be ashamed of you're a great cop with a very distinguished career you caught that guy who was killing all those filipino girls yeah but this was important this was the guy who ruined my life the one purp w
ho meant everything to me if i got this guy finally be able to sleep at night dear me oh thank god crops oh good you guys can still catch briggs he said it that way we're not here for him we're here for you guys you're under arrest for interfering with a police investigation what yeah what the hell you should be out to arrest in the real criminals like switchblade wielding white guys for movies and tv who don't talk like people talk easy mama hand over that person everything will be real cool yo
u dig guys you gotta let it out of here the real criminals getting away yeah the bastis making a break for it just like south america a lot of black guys over there hey man where are you going i'll be back i'm coming back i'll be right back why would the cops arrest us instead of going after briggs flanagan wait a minute that's one of the rub cops who helped harbour brigs while he was on the lamb for fifteen years these guys are bad news oh my god what are you going to do to wish but we're not g
onna stick around to find out joe hold your hand cuffs over my lap what the hell is that swiss army penis yours are made of a stronger metal we're gonna have to go with the assettling torch penis don't don't look right at it my sdd help it burn brighter the case are in the ignition let's go i told you to search that guy's penis you say that about everybody yeah yeah we did it but we lost briggs how we can find them now we got nothing well i don't know if it helps but i found this number next to
the phone in his kitchen i was saving it because i was gonna make a scrapbook of a trip for you guys let me see that this is the area cut for war as mexico he's trying to get over the border you think so definitely there's only one road in the war is and it goes well paso we gotta get to el paso so how do you know the area code for war is mexico there is a stem cell doctor i went down there to see he just rubbed like salsa my legs you're not a uniform are you guys cops are you guys cos they know
we're not cops all right guys the next lidl pass so leaves in forty minutes but breaks is ahead of us when they already be there he'd never risk going through an airport too many cops too many cameras too much security i don't know joe or sometimes the security pretty lax i mean the last plane i was on got gay j this planes going to miami hey lis quiet brian mom's taking it up on the couch yeah and look she fell asleep with a cat right on her chest i think you're dreaming no i'm not stupid cat
god it's so damn hot hey i got an idea let's make scalding asphalt angels oh oh oh oh oh wow second degree burns first degree fun she's how long we gotta stand out here like this till briggs comes through you know i was thinking about that joe if briggs is driving here that's like two thousand miles it's going to be at least a couple of days u i guess you're right oh what are we gonna do for two days in el paso there's a chico heritage festival no way casey in the sunshine band is playing why or
we could visit the pershing house where john pershing to control of the eighth army brigade in nineteen fourteen so that's just bed yes so that's just dusk yes so that's just lamp yes so that's just rusha yes so that's just window yes so that's just floor yes what do you got there quagmiyers that briggs now this guy's clean we'll send them through what's the hold up some brilrose moroc ceramic winnie the pooh dolls get them now folks you're not gonna find this stuff in mexico come on what's goi
ng on up there damn he's getting away you're not gonna get away this time you son of a bitch please don't kill me i'm not married my life is awesome i've waited fifteen years for this moment briggs do you have any idea what it's like to have to lift yourself into a wheelchair every morning to have your wife look at you like your half a man to get preferential parking the board to plan early with the first class people in gold card members all right it's not all bad but i'm not gonna kill you i'm
not an animal like you so what are you gonna do arrest me no i don't arrest ripples ah ah by the way you're under arrest i only said the last thing because it seemed cool oh my god that was so i so i so everything you were all like bro right regular and pigs was all like brand then you were all like biu biu and then breaks his legs were like wow wow oh crap is dead i think you blood out i must have hit the federal artery uh just kick him into mexico guys i can't thank you enough for what you di
d you risk your lives for me couldn't have done it without you hey that's what pals are for yeah thanks for letting me fire a few rounds into brixes corpse that was the most powerful life felt in a couple years well you guys help me finally have some closure in my life i feel like a new man like i'm reborn joe you have blood just pouring out of your pant leg yeah i had a ball blow in the river



03:20 撩陰讀心手.............


26:16看到第一眼 這是mission impossible的梗吧 有看的應該知道我在說什麼





