
Bro. Q's hunger led to Megan incident causing Peter's furious outburst at the pervert.

惡搞之家:誇哥飢不擇食到對梅根下手,皮特勃然大怒怒噴色狼,最後說出童年悲慘經歷丨Family Guy【馬大嘴聊美漫】#funny #美漫 #配音秀 大家好,這裡是【馬大嘴聊美漫】頻道 專注美漫解說三十年,騷話連篇的非主流動漫解說! 搞笑動漫吐槽,一起發現快樂~ 喜歡美漫的!幫忙點個訂閱支持一下吧~ 【 / @mdzliaommx #Family Guy#惡搞之家#动漫#动漫解说#搞笑 嚴正聲明:此頻道內容均為獨家授權,未經授權禁止任何人搬運,近期已經在YouTube平台開始維權,如有盜版冒充可留言~ 我們強調了影片內容的合規性,絕對沒有任何違反規定的行為。


6 hours ago

脑残粉见到爱豆时会发生什么呢啊啊 话说当年在梅根 18 周岁生日那天 看完明星见面会后 路易斯他们本想给女儿一个惊喜派对 可没成想没有一个人愿意参加梅根的生日派对 气的路易斯问克里斯 给他找托的 300 美金到底花在哪了 皮特这时嘿嘿一笑 当然是被他给拿走了 虽然没人来参加生日派对 让梅根有些失落 但明星见面会的现场还是挺炸裂 这次的生日会就这样吧 下次再说 no party oh come on i was gonna share with slide all those silly photos i took of n 当然了 也并不是所有人都忘记梅根的生日 q 哥不知道从哪里听到消息 得知了 今天是梅根的生日 他这次就是专门来住梅根生日快乐 其实 q 哥这次来除了给梅根送生日礼物以外 最主要的目的就是提醒梅根已经是个成年人了 该干点成年人该干的事儿 而且他说着说着手就开始不老实了 诶 hey where's that pinky going huh where's he going well let's see dude get back here there you go 皮特
本来在傻呵呵的看热闹 直到布莱恩提醒 那是你闺女才猛然惊醒 你说 q 哥讲故事就好好讲故事吧 身体还一直不老实 这眼瞅着他马上要提枪上马 皮特赶紧过来阻止 催促他回家睡觉 这眼看着 q 哥跟自己女儿眉来眼去 气得皮特当场发誓 如果他敢碰梅根的话 那就让他也没跟 话虽如此 但他严重低估了 q 哥的那股子骚劲儿 大晚上的不睡觉 发短信聊骚没根 突出的就是一个生冷不忌 饥不择食 食之无味 弃之可惜 喜欢梅根这个重口味 而 q 哥作为一个情场老手 拿下一个缺爱的小姑娘 还是非常轻松的 于是转过天来 too 哥拿着一束鲜花站在皮特家门前 而梅根则打扮一番后准备出门约会 当时就给皮特看硬了 看的拳头都硬了 don't worry dead i'll take care of him stay away from my six 只不过路易斯对此倒是挺看得开的 还特意嘱咐梅根要玩的开心一点 给皮特都整懵了 还以为路易斯便秘堵到脑子里了 他怎么会把女儿往火坑里推呢 其实路易斯之所以不担心梅根 是因为他看得出来 女儿答应跟 q 哥出去约会 只是为了让他们生气罢了 单纯的青春期叛逆 如果跟他对着干的话 那他
只会做的更过分 皮特还是有些不放心 她比谁都清楚 q 哥是个什么货色 凡是有洞的东西 他都想尝试一下 哪怕没有动 他都可以查出一个洞 ella stin what's for dinner i made meat loaf in the fridge hey peter you mind but i have to get dinner go out 路易斯劝他放宽心 叛逆期的女孩都是这样 他也曾这样对待自己的父母 自己当时的体验就不太好 咱们再回头看梅根 这边有 q 哥这个三寸不烂之舌 在约会总体而言还是挺愉快的 梅根也非常喜欢这个 gigi 叔叔 只不过当 q 哥邀请他去家里玩的时候 梅根果断拒绝了 表示时间太晚 可以下一次再一起玩 两个人吻别后就各回各家了 但让 q 哥没想到的是 皮特竟然眼神不善地坐在他家客厅里 上来就质问他有没有对梅根动手动脚 on theater did you have sex with my daughter theater trust me it's not happening h all right good yes she's really mak
ing me work for it maybe you could talk to her 虽然皮特平时老是欺负梅根 可最起码也是亲女儿 多少还是了解一点 他的脾气是属驴的 越让她去做的事情 他就越不想做 所以他很清楚 q 哥肯定会遇到约妹的瓶颈 梅根是个相当独立的女孩 有这样一个女儿还是挺值得骄傲的 但被他反怼一顿的时候也是真的挺难受的 you know believe me i hear loud and clear away go away it a second no i won't talk to us and i want you to stay hell away from it 可 q 哥却觉得梅根既然已经成年 那家长就别多管闲事 他们的监护职责已经结束 接下来改换自己上手 皮特卑微的恳求 q 哥手下留情 但 q 哥丝毫不为所动 成年的女孩就像水里游泳的鱼儿 他这个钓鱼佬是时候该出手了 这给皮特气的都恨不得手撕了这个畜生 自从挑明之后 too 哥的行为就越来越大胆了 他和梅根的关系就是隔着一层 阿布应该是两层衣服的 只不过就当 k 哥想更进一步的时候 皮特总是会找机会
插进来 故意搅乱兄弟的好事 当然了 q 哥不可能就这么轻易放弃 他 总是趁皮特不在的时候找机会拿下梅根哦 i heard a cute all in there cool down 皮特再也忍不住了 必须得跟梅根好好谈谈 为了让女儿能离 q 哥远点 特意把 q 哥祸害过的女生照片拿给他看 当时就给梅根吓得连连后退 但问题是皮特越是不让梅根接触 q 哥 梅根就反抗的越厉害 就连路易斯都不让皮特多管闲事 万一把女儿逼得走投无路 他会直接跑进 q 哥被窝里的 如果实在想在这场对抗中获得胜利 那就只能是睁一只眼闭一只眼 他自己感觉无聊了 自然就回归正常 就这样 在几天后的一个中午 路易斯本想叫梅根出来吃午餐 可皮特说他跟 q 哥去湖边小屋过周末了 当时就给路易斯吓坏了 okay i got a little off tractive but they went to his cap 其实 q 哥的那个小屋是有名字的 就叫做啪啪小屋 而且皮特也知道这个路易斯愤怒的看着皮特 既然他知道还让梅根跟着去 皮特这边也是不怂 不是你让我当做看不见的 这时候来怪我算怎么回事 路易斯真的着急了 她可以忍受女儿
表面上的叛逆 但她实在接受不了 女儿主动跟一个老男人去开房 that right oh don't worry peter he's not gonna stripe with that that's you nlock everyone knows if you go away with a guy for the weekend and don't have sex with them your refuge bitch we gotta stop them so you admit you were wrong yes you admit you a stupid yes yes you admit all women are stupid now all right i'll take what i can get come on to a peter dao 不管咋说吧 他们必须得阻止梅根跳进火坑 但问题是无论怎么敲门 q 哥家就是没人应答 就当皮特准备砸门的时候 q 哥带着梅根出现 打了个招呼后 便一骑绝尘而去 两口子一瞅这个情况 也赶紧开车追赶 只不过很不幸的堵在了路上
我估计等他俩到孩子应该都会叫老爷 湖畔小屋内 q 哥和梅根正享受着美好的二人世界 一切看上去都是这么平静安详 and then i try to start the campfire and i could that's insane what what is going on over here we taking my shirt off now follow the leader 皮特两口子此时终于赶到 就当 k 哥想掏枪上马的时候 大门被一脚踹开 紧接着便被皮特一把按在墙上 警告他离自己女儿远一点 梅根本来还想再反抗一下 但皮特的怒气已经控制不住了 meg i'm only gonna say this once you may be an adult but you're still my daughter and it's my job to protect you from errant wers so i don't care how old you are you're gonna do what i say and getting in the damn car y
es daddy ok 今天的故事就到这里 大家有什么想说的 可以点个关注 留言互动 爱你们哟 么么哒 you know mom and dad i'm really glad that you kept me from doing what i was gonna do well that's what parents are for me no matter where you are we love you and we just never want to see you hurt i only wish i'd seen what was going on from the start like your favagwell i know the signs because the same thing happened to me an older neighbor her name was elaine i was eighteen and my body was firm from pushups and setups i was stunning but while
my body was mature i had the mind of a twelve year old elaine invited me over with the promise of pie little did i know this would lead to an eight year long psychosexual entanglement she's probably good now life's funny sometimes you guys don't you think i'm a little old for the teen choice awards i mean i turned eighteen today i'll come on man you always used to love the team choice of words yeah ever since fox pull this contrived night of out of their ass in an effort to get it on the award s
how business it's been very special to you coming to you live it's the team choice awards beatrin robert peterson justin bieber i'll tell you every year i recognize fewer and fewer names one bard monague chrace mc lady andy colorado the lando twins purple stuff take top gay base czachary cd and live performance by starbus featuring ny t f h dollars e thus we tell me your textbooks for the biggest whip and choice rolof the year and now your host wey hair justin htouched him what's up team choice
awards we're gonna kick things off with choice lacross guy smile give it up for our first presenter wilford brimley it's entirely tool out in here quiet down there's no accountability anymore i have diabetes hey what do you say we get some music in here oh that only make things worse give it up for our first nominated choice band of the night p hoskin ah feelings ah feelings i'm gonna put a stop to this well that was unfortunate hey what's with all the cars on the street but they're all here for
a surprise party meg pet if i can't sake you idiot we were supposed to open the door so everyone could yell surprise surprise a how dare mom if it's a surprise party where is everybody chris what the hell i thought you were going to pay the kids from school to show up i gave you three hundred dollars why do you think dad's here hey meg happy birthday you're a coolish well then what are all the cars doing out there how they must be from march party okay the first rule of jewish fight club is if
somebody says oh you stop okay let's see i'm really sorry about this honey it looks like nobody's coming but we had fun at the team choice awards right i guess well i guess we ought to call it a night come on sty up to bed no party oh come on i was going to show a slideshow of all those silly photos i took of ng well happy birthday anyway meg see you in the morning hey quake maya was going on well theatre a little birdy told me that today is megbirthday you give me credit yeah i just told him i'
m the one who told him so where is the birthday girl oh hi mr rag meyer oh please my father is mr rag but oh no he's not okay well that's what he used to be mr quagmine now he's now he's just eat davis anyway this is a special day for you young lady here's a gift for you a sa candle but as a girl i love this that was originally thirty dollars thanks mr crag wire well let's see eighteenth birthday meg that's a very important milestone in a young girls i mean a young woman's life hey welcome to th
e adult club and you know what you got another member right next door if you ever want to talk stuff happy birthday hey hey where's that pinky going huh where is he going what what he do get back here there you go yeah look at quagmhitting on that skink you know he's going to close the deal peter that skank is your daughter oh my god you're right you know meg i'd love to see you without your head on ok so anyway i'm on approach into lambert field in some of the worst turbulence i've ever flown t
hrough i mean i have never seen anything like and every one of the cabin was like oh but i kept my cool i trusted my training and brought the plane and safely and in fact it turned out ironically to be one of the smoothest landings i've ever made well gosh quag maya has been a fun night but i guess share you better be getting home now where yeah it's getting late i guess i'll go home and rub a gigi beg easier you guys see you later make bye okay that was weird that was weird right oh my god so w
eird i tell you something if he touches my daughter i'm gonna be kicking butts and taking names and then given those names to other people whose buti kick what's your name derrick what's your name michael yderek now 啊哈哈 okay glam time to reer in 他不敢 他不敢 他不敢 他不敢 that's too much too much i love stars we now return to grainy footage of a potential big foot that will surely spark a lively debate in your household oh my god that is real oh hey mr g how's it going wag mine what are you doing here hi g
lenn buy you guys me and glenn are going out what like how you are don't worry dad i'll take care of him stay away from my sister okay you two have fun on your date what drive carefully we'll see you later well you out of your mind we can't like quake maya take meout on a date that guy le bang anything elois i'm starving what's for dinner i made meat loaf fin a fridge hey peter do you mind but i have to get dinner go out peter nothing's gonna happen don't you see she's only doing this to get a r
ise out of us if we fight honic shely push further well she may not plan on sleep and with him but you don't know how smooth quagmire is lewis he's like a magician aw that's clever i know you practices magic physician was funny okay whether the point is we ought to be worried peter trust me i know what's going on in ahead it's just a game i used to do the same thing to my parents the problem is they pushed back and the results were not good mr punishment we pumped your daughter's stomach and we
found vodka rhypnoa fair amount of dna that is not her own and the class ring harvard i think it was sunni go i don't want to hear anymore so how your studies going they're going pretty good schools good what's your favorite class what was your favorite class okay let's say it at the same time and see it the same okay one two three his ma math oh my god we have so much in common do you have any brothers or sisters yeah i have two brothers oh they sound terrific hey you want to blow this joint su
re wow really all right go for it come on let's go oh oh you oh you mean leave yeah no yeah sure no let's go gosh meg i sure had a swell time with you me too g god it's so amazing that you've been my dad's friend for like years and now we have this connection hey do you want to come in for some crystal light or something well i do believe in me but it's getting kindl um i really want to see you again though uh you know it god god peter scared the hell out of me what are you doing here i think yo
u know did you have sex with my daughter what on beer did you want sex with my daughter theater trust me it's not happening hall right good yeah she's really making me work for it maybe you could talk to her well i'll try but sometimes she can be as bas a mule i tell you you tell her to do something one she does the opposite you know so she didn't even heard you in the first place so talking to a brick wall worse than talking even a brick wall doesn't tell you they understand here and then go to
the opposite you know so it's no surprise to me that you have these difficulties said that it seems to be the way she is you know whether it's just that she's not listening or whether it's that she's making a conscious decision to defy your wishes who can say you know and i and i would say in some respects having a strong wild kid is a good thing but it can get frustrating as hell on the other side so you know believe me i hear loud and clear wake wait a second no i won't talk to her and i want
you to stay to hell away from it leading it's me quagmire this is what i do besides meg is eighteen now and then you gotta let go you've done your job it's my turn now walk quemy you one of my best pals and i'm asking you not to do this i want to help you peter i really do but it's it's like you're asking a fish not to swim she's legal and i'm going in i will see about that i ain't afraid to stand up the friends just as spotius i'm sparticus i'm sparticus that guy sparticus we now return to two
lame chicks on vacation in mexico oh my god don't drink the water i'm so gonna brush my teeth with tequila mexico that you guys would stared at you all night oh my god i'm gonna go poo now so i don't have to later mexico hey you want to see my pictures from mexico uh look jinni just this is i can't with you anymore it's all the time this is a job please take off that silly hat mexico i i can't talk right now i got a pee but i don't want to move i'm so comfortable right now i can pause it i gues
s you could pause it sorry oh that's all right it's just your body sometimes things slip out probably just making room for something like what hey gang got room for one more right in the middle of youtua and cha pract oh what is raig ma cellphone well now it you with meg you don't need to be talking to back bush anymore oh and i'll send a text to possible nipple ring saying you're off the market your possible nipple ring all right well i better send the text to beat bush oh come on i'm back bush
this can't be a surprise to you peter yeah i knew i just didn't know you new okay what compound is this that sodium chloride that's right how about this one hydrogen peroxide god you're so smart how about this one q m two i'm not sure what that is it's quagmigium it's the strongest compound on earth nothing can separated it has an atomic weight of awesome i heard a cute all in there cool down meg is something we need to talk about dad i swear to god i thought you could flush those things meg yo
u ever heard a joan van ark no here's a picture of jan van ak oh my god she's gorgeous gorgeous yes yes mgorgeous yes every man wanted her but one man got her a man she trusted to keep her safe and beautiful forever that man was glenn quagmire and too short months later this is what happened to joan van ak oh oh my god i don't want this to happen to you mei don't want you to turn into a hilarious photograph dad i know what you're trying to do and i want you to stop it what is it memom tell dad t
o leave me alone i'm eighteen and he keeps treating me like a kid peter i told you not to push about this quad mia thing if you push too hard you're going to push her right into his arms what am i supposed to do nothing this is a big game megplan and the only way to win is not to play it get a war games reference my p you know war games yeah still find that out new stuff about you that's the adventure there's a nerdy in there maybe there is how i bang it later how about a nice game of chess i pr
efer banging dad have you seen my book bag what course oh peter vui would you go tell meg that launches on the table oh max not here what do you mean she and quagmia went up to his cabin for the weekend yeah i drew a crude flipbook to explain what happening okay i got a little off track there but they went to his cabin peter crack ma has a name for that cabin he calls it his sex cabin no he does he calls it the stuff it in oh my god i can't believe you know about this and you let her go i don't
give me that crap i'm doing exactly what you told me to do you said don't mess with her business so i didn't hedthis is different it's one thing to rebelliously flaunt an older guy in front of parents but it's a whole other thing to go away with him for the weekend to his sex cabin oh is that right oh don't worry peter he's not gonna leep where there that's you everyone knows if you go away with a guy for the weekend and don't have sex with them you a huge bitch we gotta stop them so you admit y
ou were wrong yes you admit you are stupid yes yes you admit all women are stupid now all right i'll take what i can get come on to the peter deta oh no no i gotta take care of babies yeah yeah 救命啊啊 look peter is codvan maybe they haven't left yet quake my levin you son of a bitch i'm sorry i'm not home to receive you the reason being that you have sufficiently scared me away from your wife or daughter i plan to get help and use better judgment in the future wait a minute so quagmi just changed
all of a sudden just like that you want me to read this and that no grandp no no kid wants to be read anything anymore computers exist it's just you all leave okay where were we quite my in front door you think they're hiding in there oh no pia look see you later suckers oh good luck to them heda all right right let's go we never gonna get up there i wonder what's causing all this traffic oh boy yep there's the problem not drawn yet come on guys really let's go what the hell is going on up there
so tell the truth have you brought other women up here before honestly two really yep i brought the ashes of my third grade teacher mrs nicholson and spread them across the lake pher last request the other was some scag i met on a doc four miles from here what it strike forward jelly jealous in the other was my sister hhha ha ha ha it's so nice up here i know i love the way the fire makes the shadows dance around behind us one time my friends and i went camping and nobody could start a campfire
and then i try to start the campfire and i could that's insane what what is going on over here well we taking on shirts off now okay follow the leader it's alone that's beautiful you know we ought to get a cup here peanua wasting time quack maas in there about to have sex with our daughter and son of a bitch let's it wait wait wait wait a minute do you hear that i don't hear anything i know he's not bliss paid out let's go and thanks for the ice cream glen and you write somehow it does taste be
tter in my underpants yes like being at the beach hu now get over here while the inside of your mouth is still freezing cold dear you are you shut of a bitch you get away from my daughter you're perfect might get in the car we're going home i'm not going home i'm eighteen and you can't tell me what to do anymore meg i'm only gonna say this once you may be an adult but you're still my daughter and it's my job to protect you from errant wers so i don't care how old you are you're gonna do what i s
ay and getting in the damn car yes daddy if you ever touch my daughter again i will cut your thing off and feed it to brian okay and peter and i get this cabin for one weekend a month do you want to stand me yes ma'am peter i got us the cabin y i don't want to see your face not going on door for at least a month would you sign the guest book on your way out lois griffin peter griffin we heard alone you know mom and dad i'm really glad that you kept me from doing what i was gonna do well that's w
hat parents are on make no matter what you want we love you and we just never want to see you hurt i only wish i'd seen what was going on from the start like your father it well i know the signs because the same thing happened to me an older neighbor her name was elaine i was eighteen and my body was firm from pushups and setups i was stunning but while my body was mature i had the mind of a twelve year old elaine invited me over with the promise of pie little did i know this would lead to an ei
ght year long psychosexual entanglement she's probably dead now life's funny sometimes and see



1❤😂 1:29這段很 屌











