
Brokerage links businesses to nonprofits in need

A brokerage firm called PIE (Purpose in Expenses) is connecting Central Oregon businesses with nonprofits in need. On Wednesday, they gave the first donation on behalf of ThaiPas to the Central Oregon Trail Alliance. | Read more:

KTVZ NewsChannel 21

9 days ago

a brokerage firm known as Pi is connecting local businesses with nonprofits in need Pi utilizes its partnership status with service providers to gather donations and then passes that money along to the nonprofits a portion of sales at Tai pass was set aside to be donated to the trail Alliance the business donated $1,000 to help them to create thousands of dollars of donations to increase their supports and nonprofits is extremely exciting so just to think that we can continue to grow this moveme
nt throughout Ben and throughout Central Oregon is very exciting Pi purpose and expenses also partners with Sebastian Seafood Subaru of Bend and beaver coach other nonprofits benefiting include the Family Access Network and the giving plate
