
Building The Ultimate Lego Castle

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Streamed 3 weeks ago

I'm this person said I'm cre oh that was that was my favorite did you see that the joke on Twitter for a while it was like instead of screaming people were saying creaming I don't know if I saw that but that's great yeah it was just funny and then it just kind of became then people just started typing it like you know it started as someone like oh like I just got my test results back I'm creaming they like yeah wow well we really built this whole thing and yeah y'all missed it yeah sorry we buil
t it before stream started Shane I got you a Lego set but I builded it sorry I builded it um wow but it looks gorgeous yeah do you guys like what we've done do you like this no so so the truth behind this is uh we built this in shifts like we did this one bag at a time Alex did the first like two or three bags I did a bag Alex did a bag then we both left and I did one of the bags Shane was like yeah I went in there and I did bag six that's crazy czy don't worry I took care of a bag for you yeah
working in shifts over here but guys the good news is look what we got for you you want to lift it up with me oh yeah yeah yeah a second Lego tower has hit the stream [ __ ] I'm surprised nobody's photoshopped a tower hitting like two planes are in the air and a Towers hitting one of them wa a third Tower is hit the tower third Tower is hit the plane uh so we have our second castle here uh we're going to have two castles A Tale of Two castles yeah um but I guess we need to there's three options
on this bad boy we got some option yeah cuz like look at that there's more things that you can do you got you actually got the legitimate tower that you could build uh or or do we want to go just so there's kind of like there's the castle which is kind of what we built there's the like uh it's kind of more of like a courtyard vibe that one that one kind of blame and then the tower one which is what I'm going to push for this yeah I'm going to Bush like like we'll let y'all vote but like that's p
retty sick frankly I'm voting for the tower cuz uh you know I don't want to spoil our upcoming content but you know shout out to Captain Q for sending us some some nice some cool [ __ ] a fan reached out was like Hey I I do a lot of stuff with Lego um and I wanted to help you guys work on something so we we got some fun Lego think of a uh yeah I don't know what I can say without spoiling too much we're going to we're going to make the Legos fight essentially yeah and it's going to be freaking si
ck we got a whole but first of all like we got to we got to uh we got to build if we build a different one is one of them going to have an advantage I think maybe we take turns like you maybe like one time we have the I'm seeing a lot of towers in the chat yeah the tower's really sick I I think do we do the tower I think the the tower is what it is you know and then we also had another we we wanted to do this first cuz we didn't know we were going to finish this whole thing in one stream it was
what if we did a Lego race that's what I want to do for a stream where you and I or some like some combination of two people do a uh a race where you each are presented with the same Lego set and then it's you know who can build it faster I like that it's like yeah and maybe you can sabotage them I don't know okay yeah we'll think about it maybe we try it straightforward uh people people enjoy the thumbnail and that's put together a really good thumbnail it's even a Lego helmet oh hell yeah it's
really cool we'll send it to you after this someone said please incorporate these castles into the next game of sniper chess that would be sick that would be sick yeah I love that you just have all the chess pieces on the the castle it's no longer playing chess you're just trying to Pieces um okay so let's let's Shall We Begin the build should we set this aside yes sorry I was pulling up the drawbridge now I'm pulling it back down she pull on my draw till I Bridge it didn't work it didn't work
the way I wanted it to yeah this is me in the pool oh man on account of my peanuts my beach Jaren my pean it's the stupidest stupidest phrase okay um gosh you know what we never talked about on any of our videos but that guy in the freaking Pro Shops in the the uh in the aquarium that guy Mr naked Mr Mr naked that's his name dude he let the you know I know it's the the meme on Twitter but it's like well he let the intrusive thoughts win but like he did he did good for him yeah I always wanted to
jump in there I know it looked really cool we had a really cool one uh where I grew up uh the Dustin bass bro you guys go there ask for Spencer okay they know me no they don't um we got out of the the aquarium in the worst possible way though yeah you truly exited it the he couldn't have gotten out worse all right we're uh we're gutting the Lego box yeah I'm pulling out the guts yeah get the Gill thing okay so this was this was the piece we were confused about when we were building it right it'
s just kind of loose in there yeah okay interesting yeah it just comes it just comes with a free one all right here's a free little Lego here's the insane instruction manual hell yeah it's a it's a proper whoa we'll be auctioning off that uh box yeah um o what's this guy is this oh yeah hold on okay and we have our instruction manual oh and here's the one you have on the back oh yeah I love that love that guy I got him on my desk yes we're going to be going for the tower if I can get this guy to
stick on here damn it okay [ __ ] people are trying to come up with they're trying to Workshop she bridging my draw till I Bridge the block might hold the dragon when will you guys play fortnite Someone said when will we play fortnite we just did Alex and I played last night we won our first game ever no no no like we the first game of last night we played that we played and we won okay that's pretty impressive yeah we almost well no we didn't almost win the but but what if we did I was campaig
ning for it I haven't played guys what uh hear me out what if we won this one okay so I think I think the the tower is the first option yeah yeah okay so we start with building the guys um I love building the guys I don't know where the guys at yeah yeah okay let's see what bag we start with I'm assuming one I I guess so yeah yeah yeah and then that piece we need um I'm going to move these over here sorry for all the crinkling y'all can we tell them what we're about to what we're going to be fil
ming later or can we should we keep that zipped up like later today yeah oh yeah we can say that we've been teasing it for a while so guys finally right after this stream I'm going to sit down and I'm going to try to identify my friends based on their favorite books it's finally happening uh you say it's going to be the one that I finally failed I think it's going to be the hardest one yet okay I respect that you know it's a wide gamut of books right yeah um cuz a lot of people haven't read in a
long time so they're putting [ __ ] down that's like not not telling of their personality necessarily good night moon is on there four times [ __ ] all right great no there weren't any uh there weren't any picture books but uh what my one man not my mandate but some people were trying to submit comic books and I was like you know what let's save it yeah because like I kind of think that could be its own video I respect that I respect that that will be its own video it does make it a lot harder
it does it absolutely does there are a lot of like for me like I I there was a while I don't want to say I was reading more comic books than books but it was pretty neck and neck especially when I started getting into like like for lack of a like without being pretentious like graphic novels right uh oh yeah they're they're great it's just it's so much easier to read uh like something that's not ongoing yeah so I've tried to like I try like I thought about reading the Ultimate Spider-Man that wa
s like ongoing now um and you know just as soon as I hit like an ending like a cliffing or ending I was like well I hate this well I'm I'm done is there a third one piece uh one piece is also ongoing did they say one piece is real in the show yeah oh they do yeah I didn't even know it was like up for like what what do they say in response to someone is like is is the one piece real and they're like the one piece is real they're like yeah she'll come in here and be like yeah Community is awesome
never never letting that [ __ ] go I need to see the ending it's like okay yeah 500 million pages of it was awesome but the last page not so good so the overall things sucks I mean to be fair like if the end of a movie is good I will walk out of that theater and be like yeah that was a good movie even if the rest was [ __ ] huh I don't I just don't know if I agree I don't know if I see that the same way Chad what do you think like I think the end kind of makes or breaks 99% of stuff for me damn
it's it's asking for a piece that I do not think we have out on the table it's asking for a little green piece see little little green piece Green Piece shout out to Green Piece shout out to Green Piece the Green Piece is is real uh is there a oh apparently there's a bag behind my MacBook that's bag four what what piece you looking for these little tiny green guys oh Green Piece oh they're like the flowers yeah I don't see any not seeing them here uh are there any leftovers on that no they're li
ke uh they like look like they're like one by one like little yeah you should have like tons of those cuz you had tons of those didn't you they're not yes yeah strange that I don't have any here um anyways yeah here here here they here they they are okay okay um but I'm excited to guess people's favorite books I've been reading a [ __ ] ton uh dud you have I bro I read five books in January that's crazy I know that's the most I probably have ever read in a month but I I just was I was in the zon
e I just finished a book called The Echo wife that [ __ ] rocked um from Smash Bros what the echo Fighters it oh yeah yeah that's what it's about yeah no it's about uh about clones Clans cleans um do you have those little stud things oh yeah right here oh great great great great great great some people are asking if you have a good reads uh I do not have a good reads I don't like actively use a Goodreads a ton I I go on Goodreads sometimes to get some recommendations like I'll see what's popping
what's popular um but I don't like I'm not like a good reads user like actively yeah I um I would like to use it just to kind of keep track of what I've read frankly but my freaking mom dude my mom who who I hate no uh no I guess my mom like it's like it's connected to my Amazon account so my Mom leaves all her book reviews and it kind of looks like it's on my good reads and so Kiana came up to me one day she was like I can't like you never told me you read this book I was like I've never heard
of that book and she was like well why did you rate it like five stars on good reads I was like why do you love let me let me talk to my mom and I talk to my mom and she was like oh yeah that's me I think we're supposed to have a different bag I I can't find this piece the this piece is real I think yeah me I wonder if I'm okay so this is four five six this say you supp open bag two as well it it kind of just has all the bags listed here and then it doesn't show a bag check check your empty bag
where' you throw out in the in the here this might be like I wonder if you if you lose the advantage of cuz it doesn't specify a bag in this so I'm wondering like I'm wondering if like if it's since it's not the main build it's like hey use like whatever pieces you got yeah so shall we just start pouring yeah look at the I mean yeah why not so anyways I started pouring po things I haven't seen it yeah me neither I want to Alex weren't you just talking about W to see it about talk about an endin
g that that works I haven't yeah no spoilers um yeah but it just heard Frankenstein so uh I think I'm primed yeah it's it sounds like it's basically Frankenstein Mo the yeah sorry this is crazy yeah this this sucks a little bit but but but we're we're going to get through it we're okay we're okay you're okay I can start separating by color that helps huh is that everything okay they're looking at your water bottle oh get it out of there wow you don't have a Stanley Cup the hockey thing the hocke
y thing I don't want freaking lead poisoning dude I know that [ __ ] was crazy it's so so deeply funny I wonder if there's going to be like a settlement open the bag away from yourself [ __ ] this is going to be brutal this is crazy we need we need to do like a picture of like uh you know there's probably a better example of this but like when Peter Jackson like realized he was in over his head in The Hobbit and you see him he's just like over in the corner he's like got his head in his hands we
need to recreate that but like you just like with like a mountain of Legos like [ __ ] oh my God [Music] okay ow o yeah dude sometimes I'll be alone this is pathetic I'll be alone and I'll just be like I'll see something I'll be like [Music] brutal yeah so I'm like I'm at home quoting smash that and I'm on my way I'm on my why it's just it's frankly addicted to say oh my god dude damn dude uh we're we're oh [ __ ] I'm actually getting a call I got to head out uh sorry dude I got to go actually
we are um we're straight [ __ ] yeah everyone's saying this was someone's saying this was a [ __ ] mistake oh guys this was a [ __ ] mistake oh yeah why would you open all the bags are you guys mixing the pieces this is painful honestly at this point now it's funny I have oh man they're making it so hard for themselves yeah yeah yeah look look yeah this is brutal this is like some I spy [ __ ] okay I'm putting my laptop down dude I'm I'm I'm Lego maxing okay look I've got chat up uh can I can do
you have chat for a bit okay cool I managed to find the piece I need yeah I'm trying to trying to put my laptop somewhere where I I don't have to no that's sorry guys chat's on moderated there you go Tim oh is that the black one Tim got the black Macbook so I need uh that little thing oh dude one sec oh yeah one second okay uh we got our first guy first guy confirmed no you don't don't come over here for that the first first guy just yeah new guy just dropped me having my first son I'm actually
somehow finding the pieces like rather quickly I don't know how uh it's kind of insane I mean if you any brown Pieces come pulling those out oh okay no um I need the gray thing that you know what if we dude we should get so into this like we know I managed to find it right away that's crazy it's like bro I need a 1084 2 six yeah dude do you mind getting me that dude I'm just I guys Miracles are happening I'm just finding these pieces did you ever see that movie The Miracle no the hockey movie o
h yeah no with with uh Stallone is he in that I thought it was Stallone I don't know can we get a fact check on that chat I thought Miracle had Stallone maybe it didn't maybe I'm maybe I'm wrong but it's about the uh the 80s the hockey team that beat the Russians we beat the Russians to end the Cold War yeah it was hockey that ended the Cold War I wonder if that played a role probably I mean honestly probably I'm on a roll huh my favorite Miley Cyrus song yeah what was her name in The Black Mirr
or Ashley Ashley o yeah that was a dumb episode that was a rough one that episode did blow [Laughter] chunks yo Charlie Booker your [ __ ] is whack is it Booker or Brooker oh [ __ ] okay there's so many tiny pieces in this one yeah yeah like a ton it's not so bad I think I think we're okay we're okay we're okay I think it looks worse than it is says Kurt Russell I was going to say Kurt Russell but I was like I feel like I I would know if it was Kurt Russell apparently it was I watched his uh was
it variety or Vogue who does this actually helping what you're doing is very smart thank you and I'm honestly going to be very satisfying once it's complete M man there's dark blue I love the Lego barrels like it's just asking for some little monkeys to be put in there I know man where are the little monkeys it's giving Little Monkeys giving monkeys dude I I when came home the other day there were freaking Monkeys Jumping on my bed that sucks man I'm so S I know dude and one [ __ ] fell and hit
his head and then you were liable yeah and uh you know he he wasn't the same after that a yeah that happens that that unfortunately happens they're too joyous did you have to make new rules yeah yeah monkeys yeah yeah no we we we inated some rules is that part of the nursery rhyme Tim it's honestly I forgot that part monke okay I was getting confused I was like bro and then and then my dude then dude you don't even want to hear about my porridge that I made the other day it gets real crazy when
we get to there did you see the new Puss and Boots movie yeah yeah that [ __ ] was funny yeah it was pretty good dud the new Puss and boo movie was freaking epic last that movie last night was a movie okay let's see um got this okay we're doing okay I got to be honest once we laid it all out I was like guys this stream might be cancelled and then we were fine we were okay I need some more of those little little green [ __ ] here we go little green ghouls little green ghouls um I was trying to t
hink of my my favorite books of all time uh don't tell don't tell cast here the crew might be uh you know I'll I'll let yall y'all in on a little secret we want to do something where we guess Shane's favorites yeah I think that'd be a fun we we you know flip the flip the thing right on its head like a subversive video really get into a psyche I think it'd be really cool my pitch is that I will um I'll give like my top 10 of everything but they only get three guesses they can get three of my top
10 that that feels good that feels good it's a little more doable yeah cuz it's like well that's like that wasn't in like my top three but it's like in my top 10 like that like I think to truly guess like the top three would be a little impossible top 10 books for me I mean can I talk about that here or do you should I save it I you know what I'll chat this one okay talk about some of my favorite books um I think Game of Thrones is 100% dude up there I I really want to read those um I really enj
oyed those books uh they're never going to be finished I've accepted the fact that they're probably done where they're at did you read uh the the spin-off one uh no I never did I like that one a lot that's the only one of his I've read interesting um House of no House of the dragon dragon that's what the show's called right or is that what the book is called right that's what the that's what the mask is um but uh yeah just those book that book series it's just high up there for me I loved it um
I loved his writing um but I'm told it's like it's different enough from the actual book series but interesting um and then uh there's these books by this author named meline Miller um she does uh Greek myths but she like fills in the blanks that are left so I just uh I just someone just submitted their top three and uh two of their books were in there whoa um yeah so the two books of hers that I've read are um song of a killes and uh and Cersei those might have been the two that were in there y
eah so those are two those are two books that I freaking love um and uh they're very good um song of Achilles is about it's about Petrus um it tells his whole story um that that is not covered in The Iliad and then um Cersei is just all about this character lot of you any book they it's got the name cersa you're like I'm there exactly um spelled differently though in this but uh uh then let's see um saw at the allall in time the actress yeah oh she's awesome man big fan um uh count to Monty Cris
to was a book that was one of the first like I think that was on someone's too really I I want to say yeah because I was like I realized I didn't know much about it um I love that book is he stranded on an island or something like that he no he's sent there it's he's a prisoner oh he's an ex he's an exile he gets framed and uh he gets sent there and then he's there for like 17 years and then uh old boy basically yeah I mean that's the whole premise is like he wants revenge uh but is old boy he's
willing he's willing to lose everything in order to get revenge is kind of the whole thing which is a tale that's been told many times over but uh tail is all this time exactly um no I was obsessed with the well I had these great Illustrated classic books as a kid and they would have like kind of kids versions of cuz you know one page would be text and then on the other page would be a picture like a really well-drawn picture um of like all these like classic books so they like kind of ran the
gamut um but some of my favorites were the Swiss Family Robinson and uh and Robinson cruso yeah I did read Robinson cruso um it's a tough read That's that I didn't enjoy as much but like the the great Illustrated Classics versions would like I think they cuz they kind of like updated the writing so it's like you know when you're a kid you you don't you're not like it's like what the hell are these these guys talking about um sure but the that was like that in tandem with the illustration it made
it so sick cuz I was like I was all about Base building and he's like half like so much of the book as him building this little base this shit's sick as hell that's awesome love that [ __ ] I can relate yeah like it's Minecraft I'm always building a base uh and I'm based godamn all right all right guys God okay um let's see damn this this part that's brutal this part sucks that looks like some proper Minecraft [ __ ] this is lit I'm playing Minecraft can we hold that up for the camera start to
ruin your flow it's just like very technical it's beige it's just all the same color just a bunch of tiny pieces that I'm stacking over and over Shooters in 2007 be like like Gears of War and [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah everything was beige that was the the piss filter was what Gamers called it wow I didn't know that yeah the PS3 piss filter like Metal Gear Solid 4 had it oh yeah it was that was pretty pissy I never thought about that could be used effectively I loved middle Gear Solid 4 I watching my
friend played a lot I was like man this looks cool but I don't know if this is for me it was my favorite game for a while I need to I'm waiting for them to remaster it but I I let's see see kajima announced a different game yesterday what announced yeah basically is like Metal Gear Solid successor okay a proper what's it called something stupid it was just like it's an espion no but he he had it gave it he gave it a name I didn't hear it it's like it's really dumb that sounds about right rememb
er I love when people talk about like his names for [ __ ] like penis hard man literally those are the types of names oh they Rock Unfortunately they all rock funny everything about them like I want to be like a hater but like as soon as everything he posts is so funny like did you see his post about um what wasie he like I went to see song birds in the The Hunger Games movie because Hunter Schaefer yeah and I was like oh wow you're a just just fan he loves Hunter schaer that's so funny just lik
e random I was like wait hideo kajima is obsessed with Hunter Schaefer that's the funniest thing Damian's ever said when he said video game gima video video game gima is a it's always been it's always made me laugh now Alex was it you were talking about this how awesome Lego Skeletons were yeah probably the probably the like it's the ideal character design show the camera yeah well I want to assemble him first oh what if I gave him the dumb little head what if I gave him this head you see this w
ay wait wait so no head oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what if you get oh no that that wouldn't work wouldn't wouldn't work fny say offen hyber it was fun seeing Alden Eden Reich and that Solo or the guy who the the guy from hail Caesar who's like would it TW oh nothing I don't I don't know what's going on well he was he was the guy who he was Robert Downey Jr's uh like I don't know he's like advisor or whatever in Oppenheimer okay okay oh you're talking about solo yeah oh yeah yeah sorry I wa
s zoned into this [ __ ] no honestly I get it dude this this [ __ ] sucks right now it's going to be so cool soon but right now sucks right now I'm pissed everything is [ __ ] everybody sucks everybody sucks dude I'm so I'm so ready for Mission Impossible 8 you see they fully renamed uh dead reckoning part one to dead reckoning oh really yeah it's no longer part one yeah I mean that type of marketing was really I I think it was outdated like they didn't real because they're still thinking of the
like Marvel [ __ ] and now people are so done with it and it's like oh they don't want but even Marvel didn't do that like it wasn't like end game or like you know don't remember but like you know it's kind of just like I think calling something a part one is a little it does suck yeah I need the uh could you hand me the door and the what color door [Music] this she was just like me for real what's chat saying they saying anything funny chat y'all funny today chat are you funny oh I agreed hear
d okay pretty good I need to find a really random piece I need to find a bright orange little guy right here it's like a that's like the door handle the door knocker or the lock is it this no I mean that doesn't yeah I think that's it that seems so strange but okay what a strange thing I guess it's if I find the other one just feels like that's not but that does look got this pretty cool all right look at the Apple it's giving Snow White it's giving Rachel zagler do okay I'm out of the loop on R
achel zagler but uh the interet has told me that we hate her no no we don't they do but they suck oh okay so they're wrong I never I just saw like people hating on her and I was like what did she do and then I never got an answer literally nothing yeah I don't think she I think she's pretty sure she's chill okay so oh cuz she's chill they hate her there was one response to a Snow White interview question oh where she was like yeah I didn't really watch Snow White growing up it's like okay move o
n like it's not like your regular Snow White waiting for her prce to come like why can't she wa they're like whoo Snow White went um what snow is woke snow woke snow W white white it's honestly crazy that like I even watch Snow White as a kicks that movie is like a hundred years old dude it's like imagine showing your kids like hey check out this movie that's a hundred years old I don't know check out trip to the moon I don't know why my head now just thinking of woke movies has me going Star Wa
rs uh woke One Star Wars woke one is funny the woke One S woke one woke one can you hand me an arc like one of these yeah thanks bro what's your favorite one piece Arc probably the last one where it ends and then Jeff Winger shows up what the [ __ ] Community oh okay do you think Troy and Abed watched one piece probably probably think they ever explored each other's bodies here's uh here's some legs oh I need to that oh [ __ ] okay okay um dude we got a good base going we got a good base tan goi
ng it's really it's taking a minute but it's it's it's happening it's all happening yeah good call on this mat Alex yeah oh we'd be we'd be right [ __ ] if we didn't have this we'd be pissed we'd be [ __ ] pissed oh not yet o we're right pissed aren't we and my piss and my piss um I saw a Tik Tok where someone was explaining that in the books at that Council someone brings up Tom Bombadil whoes they're like they're like why the [ __ ] don't we just bring that guy to do it and they're like oh he
doesn't give a [ __ ] no I I do you remember my friend sorry he doesn't give a [ __ ] dude pissy Jackson pissy Jackson um my favorite Tik Tok thing lately is people predicting how the Super Bowl is going to go and it's a series of slideshows they're like okay uh first quarter the Chiefs are up 7-0 second quarter uh-oh all of the 49ers get diarrhea and they have to leave uh uh halftime Usher performs it's great uh third quarter uhoh the Chiefs got the food poisoning too and they have to go out wh
at's this the 2012 Giants enter the stadium like it just like ends up with their team winning it's so stupid see the one where that guy's like doing a slideshow on if Taylor Swift will make it make it from Tokyo I saw that oh man I feel I told I told I said this in another video I unfortunately I think the I think the Chiefs are going to win man I mean not not unfortunately I just think that's that's what's GNA happen um can I put on my Pro Taylor Swift hat for a second I feel like I feel like i
f I were forced to like fly from Tokyo to wherever the [ __ ] they're playing and then like immediately put on like a face it' be exhaust but she she has a private jet so she could probably like sleep very comfortably dude just going having to go to that many football games like that sucks but they're in the they're in the booth they're chilling that shit's awesome someone ask when Shane's going to wear that cheap I know I I we still did make that promise and it's going to be such a bummer if th
ey win the Super Bowl and I have to wear it don't worry I mean look we made that promise so long ago when they had a bad when they had like a not good record and it wasn't looking like they were going to go this far dude did SM piss did you piss your pants I Pissed My Pants I'm so mad um well we are gonna we are going to follow through on that promise fear not yeah will don't worry I will do it it's less about wearing a Chief's Jersey as opposed to which player I'm wearing don't worry we make su
re he wears the worst one uh their best player is cadarius Tony I should wear a cadarius Tony that unfortunately sounds like one of those key impal guys it's not cadarius Tony cadarius Tony's a real player I know you think all the people that ke and Peele said weren't real guys that's one of the best sketches oh it I I remember watching that [ __ ] and dying laughing donkey teeth just nuts it's truly insane they're like the their makeup the production on their sketches was so oh a not ahead of i
ts time but just like they really put care into like like if they were doing they weren't like half-assing like you know what is kids you know like they always they put on like a wig and be like ha like and like it was funny but like ke and Peele they'd be like oh we're we're going like full force so we brought in like professionals and we're going to like look the part no their [ __ ] was unbelievable every single they they're like oh God that sketch I watched it so many times over just dying l
aughing so good L carpatonal Mary it's just like God damn they just every single one is good dude imagine being in the writer's room for that they were probably dying and of course it ends with Kyle Smith BYU I think he's the kicker dup oh it's great yeah cadario stone is a real player I I could wear that Jersey wait what's his last name Tony so you just have a jersey that said Tony pretty good okay Tony's a funny name what if Anthony went by Tony oh [ __ ] makes you think be dud we should do we
should do a series like Marvel but it's like smos what if we did that no no no no but like the way Marvel does it oh yeah yeah yeah where it's like what if Anthony didn't leave smos i' what if Ian left smos oh dude guys cooking put in the put in the comments what you think would have happened dud Ian get find I need to find this this guy Oh you mean this guy I just need one of them [ __ ] uh yeah get get sketch on the horn yeah like you know that new sound you're looking for well listen to this
it's just Shane farting but like it has a song like from banjo Kazi oh God um I hope Grant Kirk hope who composed uh uh um how do you just have that info dude okay well he's all that music he did like yeah he's like he's like he's kind of like the guy that's still such like name like name an N64 song with good music or an N64 game good music oh um uh that's made in America sorry I should um gold Knight had pretty good music yeah he did that he did gold KN [ __ ] okay what other games had good m
usic um H [ __ ] uh okay golden ey was kind of all I had in the chamber so like I'm trying to think of I'm just trying to think of N64 games that music stood out to me um I'm looking for a little this little black singular one uh I have not started pulling aside the black pieces yet I don't think I a little bit so it's just a one oh it's it's like a dark gray I think oh is it oh yeah you're right okay oh yeah yeah yeah so tricky so tricky it's so confusing because there's also that there though
yeah where looks darker that's definitely got to be but it also it's calling for that that piece is actually black you see that one oh oh I get it yeah it's I hate that okay that that I've seen um somewhere I saw that somewhere oh right here how we doing for time bad we're halfway through okay we're going to have the basics of this yeah and we can finish this I'm saying like I think we can make some pretty good progress yeah yeah I'm getting the [ __ ] part done yeah and especially once all thes
e are kind of sorted sort it out sort it out yeah all right big Ops I think I lost a piece love that guy corny what's that guy's name uh the guy who's like big UPS all right here we go and he eats he's I think he made that guy up no you talking about Hagrid chat knows exactly who I'm talking about he's a Tik tocker he's a he's he's a uh mukbanger he's a British mukbanger uh it's some sort of name like um God what's it called she mck on my bong okay it's like uh it's like a sing it's one it's one
word it's like mon mono what is what is it when you have like a one word mono not monosyllabic there's like a like if you're if you go by Prince like then your name is mono something bivo yep thank you chat is that what all the music videos used to be uh can I get a can I get a on line dark brown or brown oh is it nope says watching FNAF Game Theory right now got to go oh God but that's just a theory but that's just a theory whoa bro we're trying to get him on uh let's get that stupid piece of
[ __ ] on here uh I need yeah I need it's uh this oh these BR ones no no no no no this long one right there the uh smooth the smooth uh where where it I think you skipped a step the hell what the Fick oh yeah theck okay okay looking for these looking for this Dr Venture oh crap Dr misses the Monarch but I still will need hold on it's um what the [ __ ] doesn't even list it it is still this piece that I need I don't like it um yeah I need a long one just uh one row piece from there how many six u
h I think it's actually eight see it goes along there in between are you sure it's eight it's not one of these it's not two fours oh yeah huh dude chain sucks at Lego oh guys I suck guys I'm a piece of little [ __ ] um here's one four that's all I need I got the other four four and score I never understand in Legos when they have [ __ ] like that where I'm like you could have just had a bigger piece there I think this is my theory I think they have like a very specific reason for doing a lot of
the [ __ ] you have a lot of faith in them yeah the Dutch no they're not Dutch they're Swedish no I thought they were sweet they're definitely not Swedish I think they're uh Danish I think they're from Denmark yeah I could have sworn they were Swedish but I must I might be wrong I might be a [ __ ] idiot Denmark wow freaking go where's Ikea ah I'm racist towards the Swedish people who are intolerant of other people because of the cultures and the Austin pow 3 BR brings brings the house down ever
y time that's a joke that's a joke that probably went over my heads every time I watched it [Laughter] though oh God I need to rewatch them there's probably some [ __ ] that did not age well but I like have you ever seen the thing where people do the math that's like you know how he like died in like the 60s and he came back in like the late '90s it's like yeah it's like some dying in like 2000 at this point oh [ __ ] or it's like someone getting Frozen in 2000 and waking up now and being like O
h what pronouns well no it's no it' be the '90s right cuz 60s to '90s so yeah holy [ __ ] that's rough like snow snow woke pronouns Star Wars woke one he's like the prequels baby yeah [Laughter] Liz's [ __ ] dying from that we need to make dude dude get sketch on the horn God damn Austin Powers but he's woke no so I here's the thing I rewatched Austin PW one relatively recently most of it's aged fine he is a little aggressive with uh Elizabeth uh yeah I was going to I was going to use her her mo
vie name uh Miss Kensington ah I think it's Vanessa Kensington but he always uh that points he doesn't when when when they're on the plane when they're that's the thing no he doesn't when they're on the plane he's like oh he's like kind of getting all over and she's like Mr Powers Yeah that's my Vanessa impression uh could you hand me uh these but in in that color the two of those which in the slightly darker okay this one yeah uh one my favorites when he uh when he tries to when he when he punc
hes Basil's mom in the in the head and and tries to pull her wake off it's a m baby that and when he we realize he doesn't have any inner monologue he but she shags like a MX it's just probably the most insane thing you can ever say to a person did you see where people were like oh like they they dubbed over the song from the end of saltburn over him dancing after spoil later after Vanessa dies in the second one um what have you seen saltburn I have not seen salt bur yet there's a scene where so
meone danced around naked oh okay and they use the song when Austin Powers is is dancing around I just love how every interview I see about saltburn is what's his name just being like yeah so I like I I improvised that cuz I wanted I wanted to see what it would be like for that character to do that it's just like I know he's I know he's Irish I'm I'm butchering the accent but just every interview is just this guy the most actor the most actor type of guy was just like he's just like yeah and I w
anted I just wanted to see what it would it would it would be like he's like as folded as as a human can be um know so I watched his like uh you know where like actors look back on like their roles dude this how how delicious do a little tiny baguette um little tiny bagette but my takeaway from him like so like the interviews it was just like he sounded like he sounds like he just like annoys people on set like almost as a job yeah and it's like it sounds hilarious yeah cuz like when he was on b
anshees of what's it called Sharon yeah like I guess he was like oh yeah and like I just like ate all of Colin Ferrell's food he's just a psycho yeah no a lot of a lot of actors I think are just weird and they they get away with it did you see the Jake Gyllenhaal stuff no so I I guess they were like they were shooting this movie and they had to basically call off the whole movie cuz he was acting like a [ __ ] weirdo that's awesome so here's the like he did his whole first like they did the firs
t like read through and he did the whole thing is pepy La Pew who who by the way totally canceled he's not kidding yeah this is not a joke and then uh that's right pep La Pew is cancelled yeah like fully 100 took him out of Space Jam also hot take I never liked Pepa no pep was he was obious he was turn on Looney Tunes and it was a pep I'd be like I'm not into this one uh So Courtney and I earlier were talking uh about um Mark Anthony and [ __ ] pussyfoot the the bulldog and the and the little th
e little cat and uh I thought they were part of Tom the Tom and Jerry extended Universe no they're Looney Tunes that's that was my that's the whole takeaway from that conversation cuz Courtney was like no they're Looney Tunes I was like shut up um so I need need some of these pieces here I could uh I could start doing the color organization if you want to take over this part a little bit sure here's here's this [ __ ] dude it it's looking good so far yeah we're getting the base of the tower uh i
t's it's getting it's getting based it's giving based this is like our Tower of Babble moment we're like how high can we get that's true and then soon we're going to lose all speech um uh so Jake Gyllenhaal is a psycho or was he just specifically a psycho on the one movie probably like extended Universe psycho okay like he's probably usually like this funny that's crazy he's such a good actor I'm dude remember he was the Prince of Persia yeah H nuts okay did you see the trailer for the new Roadh
ouse movie I did bro I'm a big fan of Roadhouse so roadh house is honestly one of my favorite movies it's an incredible movie if you haven't seen it you should watch it it's so stupid just heads up it's really problematic oh yeah un well it's it's the 80s yeah and unfortunately the 80s uh as a decade besides besides Back to the Future uh probably should be canceled Back to the Future probably has some problematic moments probably the [ __ ] the Family Guy joke um uh a lot of that movie is about
incest it it you know it is so okay we'll we'll cancel Back to the Future as well yeah um sorry guys Back to the Future is canceled we have decreed no Leah Thompson's so hot in that movie though hot take that's crazy you know she directed an episode of Goldbergs no way yeah or a couple actually good for her very nice um okay I need this if I see her again I'll let you know you said that dude tell her I said what I said that's hey flower down Center down okay nice did she direct any scenes of you
yeah so what was it look if I can if I can get like questiony for a bit um what was it like having like kind of different directors come in all the time and just like um Goldbergs was such a system yeah that it was really never that different they were just kind of they weren't really how much input does like a director have on a show like director is really more just kind of keeping it going like with a show like that it's a it's a machine we had a lot of different uh I remember one time I I u
sually would see who the director was yeah um I I would do a good job of like looking that over one time I was there was remember when there was a huge fire around the 405 yeah so I was on my way to Goldbergs I'm on my way I'm on my way I I go early enough that I drive through that or no no this is a different time there was two times where I had to drive while there was a massive fire happening this time I drive the fire is already shut down the 405 that day that day was nuts so I had to get fr
om uh from the valley to uh to Culver City and the 405 is shut down yeah it took me 3 hours to get there so I showed up 2 hours l to my but they knew um but I had forgotten to to look at like I just was like I i' had seen my sides but I didn't uh check who was directing so I show up to set and I show up and I'm I'm like so tired I'm so bummed out I'm just like hey sorry and and all a sudden I just hear like hey no no worries like and I I turn it's the director it's Melissa Joan Hart I like I was
like I remember I remember turning and just being like I was like what like so so confused for a moment um that's really funny yeah I was like oh okay I need a dark gray this it's like the little ball oh yeah yeah let me find that oh yeah yeah no no no problem oh here it is I found it uh I was looking at the wrong color but um that's so funny what other kind of guest directors did y'all have so a director we had a lot was um Jay the one of the J roach Jay from uh Super Troopers and stuff uh I f
orget last name thought you meant J roach the director of Austin Powers um but uh you know a lot of actors where people go like oh whatever happened to that actor they fell off it's like they're probably making more money than God directing uh TV episodes truly cuz I think they make a lot of money and it feels like not like an easy job but it's kind of like you're in and you're out like it's like oh yeah and it's a it's a you're you're not in the edit room with them like you're you might be I do
n't know um I'm not sure with those shows but um but there's just so much stuff out there that these people are doing where you don't realize like they're not they're not just screwed like they probably actively made a choice to switch over from acting to something else like the audition process exhausting like it's like yeah they're just they're done um and there's I guess yeah I don't know now directing TV I don't want to say it feels easy but it feels like it feels more of like a job than um
yeah well it's very uh methodical yeah yeah that's a good word for it it's yeah you're not um you know yeah would you ever Direct TV oh yeah sure hit them up sure what up it's a hard thing to break into though yeah you got to have like that very specific connection and and you burned a lot of bridges on gold and and everyone hates me so you know probably not going to happen everyone hates my guts over there my stinking guts everyone hates my stinking guts we don't say I hate your guts enough any
more no we we've lost that part of our culture and it's very sad me seeing olvia Rodrigo album Jesus Christ it was a stretch okay it was a stretch I I've told people that's the first album I listened to this year just period I think no I I have listened to other albums my life uh yeah so I listened to music for the first time um it's a good album though I will say good album every time Shane listens someone's like wow this sounds like Olivia Rodriguez so getting real boss guys I'm getting all Ol
ivia so I need a brown 2 by1 and a brown 4X by one um okay Brown 4x1 uh let's see here like this yep and a uh what what was the other one you said a brown 2 by one and some dark gray ones too some dark gray uh some dark gray one by fours 4 by ones uh are you talking like this uh yeah but thinny thinny thin thin skinny OIC Vibes oh Jesus [ __ ] God damn H I had not heard of OIC until recently it was just like dude there's a place by my house uh where it's like oh like come in and like we'll give
you OIC shots I'm like that's crazy I read this uh I read this it wasn't a short story it was a whole book and it's about this company who was direct or like developing uh like weight loss Solutions and one of their Solutions was like hey what about worms um like tape like essentially like tape worms um and uh here's the thing the problem is the worms are too hungry and they start kind of they they they eat too much of you and so it starts like killing people and then the worms kind of get out i
n the wild and like you know it's like they're just vicious like they just kind of consume you and like you can't stop eating I thought that was crazy yeah uh what are you looking for um one of these uh it's this color and it's like a it's a slant like this no it's but it's it's tiny talking these no but it's it's this no it's it's an it's so it's different from that color see how there's like several different like it's this okay um oh maybe it's in that maybe it's like in the ACT proper greens
um oh there you have a bunch over here oh funny over here thank you thank you thank [Laughter] you we have fun here guys we're having fun Welcome to the stream those you just joining us those you just joining welcome to the stream um hell yeah wait so any other cool guest directors I can't think of any others besides johart's that's it just so an leyah Thompson's crazy she ever pop up in the Goldbergs I feel like she would have been like a purely directing they didn't like turn the camera on li
ke look who we got no but as far as like guest stars go having Clancy Brown come on I was like this is [ __ ] dope and he played he played like a PE teacher who literally is the same exact Vibe as all of his characters that's great I was just like God so cool just see him in he's such a badass Starship Troopers obviously oh yeah dude freaking freck yeah bro freaking freak yeah what was the worm book it's called Uh thinner I love thinner have you read thinner I have not read th you ever try eatin
g worms it's called the guy who oh it's called The Troop The Troop it's by uh Nick Cutter crazy name wow Jesus um it wasn't like it wasn't like it wasn't like the best book in the world but it was it was pretty good he was pretty Che pretty good now I need uh these this is going to sound crazy I feel like we're making progress yeah we're doing pretty good pretty good system we got here we've organized it pretty well you guys want to show off anything uh we nothing looks Co I've spent so long mak
ing this this entire time I've been building it's been this but hear me out like there's a lot of different pieces a lot of different like Shades going on like the problem is we're very much in the technical portion of this there aren't like big pieces it's not like oh finally like I finished like the tower it's like no like the whole thing is like it's going to be it's going to be a freaking process the good news is I'm almost done with this um whoa we got Brennan in the chat Brennan's joined t
he chat you guys a lot of cherries in this chery m chery do you have a dark gray 6 by one oh I think I see one right here right here in my hand I've been quoting kungpow a lot lately I need to go I need to I need to go back um I'm building this one all out of Border can I get two green leaves can I get some greens leaves greens uh small ones little these no no about these Burns yeah yeah yeah yeah you got I got for you right here big UPS here we go what's it bivo bivo bivo and but true hero bivo
is a true true champion I feel like you could do a lot with that name bivo oh yeah well he's done a lot he's eaten dude he ate dude he ate uh can I get two more of these yeah yeah are you talking about are you talking about these yeah yeah yeah thank you no problem I wonder if they do like Lego races out and about no no I think not I think I think not unfortunately no no they do not it's giving no it's giving no thank you uh can I get two of these yeah and then two little pink studs two little
pinks or sorry three my bad whoa okay there you go greedy or I wasn't greedy enough rather indeed indeed in greed a lot of jewels involved in this set little green ghouls little green ghouls if you will okay I'm almost done I'm almost done oh man oh man oh man oh man yeah that [ __ ] tweet that was like uh [ __ ] uh it the ger one no the Elvis one where it was like uh it's like uh what was it it was it was he was talking about uh it was like oh me when I like cuz Austin Butler he's like oh I lik
e it took me for her to like get out of the accent and someone's like oh I'd hate if someone asked him like uh but it was like set up to like so it's like he would he would have to say one of Elvis's like catchphrases I wonder what he said when he was done yeah uh it wasn't like Elvis's left ability but it was something goofy like that much oh yeah yeah oh it's like yeah like like how did he thinkk his uh how did he think the guy who helped him uh get out of the Elvis accent all right here here
we go dude okay oh so it's a it's a [Music] hidden oh wait show that that's so cool bro cover up that hole hole covered wait show show Hole oh nice for the uh for the premium members yo smos members get to see hole when do you think they'll show hole on a sketch guys become a smos member you never know okay if they had a sketch they released just like the schedule was called like you know Pokemon in real life but then in in parenthesis it says we show [Laughter] whole dud smos breaks the [Music]
internet honestly if they did that it might do really well or like dude what if it did worse than every they didn't change the title like why hav we changed the title it's doing really bad it's like no no no we're staying stay the course hold ho I need a dark brick side that's small like this wait like this oh yeah right here in my hand all of them all of them that you see have have that so what you see is what you get what you see is that a CA Shanty bro Jesus what you see what you see who som
ething's oh wa oh cuz these are flipped out sometimes it's so confusing yeah no cuz in this they're flipped out I was like no it frankly sucks ass Lego fix your [ __ ] just kidding please work with this I'm grabbing all the Arches and I will put the Arches somewhere yeah like there are pieces we like oh why like why wouldn't this just be one piece it's like I bet they I bet there's a reason and the reason just kidding and the r and what you see D we should do pirate covers of songs I dude that'
be so cool we would crush do very well not a perfect pirate jeez Jesus Christ I'm not a pirate person just finding the obvious thing and just not doing that they many booty no miss new booty we didn't have to change any the lyrics we're sitting there like intervie so how when I was approached to do miss new booty I found so Alex and I both have so do you have a word you'll replace every like so when I sing a song like when I'm walking around my house I'll replace all the lyrics like and I'll try
and make him Scooby-Doo themed um and Alex tries to make his shrimp themed do you have like a theme you do in your own uh I do I do um what's your what's your medium what do you mean like you're replacing the lyrics with yeah so like I I I I actually think I do I think I do Scooby-Doo too yeah cuz it's such a known like song that'll be like like this is a Scooby of a d with you and like and like yeah like that's just like like every song like if I have a song stuck on my head I'll just sing it
again and again until like all the shit's just replaced with Scooby-Doo oh God I think there's something really wrong with me man moose pirate moose Master holy did someone in chat say that dude I want to shake your hand I want to shake your hand I want to shake your hook I want to shake your hook I want to shake your hook I want to shiver your Timbers let me shiver your Timbers dud can you shiver someone else's Timbers was it South Park where they say oh yeah like oh scissor me timbers now youa
ll remember that that [ __ ] was crazy oh God sorry I I just got a text from my mom being like I hear the weather's really bad are you okay dude she cooked without it it is it's pretty it's raining there's a flash flood warning this morning yeah I think it was down to like I hope I I you know what I want I want lightning we never get it I love lightning dude me watching Cars [ __ ] I want lightning sry sorry me watching he's been on the TV like most of the time me watching planes yeah this is co
ol but like I want lightning where's lightning [ __ ] [ __ ] Christ where's lightning Alex you writing are you writing these down for shorts bro I'm trying we go to we go to Social and they're like so what pitches do you have and it's like uh I'm not a pirate person uh where's lightning reading off the titles of the short oh yeah yeah this one says hole this one just says show Hole whoa me chain I kind of want to see how much Lego you could have hanging from this could you make a whole wrecking
ball that hangs I came in like a what what would a pirate say cannon ball I oh I came in like I came in on a yeah yeah I gotta work on my I got to workot my pirate voice before we do that video I came in on a pirate we're just going to wind up being the The Venture Brothers pirate guy H yeah he's so good I love that he starts as like a purely one-off character he's just F comes back but he always stays a pirate but he's like that's not part of his can I have two of these uh yeah yeah Alex did yo
u really get far enough from Venture Brothers to where like the pirate guy is like a main guy that's that's the funny thing about Venture Brothers is every character shows up as like a pure stereotype archetype but then Seasons later they'll be a full out fleshed fleshed out character and that original archetype has nothing to do with them anymore but they still have the voice yeah no but like yeah just each like each is like oh it's like oh that's Doctor Strange or like like it's just like ever
yone just gets so much depth and it's so funny they just play it straight kind of like they really do they just give them genuine story Arts yeah like it's not they're no longer a joke like once they do that joke it's done and then they are like okay now here's who they actually are I think he stays addicted to the painkillers though that's right that's right it becomes a whole addiction Arc for the pirate it's [ __ ] crazy oh God crazy how doing on time you got like 15 minutes left [ __ ] oh [ 
__ ] [ __ ] me dude [ __ ] Tower [ __ ] off hey off hey come on you don't mean that hey cut it out dude what if we what if we divide and conquer you need the other one of this oh yeah um he Stewie come on crazy out there Stewie acting crazy I'm Ste Griffin mess with my dad all day okay what's infuriating about this bread is it it's like it can't stick to anything it's it's like it's a free a minig can hold it can they yeah that's why it has that oh that's why it's groovy bro ow I it like get Ama
nda in here check out this check out this pirate holding bread Pine check out that pirate holding bread me bread I have your cameras on my phone labeled with your names but you guys switch seats and now I'm idiot one idiot too [ __ ] okay oh cool armor armoir armir sorry y'all I am locked in I know it's it's hard to talk while also does your mom ever call you like well probably not you're not a big computer guy but like your mom ever call you like while you're playing like a like a a video game
or while you're like on the computer yeah and you're like she's talking my mom clocks me so fast she's like are you like on your computer I'm like no no cuz she'll she'll ask me a question I'll be like yeah yeah I I don't think my mom notices um it depends on the game I'm playing if I'm playing like breath of the wild or tears of the Kingdom like game like that where I can just kind of mindlessly play it you run circles I'll just kind of be like yeah for sure um yeah whatever Mom yeah sick um no
she doesn't clock it she's not on to your [ __ ] yet dude no you wait D when you get a little older just wait till you're an adult then you're not going be able to get get away with it are you just playing fortnite lately oh I beat New Vegas New Vegas was no so New Vegas I I started and I beaten a week cuz it's always been on my bucket list and honestly lived up to the hype I've heard like I I'm waiting for a remaster I I think that's I think that's a good call I tried to play it and I was just
like I can't get into this it's very it's dated in a lot of ways and like if you can't like kind of like it requires a lot of like oh like my save game's a little busted like how can I kind of break the game to unbreak the game yeah um which is a little frustrating yeah so I'll I'll wait but I've heard it's I believe people when they say it's like the best it really is like there's so many things where it's like oh why don't you just do that and then like the game will let you or like the game
isn't afraid of it's got that balers gate aspect too yeah or so I'm told that's next on my list but it's got so many things where it's like um you know where as most games like you can like align with a faction and then like you go over and then you do the opposite factions quests this like like their the faction Quest might be like hey go kill this whole other faction and you're like uh like the Brotherhood of Steel like killing all of them from the whole game and they're like yeah we don't lik
e them uh yeah they are bad and then you can literally just never do any of their quests and you're like well um that's that's sick as hell um I would play balder's gate if uh if I had a PC which I need to build yeah so if there any uh PC Builders out there any um uh can I get a like okay here we go yeah uh any company's watching um send me the parts yeah we'll shout you out no I I look maybe tomorrow I'll set aside some time start doing some cold reach outs problem it's just kind of hard to be
like hey we smos games you ever heard of I and Anthony well uh they're on the channel sometimes we well we know them some well well they we we share building heard of them have they been on a stream yet I mean Ian has uh they were for the funeral not a game stream yeah that's what I mean like have they been on a game stream probably not they don't they don't know how to play games yeah fake Gamers dude that's like my biggest uh people didn't show up for the freaking uh uh the are the B the bunke
r video oh um it's a it's a banger video too I know it's kind of interesting that was their last chance yeah that was their one and only chance uh that was that was interesting um I know Anthony Anthony does game he was talking about playing Mario Wonder no they killed it in that video they are so funny in that video yeah um no like I could have watched them play the whole thing my one regret that we I can't wait wait when does FNAF uh FNAF 2 FNAF 2 we haven't gotten a cut yet but uh it should b
e oh really yeah it should be like I think it might be next week I can I can give you yeah Alex is check because we we uh cuz Smashmouth we were talking about it yeah CU I think it was supposed I think it's supposed to go the first week of February okay that's right we we knew it' be coming out soon yeah dude that video it's crazy I don't want to spoil that yeah it it might upload in less than a week hell yeah whoa guys Le less than a week possibly dude it's it's really FNAF to it's really good
it was better I think it was better than the first we haven't seen a cut right but but I think it's going to be better than the first in the moment filming it felt better than the first lowkey cooked we had more moments yeah moments and it's look the moment from the first one where I'm like Amanda is literally playing Five nightes at Freddy's and then like no y the second game is just so much harder yeah bro holy [ __ ] brutally hard to the point of frustrating you'll see the video yeah you'll s
ee the video yeah you'll see you guys will see hello everybody my name is five nights of fredy's hello everybody my name is Markiplier dude hello I'm Markiplier dude you should play Markiplier in a sketch okay that's how we get him on the show I know that's how I get him to shake my hand I'm want to shake your hand I want to shake your hand I'm G to mark your plier she mark on my plier dude I made some uh made some good memes for who MD it I'm so excited I for that episode are you are you in it
I'm in it you're in it I'm in it oh [ __ ] so you can't talk about it dude okay now you showed me that one that was [ __ ] who else in it it's you couldn't tell you okay even if I could I wouldn't um I don't know what I'm thinking about wearing this is just this is just a fun little thing for you guys watching this um I'm going to wear my suit except I'm thinking about not wearing a shirt so it would just be the suit jacket and I'd have a tie and then no nothing underneath just why are you think
ing that man it' be it's funny no it is I remember when you first pitched the suit and you we're like okay you're like it'd be funny we're like yeah I just am like do it's funny I mean cuz I've had the tear away pants yeah and then no the suit works the suit H the show it makes it special uh do you have a light gray Arch all the Arches are here it needs to be wider yeah this big arch no in between oh Goldilocks bro Goldilocks damn Frick what the fck what theck oh [ __ ] quick you guys [ __ ] Lad
s I don't think we're going to finish oh no we got time time no no we can do it we only have a million pieces in front of us in 9 minutes and nine oh [ __ ] okay no take like that one Madonna song time goes by so slowly God I'm so sad I love that song um caught up Barrel or hung up little barrel barrel whatever it's it's the other one it's uh five minutes or four minutes or whatever Five Minutes at Freddy's well only got 5 minutes to save the world I don't know that one dude yeah it's cuz it suc
ks was that like her later stuff it was a later song yeah it had Justin Timberlake JT uh well the good good news is we got the skeleton out of the way so just in case like no one's going to get jump we need to we need probably need to put a sign on the stage T like hey look out there's a skeleton there's a there's a Lego skeleton That's crazy dude these [ __ ] and tears of the Kingdom they're [Laughter] so nice reference dude yeah sick reference everyone knows your references are out of control
I was playing it again last night I bet you were been playing it again what my plan is is not to do any of the like uh get none of the companions oh fight none of the bosses so that when I go and fight um kiss none of the girls when you fight Ganondorf at the end you have to fight all five bosses and then fight Ganondorf that will be crazy dude yeah yeah I want to see it I want to see you do it I I said this in the Stream before but I beat breath of the wild straight from the plateau yeah and I
was it was it was tough it was freaking crazy that was freaking crazy wait wait I [ __ ] this up it's starting starting to come together kind of starting to become an actual Tower I need two uh dark gray uh like doorways um okay uh they look like this or like um oh interesting are those um they're not these they're it says they're dark gray oh man oh man and they're not they're not this oh there's one okay this Tower is going to be sick it will be very cool it's going to be freaking pagers man o
h here's the other one there you go I wonder if there just only two in the whole set in the whole deck probably I play pot of greed is that a Yu-Gi-Oh thing have yeah it's been a good good meme on Twitter too draw two cards it's like I play pot of greed and draw three more Bush lights from the fridge oh that's funny makes me laugh so hard maybe I'm not I play pot of greed and buy another pack of cigarettes it's just like it's just for stupid [ __ ] oh we have fun here we're about to have even mo
re fun and I guess books I'm going book people who watch this stream are going to love watching that video and seeing me go from here to like pulling that up and being like that's right that was the energy that Shane was at yeah on that day this is the warmup bro I know now can you imagine if we Lego raced be pretty cool Lego Death Race we watched that movie so much in college the Jason St Death Race movie funny that's the Remake too yeah it's pretty good um there was a spear where did I put tha
t where did I put the spear where' I put my spear where I put my spear oh I'm ready for the Arches ooh arches golden arches uhoh what the fruit what the what the freaking fruit whoa you can't say that bad ass night Batman if he was cool dude unfortunately I I'm lowkey getting excited for the Suicide Squad game it's like it looks like a seven out of 10 game and I love seven out of 10 games really it's just like you know it's kind of where you can just like kind of like you go with like mid expect
ations and it's mid and you're like you know what I got what I like yeah interesting it looks gorgeous yeah the visuals are yeah I mean the I remember how good the the graphics for Arkham nightwear yeah those then they killed him yeah and everyone's everyone's mad I never played any of those games so oh you didn't play any of those those are I started Arkham Asylum way back in the day and I was just like it's just not my type of game I just enjoy the combat honestly see that's the part that I di
dn't like learn all those sick combos yeah just wasn't into it you know you know I didn't really like are you a Batman fan I love Batman but uh just you don't okay sounds like you're a freaking fake fan no who's your favorite Batman um favorite Batman uh I think I think I really am overall just a big fan of like the the concept of Batman mhm uh cuz I don't necessarily love like Christian Bale as Batman but I likey those Batman movies are incredible um but I like pson might be my favorite of like
the the live action like he is pretty cool he's the best like he is what I think Bruce Wayne would be yeah like a a freak yeah like me Joker I still like our our decision that uh Rob ber Paton said would play The Chosen agreed that is absolutely the casting I think that was last time we strum oh yeah it's been a minute yeah we've been busy we have yeah we have been super duper busy we've been doing a lot of [ __ ] you guys freaking piece which piece it's it's this it's just a light gray yeah ye
ah yeah yeah yeah I have a feeling it's just the one it's got to be over there oh it's right here it's got to be over there and it's not it's over there but it's right here right here ha I made you look it's actually right here and I got to get back to playing Animal Crossing new Leaf on my Nintendo 3DS what do you think a switch 2 will be called um the switcheroo whoa dude honestly print that yeah the switch the switch it to dude honestly it's just stupid enough to work never underestimate how
is it going to be like a switch or is are they going to make like a different kind of console the problem is I think the switch is like a perfect console it it lowkey kind of is like I'm just like it just needs like an yeah like it just needs like updated specs especially for like what a lot of their age demo is you know it's like little kids and also me it's just like infantile like stunted people like me um I need to get my freaking Joy I I [ __ ] love the switch man is so simple I hate that t
hat's like a large part of the reason that I love it that I'm just like I just boot it up and it's just there no like the sleep function makes gaming so easy I will I will be playing Zelda I'll be like oh I need to go do something I'll just sleep mode real quick turn it off I go and I do stuff and then I just boot it up and I'm just playing it again immediately that's part of the reason I end up playing [ __ ] on that more than anything the steam deck honestly it's freaking close I know you're s
aying that um like it's not quite as seamless in terms of like well but the sleep mode works super duper well I cannot find this piece this um oh that Big Arc no no no no this so it's like the whole oh you're looking for that hole Yeah I'm on a whole Quest whole Quest um it's not over here oh we got to wrap it up guys we dang it and once we find this piece we'll end the stream all right guys once we find the hole the whole piece is real all right got to find the whole piece set sale for a whole
piece is that what they say in one piece yeah oh God oh God oh man God oh man oh [ __ ] guys what if we never find it and the stream goes forever it's too bad oh [ __ ] this is this is bad this is really this is really bad um oh I found it I found it I found it oh [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay [Music] okay dude look at this okay real fast zoom in look at these look this is what we're looking for these these two like gargoyle heads cool oh sick yeah these look really cool that's
kind of so one day this is going to this is going to stand up tall uh against this look at that [ __ ] dude look at that posing that's [ __ ] sick I know I'm pretty proud of that dude I hope other people geek out as much on L we uh guys thank you for joining us on the stream uh that was really fun um we're going to finish this uh I'm going to go play Animal Crossing no uh we're going to go Fone video I'm going to go get some books yeah wish me luck guys we'll see you very soon yeah [Music] [Musi



SOMEBODY clip spencer saying "A second lego tower has hit the stream!" that one goes straight to the compilations


"do you think troy and abed watched one piece?" "probably-" "do you think they explored each other's bodies?" SPENCER


Spencer’s humor is so slept on 😂


Petition for an all day Lego building stream of a set like the 6k+ piece Hogwarts Castle.


🏰🏰🏰 Stream starts 4:49 <3 🏰🏰🏰


so shayne’s top 10 (blank) sounds like the perfect game for a smosh family feud style show, just saying.


The “smosh what if” idea is sooo good. Would love to see that series


i love spencer so much, the community jokes, putting on the pro taylor swift hat metaphorically, the rachel zegler mention. what a man.


"A second lego tower has hit the stream" spencer...oh spencer


Shayne checking his phone and it being a text from his mom checking on him. So wholesome. 😍


What you do is sniper chess with the castle and tower, and you put the dark set on one, the light set on the other, and then you have another full set on the board. If the sniper takes out a piece on the castle, it gets removed from the board and vice versa!


My wife and I bought each other Lego sets as Valentine’s Day gifts and we both look forward to building them for our Valentine’s Day date


"A second Lego tower has hit the stream" was INSANE and I know he was proud of that, as he should be.


organising all those lego pieces by colour sounds more fun than building the tower i love that shit


Shayne liking Madeline Miller is so babygirl (coming from a Classics student)


I love my weekly dose of Spencer and Shayne streams


As someone from Denmark, I was immediately embroiled with an all-destructive rage when Shayne confidently said that LEGO was Swedish. God damn it, now I need to fix my apartment.


My two dads helping me build my new Lego set but just taking over and doing the whole thing without me.


We need an Amanda and Angela show🙏 or Chanse and Angela


If you think I'm going to spend my very limited free time watching two grown men build a lego set, you are absolutely right