
C# Delegates in Unity! - Intermediate Scripting Tutorial

Watch this video in context on Unity Learn: Delegates are containers for methods (functions). They can be thought of as a variable that be called like a function to invoke whichever methods are currently stored in it. In this video you will learn to make your own delegates and use them to call various methods.


4 years ago

Delegates allow you to create robust and complex behaviors in your scripts. A delegate can be thought of simply as as a container for a function that can be passed around or used like a variable. Just like variables, delegates can have values assigned to them and these values can be changed at run-time. The difference is that, while variables contain data, delegates contain functions. Here we have a Scene with a GameObject in it. The GameObject has a Delegate Script attached to it. We will be mo
nitoring the output of the Scene in the Console view. In the DelegateScript, the first thing we do is declare our delegate template. This template will dictate exactly what types of methods we can assign to our delegate. We create a delegate with the "delegate" keyword. What follows the delegate keyword is the delegate's signature. Just like a function, our delegate has a return type, a name, and a parameter list. In this example, we can see that in order for a method to be assigned to this dele
gate, it must have a return type of void and take a single integer parameter. After we create our delegate type, we then declare a member variable. This member variable has the type of the delegate we just created. At the bottom of our script, we have two methods: PrintNum(), and DoubleNum(). We can see that each of these methods has a return type of void, and takes a single integer parameter, just like our delegate. Additionally, each of these methods does something slightly different with the
integer data passed in. Now it's time for us to see exactly what delegates do. In the Start() method, you can see that we assign the name of our PrintNum() method to the myDelegate() variable. We then use the myDelegate() variable as if it was a function. And we pass in the value of 50. We then assign the name of the DoubleNum() method to the myDelegate() variable. Again we call it just like a function. Let's take a look at this code in action. Back in Unity, we can run our Scene and look at the
Console view. We can see that we are able to call two different methods using the same delegate variable. This gives us a lot of power to dynamically control which functions get called in our games. Delegates also have the ability to be multicast. Multicasting allows a single delegate variable to represent multiple methods at the same time. Here we have a Scene with an orb in it. The orb has a script called "Multicast Script" attached to it. In our Multicast Script, we can see that we have crea
ted a delegate template. This template defines a delegate named MultiDelegate(), which takes no parameters and has a return type of void. Next we create a member variable named myMultiDelegate, that is of the type of the delegate template we just created. At the bottom of our script, we have two methods named PowerUp() and TurnRed(). Both of these methods take no parameters, and have a return type of void, just like our delegate type. The PowerUp() method prints "Orb is powering up" to the scre
en. The TurnRed() method changes the color of the object to red. In the Start() method, we will multicast our delegate variable. We do this by assigning both the PowerUp() method and the TurnRed() method to the same delegate variable, using the += operator. In this way, the variable, myMultiDelegate, contains both the PowerUp() and TurnRed() method. We then call the variable, myMultiDelegate(), as if it were a function. If we go back into Unity and run our Scene, we can see that multicasting our
delegate variable allowed it to call both the PowerUp() and the TurnRed() methods with a single call. In this manner, we were able to stack functionality. If we want to remove a method from a delegate variable, we can do so using the -= operator in conjunction with the method's name. One thing we must be careful of is attempting to call a delegate variable like a function before we have assigned anything to it. Doing so will cause an error, and we like to avoid those. Any delegate variable that
doesn't currently have a method assigned to it will have a value of null. Therefore, it is a good idea to always check to make sure delegate does not equal null before using it.
