
C# Namespaces in Unity! - Intermediate Scripting Tutorial

Namespaces allow you to organize your classes and prevent any unwanted clutter. In this video, you will learn to use existing namespaces and create new namespaces for your scripts! Learn more:


3 years ago

Namespaces are like containers for classes. Their purpose is to help your organize your scripts and to avoid conflicts between scripts. You might, for example, be making tools in Unity to help you develop your application. You could keep the tools and actual application in separate namespaces so you didn't have too many unnecessary classes being suggested by autocomplete. Chances are, all of the scripts you have been writing so far have been using namespaces. At the top of C# scripts in Unity, b
y default, you'll see two lines: "using UnityEngine;", and "using System.Collections;" UnityEngine and System.Collections are both namespaces. The "using" keyword means that anything within the namespace that follows can be used in the script. Try commenting out the "using" directives at the top of the script, and you can see that autocomplete has far fewer classes that you can use. That's because classes like GameObject, Transform, RigidBody, and many more, are all in the UnityEngine namespace.
In order to put our class in a namespace, we need to surround the class with the namespace syntax. Start off with the keyword "namespace", and then the namespace's name. This can be an existing namespace, or a new one. In this case, we are gonna call our namespace "SampleNamespace". Then we have an open brace before the class, and a closed brace after the class. Since our class now belongs to SampleNamespace, we'll indent it to show belonging. There are three ways we can use the classes from a
specific namespace. We've already seen the first which is to include a "using" directive at the top of your script. The second way to access the class is to use the dot operator. For example, instead of having "using SampleNamespace;" at the top of the script, every time we wanted to reference a class from the SampleNamespace, we could type SampleNamespace, dot, and then the class. This option avoids ambiguity, but could be cumbersome, particularly with large namespace names, like SampleNamespa
ce. The last option is to put the class that you are writing into the namespace that you need access to. This is generally not recommended, unless you mean to have that class in the same namespace anyway. So long as classes are in different namespaces, they may have the same name. However, since scripts have the same name as the class contained in them, scripts must be in different folders in order to have the same class name. When using namespaces, be careful to avoid ambiguous definitions. For
example, two very common namespaces to use are "System", and "UnityEngine". These both contain a definition for a class called "Random". If you are using them both, you need to disambiguate the class by using the dot operator. Either use "System.Random" or "UnityEngine.Random". You might've noticed that the second default using directive is the "System.Collections" namespace. This illustrates that namespaces are nestable. In order to nest namespaces, simply enclose one namespace declaration wit
hin another.



summary by bing ai: Namespaces are like containers for classes that help organize scripts and avoid conflicts. The using keyword allows you to use anything within the specified namespace in your script. You can put a class in a namespace by surrounding it with the namespace syntax, starting with the keyword namespace followed by the namespace’s name. There are several ways to access classes from a specific namespace, including using a using directive at the top of your script, using the dot operator, or putting the class you are writing into the namespace you need access to. It’s important to be careful when using namespaces to avoid ambiguous definitions.


I find it interesting that you derive most of your scripts from MonoBehavior. But if you remove the UnityEngine namespace, you can't derive from Monobehavior anymore. So Mono is a class in the UnityEngine nameSpace. Interesting when you want multiple objects to for example, be an entity, but each is different. So you derive from classes all under the nameSpace entity. Such as entity: creature > human > NPC. entity: machine > human > player. Both are dynamic objects players and things in the game interact with but; One is a living being affected by diseases and fatique, has human stats and movement and is controlled by an AI. Other is an autonomous creation impervious by viruses but detrimental to water and doesn't recover, has constant but changeable stats based on parts, machine movement and is controlled by a player.


Thanks, Man you saved me with this UCkszU2WH9gy1mb0dV-11UJg/8P50XuS9Oo7h8wSqtIagBA


1:40 you can hear the keyboard 😁


I have a question, why is my namespace not showing?


ngl but i have no clue what hes doing.


subcount 696k nice * 1.5


homeschool mom and 16 yo. ✅🍀


All these videos have "in Unity" in the title, yet this is the first one that involves Unity in any way and only for a brief moment, making them really generic scripting tutorials of which there are already many. It would make more sense to introduce a concept and then show how it could be used in actual (professional) Unity development, instead of just a simplistic example that is unlikely to be scalable for anything more than a dinky 2D side-scroller. There are already many other (better) tutorials on C# and calling this level of scripting "intermediate" is generous.


Silly C#, Java does this so much better with package -- I guess you gotta use what you have.