
Calculus Lab Welcome Video

Hello everyone and welcome to the Calculusmath lab my name is Jason Gregerson and the purpose of this video is to explain ...

Jason Gregersen

6 months ago

Hello everyone and welcome to the Calculus math lab my name is Jason Gregerson and the purpose of this video is to explain everything  you need to do to be successful in a Calculus math lab The first question we're going to address is, what is the Calculus Math Lab? The lab is a one credit component of your calculus course where we'll teach you how to use the mathematical software Mathematica The lab will count as 10 percent of your final calculus grade and the lab is run independently through
its own canvas page Thus to get started with the lab we need to navigate to the canvas page To navigate to the canvas page we're going to start on Michigan Tech's main page From here we'll click on students and scroll down to Canvas When we click on the canvas icon and log in with our Michigan Tech credentials we'll land at our dashboard From here we'll select our calculus lab course and that  should bring us to our calculus course home page From the home page we'll see our goals stated  for the
math lab And then a list of five items we need to do to get started in the lab The first is to watch the welcome video which you're currently watching After that the next thing to do is download the mathematical software Mathematica If we follow this link it will bring us to our IT downloads page From here you'll log in with your Michigan Tech credentials and you'll see a list of the software that you have access to as a Michigan Tech student you will scroll down to Mathematica for students Fro
m here you'll see the downloads so you'll download the appropriate version for your computer And then in number three there'll be  a link for you to request an activation key Make sure you read numbers four and five to  figure out what you need to do to request your activation key So go ahead and follow the steps here to install Mathematica Now Mathematica is available on all the computers  on campus But it's highly recommended that you download your own personal copy to your personal computer
Alright once you have Mathematica the next you want to do is read through our course syllabus We're going to follow the syllabus link and that should bring us to our syllabus page here Again this will have the course description, course goals the important piece here is the course structure Our course structure says that each week students be required to complete one or two canvas assignments The assignments will contain instructional content  such as videos or Mathematica notebooks as well as s
ome assessment activities. Assessments might be an online quiz in canvas or you might have to do some problems in a Mathematica notebook Save the work as a PDF and then upload the PDF to an assignment So that's our course structure Also make sure when you navigate to the syllabus you reread our late lab policy which is a 25 percent per day late penalty and also read through our professional behavior statement as well Alright if we can navigate back to that home page If we've read through the syl
labus the next thing is to go to the assignments tab to get started on your first assignment We can either click on the assignments link here or the assignments tab at the side It'll bring us to our assignments page This is where all of your assignments for the math lab will be Now as described in the syllabus there's really two type of assignments: quizzes and submission assignments If I click on the welcome video quiz I'll be brought to the quiz page which should look like this It will either
say getting started or resume quiz if you've already started There might be some instructional content here  a video to watch, a notebook to read through, some content Once you've read through that content  or watched that video you'll go to your quiz and answer some questions in canvas simply complete the questions and when you're all done submit the quiz and that's what your assignment is If we go back to assignments another example of an assignment you might complete like lab one here is a s
ubmission assignment Those type of assignments will once again have instructional content, a notebook to download, some videos to watch, Etc. but also have an assignment notebook Now the idea here is if I download the instructional notebook I might have something that might look like this This is a Mathematica notebook that's been stylized for the lab I can come over to these cells on the right hand side and open them up To read through the instructional content I'll read through the content to
learn a lot of things about Mathematica Then I'll go to the assignment notebook. I'll download that one If I open up the assignment notebook  it's going to look like this So in this one I'll read through the questions  I'll answer the questions in my notebook and once I've completed all the questions I'll go to file  and I'll either save as or print this to a PDF once I've generated the PDF I'll go to my assignment and start the assignment and then upload the PDF I'll hit choose file and I will
upload my PDF and then I'll submit my assignment now it's  really important that as soon as you submit your assignment The next thing you need to do is  verify that the PDF is readable So I should go to submission details, click on that and then I should check my PDF by clicking on this I can really see if this PDF was viewable Sometimes in the submission process the PDF might become corrupted So you need to verify that your PDF is readable Once you've done that you've completed the lab1 assignm
ent Once again back to the assignments page  you'll see all your assignments for the semester There might be only a few at the beginning of the  semester more will be added throughout the course of the semester That is really all we need to do  to complete our assignments for the math lab now as you're working through those assignments you might have some questions how do you get help in the lab If we scroll to the bottom of our main canvas page we'll see what we can do if we have questions The
first thing and best thing to do  is to stop by our math lab room in Fisher 331 and ask a consultant this room is staffed with people ready to help you with your Mathematica questions From a variety of hours those hours  will vary from semester to semester but we'll have those hours displayed at the bottom of the page now if you have questions but can't make it to campus you can always follow our Zoom link here in number two and get help remotely anytime our math lab room is staffed we also have
our Zoom room staffed so simply follow that link there'll be consultant in that Zoom room ready to answer your questions This really is a great resource. You can jump in there, share your screen show us your Mathematica notebook and a consultant help troubleshoot your code Now if you have more of an administrative question Well then you can reach out via email to your lab course coordinator and number three and if for some reason they're not able to help you. If you have a larger problem about
the lab itself you can always reach out to the math lab director via the email that's in number four Alright so I really encourage you if you have any questions make sure you get help in the math lab Alright that concludes this video of everything you need to do to be successful in your Calculus  math lab Thank you very much! Have a good day



this video changed my life, thank you Jason


thank you Jason