
California State University officials plan to increase tuition by thousands

California State University officials plan to increase tuition by thousands As California State Universities have long been more accessible to low-income students, that may soon no longer be the case. Subscribe at: Find ABC10 online: Sign up for our newsletter: Stream ABC10 on Roku: Stream ABC10 on Amazon Fire: Stream ABC10 on AppleTV: Like ABC10 on Facebook: Like ABC10 on Instagram: Follow ABC10 on Twitter: App download Android: App download iPhone:


9 months ago

in tonight's Rhino report California state universities say they need more money and so you guessed it they plan to do what increased tuition tonight we are working to try and get some answers ABC 10's Morgan Reiner covers all things politics and has the new information the report says Cal State universities have a gap in their budget about 1.5 billion and they said even steep tuition hikes won't be enough to stabilize their finances in this 91-page report Cal matters analyzed new students could
see tuition increase by five to eight thousand over four years I know like the system's already experiencing enrollment decline since the pandemic so I think increasing tuition will literally cause enrollment decline it also affect marginalized students Morgan Beatty says she's one of the lucky ones a first generation student at Sac State she has student aid and subsidized housing she also works two jobs on campus if you want a job on campus you're only able to work 20 hours a week so some stud
ents work more than one job 20 hours here then maybe 20 or more hours at another place but that definitely has caused me to struggle a little bit CSU students pay among the lowest in the nation for tuition and fees at an average of 7550 not to bring Dylan she's an international student from India it goes up to ten thousand or if I take more units like 18 unit it goes up to 11 000 of 12 000. she's also already working two jobs on top of her computer science major she said even a small tuition hik
e for her would mean she's on a plane back to India like please don't do it no I really want to complete my education but if they're Rising prices like that no it's please don't do it the report says mostly middle class families will see tuition increases under the suggestion I just think that increasing tuition isn't the best option I think the CSU could look into other ways to help with the budget this report comes as CSU employees are considering going on strike as they say they are not being
paid enough they want 12 increases that's 318 million more annually right Morgan thank you



Cut pensions and salaries


Get rid of the tenure system.


The state of California, in the course of 1 year, has managed to go from an almost $98 billion dollar surplus to a $32 billion deficit. Might want to look at where that money went.


Outrageous. Self serving, and disastrous for the students and the society that's going to rely on them in the future. Shame!


I mean, if they fall into the average of what I saw online, they can always cut the sports program budget to reduce some of their losses


CSU's are in the DEI business and it needs to stop. How about? 1) Increase family contributions for all CSU students 2) Eliminate CSU Exec. housing subsidy privileges 3) Fire current investment firm and find a better one to manage CSU assets 4) Only allow CSU's reasonable amenities, facilities and programs 5) BOT ask for more alumni endowments


I thought we had laws against this now


Every year college is looking more and more like a bad idea. Im glad I went to a cheap community college and plan to go into a trade. I let out a laugh when I read this video title


And to teach what exactly.


They need to fundamentally change how they operate because employers do not care if you went to some no-name CSU (unless you the hiring manager went there). The loan forgiveness program pushed by the federal government showed everyone that college can often be terrible investment if you choose the wrong major or don't graduate (how many administrators and professors got rich by impoverishing students?). Classes are geared to suit the professors and administration over the students: 1. priviledged ivory tower intellectuails pushing echo chamber ideas about identity politics on all students regardless of their major through useless, time-wasting humanities classes that only serve to validate there own egos and paychecks. 2. Not all majors should take 4 years and not all classes should take 16 weeks (some take longer, some shorter depending on the person/major/class), but this cookie-cutter model benefits the administrative staff. 3. the system was designed to englighten an educated elite class, but now it is a requirment for most decent jobs. Unfortunately, they have not adapted to this reality and still treat it like high school (see point 1). 4. Classes are not updated quickly enough to adapt to what is really happening in the private sector and societal trends. 5. There are better ways to learn most useful skills on the internet that are free or significantly cheaper (youtube, udemy, coursera, etc.) and even competing online universities like WGU (this one is actually regionally accredited making equal to any no-name CSU degree), university of phoenix online, or the like. 6. The main benefit college has always been building a professional network, but blowhard professors are generally terrible at facilitating this.


cut dei


What isn't getting attention is the private equity/hedge fund managers, banks/Wall St, and multinational conglomerates that have raised the cost of everything substantially, even in light of record breaking post pandemic profits. They're breaking the working class, our teachers, nurses, service employees, warehouse workers, most of us in CA and the US. I'm betting the workers do need higher pay when you look at just the cost of housing, gas, and food. The elephant in the room is literally eating the couch we're sitting on, and no one's addressing this problem.


Mostly European American middle class families will see tuition increases. Talk about marginalized people!