
Call of Duty just hit AN ALL TIME LOW. It's NEVER been this bad.

If you want to experience the benefits of lower & stable ping for FREE, with reductions as much as 20 ping like I had, for pc users, check out GearUP Booster: For CONSOLE players: Subscribe: Twitter: 0:00 Intro / We found out what they didn't want us to know 6:30 -30% since December 8:22 HORRIBLE Twitch interest 10:32 Reddit numbers are terrible 11:13 YouTube views on the game are way down 16:28 The real reason why the game is in the state it's in / outro

Blame Truth - The CODfather

2 days ago

blame truth here and after my last video I I  kind of had an epiphany with this franchise and what I mean by that is uh it's like I I  opened Pandora's box or I've been watching a lot of Hellraiser recently so maybe pin heads  you know limit configuration I don't know but uh I opened the box I came as pin head once said  I think and I don't know figuring out like what they don't want us to know has been really really  opening because it just backs up everything I have been saying for the past F
five years now and  when I first started saying this stuff 5 years ago I had a lot more people disagreeing with me  a lot more just uh people you know saying like quit complaining it's not that bad that that's the  main that's the main argument is quit complaining it's not that bad you know what else isn't that  bad Chinese water torture at least at the start after a few hours though yeah it gets that bad and  and we're kind of at the stage where we are we are at Max Capacity for our our toleran
ce for this  Chinese water torture that is Call of Duty the only big news lately with Call of Duty is war zone  mobile dropping and it is an absolute disaster I covered this in a previous video of mine I'll  probably cover it more uh once the dust kind of settles on this piece of [ __ ] but I mean it's  got like a 1.9 star rating on the Android store as you can see here it's just go watch my other  video on it if you want a deep dive into it but it is truly awful and it makes sense what do I mea
n  by that let me explain they don't want to make a good game that they do not they want to make  mediocre to bad games on various platforms they want to make money from each of these games they  want none of the games to stand out and be good and they want to keep releasing content that's  merely meant to distract and get the consumer to consume without questioning it it's it's legit  like a cult it reminds me of the Manson family or or heavensgate or Jonestown where these cult  leaders just ke
ep giving these more I don't know ridiculous it's always something new it's always  something new they're coming up with so they keep giving these ridiculous ideas and then they go  from like a nerdy Star Wars cult to cutting their balls off and drinking Kool-Aid you know what  I mean like that's Call of Duty now except that uh it's not really working as dumb as the Call of  Duty player base truly is and I'm sorry if you're a part of it um but I'm just calling it like I  see it overall got to be
the lowest IQ across the board of any any video game ever even fortnite  makes fortnite players look like Einstein and and Neil degrass Tyson or something but anyway guys  I'm seeing historical lows across the board on Call of Duty and we're going to cover this in very  very intricate detail and we're going to cover why it's happening too but if you are a Call of Duty  addict if you're a Call of Duty fan and you must play the game you guys need to check out Gear Up  booster they will make sure
your connection and your experience is top tier because Call of Duty  sure isn't third party apps for playing Call of Duty pretty much a necessity at this point guys so  yeah guys if you insist on playing Call of Duty or really any online multiplayer game you have to  contend with a lot of shady matchmaking going on in the background Gear Up aims to fix that  and bring you back to the days where ping is King just boot it up launch the game you want to  launch and gearup does the rest it locks yo
u into certain regions gearup also has this bot lobby  function which allows you to simulate how far you are away from certain servers so you can again  fold the skill-based matchmaking but aside from that maybe you just want better connections check  this out I have like 30 ping right now which is decent on Modern Warfare 3 it's near 30 ping but  whenever I put on the gear a booster I can get p near the single digits and when I don't know every  little millisecond counts this does matter at the
end of the day if you're someone that typically  gets put on servers with even higher ping maybe even triple digit ping Gear Up can help you as  well and help alleviate these connection issues so guys get Gear Up booster now it works for a  lot of different games I also use it on dead by daylight and you can check that out in the video  description or the pin comment click there get Gear Up boost booster and have a much better time  a much more stable connection when playing online all right gu
ys welcome back to the video we're  just going to kind of rapid fire this because I don't really know what else to do other than to  Rapid Fire this information at you because if I just give you one piece of information maybe  you're not going to buy it if I give you one snippet of numbers and I'm going to cover even  when the numbers are up and show you why they're up because I'm not biased here I I'm trying to  find the actual data and in my last video which if you have not seen it you need to
watch it  we have done the math as best we can to figure out the steam player based percentage and we've  done the math the best we can to figure out the overall player based percentage based on a leak  that happened last year from a video game Museum basically Call of Duty according to steam charts  and what we know about the overall player base and the metrics that were given under oath by Mr Bobby  codic the ginger gome [ __ ] creep job um but what we figured out is that Call of Duty right n
ow on  average has around a million players worldwide on the console PC front mobile is boosting this  exponentially right now and War Zone mobile is probably going to boost it even more even though  it seems like a lot of the hype really isn't there it remains to be seen but a lot of people overseas  not in America love Call of Duty mobile again cuz they probably can't afford consoles or whatever so  they're very smart businessmen they truly are they know how to squeeze every last bit of money
out of  this franchise numbers be damned and what I mean by that is these numbers are absolutely horrendous  guys let me just go over let let me just go over first and foremost I want to go over Steam and  people are going to say like it's just steam we figured out that steam represents about 12 to 15%  of the overall player base for console and PC Call of Duty and this goes for war zone this goes for  Modern Warfare 3 Etc and and November and December Peete Call of Duty cuz a new $70 title come
s out  and boost the player base and they usually do something with war zone as well around that time  either some refresh or totally new thing comes out um as you can see since then since December the  player base on Steam has dropped 30% 30% and and falling I predicted that we would see the lowest  overall average players that we've ever seen on this metric that we can track and it's coming to  fruition who's surprised at this seriously again this represents about 12 to 15% of the total  Call
of Duty console PC player base and this goes for war zone this goes for Modern Warfare  2 and this goes for Modern Warfare 3 the fact that a free-to-play game a live service game  is bleeding this many players is alarming to say the least especially considering a game like  Rainbow Six Siege just hit like it's alltime I think play player count high what 8 years after  the fact 9 years after the fact whatever this is not good g games will bleed players games  will lose players over time especiall
y games like single player games like Elden ring or you  know whatever live service games if they remain popular and if they're doing the right thing will  typically just kind of up and down themselves I'm thinking right now of uh dead by daylight how  it's not really growing it's not really dying it's kind of just going up and down depending on  the content coming out the events coming out what have you Call of Duty for whatever reason if they  did not release a new game and like refresh war zo
ne every year to the dismay of a lot of people  would be I truly think it would be a footnote guys if they did not have BR the the mainline yearly  release games would be in the gutter especially after the debacle that was Modern Warfare 2  anyway let's get to the next piece of evidence here I took this screenshot on St Patrick's Day  so the day most people in America are free I just hopped on Twitch it was like I think 2:00  p.m. or so and you can see here that Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 lik
e the actual $70 game  only has 88.4k viewers I brought this up in my community post here on YouTube I had some people  making excuses people love to make excuses for the billion dollar company and they were saying that  because it was St Patrick's Day people are out drinking and celebrating and they're not playing  or watching Call of Duty uh for One Call of Duty players don't leave their house for two if they  do leave their house they're probably on Twitch or Call of Duty mobile because they'
re weird  you know um masochistic addicts I don't know factually speaking and we could track this with  steam Arts the Call of Duty player base goes up every single weekend because I mean it's just not  the week day they're not working so they're going to be playing the game on the weekend typically  for gamers that's how it works I I don't make the rules I'm just showing you and the fact that it  was that low is alarming again alarming now I'm going to show you another side of the coin here  I
went back a few days later and I just wanted to see like what the game was doing uh as far  as viewers at another random time but we have an explanation for this little bump in viewership  so if we go here we see that it has 28.8k viewers that's that's decent that's much better than 8.4  but why is that well if you actually look at who's streaming scump Nate shot Aiden and another rank  play guy who might be a pro might not or whatever are pretty much carrying the whole division here  no one els
e has over even a thousand viewers When the Call of Duty Pro scene is more popular than  the game itself and I mean like one guy like scump himself has more viewers on this shitty game than  the shitty game has without scump that's alarming that's a problem this is a billion dooll company  a billion doll franchise here keep keep that in mind but maybe you're still not convinced let's  look at the Modern Warfare 3 subreddit for one the members are pretty low comparatively to every  other Call of
Duty subreddit I think the only one lower than this one is Call of Duty Vanguard  if that says anything uh on top of that there's only 281 people even online talking about the game  so yeah uh 281 out of 137k not a great ratio but maybe you're still not convinced maybe you think  I'm just cherry picking stats so I'm going to pick my own videos here and we're going to compare it  to someone else like seriously no I'm not even kidding all right here are eight recent videos  I've done and if you zo
om in if you're on like mobile or whatever you can't see these you can  zoom in and see the views 91k views 59k views 82k views 74k views 144k views 90k views 28k  views and 76k Views and for whatever reason the 28k view one I think the algorithm bugged out  for that one that one performed really really low comparatively don't really know why other than I  think YouTube just didn't push it out cuz I took a month vacation but let's compare this to one of  the most popular I I mean the most one of
the most popular Call of Duty personalities of all time  everyone watching this video has probably heard of this guy let's see what someone who who plays the  game in a positive way is pulling viewership wise let's just take a look at this this is swag now  the video we uploaded like an hour ago at the time of the screenshot we're not even going to count  that one let's look at the other views 60k views 97k views 108k views 73k views 66k views 94k views  139k views why am I getting the same vie
wership as one of the most popular Call of Duty personalities  of all time and this isn't a knock on the guy but the guy has 3 million subscribers I have like  450k not not even that why am I getting the same viewership as a channel nearly 10 times my size  other than people are are sick of this [ __ ] why do you think people watch me you know what I mean  like it's not because I'm a Call of Duty YouTuber it's because people feel the same way about the  franchise and the fact that my channel did
better than it ever has done before last year is telling  I mean Modern Warfare 2 was such a disappointment it's it's good for my channel in a weird way cuz  it's so popular yet so hated you know and it's it fell off so hard that like it's good for  my channel but at a certain point I'm like I I I have to call this out because this year it's  completely different and we have people suffering there are a lot of Call of Duty channels out there  right now not doing well at all I have never seen my
colleagues pull the low amount of views they've  pulled until this year pertaining to call of Duty that is not a knock on them at all no disrespect  intended we we essentially have a dance partner in Call of Duty like us content creators that cover  the game right if our dance partner has no legs like Lieutenant Dan or something from Forest Gump  then we are going to have to pull that dead weight and there's only so much we can do like truthfully  and you might be saying like this is just how i
t is on YouTube across the board like all games are  like this bull [ __ ] [ __ ] man you guys saw the dead by daylight player basee on Steam earlier  and it's not even a cod's level as far as the the player numbers go yet for whatever reason dead  by daylight does way better numbers on YouTube the community seems way more invested and if you  don't believe me I mean look at Aaron's channel here okay Aaron has a few more subscribers than  I do 686k subscribers I mean he pulls upwards of 200,000
views per video that's and that's across  the board I've noticed on dead by daylight content a lot of dead by daylight YouTubers around  my size will get exponentially more views why in the why why why am I even bothering with this  franchise anymore I know you guys are here to hear me complain about it but at a certain point I'm  complaining about a dead game because this year historically it is a dead game I can't show you  any more proof like eventually eventually Call of Duty gets so D bad t
hat it starts a affecting the  content creators and I am so sick of the content creators even to this day still defending this  blindly because they want to get invited out to some cringy event or something or they want  to stay in Activision's good graces because maybe one day they'll get hired or maybe they're  getting paid under the table even we don't know it would not surprise me a bit to find that out  just recently and I I I had to clap back at this because this made me so angry all right
everyone  knows that the cheating problem in Call of Duty is horrendous right now there are so many cheaters  and it seems like every time they do a band wave the cheat makers just get stronger and stronger  this is a billion dooll company here a billion dooll company infinite resources if they wanted  to hire a team of like a 100,000 people to monitor every single Call of Duty game like like live  and then dish out bands based on who they think's cheating or whatever you know they have experts
  like deducing these things they could afford to do that and then send those 100,000 people into  space on a diamond encrusted rocket on a trip to the moon and then you know get them back in like  6 months time and still be rich as all hell yeah money is no object for these people they could do  anything and yet they can't get a proper working decent even decent anti-che I had this interaction  with modern morone he was saying that y'all act like they aren't trying in response to this guy  sayi
ng uh you know worst decision companies need to do good anti-cheat software and this is truly  the problem this right here and everyone's saying like Modern Warfare 3 is awesome I love Modern  Warfare 3 well you and the 10 other people can play Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer but the rest of  us see it for exactly what it is it's a patch to Modern Warfare 2 which was a bad game if you  if you you know put lipstick on a Pig it's still a pig all right Modern Warfare 2 is a pig  Modern Warfare 3 is a
pig with lipstick and no one cares it's not fun it's not interesting it's  not engaging it does not matter what they throw at it it's still that same awful game we had last  year hiding under bandages and plastic surgery I'm not lying here but I had to reply to Doug and  I'm sorry but and I said these companies make billions of dollars per year they have unlimited  resources to stop this stop making excuses for a few nerds in their basement outsmarting billion  dooll companies and start blaming
said companies if they cared enough it stop this exact attitude  is why the game is in the shape it's in stop being nice it gets you nowhere and you're nothing more  than a dollar sign to them they make so much money and yet they just don't care there's no other  way to slice it at this point man there's no other way to slice it and you might be saying  the cheating industry is way more than just a couple of nerds in their basement and that's fine  but there are countless I mean countless report
s I have seen from the community where like they  go off in a game on war zone or something like that and then they get shadowbanned because the  entire enemy team spam reports them or something like that I hear that so much a couple of nerds  have outsmarted the system they they want to get this guy shadowbanned they want to make this  guy's experience a living hell because their their report system has been like this for years  they do not care they just simply do not care and not only do they
not care but now we are starting  to not care everything I have shown you in this video it's not doctored I'm not cherry-picking it  I even showed you when the twitch viewers were up I would show you when the player counts up but it  never goes up except for the new yearly release where people essentially throw $60 $70 down to  gamble on the game being good and to tie them over for years to come like Black Ops 2 did back  in 2012 it's never going to happen the next game like guys I am telling y
ou I I've tried to tell  you for 5 years now do not even buy the next Call of Duty game don't do it play War Zone if you want  play War Zone mobile play COD mobile stick to the free-to-play stuff if you want please listen to  me and wait if you'd have listened to me back in 2019 Not only would you have saved a a bunch of  time and frustration you'd have saved let's see what's 7 * 5 here um $350 roughly $400 maybe after  taxes after a special edition you may have bought even more if you want to t
hink about it from from  Skins I mean $400 it's pretty good you know it's not chump change um guys I'm out of time though  I hope you enjoyed I will catch you on the next one uh Call of Duty is it's historically low  right now I I don't really see how I'm going to cover this game for the next year I don't  something's got to happen like internally like that whole cancelling of sm2 uh that happened  last year over the summer something's got to happen internally for me to continue to cover  this g
ame at any regular rate and I'm sorry I love making videos I love making content but  like again my dance partner has no legs and I'm sick of carrying them around I really am guys  I'll catch you on the next one have a good one peace you some paring advice



If you want to experience the benefits of lower & stable ping for FREE, with reductions as much as 20 ping like I had, for pc users, check out GearUP Booster: For CONSOLE players:


If you still play Cod in 2024 you need mental help.


It was murdered by EOMM, recycled content, cheats and bots.


I honestly never saw myself quitting COD. Been playing most of my life, but they took away any ability for this game to be loved and truly an enjoyable experience. If they drove me away they can and will drive anyone away. Such a shame. 💔


FaZe Swagg is still trying to figure out what a Radar hack is


The Chinese water torture was like a spot on analogy.


I’m waiting on them to get desperate enough to remaster black ops 2 just to shit all over it 😂


How is it that this franchise went from having a two year cycle, two studios with 200-300 devs per studio putting out good games to a three year cycle, 3+ studios with thousands each and STILL release absolutely horrendous trash heaps loaded with MTXs?


I had to watch a COD Warzone Mobile ad just to get to this video lmao. It's almost as if Activision knows we hate the game and they're struggling to change our mind.


Since 2019, COD has essentially become like 2K, just releasing the same game every year with minimal changes


Helldivers 2 finally pulled me out of the CoD hole. And you're 100% right that Activision wants to charge premium prices for absolute minimum effort on their part. I'm done.


i just got kicked out of my group on cod cuz i wanted to take a break because this game is trash.


If you look at the STEAM numbers from the 488,000+ peak in 2022 to now & the net loss of players is crazy!! What a lot of people don't think about ( I know you mentioned it numerous times) is these numbers are for MW2, MW3 & Warzone combined. How they get away with reporting it this way is ridiculous.


“If you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig” Thanks Obama 🤣🤣🤣🤣


15 years ago, this franchise was a gem in my gaming collection. Since 2014 & onwards, I haven't bought a single copy of these games & after 2019 it became obvious that this was it, it was game over for the CoD we grew up with. Now I just drop by to support people like you, doing the good work & 💩 on the sad state of this leftovers for a franchise. Hope you'll always stand Vanguard (no pun intended) for the quality values this franchise used to possess!


I literally have strictly only played cod most my life. I have gotten made fun of many times for only playing cod. It was truly an insane addiction. And now I’m completely over playing cod, dont even have the urge to play anymore. Its so unbelievably bad, if they can drive me away they will drive anyone away.


I miss the golden age of cod 😢


That was genuinely the dumbest helldivers game I played with my friends as we were just as focused on the objective as we were killing each other. We got nothing done but it was still great fun.


Dude I am so proud to say that I haven't bought a COD game since MW2019 and I feel like it is starting to actually make a difference as more people start to realise the same realisation many of us had years ago. I literally have no reason to play COD anymore when we have games that are just so much better in the same genre.


Then you get Activision D riders like DKdynamite praising the “amazing PR team at Activision” when they send him a ‘surprise’ care package to thank him for his weekly video promoting their bundles.