
Can Shayne Guess Our Favorite Books?

Shayne loves books, but does he know the books WE love? SUBSCRIBE: WEAR OUR JOKES: WHO YOU SEE Shayne Topp // WHO YOU DON’T SEE (usually) Director: Spencer Agnew Editor: Andre Gardere Director of Programming, Smosh Games: Spencer Agnew Producer, Smosh Games: Alex Tran Art Director: Cassie Vance Assistant Art Director: Erin Kuschner Art Coordinator: Alex Aguilar, Josie Bellerby Director of Photography: Brennan Iketani Director of Design: Brittany Hobbs Senior Manager, Channel & Strategy: Lizzy Jones Post Production Manager: Luke Baker DIT/AE: Matt Duran Production Manager: Amanda Barnes Production Coordinator: Marcus Munguia Production Assistant: Ovsana Tsaturian CEO: Alé Catenese EVP of Production: Zoe Moacanin EVP of Programming: Kiana Parker Executive Coordinator: Rachel Collis IT: Tim Baker Operations PA: Katie Fink Talent Coordinator: Selina Garcia OTHER SMOSHES: Smosh: Smosh Pit: El Smosh (Spanish Dub): SmoshCast: FOLLOW US: TikTok: Snapchat: Instagram: Facebook:

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can I identify my friends based only on their favorite books let's find out I've been successful with TV shows movies YouTubers desks uh pretty much everything it's now down to books which is my favorite thing but I have heard from Spencer this is going to be my hardest challenge yet um cuz a lot of people uh they don't like reading I know we do have a lot of readers here at smos we do have a slack Channel where we talk about books that we're reading uh I've been a part of it for years I've paid
attention so that gives me a little bit of an edge let's begin first up okay we have an algebra book uh okay algebra 3 uh then we have um Heaven a novel uh I've not actually heard of this um and then on Earth we're we're briefly gorgeous a novel uh okay so this person likes uh literary fiction and they like math so I'm guessing not a huge reader and these are just two books that they've read and then they were like a third uh algebra so Heaven uh was recently translated from Japanese got it and
uh on Earth we briefly gorgeous is uh written in the form of a letter from a Vietnamese American son to his illiterate mother based on this type of literary fiction the type of stories these are telling um this drama this this very very a lot of depth to the stories this reminds me of the types of movies that Olivia likes um that is about as close as I'm going to get here otherwise I really chance is the other person I kind of think of but Chance is such I think Chance probably reads comics mor
e than anything but I I know we don't have comics in this I'm going to go with Olivia the algebra thing is weird but I also could see Olivia just throwing that out there to be weird so I'm going to go with Olivia let's start this off I'm okay if I'm wrong wow wow well done holy that you know what it makes perfect sense all right next up we have a uh we have Jane air we have a Colleen Hoover book uh Verity and we have uh the historian by Elizabeth Cova uh that is a that's a novel I'm guessing or
is that a historical book it's a debut novel from 2005 it's a um it's kind of loosely inspired by Frankenstein apparently interesting okay so we have someone who loves literary fiction classic and modern um but it seems like they probably like uh historical fiction in that regard period p pieces um I tried to read oh no I did not try to read Jane a I tried to read uh weing Heights and I struggled with it sorry to let you down Bronte fans uh okay H oh I could see this being Selena yeah I could se
e this being Selena for some reason in my head it's down to three people I've decided it's down to osana Selena and Zoe for some reason Zoey Zoe I know read a book called lessons in chemistry a a little bit ago and I feel like that's going to make her top three cuz I remember her talking about loving it but I might be wrong there uh but those three people I just see them liking this type of book but I'm going to go with Selena on it I don't feel strongly about it but I think I could just picture
them liking books with this type of depth to it so let's give it a let's give it a go it was Zoe dang it well yeah what what am I going to do about it I knew Zoe was possibly in the mix for this uh but I was wrong but I'm not surprised moving on here we go uh Harland cin the woods I'm guessing that's a thriller uh Lively fast moving entertainment uh Alice Hoffman Practical Magic uh okay cool and the Covenant of water um lot of uh lot of just oh Oprah's Book Club okay my mom loved the Covenant o
f water interesting I think this is very clearly Amanda got ass got it got it got it there's a thriller in there I thought you would have like Dean Co or something on there no that's that's getting a little too no I I I this makes perfect sense look we've been hosting a podcast I I we know okay all right we got a Chuck palanuk in here and a Hunter S Thompson uh uh crying in Hmart a memoir okay but damned by Chuck pollu and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas okay so we got a dude here and I I mean th
at more it's just like as far as literature it's like it's like this is bro literature every every teenage dude knows some other teenage dude at some point he was just like dude have you read Fear and Loathing I had a friend who was like that I had a friend I was the big Chuck palu guy I never I gobbled up all his I read Fight Club that's it you I Spencer I know you were a Chuck palanuk guy yeah I know you were I wanted to write like him you are possibly on this list Spencer uh Alex I can't say
that you're you're safe I think that you're possibly you're a suspect here Luke is a suspect uh Alex AG absolutely in the lead though uh I mean just just cruising ahead Alex agular I just think guys I got to go with Alex agular I have to if look this screams Alex agular to me is it is it Luke it's Alex aular yeah dude no I was like please get this one come on all right I got one of art Department yeah all right moving on uh Terry Brooks uh sex for dummies come on hey Dr Ruth in this one oh so yo
u know it's good um okay so we got fantasy and because they're reading so much fantasy they don't know how to F they're in their they're in the bedroom with a date they're like have you read the mistborn series these are older fantasy books so I don't think this person has read stuff recently like I don't think they're they're reading actively I don't think when was this book published may I ask that Homeland uh that one's pretty old too okay but I know Terry Brooks that's the newer cover well t
hey specified like I think they wanted the whole series uh but these are kind of like the first books of like Terry Brooks I want to say this a 70s book B the over and then ra salvator I remember my friend reading that Middle School um okay my inclination is that this is Ian uh we know Ian loves to make jokes uh we also know that Ian is chumba wba's number one fan so please go to the next sketch that is published on the main Channel and comment that so that Ian can talk to me again about it he w
as so shocked um he was literally like yeah getting a lot of that pretty cool I'm going to go with Ian on this I think Ian read books when he was in high school and then I think he uh started making smos videos and was like I never have to read again Jesus Christ show it's Ian or it's Anthony but I'm going to go with Ian could be Anthony but I'm going with Ian Trevor give me a break give me a break Trevor all right uh fine I got I got already having people throwing too many jokes at me come on g
uys read books he's not read sex for dummies you know he hasn't okay we have A Confederacy of Dunces uh we have the Amazing Adventures of cavalier clay and Clay we have Cersei I've read two of these books I've read The Amazing Adventures of cavalier and clay and I've read Cersei cersei's up there for me that's Cersei and um uh song of Achilles are two of my favorite books so this person likes really good books they I mean cuz these are all acclaimed so this is a reader I think this is a person w
ho likes who likes reading a lot I would guess I don't think this is Kiana K if I heard Keana be like my favorite book is definitely the A Confederacy of Dunces that would that would blow my mind frankly if it's true that's nuts could be Luke I could see I could see this being Luke I could see this being uh Bailey one of our producers on smos pit um I know they're a big reader I think it's down to those two for me kind of honestly um if I found out some someone I didn't know has read Cersei I'm
going to be like we got to talk about Cersei that book is so dope I'm going with Luke oh I think Bailey's going to have Bailey's going to have a more like a fantasy series on there I think these feel like the Amazing Adventures of cavalier and clay and Confederacy of Dunces just feel very Luke to me but I know Luke reads a lot of stuff so I think Cersei could also be on there I'm going to go with I'm going to go with I'm going to go with Luke if it's Bailey I'm I'm going to be so sad let's go le
t's go let's freaking go hell yeah yeah I'm actually surprised those are pretty tame uh Luke has talked like we have our book channel that we talk about books on and people be like Oh I'm reading I'm reading this book or I'm reading this fantasy book and then Luke will be like I'm reading the hell torment book and it's like whoa okay he's like all right man flesh all right here we go uh okay The Disaster Artist The Book of Mormon and Ready Player One ooh ooh ooh you know who I think it is I'm go
ing to go with a wild guess on this one I think it's Emily I'm going to go with Emily on this just going to throw throw one out I just need to throw one out there Emily a Josh I that's that's fine that one was tough I that's that could be a lot of people respect good stuff I like ready player one and the Disaster Artist I've still never seen Book of Mormon I want to see it so bad next next up we've got uh radical kandor uh non-violent communication history's worst disasters okay be a kick-ass bo
ss all right uh this is Ian um uh books that uh I guess he didn't fraking pay attention to except for history's worst disaster boom roasted um I I do actually know that Ian has has read a lot of like leadership books and business books over the past couple years so that feels like my best guest and I I do know Ian loves history so this fits for Ian it's someone else their reading habits are very Ian coded it's Ian here we go here we go next up let's see here the friend a novel oh we got a David
Sedaris in there all right uh her body and other parties uh short stories okay David sederis is what I'm going to really focus on here and short stories um it's such a specific type of person I will be honest and I know this is a huge risk because I always fail Aaron Kushner always has like really cool like truly always like cool cool thoughts cool movies cool TV TV shows these are really cool books like someone who likes David sederis is like cool you know and someone who reads short stories th
at's pretty cool it just is you don't see people reading short stories that often it's like what are you reading it's like it's a collection of short stories people read them all the time um no they don't Spencer uh so those are some thoughts Aon Kushner and Cassie come to mind for this I'm just trying to think of people who I think are kind of cool it's either Cassie or it's Aaron Kushner if if I get it wrong and it's one of them though you got to give me a half point on at least getting art te
am because that's what I fail consistently I'm going to switch up and I'm going to say Cassie cuz I don't know I'm going to go with Cassie if it's Aaron kush I'm be so sad guys let's go guys this might be the episode where I get all of our team Aaron Kushner is lurking in there all right next up uh living untethered beyond the human predicament uh sapiens uh good book and a home alone a children's book okay so non-fiction reader here uh not not into novels sapien's a good book I's a true story a
nd Home Alone is based on a true story they're not they're not taking in much much uh much content TV shows movies books unless it's Home Alone um this is Anthony and I know he included the home alone just to help me out which is very sweet um but uh yeah there it is nice nice I got him I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not it clicked it clicked I was like as I as I was like sitting there I was like oh right but it did take a second okay uh Andre [Music] that's finally I get Andre aga
in he has escaped me so many times finally gave me the hints I needed come on all these D and D books but then none of his favorite movies or TV shows are fantasy give me a break it's kind of like Erica hating one piece I will never let that down I I I'm upset at Erica forever and she couldn't put one piece on uh because it's a manga yeah I know that's that makes it so upsetting I'll be gone in the dark uh one woman's obsessive search for the Golden State killer I've heard of that I've heard it'
s brutal I'm glad my mom died is truly one of my favorite um biographies uh I've Memoirs I've ever read uh and UDA Hogan respect for acting I have read this book yeah so this is Angela um and uh yeah I think it's Angela for sure I'll be shocked if it's not but this screams Angela to me there it is yeah I know Angela loves True Crime she also likes acting she wanted to let you know that acting was a bit she's read udah hog oh I'm sure she's read it and Stella Adler's book I know she's read both o
f them dude what if you got mentioned in Janette mcc's book The the episode of uh Sam and Cat I was in gets mention really yeah cuz there was the one where Ariana Grande's in a box and they like cuz she got to go perform while J Janette MCC was told to like you know you have to be on set you can't go do other projects and that was the episode I was on where Ariana Grande was off performing so the whole premise of it was she gets stuck in a magical box and I'm a magician who's trying to help her
get out and there and she was like yeah this blonde bimbo walked on his name was stupid idiot walked on next uh Aragon uh Ender Game uh what's wrong with with what we drink Troubled Water interesting okay is that a novel or is that is that I think it's non-fiction okay uh honestly Aragon I did read when I was a teenager and it's pretty good it is the story it is Star Wars yeah it's the same exact plot as Star Wars I'm sorry to break that to people but it's still very good I love it and Ender Gam
e rocks okay I think this is either Noah or chance Noah or ch chance chance God damn it damn it that sucks that hurts that does suck that's okay that's okay that's okay um all right cool Ender Game is tough cuz every I feel like everyone's R Ender Game so it's good one but it is good all right youever read any of the other ones no or they get crazy I he they do apparently get nuts that's every science fiction like have you you read Dune have you read the others where it gets crazy all right Noah
you escaped me that's fine uh the vanishing half uh um anxious people and the Seven husbands of Evelyn Hugo uh I'm getting strong Keana vibes from this uh extremely strong Kiana Vibes it could be other people but I'm going to go with Kiana cuz I know these are books she has mentioned I don't think anyone reads as much as Kiana I think Kiana reads like an absurd amount of books and so but I've heard about all of these from her so I'm going to throw out Kiana let's see there it is there she is th
ere it is all right it was Evelyn Hugo that gave me that that one all right Where the Sidewalk Ends poems and drawings of shell Silverstein The Great Gatsby uh a man called o a novel uu I don't know I think it's it's like Dutch or something let me look it up BR was like it's o u uh I mean I don't know if it's it was remade into or not REM a man called Otto is what it was turned into yeah the Tom Hanks movie um okay uh po Man O this is this is probably hardest one I've had so far so I'm probably
going to lose this one and I just have to kind of accept that and that's okay so I'm just going to throw out some some people that I just am not super sure on uh I would go like osana Peter Rachel um Aaron dugle and Erica because I don't know how the Erica thinks anymore I don't know I give up I give up let's go with Rachel let me go with Rachel but if it's oana I swear to God Rachel please please be [Laughter] Rachel I dude that sucks that sucks you were like man this is really hard uh SAA I ha
ve to just trust my gut more often um all right now Great Gatsby is a great book so respect all right uh Thousand Splendid Sons uh Matilda and pepoles uh Pepes or is am I pronouncing that right I said it was prepis but I don't know ppis Pepes um pepolis is is a great book um so his graphic novels are okay look I here's the thing they got it in kind of late and I wasn't sure I couldn't remember if it was a graphic novel or not uh but it's a graphic no it's a graphic novel okay I'm sorry I'm sorry
about that I'm I'm sorry about great graphic novel though I I will be having words with them highly recommend it great read um I have not read A Thousand Splendid Suns but I have read The Kite Runner um I've not read Matilda dude Matilda rocks I'm going to throw a name out there just going to throw a dart and I'm going to say Matt Duran ah r you just said I was never I was not going to get that that's that's tough that is tough that really tough three solid pics yeah three good picks way to go
all right next up we have okay wow okay American Gods specifically A Storm of Swords and scary stories to tell in the dark I think this is Damen uh Damen definitely loves American Gods I know that and I know he loves scary stories to tell in the dark and uh and Storm of Swords uh Game of Thrones I believe he's a big fan of as well as me let's see uh otherwise if it's for some reason not Damian I would guess it is chance or yeah yeah let's see uh okay okay so this is a little inside joke uh a lit
tle stupid inside joke so tagana is a book that I read a long time ago that is very good it's a very good fantasy book I was reading it on set on So Random and I was I would be reading it and Matthew Scott and Damen would see me reading it and they walk up and and I'm sitting there reading it and Matthew Scott goes so did they make it and I go what and he goes did they make it to Ghana and it just became the joke for the rest of the year I finished that book like like in Spring in in Winter they
were like did they make it to Ghana I was like uh so this is Damien unless Matthew Scott snuck in here we got to start doing wild cards like that I know Damian all right yeah thank you thank you uh God damn what a call back all right here we go Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy how music works by David burn and where's Waldo methinks this is Brennan methinks I'm just yeah cuz I'm feeling good about this I can get some wrong cuz I think my percentage is pretty high right now but I'm going to go w
ith Brennan cuz he loves music and it's Bren where's w-e I also know Brennan has mentioned Hitchhiker's Guide of the Galaxy which I've still never read I know I need to read it there's can I say something kind of crazy there's something nice about there being like books or movies or TV shows that you know are like the best people like you got to read it it's the best in some ways I'm like no I'm not going to read it so that I know there's a book out there that's incredible that I still haven't r
ead Because with a lot of books I've read them and I'm like well there's what's left and you know you kind of you it's like oh I've read all the best ones there's nothing good so hitch Checker's guide I like knowing that I have it out there you're saving them I'm saving it for later saving the best for last when I'm 80 and I'm like sweet I get to crack this open just kidding all right here we go wow okay song of Achilles love that book Cersei love that book Hatchet that book The Secret the secre
t the secret fck that you ever read Brian's Winter no it was like a what if story it's like what if he didn't Escape damn that actually might be awesome uh I read Hatchet in school and I just remember I liked it but I also just remember being like come on man like h cuz it has that phrase it just keeps me like the secret the secret I don't remember that at all I feel like I vividly remember that unless I'm unless it's from a different book what what do you think it's about he a plane crra and he
gets he lost in the woods yeah no no that that's I just don't remember the secret thing yeah he's right right there's a secret thing in there yeah yeah dude what was the secret it's just a phrase he because I I there's something to it I forget that part but it's like a it's just a phrase like the author loved like bringing back that phrase a bunch it's I'm thinking either Bailey or Emily no cuz I think Emily hasn't read song of Achilles yet I think I I feel like I remember a conversation where
she hasn't read it yet I think unless I'm wrong I could have sworn um I'm going to go with Bailey on this I and if I'm wrong I'm going to be so mad cuz I've talked to her about books and I don't feel like but okay whatever I'm I got to I'm in my head now it's it's I got to just throw out a guess I'm going to say Bailey ah Amanda I was never going to guess that and I'll tell you why cuz I in my head was determined that Jurassic Park would be on her top three cuz Amanda loves dinosaurs I'm shocked
that it's has has if she hasn't read Jurassic Park she's not in here if Amanda reads Jurassic Park that's going to be in her top three I want to ask her what the secret is yeah what's the secret wow so I need to talk to Amanda about meline Miller books cuz they're incredible all right well okay I feel like now I'm going to guess Bailey's immed you got to be kidding me you got to be you got to be kidding me here okay um oh Spencer yeah Spencer all right you're you're the only person who's had St
ephen King I know you're a Stephen King King fan so he was on there twice yeah the long walk and and the 112263 I don't even like so you know I I have the liberty of being able to swap mine out whenever when I made the the presentation man I couldn't decide uh are there any big Stephen King books you haven't read cuz have you read it I've read it um have you read the stand I read the stand which like those honestly could be in my top three books of all have you read the whole Tower series no so
I read the first three and didn't love them I've heard they're different they're they're different they they I I I wasn't super into them okay I want to read misery that's the one I want to read I've heard Jurassic Park the book is terrifying it's pretty good it's pretty oh obviously it's pretty good it's in my top three books of all time uh yeah uh yeah I I yeah you should read it oh yeah here we go uh into the wild The Mirage Factory uh illusion imagination and the invention of Los Angeles and
flowers for aldron um okay a novel into the wild is such an Aaron Kushner book ah it's a good book yeah it's a really good book flow Alon I don't know that I don't know it's a banger really this one's tough uh cuz I I don't have a lot to work with because I don't know two of these books that well but into the wild is a really cool book and really good um three people come to mind Matt Duran Aaron Kushner and mallerie come to mind um I'm going to throw out Aaron Kushner in this one cuz I don't I
don't know I I don't know on this one so I'm going to just say Aaron Kushner just just in case Peter oh pet Peter oh Peter that's fine I I you know being fully honest I haven't talked to Peter about books that much so I was not really feeling too strong about that uh good choices Peter wow Twilight Harry Potter and the philosopher stone and uh Westerfield uh uglies this is either Aaron dogall or Lizzy comes to mind I'm going to go with Lizzy on this something tears me tells me Aaron Dougall has
not read Twilight just seen the movies I believe you Lizzy Lizzy [Applause] nice okay moving on uh let's see here um we've got birds of America stories we got uh orientation a lot of short stories um we had a little real estate problem the unheralded story of Native Americans and comedy interesting okay so these are really interesting books um I at one point had birds of America and I never read it look someone who reads short stories pretty cool this is uh this is kind of looking like an Aaron
Kushner possibility right here Aaron Kushner and Matt Duran for some reason Selena also I'm thinking those are the three 100 bucks it's Matt Duran Selena or Aaron Kushner with it being narrowed down to that thinking it's either Selena or Aaron Kushner I'm going with Aaron Kushner if it's Peter again again again H I just feel like Aaron Aaron Kushner gives me short stories Vibes but so does Matt Duran and so does Selena I truly I could toss a coin for those three so I that and when it's when it'
s down to that I'm going to go with Aaron Kushner Matt Duran who that was awesome holy that was a risk that was a rush that was so intense okay okay uh Tom stopper uh Rosen CR Gilden Stern are dead uh six of crows and bullet train okay six dangerous outcasts one impossible Heist so they they let cool this this like fun fun books uh I don't know anything about this Tom stford book gild St or dead have you ever have you ever seen Lion King one in a half no no it's based on uh but it's very it's uh
very funny very brilliant very chilling okay interesting it's a Twan play interesting okay just going to throw this out there and say I'm going to go with Selena on this one Emily dang I I had a feeling I was not going to get Emily in this cuz I I just know Emily so well for video games that I don't really know their taste that well other things um but that fits makes sense I am curious about the bullet train book yeah I didn't know it was a book so next up let's see here okay The Emperor's New
Groove the care and keeping of you and the rainbow fish great uh the rainbow fish is pretty good it is a good one I got it for me it was rainbow fish and Hungry Hungry Caterpillar those two I was like Eric Carl I got a I got to smoke a joint and read Uh Hungry Hungry Caterpillar again I feel like that would be a trip all right so we got a jokester here or someone who just simply hasn't read a book in a long time unfortunately it might be the latter I don't mean this disrespectfully cuz everyone
that works here is very smart and there's other mediums that people like for instance Andre you know it's like oh he doesn't read books but he's doing d and d and stuff uh Aaron dogall Vita uh mallerie possibly um and uh Erica only because I know Erica reads so much manga and you didn't allow her to include manga in this so it's like what would she pick if if she doesn't have the medium that she is reading so she'd have to choose kids books that's kind of my thought here so I'm going to say Eri
ca on this but but I won't be surprised if it's Aaron Dougall or Vita cuz I just haven't talked to them about books at all I'm going to go with Erica Aaron dogall wow she got you wow Aron dogall read a book I just feel like my thought was that Aaron dogall had some phase in high school where she like read some books and she would have like she's like oh yeah Catcher in The Ride whatever I just could see her just being like yeah I didn't like read many books but like it's like whatever that's my
impression that's my impression of Aaron all right she's like have you read The Rainbow Fish yeah it's pretty [Laughter] good okay we got uh the wise man's fear we got the cruel Prince and we got Red Rising uh Red Rising I this is on my list of books I need to get cuz I hear it's incredible uh the wise man fear is the sequel to um uh what's what's it called name name of the wind right I think so yeah um I've read series I've read both of those books and uh they're very good sucks that's all we'r
e going to get um the Patrick rothus as as we know like I think this third book's just never going to happen uh but they like fantasy and sci-fi I believe Red Rising is sci-fi not fantasy I think someone who loves fantasy sci-fi is Chance uh out of the list here that's the strongest Contender for someone who would like fantasy and sci-fi of this level I'm going to go with chance nice well done nice easy frankly pretty easy next up we have The Count of Monte Cristo uh Alice's Adventures in Wonder
land and The Neverending Story uh Count of Monte Christo is one of my favorite books uh I read it very early on U when I started getting really into reading it is a doozy though it's like 1300 pages long uh really it does not around there's an a bridged version that a lot of people read but I being a douchebag was like I want to read the unabridged waste of time um frankly uh okay some sick art on it these are some yeah I was already thinking that oh I didn't even mean I just meant like the art
on them is cool the art is very cool I made sure to to pick the cooler you Marcus Vita Selena but I feel strongly about Marcus for some reason and I don't know why but Vita oh this is tough um cuz these are really good these are like those aren't kids books you know those are books that you read like honestly Alice's Adventures in Wonderland not an easy read uh it's all about math do you know that it's like damen's favorite fun fact yeah it is daman's fun fact he's the one who told me about that
he's like do you know that it's that's like it's Scott Pilgrim uh like did you know Pac-Man was originally yeah I'm going to go this these are pretty cool this looks really cool I'm going to go with Aon Kushner on this one cuz it's getting down there there's not many options left please give me all of art Department Aaron Kushner I did it I did it guys that's it no I'm just kidding there's more but I finally finally got it guys I know the art Department I know him moving on I think this is the
best I've ever done unfortunately it's up there okay uh Alex it's good that you're here on this list um I was I the one who recommended three body problem to you yeah I think so yeah um three body problem is such a sick series it's got some weird stuff in it I'm not going to lie you're going to read it and there's going to be moments you're going to be like huh but overall the like overarching story is so awesome there parts of that series that I think about still um I don't know these other or
well we have on Earth We're briefly gorgeous again I got to check this book out and Starship and Haiku I have um never heard of but that cover art is unbelievable love that uh yeah this is this is obviously Alex there he is looking smug get his ass I was surprised a book that I recommended to both Spencer and Alex that we all talk about in love is between two fires didn't see it on didn't see it on these lists I I was like I I was going to put it in my top three but I was like I I need to let it
sit for a bit totally I respect that you know when you read a book and you're like that you can't just immediately say something's your favorite of all time exactly but it was it was close also ocean gong taught at the college I went to holy wow is that crazy which college is that uh UMass amers damn didn't find out until after I graduated that sucks I was like I want to meet him that was one of my favorite I didn't realize he was like living in my college town for a while it was a did you read
the Forever War by Joe halderman no but I know of it it's it's like it's classic incredible sci-fi he was like a Highline contemporary uh but yeah he apparently he was just chilling in Gainesville the whole time I there damn all right moving on nobody's got Infinite Jest on here come on just kidding uh uh a cinematic Odyssey um hitchiker's guides back here and letters to a young poet all right so this person's cool as hell this person's so cool um let's see here this is the these last few guys
these are going to be tough for some reason I think it's either Selena or Vita I'm GNA go with Selena I know Selena went to film school I'm sure Vita also did I just feel like this person likes film The the a cinematic Odyssey I don't know much about it but that's what I'm inferring from that Hitchhiker's Guide is kind of an evergreen like I feel like anyone could be like oh that's one of my favorites um but then letters to a young poet it's just like they also had a phase where they were or or
currently like reading Classics something that challenges them a little bit more uh makes you think I'm going to go with Selena damn damn that's like your fourth wrong Selena guess I know I bro I I need need to learn from guest who slapped me just I'm never going to guess Selena damn I always get I how often do I get it down to two people pretty often it's kind of cool sure uh A New Earth um I'm glad my mom died is back here and shiver uh okay so this one I know because forever ago Courtney uh l
ent me shiver um and I read like half of it and then I was like yeah it's pretty good I I'm not into it's look it wasn't my I told I I was just straight up I was like I don't think it's bad I just did you dnf a book someone lent you yeah um but I know they also read I'm glad my mom died uh and I think I recommended A New Earth to them so uh very clearly Courtney um let's see here there it is wow okay Courtney I asked Courtney for a picture and that was the picture Courtney sent me yeah I believe
it I believe all right next up uh okay so this is this is Bailey this is this is I'm upset that I guessed Bailey earlier on on that when I this is Bailey uh before we started filming I was talking to Bailey about a corn of thorns and Roses um which I have not read but I have read uh Crescent City one of other Sarah J Moss's books uh and from blood and Ash I know is also Romany uh City of Bones romantic romantic yeah sorry I've just not heard that yeah romantic is it's look if you go to Goodread
s it's its whole own genre there Bailey boom nice there it is there it is all right all right we're down to uh four people we've got mallerie Marcus Selena and Erica and here we have gone girl where the crads sing and Alice fi his and hers okay I think very strongly that this is Selena I know I know if if this if it's not Selena then I refuse to guess Selena again even if Selena is the last person and there's one person not going to guess but I think this is Selena if it's mallerie I swear to Go
d God dang it [Laughter] come on God dang it so mallerie is just if Aaron Dule reads that was that was brutal dude why is that brutal I just they're like the same person I all right moving on how to win friends and influence people uh the uh BJ Novak book uh one more one more thing stories and other stories Harry Potter okay Harry Potter 4 Harry Potter 4 specifically no five sorry my bad five yeah no five four is Goblet of five hey sorry uh real talk that was my least favorite one so uh bad tast
e I didn't like order the Phoenix either four the best one though um no I think six is the best one okay no Half Blood Prince is the best one poor is the best one no no no it's not IR refuse to guess Selena I refuse I'm going to go with Marcus if it's Selena I don't care I don't care that it's Selena I don't care I was I I knew that and I was not going to say it so I don't care you're not going to influence me moving on I can't make this up life lessons from Kevin Hart uh the Stinky Cheese Man a
nd the official Pokemon handbook that's about as close as you can get to putting manga on here so um this is the thing I don't think Erica likes Pokemon though Tommy's not on this list no the thought of Erica reading a book by Kevin Hart that is a little funny that is a little funny I'm going to guess Marcus because it's a win-win then either I'm correct or I I get to know that Erica has read a book by Kevin Hart which makes sense cuz you know what she would read all of One Piece and go you know
what my favorite book is life lessons by Kevin Hart I'm going to go with Marcus go let's go dude let's go I had that Pokemon handbook too it it was so good kicks a lot of ass stinky cheeseman's also pretty good stinky cheeseman's also very good more pictures than uh you know I thought I would allow but you know it's cool let's see what Erica picked what they're light novels bro they're novels dude what do you mean they're it says it on the book it says novel one piece novel oh oh I didn't know
I I'm learning stuff pretty cool right yeah hey you never heard of lens's I've seen I've seen the light novel section at at Barnes & Noble and I was always confused I thought they got words in them I thought it was just more manga you thought it was more M I just was like they have a different name over there for them uh okay so that's Erica very easy I'm surprised she didn't pick a community book Jeff Winger's Guide to the C Erica all right yeah woo dude I think that was my best one yet top thr
ee books I think this was my best one yet we will figure out or figure it out down below uh how many I I got right how many I got wrong let's figure out the percentage where it stands compared to the other ones I think this is my highest percentage yet I feel great about this uh look everyone I work with they have great taste in books they have great taste in everything I'm happy to work with them they're smart people um you know we'll we'll get Aaron doall to read a book though let's let's that
will'll make that happen challenge pit yeah challenge pit challenge pit read a book um thank you for watching uh let me know look there's there's definitely still stuff out there that I can guess my friends based off of so let me know in the comments down below we'll see you next time oh tell them to write their favorite book in oh and also let us know in the comments down below what your top three favorite books are or just three books that you love and uh we'll see you next time goodbye



Amanda being part of the Oprah Book of the Month club isn’t surprising to me in the slightest, total mom energy


I would love for them to throw in Shayne's top 3 as one of the slides just so we can see what he likes and have him talk about them, or even just have Shayne cover all of his faves in a separate standalone video


I'm just so happy to have Olivia mentioned at all especially as a coworker, she's been out of videos for so long


My favourite thing about this series, aside from it being awesome, is that I'm now starting to be able to guess cast and crew solely based on everything that's been shared by Shayne and the team, and the picture we're getting and that's being built, so it's becoming so much fun to play along and guess as well, and get a decent amount right. Like, this series is such a good way of fleshing out everyone at Smosh!


The little “author unknown :(“ on Harry Potter made me cackle


I think my favorite thing about out this series is how much Shayne knows the people he works with. It’s an incredible quality.


I love how they keep upping their game on the slideshows for these guessing videos. The nametags being akin to library slips is such an awesome touch.


Shayne appreciating Circe and The Song of Achilles just made me love him even more 😩✊


idk why but trevor gives me ian + tommy love child vibes. shayne saying ian instead of trevor just confirmed it more for me lol


"author unknown" absolutely kills me 😂


Thank you for lengthening my “want to read” list of books ! It’s honestly really refreshing to see a generation of people who still see value in reading books (not saying other forms of entertainment are less than in any way). I work at a library and should totally play this guessing game with my co-workers!


If youtube valued the analytic of "which video made the most people have a crush on shayne" this would be smosh's best video


It warms my heart learning and Shayne confirming that Ian reads leadership books. It's no wonder why Smosh has thrived to this day and everyone feels like a family. Nothing but respect for Chumbawamba's No. 1 fan. <3


These videos are always so cute because it shows how much Shayne knows his coworkers and friends and just how much he really listens to them when they talk about their interests.


Honestly so damn impressive how Shayne can narrow these things down so accurately so many times.


Okay but Shayne doing an impersonation of Erin, while they deadass have on the exact same outfit, made my brain feel like 🫨


1) Half Moon Investigations by Eoin Colfer 2) The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan 3) A feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin. The merged reading order is a brilliant way to experience these two books. Honorable mentions to C is for Corpse, Harry Potter, and the Iliad


Spencer saying "my mom loves that book" and then its Amanda is SO funny, pure mom energy


If there's any book on here that i wish Shayne would read, it's Flowers for Algernon. Spencer's disembodied voice in this video was totally amazing, I want to talk about books with these two so badly!


Suggestions for Shayne guesses: - Have photos of parents and guess the child. E.g. Courtney's parents and need to guess Courtney is their child - Podcasts - Favourite animals - Movie snack