
Can You Tell Who Is Lying? | Line Of Liars

Can you spot the liars? We put Noah & Zaria to the test to see who was better at finding the liars in the first episode of Line of Liars! Who do you think was the best liar? Reactors Featured: Noah Zaria Sharon Jayse Julian Nicole Brian Producers: Joe Kat Gina Abhishek Jada Raven Check out our instagram stories on video release days to see exclusive behind the scenes footage of this episode! AROUND THE WEB: TIKTOK: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: YOUTUBE CHANNELS: REACT: PEOPLE VS FOOD: Creative Director - Nicole Iizuka Director of Production – Kevin Lee Line Producer - Anthony Mugnolo Executive Producer - Joe Bereta Associate Producer - Jada Harris Talent Producer - Annie Knudsen Production Coordinator - Julian Steinberg Casting Coordinator - Alexandra Sheffield Studio Manager - Stephen Miller Studio Technician - Micah Fusco Camera Operator - Ferguson Sauve-Rogan Production Sound - Nick Carignan Set Medic - Mark Kirkendall Editor - Kait Elizabeth Post Production Supervisor - Doug Brady Thumbnail Graphics - Alison Lowenberg Supervising Editor - Ryan Johnson Assistant Editor - Jay Acuna #liar #challenge #reaction Reactors Try To Find The Liars! | Line Of Liars 0:00 Intro 0:19 Practice Round! 0:47 Round 1: Food Lovers 1:30 Round 1: On The Clock 3:15 Round 1: Last Chance 3:45 Round 1: Final Picks & Results 5:04 Round 2: What's In The Box 5:23 Round 2: Brian 6:25 Round 2: Nicole 7:50 Round 2: Julian 8:31 Round 2: Sharon 9:33 Round 2: Jayse 10:38 Round 3: Who Almost Died? 10:47 Round 3: Stories 11:38 Round 3: Brian 12:28 Round 3: Nicole 13:26 Round 3: Sharon 14:26 Round 3: Jayse 15:02 Round 3: Julian 15:42 Round 3: Guesses 16:59 Round 3: Nicole's Story 17:48 Winner! 18:15 Outro


8 months ago

- (React) We are playing the first ever episode of Line of Liars! We have a line of people that have promised to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, right? - Yeah. - Yes, right! - Right. - (React) Wrong! Noah, Zaria, today, you are competing head to head. We're gonna hit you with three rounds, three different games, and it's gonna be up to you to figure out who is holding the truth? For example, we have some people here who love to play sports. Who here loves to play sp
orts? - Woo! - Easy. - Love sports. - (React) Great, who's lying? - Julian was late on the hand. That's a lie! - I was just thinking about how much I love sports. (group laughs) - (React) Who do you think is the dirtiest liar up here? - I'm gonna give it to Sharon. - (group) Oh! - I think you've got a great heart, and the heart is where the gold is, and I think like on the, everything until you get to the heart, anyone who doesn't know you well, I feel like you play with them all day, and it's p
retty fun. - I think my answer is Sharon too. (group laughs) - Do you like tomatoes? - No. - No? - No. - I like tomato sauce, I like tomatoes in tacos, that's the only time. - (React) Who here likes, dot dot dot, tomatoes? - Hey guys, my name is Jayse, and I love tomatoes. I lived in Italy for almost a year, and you eat them almost every single day, so it's just a part of the life there. - I'm Sharon, and I love tomatoes, because it's food! (group laughs) - I'm Julian, and I also like tomatoes.
- I'm Nicole, and I grew up eating tomatoes like apples. - Hi, I'm Brian, and I love tomatoes, period. - Threw in a period, that's the shape of a tomato, maybe he likes 'em. (group laughs) - (React) Three people within this line are lying, you will have three minutes to interrogate the group, and identify the two truth tellers. (bell rings) - Alright, I wanna ask a question, Sharon, two favorite dishes that have tomatoes on them? - Fried green tomatoes, and just putting it on a good old hamburge
r. - What is a green tomato? - What do you do with the fried green tomato? - You bread it and fry it. - And then eat it. - And you eat it. - You bread it with like egg? - Egg, and you do like breading, like you would almost like fried chicken. - I'm sorry I haven't heard of a breaded tomato before! - Oh my God! - Are they big, are they small? - They're that size! - And it's green? - (both) Yeah! - I think Sharon's clear. I think Sharon's telling the truth. She knew a whole recipe. - I feel like
that convinced me that she's telling the truth. - You're pointing at me? - You mentioned living in Italy. - I did, yes. - And you equated that to liking tomatoes. - Name three dishes with tomatoes. - Pasta pomodoro, lasagna, and how about bolognese? Lasagna's my favorite food on the planet, so I'm just gonna throw that out there. - Lasagna's your favorite food on the planet. - Brian, I got a question for you. - Talk to me. - What does a tomato taste like? - If you bite into a good tomato, speci
fically for me, an heirloom tomato, like, it's got a good crunch and good chew through. Once you get into the middle of it, it's not necessarily like overly sweet but juicy and delicious, I really like it especially with salt. - Wow, that was a lot. I'm not, I don't know if I'm convinced. I don't know if I'm convinced. You answered the question really well. - Nicole. - Yes? - As you say, you grew up loving tomatoes. - Tomatoes are beautiful, when you're talking about making the perfect burger,
you need that red layer! - Yes! - Yeah. - I believe it. - Julian in the middle, I just want you to say the word tomato for me. - Tomato. (group laughs) - Okay, yeah. - I'm lost, I genuinely believe, except Julian. (group laughs) - Alright, I'm going off of my instincts. You know, some of your responses, they got really good towards the end, but I think the two here that truthfully like tomatoes are Sharon and Jayse. - (Zaria) It's Nicole and Sharon. - (React) Both of you get to choose one pers
on to take a big juicy bite of a tomato. - Wow. I will choose Nicole. - (group) Three, two, one. - Oh, that's a tomato lover right there. - That's juicy. - Ooh. - (React) Zaria, it's your turn. Who would you like to take a big juicy bite of a tomato? (Brian laughs) - (group) Three, two, one! - Ooh, ooh, you went deep in. - Ooh, juicy! It was a juicy one. - Juicy indeed. - How's that chew through? (group laughs) - That totally ruined everything for me. - I'm going to stick with my original answer
, which is Sharon and Jayse. - (React) Zaria? - Sharon, Nicole. (bell rings) - (React) Will the true tomato lovers please take a tiny step forward and raise your hand? ♪ (tense music) ♪ - What? (group laughs) The two that we gave the tomatoes to? - I picked Sharon and Jayse, and both of them, they hate tomatoes! - I'm actually allergic to tomatoes, so like I can't have them unless they're cooked. - So if we had given you... - I wouldn't have did it, I would not have taken it. - You would've been
like oh, I just ate. - That would've been a tell. - Man! - That's why I was just like, I just stared so hard, like yes, pick me, and it worked. - Sharon, you hate 'em? - Oh, I can't stand 'em, I'm the one that takes them off her burgers in set. (laughs) - She does! She doesn't eat it! - And that was the first thing you said about tomatoes, especially on a burger. - Oh yeah. - For me, legitimately, burgers are my favorite food, and I think the thing that will absolutely ruin a burger is putting
raw tomato on it. - You guys love tomatoes, how much do you guys like tomatoes? - I literally told you, I grew up eating them like apples, they were in my lunch box. - See, somehow hearing it as a truth, it sounds different, alright? I needed to hear it again. - Cherry tomatoes are amazing. I used to eat them so much growing up, that my mom said I would turn into a cherry tomato. - Wow, and so were you pretending that you said tomato weird the whole time? - I was saying tomato weird? (group lau
ghs) - (React) What's in the box? - (group) What's in the box? What's in the box? What's in the box? - (React) In this round, we will be presenting our line with boxes. Inside each box will be an assortment of items. Each person will describe what is in their box to our contestants, and you contestants must decide if that person is telling the truth or lying. (bell rings) - (laughs) I... What's in the box is, it's a truck, and there's a shark in the back. - A truck with a shark in the back? -
Yeah, like a semi truck with a shark in the back. - As in, it's got an open back, or it's in a container. - Well, like it's a truck transporting a shark. - The shark's not driving? (horn honks) (group laughs) - Bro, I'm gonna tell you right now, if only. - What color is the truck? - The truck is orange. - What color's the shark? - Shark color, what, gray, I don't know! - Okay! - It's a gray shark. - I'm not looking at it, so I'm wondering. - It's a gray shark! - I think that Brian is lying. Hi
s initial instinctual response was to say I don't know, it means oh, I haven't thought of that lie yet. - And I think he's telling the truth, because I think he got offended that I was asking too many questions, like I didn't believe him, like I didn't trust him as a friend in that moment. - (React) Alright, Brian! - (group) What's in the box? - Oh! Brian was telling the truth! Thanks buddy. - Of course, man, I got you! (group laughs) - Oh. - Avert your eyes, Noah. - (laughs) Do you know what a
Rocktopus is? - No, you're lying. - A Rocktopus? - It's an octopus... - Next, you're lying! (group laughs) - She opened with do you know what a Rocktopus is? Is that an octopus with a guitar? - It's like a little fidget toy that's an octopus, with The Rock as its head. It's real, it's a real thing. - It's a real product. - It's a real product! - Is it standing up, is it lying down? - So it's about this big. - (Noah) Mm-hmm, in width? - It's all red. - (Noah) Uh-huh. - And the arms are like, if
you were to twist it like this, the arms would do this, and it has The Rock's head on top of it. - Prior to seeing this, were you familiar with a Rocktopus? - I was familiar with the Rocktopus, which is why I laughed so hard. - Okay, I am going to say Nicole, I think you're telling me the truth. - I think she's lying. - You don't think there's a Rocktopus under there? (group laughs) The well-known product? - Liar! - You are telling the truth, Nicole! - (React) Nicole! - (group) What's in the bo
x? - What!? (group laughs) What!? - (React) It's a viking helmet with scrunchies! - Yeah, I know. - What? - I mean, I like knew the whole time. - How do you even come up with this Rocktopus? Is it real? - (React) Can somebody fly in the Rocktopus? - (Brian) Dwayne The Rocktopus Johnson, there he is. - What? This is a, that's a Rocktopus, okay. - Who did this? (group laughs) - There is an action figure of Brad Pitt from the movie Se7en in this box. (group laughs) - Is it? - No, they're laughing
too much for it to be just an action figure. It's funny, but I don't think an action figure's that funny. - I think it's funny, but on the same exact front, I don't think that it's the action figure under there. I don't. - Me neither. - Julian, you're lying. You're a lair. - You're lying. - (React) Julian. - (group) What's in the box? (group laughs) - Yeah! - We got some points! - Oh, you should've, alright. - Hey, both of us got points, I liked it. - I just think it's hilarious. - You guys ar
e so stupid. (group laughs) - Why is it so funny? - It's a baby with a mustache, playing a guitar. (laughs) - How big is the baby? - Baby, like that big. - And the mustache? - Was it stuck on, or does the baby come that way? - Baby came that way. (laughs) - So the guitar is held in the baby's hands? - Yeah. - (Noah) How? - Act out the... - Articulate yourself like the baby is articulated, holding it. - Woah! (laughs) - (laughs) Alright say to me with confidence, Sharon, what's in that box? - (l
aughs) It's a baby holding a guitar. - I think Sharon's telling the truth. - I think she's lying. - (React) Sharon! - (group) What's in the box? - What's in the box, Sharon? - (Brian) It's a baby. (laughs) (group laughs) With a mustache. (group laughs) - (React) Zaria, why'd you think she was lying? - I don't know, I wanted to think that like, in Sharon's mind, she knows that like two other people have lied straight, and it's like, would be unexpected that she would lie again, for a third time.
And it's unexpected, I wouldn't guess it, so I was like... - You're absolutely right, I should've done that. - Ah. - Inside this box is, I guess that's probably Scar, from The Lion King, and he's got Simba in his mouth, he looks like he's just eating Simba. - With a fork and a knife, is there a table? - No, he's in his mouth, he's just literally in. - The other action figure's in... - Just shoved in its mouth. - I'm trying to look at everyone else too. - What part of the body is being eaten? - H
is butt? - (Julian) (laughs) Oh! - From the butt on the side, like it's the upper thigh, or like, you know, butthole forward, and you know, almost like a cigar. - Tail first, like he's just starting with the tail pipe, that's it. - (laughs) Oh, the tail is up? Is there blood effects or anything happening? - No, there's no like painted on blood or anything. - I feel comfortable about this one. - Yeah, you think you know? - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - (React) Noah, Zaria, what do you choose? - He's a truth
teller! - I think the same, I think you're telling the truth. - (React) Jayse! - (group) What's in the box? - (Noah) Wow! - It looks like a dragon eating a puppy, I think. - Yes it is, a dragon eating a puppy. - But he is eating his butt first. - Yes. - That was impressive. - That, yeah. - (React) In this round, we will learn about a very unique near death experience. Who here has almost died in a haunted house? - There is a haunted sewer way underneath an abandoned mental hospital in the tow
n that I grew up in, and I almost died in there. - Well, you know how scared I get anyway, and I got tickets to Blumhouse, I literally almost had a heart attack, they had to shut down and bring the paramedics in. - Got too scared, tried to escape, did a header down the stairwell. - When I was in college, we were filming a Blair Witch-esque type thing, went into a haunted house, played with the Ouija board, and you know, the spirits didn't like us, collapsed in the floor into the basement. - I w
orked for Knott's Berry Farm, I was going backwards through a maze, and I almost got trampled to death. - I need details. - I think I already know who's telling the truth, and who's lying. - (React) Only one person in this line is telling the truth. It's up to you to identify the one person. - Only one? - Only one. - (React) Your time starts now! (bell rings) - Tell me, what was your story again? Give me more details on that experience. - So, I was working at Knott's Berry Farm, in a group call
ed The Tricksters, The Tricksters were allowed to do, basically whatever it is that we wanted, including going backwards through mazes, while people were going in the opposite direction, because we thought it was funny. So while this was happening, a group got so scared, they knocked me over, and they tramped me. (laughs) - How many people, do you know? - How many feet? - Great, how many feet? - Yeah. (laughs) - Let me see. - How many feet did you feel on your face? Like, an estimate of how man
y people, 'cause trampled, you can get stepped on one or two times, and just be like alright, that hurt. (group laughs) - I don't know, because I was covering my head and face, hoping to not die. - A group can knock you over, but I think you can stand your ground. I don't think it was that much of a rush. - You have a lawyer right here. Nicole. - Yes. - What state did you go to college in? - New York. - You were filming a Blair Witch style movie. - Yes. - For a college project? - For a college p
roject. - And the basement caved in? - Yes. - After you used a Ouija board? - Yes. - I just wanted you to confirm that story, 'cause that's a ridiculous story. (group laughs) It sounds like a lie. - I just wanted you to lie to me again. - Yeah, I just wanted to, yeah. - How many other people were with you doing this? - It was me and two other guys. There were three of us that were filming together. - So how old is this building, like was it a building that was still in use? - It was a dilapidate
d house. It was called The Suicide House. - Right, you said that. - Nine different people, through the history of time had committed suicide there, so nobody wanted to live in the house. - Okay. - Sharon is about to... (group laughs) - What's tripping me out the most right now is the timing of her story. The timing of everything happening exactly how it was supposed to, and then the floor giving in. - I just feel like you'd get in trouble. - It's been there for a long time, and the minute you en
ter, and the minute you do this board game, it's like alright, I'm out, I'm falling through the floor. - Sharon, it was a Blumhouse haunted house, yeah, that she got... - So where was that? That was at Universal? They have Blumhouse. - It was downtown, it was right after we had moved here. So we get there, and we're standing in line, and we have to go through these big balloons, big blow up things, and so you have to walk through it and you can't see anything. I literally had this poor woman's
strap on her thing wrapped around my hand, pulled tight into me, and this thing, whatever, jumped out, and the just go (growls) (Julian screams) I literally just went ah, like, I couldn't scream. I went down on the ground, pulled this poor woman, 'cause I still have her purse wrapped around. She lands on top, and she's like uh, ma'am, are you okay, are you okay? They had to turn on the lights. - Oh my God. - They brought the paramedics in, they took me out on a stretcher, and yeah. - Did you le
t go of the lady? (group laughs) - Okay, so what was your story again? - There is a series of sewer tunnels in the town that I grew up in called Northville. So we're in there, and we're like it's not scary in here, it's like whatever, we came upon a group of some homeless individuals, and they were not pleased that we were in there. So there was one just like scary dude, they have like, it literally looks like a movie, where they have the barrel, like fire going, and then this dude, like, I was
, it was like a Crocodile Dundee knife, he just was like you little f-words, get out of here, or I'll come kill you! And I was just like oh my God! So we just turned and ran, and never ever went back in the sewers again. - So, Julian, tell me again, how did you almost die? - Yeah, mine, I feel like is really boring, compared to these ones, but at my elementary school, they would do a haunted house every Halloween, and my dad is like obsessed with Halloween, it's his hobby, he's a Halloween nut
job, and so he and the other dads would always go really hard to make this haunted house, and the elementary school was two stories. And I'm up on the second story, and one of the dads, he's wearing like a Loch Ness Monster costume, jumps out at me, I scream my [censored] head off, I'm like I gotta get out of here, I'm sprinting, into the stairwell, go too fast, do a header down the stairs, split my [censored] skull open. I've got a scar, if you wanna find it under all this hair. - Wow. - (Juli
an) Yeah. - Okay, that was really convincing. - You're confident now? I was confident until the final story, and now I'm no longer confident. - (whispers) Julian's telling the truth. - I think Julian's telling the truth too. I thought it was Sharon, but then Julian's story, it just checked out. - (React) Julian, are you telling the truth? - No. - Really? I was so hopeful for his wacky dad! - What part of that was fake? - I fell in love with your wacky dad. - My wacky dad is real. - (Noah) He is
real, okay. - Oh, yeah, he does Halloween crazily every single year, I've got a lot of photos. - See, that's why, see? Like, a lot of the stories are real. - (React) Who do you guys think is telling the truth? - I think Brian is. - I think, Sharon, I'm hoping. - (React) Brian, are you telling the truth? - No! - What? (group laughs) - (React) Which means, Sharon, are you telling the truth? - No. - (group) Oh man! - What!? (group laughs) - What? - (React) Two people left, you both get to choose o
ne person. - It's not Nicole! - It's Nicole, I'm voting for Nicole! - No, it can't be Nicole! - I don't believe in Ouija boards, I don't believe in ghosts, I didn't even know there were basements to break in New York City, but you convinced me. - You didn't know tomatoes were green! - I didn't, I didn't, I didn't! Nicole, you did it, that happened to you. - I choose Jayse! - (React) On the count of three, will the truth teller please step forward? One, two, three! - What!? - That really happen
ed? - It was in upstate New York, we were in a tiny town called Cherry Valley, which was what the documentary was called. The town was built on an ancient Indian burial ground. We really did go in, we set up our little film kit, started playing the the Ouija board, it really did say goodbye over and over, when I asked are you mad at us, ghost had a sense of humor, literally collapsed the basement, I thought I was gonna die, we grabbed our stuff, ran out, my friend yelled holy spirits, stay in t
he house! And like, we both escaped, and then he actually fell through the doorway of the house on the way out. - That's in the documentary? - Yeah, what'd you include? - I don't know the documentary's online anywhere, or like where it exists, because that was like a college thing before like, YouTube. - Oh my God, you have the only proof of ghosts ever. - Like before YouTube. - And you don't upload it? - And it was for a school project. - Oh my God! - And we got a C. - Yeah! (group laughs) - (R
eact) And that means, with a score of 5 to 3, the first winner of the first episode of Line of Liars is Noah Grossman! - (group) Yay! - Oh my God! - (group) Oh! - Oh, thank you! - Wow! - Wow! - Oh, you get the scrunchie crown! - Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, I wanna thank everyone at REACT, behind the camera, man, I wanna thank Jada, I wanna thank Joe! Yeah, thank you very much, this is fun, look at that. - Woo! - Yeah, there you go. - (React) We want you to appreciate, yeah, that's a liar,
liar, pants on fire trophy. - What? Wow! - It's pants on fire, I love it. - I didn't even notice that. - Yeah, got some weight to it. (group laughs) - That's incredible. Thank you very much, guys. - (React) Alright, get out of here, you dirty liars! (group laughs)



This was SO fun!!!


If Sharon is in the video, I watch no matter what... The most funny person in the channel!


Nicole's haunted house story was too detailed to be a lie. 😂


Good thing Noah is on the side of guesses bc he ask all the questions to make the truth and liars laugh 😂


Brian's reaction to their ignorance of fried green tomatoes killed me.🤦🏾‍♀️😂


Dude, the entire cast was great! Wonderful seeing everyone together! Nicole had me dying at Rocktapusses xD


The best thing about this is the relationship. The history the communication, the comfort level. All gold stars.


I love the pure enjoyment that the cast had filming this video!!!


This was fun to watch, and a really good group of Reactors (and Nicole!) to be the first for it. This definitely needs to become a regular thing on React. 😃


sharon is very convincing, everyone that works there def needs to play too!!


This was fun and interesting! I didn't realize Jayse was as good of a liar as this. I thought Nicole was lying about the Ghost Story because of the basement collapsing. I've never heard of a basement floor collapsing. I would love to see more episodes like this!


Sharon is 100 freaking out and squirming when it come to Nicole ghost story experience.


I knew it was Nicole for the last one, because no one in their right mind would claim something that wild if they were trying to get away with lying😭


Have loved the challenges, reactions and games been done for almost 5 years now. If I'm ever feeling low these clips make me feel a bit more hopeful and if really funny make me laugh/wheeze haha. Keep it up!


This was amazingly fun to watch. do this more with different group


I have enjoyed your videos for a long time. I am very happy you guys have started bringing Noah Grossman fro Smosh into some videos because he was one of my favorites. I hope to see him in a lot more videos going forward especially Try not to Eat and Try to keep Eating.


What a great concept! This video was truly a joy to watch thank you keep up the great work!


Nicole is that short? Anyway, now that she knows Sharon doesn't like tomatoes, we all know what that means for "People Vs. Food" ...


Sharon's story at the end was a true "Chunk" story (like one Chunk from the Goonies would tell). It's was comically unbelievable, it was hard for everyone around her not to laugh!


OMG guys I could have watched a one hour long version of this. It was a blast!