
Castle Swimmer 2D Fan Animation Short (Episode 41)

Episode 41 2D Fan Animation Short Read The Original Story: Animation/Rig/BGs/FX: Jayon Ruiz Duarte Voice Actors: Siren / MisterChuckles Kappa / Accel Byzantine If you would like to dub over this please reach out to me by my email or social media for crediting and etc.! (Accelbyzantine) #CastleSwimmer #WEBTOONAmbassador #webtoon

Accel Byzantine

1 year ago

yeah especially since scarlet's princess aren't really my type [Laughter] come on siren it wasn't that funny oh my god our first kiss i ruined it the second kiss could be good really there's still hope oh he missed ah kissing's harder than i thought i think we're just bad at everything you



Make sure to click the link in my description to read the comic it supports Wendy the creator of the comic!! Follow me on social media as well! (type my name)


"I THINK WE’RE JUST BAD AT EVERYTHING!!!" This is the most accurate voice acting of a gay panic.


The voice acting, the jokes, the animation! Everything about this is so good!


I’ve had an awful day & this made it a lot better. Thank u


I can tell while recording this Accel was just singing 'SIREN AND KAPPA ARE G-A-Y' in his head 😂 #FruityintheBooty


If this comic ever becomes an animated show, I WANT IT TO LOOK JUST LIKE THIS. This proves it’s possible to animate the characters without having to change anything about their designs!! Also props to Wendy because her characters look so damn GOOD animated!! I major in this stuff and had it happen before where I designed a cool looking character but then realized only when it was time to animate them that they were unusable because some part of their design couldn’t be animated (usually their hair or a part of their clothing or something that couldn’t be rotated without looking weird/awkward). But that’s not the case here at all which is really great!!


Can’t get over the expressions lol- absolutely amazing 💞💞




Your honor, they're husbands ❤️💙✨ The animation is so good! Honestly one of my favorite scenes in Season 1!


Accel's voice fits so well with kappa's comedic delivery and chaotic nature


Can I be the person that literally cried when this episode came out??? Can I still be that person crying over it now?!?!?!?!?!?!


Castle Swimmer is and will probably always be my favorite webtoon comic


0:39 that part was a bit random, but overall this is precious


Never in my life have I been more attached to a series. this series is my life,heart,and soul. I just know I'm gonna be sad when it ends😞


AAHHHH, I can't get over how cute Kappa is


"I think we're just bad at everything" I felt that


wow the tradition, animation, voices everything is perfect could you do a tutorial on how to animate the movements they are so fluid ✨✨


Bro, this was so good, major kudos to everybody! 😍


omg I just relived this scene. Thank you for reminding me how much I love this webtoon


This is incredible, thank you so much for being a dedicated Webtoon fan and helping make Castle Swimmer come to life!