
CGR Undertow - FANTASY PUZZLE HAMSTER MONOGATARI review for Game Boy Advance

Fantasy Puzzle Hamster Monogatari review. Shop CGR shirts & mugs! Classic Game Room presents a CGR Undertow review of Fantasy Puzzle Hamster Monogatari for Game Boy Advance developed and published by Culture Brain. Fantasy Puzzle Hamster Monogatari sticks a hamster in a box with four pieces of a puzzle, and demands that the puzzle be recreated in a designated area of the space. Seems simple enough... until spiky enemies, cramped spaces, and gravity take their toll on the poor blighter. What could've been just another adorable easygoing puzzle outing becomes brutally difficult, putting my addled Hamster-laden mind to the test and finding me wanting (on level 42 or so). This video review features video gameplay footage of Fantasy Puzzle Hamster Monogatari for Game Boy Advance and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's TJ.


10 years ago

I thought I�d be raising Hamsters every Thursday for the rest of my life. Honestly, there are worse things to be doing, but every once in a while you just need a change of pace. Thus, while digging through the Pile o� Hamster Games sent to us by Felicity in Worcestershire, I was overjoyed to come upon A HAMSTER GAME THAT�S NOT ABOUT RAISING HAMSTERS. Instead, it�s about adorable hamsters solving puzzles. And I mean painfully adorable. You just wanna pinch �im. You just wanna pinch those cheeks.
I don�t know when or how I turned into my grandmother, but hopefully this means I�ll also be able to pull off her amazing feats of BAKING. Oh, and solving puzzles that involve compiling four puzzle piece blocks in a certain area of the screen. And this is where the hamsters� cuteness belies their penchant for pure EVIL. I sat for half an hour trying to puzzle this one out. And this is the FIRST puzzle... of the optional dungeon-tower lookin� thing on the outskirts of Hamstertown, which puts it a
bout 41st in the overall scheme of things. Still. Half an hour on one puzzle, when my only available actions are to pick up a block I�m standin� on, drop a block I�m carryin� in front of me, push a block in front of me, kick a stack of blocks to knock the topmost of �em into my hands, climb one-tile-tall ledges... but then again, that puts all the focus on order of moves and planning, rather than fast-twitch action. There�s a time limit on each stage, but since the screen doesn�t blank itself wh
ile paused as with most puzzle games of this sort, you can... well, you can sit there and puzzle for extensive periods of time. I was, eventually, successful in completing this puzzle... only to be handed an even MORE ridiculous puzzle in the next batch, with even FASTER spark-lookin� wall-travelling enemies. Fairly certain I recognize those jerks from Mario 2. Eh, long story short, I never did figure this one out. So, partially out of frustration and partially out of a respect to not see my ham
ster beat his head against the blocks after contemplating his own sad existence, dangling like a puppet on the string of a dope who should be better at these kind of games, I went into the level editor. (Represented on the map by a very Smurf-style Mushroom House.) It�s... well, it�s just what you�d expect from a level editor, where you can lay blocks wherever you want �em, add enemies, spikes, ladders, and hate. Or, you can load up levels you�ve already played and tweak them a little bit, in ca
se you didn�t think Culture Brain was devious enough in the first place. Sure, it�s not exactly Catherine, but for a third of a GBA game (part of the Puzzle & Tantei Collection) it�s rather impressive in its evilness. You�re constantly working in small spaces, where you might not be able to carry a block to get it out of your way, or you might remove the one support that gets you out of a tight spot, as there�s no way to place a block directly under you. You�re given just enough tools to win, wi
thout actually making the game any semblance of �easy.� And that�s a sign of a respectable puzzler. Kinda reminds me of some of the NES Hard games like Solomon�s Key, where a bit of platforming is tied to a thick slab of �Where the hell do I have to go in order to not die?� It�s Solomon�s Key with Hamsters, and a bit more difficulty. And hamsters wielding MAGIC. I�m now officially terrified, how about you?



I see some Catherine techniques there.


I love these :D btw Ever try Crazy Hamster its a cheap DSi Game. Thanks for doing these :D


but I was 1st he must have a slower internet conection so when he posted it did not show mine


I think you mistake us all as people that care.


double first declared




no one cares


double first declared