
CGRundertow GRAND THEFT AUTO 4 for PlayStation 3 Video Game Review

Grand Theft Auto 4 Review. Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PS3. Developed by Rockstar North and published by Rockstar. The next generation of GTA games, this game in a crowning achievement of both design and gameplay. The game does the best job in recreating a living city, which have so many things to do. With an engaging story and character, this game takes the GTA series to new heights. This video review features video gameplay footage of Grand Theft Auto 4 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Ryan. Check out more reviews from Classic Game Room at and For the latest trailers, visit Get more Classic Game Room on Facebook at and at


12 years ago

The release of Grand Theft Auto 4 was as close as we will get to a video game release turning into a national holiday. People took off work and high school classrooms were half filled. Everyone was going out to get a copy of the next generation of the famous series. The game sold 3.6 million copies its first day and 6 million its first week. So far the game has sold 22 millions copies. Practically everyone has a copy of this game and for good reason. The game was hyped and it actually lived up t
o it. The game was a big departure from other games in the series, with much darker and more serious themes and new gameplay changes, the game set a new standard for video games. You play as Niko Belic, an eastern European immigrant to the United States. He is here looking for the American Dream but the story evolves into more than just that. You will learn of Niko’s dark past and the real reason he came to America. Niko is surrounded around by a great cast of characters which include his cousin
Roman, his finance Mallorie, and also the non-understandable Little Jacob. Each one is voice acted really well and really bring you into the story. Nico’s story will become a part of you. One of the major changes from previous games is the combat. The game now uses cover based shooting which works very well and makes the combat much more interesting. You will be using the environment to work your way into areas, jumping from cover to cover. It is great to drive to an area, jump out of your car
and use it for cover until the car catches on fire and you have to move before it explodes. But the best thing about Grand Theft Auto 4 was the city itself. The game is set once again in Liberty City, but this is a Liberty City unlike any you have seen before. Never before had a felt like I was in a real city. You can tell how much care went into each and every detail. From each street having its own name to seeing random people getting into fender benders and getting out of their car. All these
little things add up to creating a living, breathing city. Each area of the city feels very different than one another. From industrial Broker to the business district Algonquin. There are so many things to do if you don’t feel like doing the story. You can go to a Internet cafe and use a dating site, or you can take your girlfriend bowling or play darts with your cousin. Or my personal favorite and take a helicopter ride and see how good looking the city really is. My only complaints are more
nip picks than real problems. I would have liked to see a mid-mission checkpoint system. Nothing is more frustrating than being almost done with a mission and being killed by someone you don’t see and have to start from the beginning. And some of the missions can take over twenty minutes. Anther thing, the driving it very touchy. I get that it is suppose to be more realistic but I had worrying about spinning-out than driving I would have also liked to see the GTA humor continue. This game is ve
ry serious and gritty. There is some humor but it much darker than before and not as laughably ridiculous as say San Andreas, which had jet-packs. Grand Theft Auto 4 should continue to be seen as it is: a crowning achievement of video game design. The game is beautiful, engrossing and great to play. And should be held as the gold standard of open world games, or at least until Grand Theft Auto 5 comes out.



As good as GTA 5 is, this game is truly a timeless work of video game art.


Totally agree with mid-mission checkpoints, but I love the humor of GTA 4. Yes it's dark, but Niko's sarcasm gets me every time. I also found the cars very tricky at first and almost unplayable after San Andreas, but as I got used to it I prefer the mechanics in this game.


I have 3 copies of this game and yes, I love it that much.


Am i the only one who thinks the driving in this game is the best in the whole gta series ?


Best GTA. I love the three main characters, how the storylines come together, the city is amazing... I can go on forever.


This is the best GTA game ever made. I will still be playing it 10 years from now


back when i was in high school, i would get stoned out of my mind every night just to play this game.


i remember when this game came out i was one of the kids that the guy mentioned who cut school early to play this game.


People like to hate on this game now but they are forgetting the new things that were added that made the game so much better. Cell phones, internet, a cover system, and simply looking at the world with better graphics. That's what made this game so good for me was the advancements and the story. People that like to go out in GTA and just blow shit up didn't like this because it wasn't ridiculous enough, and they wanted more saints row 4 kind of stuff.


Happy 10th anniversary GTA IV!!! :D


I LOVED the driving in this. you felt more in control of the vehicles. I just hope they haven't changed it too much for GTA V.


That's right. If you know how to control the handling it's awesome because you can make drifts very easy!


I bought my ps3 for this game. Still have both here in 2018.


It's rated high because it does a lot of things fairly well. What bumps it up even more is the fact that it transcends video gaming by looking and feeling great as well as raising the ante with trying new things and most importantly connecting to us by acting as a mirror of today's society and all facets of it. It s a 9 game, but a 10 experience.


i love the story, niko and the characters, the city, things to do, side quests, the driving, cars, and of all multiplayer this is one amazing game 10/10!


It was really improved. Yes, at first you have to get used to slowing down when you're going to manoeuvre... but it just makes it all the more tactical and fun to drive. Races aren't won by the fastest car, as other racers will be held to the same standards, it's the best driver that wins.


man I remember that day when my brother and I made my mother to buys us the $100 Special Edition! wonder how we pulled it off lol


i like the fact that the intro vid song by rick ross song is one of the ice cream trucks jingles.


You know I didnt even know people thought the driving was bad until recently, from day one It felt natural and perfect. I hope they don't change it, they nailed it.


Him: ..."mid-mission check point". Me: for real.