
Chapter 03/20 Part 1 - Jinnat In Islam Shaitaan (Jinnat, Shaitaan, Ghost, Demons, Genie & Iblis)

Reality of Jinn, Reality of Jinnat, Shape shifters, Jinnat aur Shayateen, Creation of Iblees and Shayateen, Jinnat of Hazrat Suleman a.s, Are jinn real ? Stories of Jinnat, Jinnat in Islam. Welcome to the 03rd chapter of 40,000 Years Of Knowledge series. In this chapter, I will tell you about the mysterious and scary world of The Jinn. Where are Jinnat ? Who are they ? And most importantly ... What do Jinnat look like ? #jinnat #jinn #quranandscience #creationofallah #iblis #shaitan #genie #scary 01. The Introduction 00:14 02. The Creation of Jinnat 02:49 03. Understanding The Jinnat 04:53 04. The kinds of Jinnat 05:52 05. Jinnat who resemble a shadow 06:18 06. Jinnat who are invisible 09:06 07. Jinnat who resemble snakes 10:51 08. How Jinnat may look like 12:47 09. Jinnat & their possible shapes 14:22 10. The book of deadly names 15:56 11. Jinnat & the Humans 21:15 12. The creature called Jinnat 23:35 13. Shayateen 25:28 14. Hanoon & Banoon 27:23 15. Jinnat And Hanoon O Banoon 28:45 16. Quran and Hadith about Shayateen 29:58 17. A shaytan who transformed 32:19 18. Favorite shape of Shayateen 33:58 19. A Shaytan with a mysterious flame 36:53 20. Shayateen that come during the night 39:22 21. Those who fly in the sky 39:59 22. The female Shaytana 42:00 23. Shayateen through the history 43:29 Video Background By: Calmed By Nature (YouTube Channel) Assalamo Alaikum, My name is Furqan Qureshi and I conduct research in Quran, Science, History & Archeology to show us and our children, How beautiful our God is. To support my research work, please buy my coffee from this link. And if you're from Pakistan, then here is the IBAN No. for my Faysal Bank. PK65FAYS3469301000003308 Or if you're an Easy Paisa or Jazz Cash user ... you can send your support on this mobile no. 03329620440 Thankyou Furqan Qureshi 40,000 Years of Knowledge is a research based documentary series in which I'll take you on a journey with me, from The Start Of Everything to the End Of Everything through Religion, Science, History, Archeology & Prophecies.

Furqan Qureshi Blogs

1 year ago

in the name of God; most gracious and most merciful today's chapter is about the Jinn a creature which can be found in all the mythologies, religions and cultures of the world but perhaps just as many people believe in them; equal number of people refuse to believe sometimes in the remote villages; evil jinns are held responsible for every problem and sometimes in the urban cities; jinns are considered nothing more than a fiction but one thing is certain, that the concept of jinn goes all the
way back to the concept of human origin be it ancient mesopotamia or be it the ancient religion of zoroastrianism sometimes skeptics considered them to be nothing more than ancient names for "virus" and "bacteria" considering ancient people unaware of these microscopic organisms who can cause disease and some skeptics considered jinn, only a fancy name for evil disbelievers but in truth; none of this is even close to reality and in today's chapter, i'll tell you about the jinn but as i have al
ready told you that scientifically we can only see or detect 0.0035% of this universe then just like angels, to explore the jinn we will have to rely the sources of religion and my primary source will be Quran and Hadith and later in this chapter ... i will show you the long history of jinn in human records and i'll split this topic into four segments in the first segment i'll tell you about the existence of jinn and their kinds and i'll present you my study on their appearances in the second se
gment, i'll explain you the difference between a jinn and a demon i will tell you how the concepf of demons is significantly different from the jinn in the third segment, i'll tell you about a certain and extremely powerful jinn who has lived the longest, and disbelieved the strongest and is the most powerful of all the jinns and in the last segment of this chapter i'll tell you about another certain jinn who ... who has been with us, since the day we were born a jinn forever living with us but
first, what is a jinn after all ? i'm sure all of you are aware of the arabic word "jinn" which literally means "invisible" this is the root word for all the subsequent words that are invisible, for instance "jineen" the embryo in womb but what we are gonna talk about in the context of this word "jinn" is a creature very much alive and a very much eating and sleeping creature and why can our eyes not see them ? the answer lies in Al-Quran we created the jinn with an angry flame of fire and bef
ore the humans ... we created the jinn with a flame of fire Allah has created these beings with a composition different that ours and Ayesha (r.a) reports that ... prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) informed that Allah created angels with "nur" (a cold light) the jinn with fire and humans, with what has been explained to you it makes on thing very clear that similar to the angels jinns are made of material which ... has not been explained to us and we cannot even see that material but why can we not see t
hat material ? i have already explained that in the chapter of angels the jinns are mentioned 29 times in Quran infact one entire chapter of Quran is named after tham, surah Jinn considering all this, a Muslim cannot discard the existence of the jinn as a seperate creation like us now if you ask me, how do jinns look like ? i'll ask you instead, how would you define an animal ? you cannot define an animal because every animal has a unique anatomical makeup who would you call an animal ? would yo
u describe a lion ? or a giraffe ? a crawling crocodile ? or a snake ? a human anatomical makeup is nearly the same two eyes, two legs, two arms ... a nose if there is any difference, it is of build, size and features but animals have different physiology from each other and similarly the different kinds of jinn look different from each other later i'll explain them to you in great details the jinns are an extremely diverse creation of Allah abu sa'lba khashni (r.a) reported that the jinn are .
.. ... of three kinds the first kind has wings and they can fly the second ones can shift their shape into serpents and dogs, and the third are the ones who come and go this hadith clearly tells that there are some jinns who keep flying in the sky space and distances, do not mean much to them and it is confirm by the verse in surah Jinn where the jinn are talking to each other that before the Quran was revealed ... we used to sit in the sky and listen this specific incident is further explained
in surah Ahqaf that we drove a group of jinn towards you so they may hear the Quran this incident took place in the valley of Nakhla where ... prophet Muhammad was offering the prayer with his companions while a group of jinn from the valley of "nasibein" paid attention to them but i want to tell you the entire incident because that will tell you how do the jinns think and act after Muhammad was given the prophethood, the jinns were frobidden to hide and listen in the sky and flames were thrown
at them if they did try to go and this was the reason the jinns were trying to figure out, while on the way to "tahama" ... passing from the valley of nakhla, they heard the prophet reciting the Quran and said to each other that by God, this is the reason why we cannot listen from the skies anymore and it was then, when the verses of surah jinn was revealed to the prophet that ... tell them; i have been revealed that a group of the jinn have heard al-Quran and said that we have heard something
strange zubair bin awwam (r.a) accompanied prophet that night and sufyan (r.a) reports that ... those jinn seemed like layers over layers of the dark clouds and imam beihqi further elaborates that they were either seven or nine jinn who stood around the prophet forming a circle in my personal experience, a lady once told me when she saw a jinn in a form ... as if heat shimmering from a very hot surface the only difference was; that she felt the heat was extremely yellow-ish in color he was an e
xtremely tall jinn, sitting his knees bent back as if waiting for something abdullah bin masood (r.a) reports about these "invisible" jinns in his report ... ... called "the night of the jinns" and he says; once we were with prophet and ... the prophet was nowhere to be found we tried finding him in the valleys and mountains but we couldn't find him and we were afraid, assuming prophet was kidnapped or worst ... killed abdullah reports that it was one of the worst nights for us when the dawn was
near, we saw prophet descending from the cave of hira and when we reported all this to prophet, he told us that he was visited by ... ... jinn the previous night who invited him to go with them to preach abdullah reports further that prophet, then, took us with him ... and showed us their footprints and even their fire masrooq (r.a) further reports about those jinns who heard the quran, that ... prophet muhammad was alerted about those jinns by an "acacia tree" but i couldn't find a reference i
f it was the same night "the night of the jinn" by abdullah ibn masood or a different night than that because jinns had visited prophet on ... multiple occasions another kind of jinns are like snakes and ... and abdullah ibn abbas (r.a) reports that ... serpents are a deformed kind of the jinn just like the children of israel were deformed into monkeys and pigs abu saeed khudri (r.a) had a nephew who was newly married in the coming days, the battle of azhab was commenced during that time, he a
sked for a short leave of absence from the prophet prophet approved but advised him to take the spear with him when him reached his home, he saw his wife standing in the doorway the scene antagonized him so he turned his spear towards his wife who said ... don't be hasty first come and see what drove me out when he entered the house, he saw an ungodly looking snake sitting there he wanted to throw the snake out using his spear, but the spear accidentally hit it and severely injured the snake ab
u saeed reports that we don't know what happened next wether my nephew killed the serpent first or the serpent killed my nephew first later when his family requested prophet to pray that may he survive but prophet (s.a.w) advised them to pray for his forgiveness and said, some of the jinn have become muslims, if you see them ... warn them thrice for three days and if you still see them, then if you want to kill them, you may kill them that ungodly snake in the house of abu saeid's nephew was a
ctually a jinn in the year 1932, sharif jaffar published a book and he wrote ... if we were able to see the jinn ... they might appear to us as half-humans or half-beasts this was very interesting because a hadith of prophet (s.a.w) confirms it ibn abi's father had a date-farm and he used to look after it by himself one day he observed that dates are disappearing from a certain place when he observed, he saw someone standing there, of the age of a young boy he passed him the greetings to which t
he creature responded kindly and then he asked ... are you from the humans ? or from the jinn ? and he told that he was from the jinn and ibn abi's father observed his hands which were like the paws of a dog having fur like the paws of a dog further, the jinn said the jinns know that i'm one of the most powerful ones ibn abi's father asked, then why do you steal and he replied, that we have been informed that you are the one who likes to give charity and i thought i should take my share that ji
nn appeared to ibn abi's father in a way that he had half-transformed into a dog according to hadiths and historical record, the jinn have appeared in the ... dog form perhaps more than any other but before i go into details of those hadiths and records, i want you to know that ... that these shape-shifters ... it seems as if ... chthonic animals ... meaning those who crawl in the dirt seem to have a certain kind of attraction for the jinn for example snake, scorpion, lizards ... if you remembe
r, a while ago on brazillian media ... there was a viral news about the amazon forest the dead body of a whale was found in the dead center of the forest how did the body of a 30,000 kilogram whale made it into the center of the forest ? or was it really a whale ? or was it something else in the form of a whale ? no one has answer to that question all of you must be aware of prophet suleyman (a.s) that ... ... he was given rulership over the jinn i have written a very in-depth information ab
out that kingdom in the 15th chapter but i want to tell you something from two of the verses from surah Sa'ad we gave powerful jinns under the command of soleyman and ... and all those who constructed ... and all those who dive ... and all those jinns who were chained there is a city in spain, named ocana there is an ancient arabic manuscript from the time of al-andalus buried beneath ruins of muslim spain this strange manuscript is called "the book of deadly names" the manuscript speaks about
a king solomon, who was presented 72 jinn in his court and those jinns informed the king about their powers and their abilities to do things a similiar reference can be found from an iraqi scholar abu firah muhammad's book ... named "kitab al-fehrist" some of the original copies still present in the museums of vienna, paris, istanbul and berlin this book has given detailed acount of 70 out of 72 jinns presernt in the court of solomon i found another reference to this incident in abu'l fazl muham
mad al-tabasi's ... book "ash-shamil, fil-bahr al-kamil" written in the year 1089 i cannot tell you about all of the jinns in this chapter but ... i will certainly tell you about some one of the names are "al-mazahib" a jinn whose body used t shine like pure gold then there was a jinn named "al-abyadh" who was extremely white and his whole body was visible then there was a jinn named "al-ahmar" who had red skin, and only his thighs were visible then there was "borqan" who had a deep booming vo
ice and only his back was visible then there was "sham-horish" whose only visible part was its abdomen then there was a jinn named "meimon" who's feet could be seen sometimes and then there was "zub'aa" who used to fly with a sand-torm i was able to find another reference to "zub'aa" a book called ... "the testaments of solomon" written a hundred years after prophet eissa (jesus) this book speaks about a jinn in the time of solomon that it used to ... ... fly like sand in a sand-storm and suley
man sent a man ... with a sack made of leather to the dust-storm and asked him to keep its mouth open so that zub'aa would eventually enter into that sack and zub'aa actually did enter the sack and was constrained by that man and eventually, zub'aa was used to lift such a heavy stone to place in temple of solomon which was too heavy even for other jinns in the same book there is another incident about zub'aa that from the depths of red sea he recovered a pillar of rare purple stone but upon his
return, he was accompanied by another jinn named aberzeth who claime ... that he had seen the time of musa (moses) this book tells about other jinns aswell, their names written in arabic, hebrew and greek and having the strangest of descriptions for example a jinn, that had no head on his body how much truth is there in these books only Allah knows best, but in this chapter ... i have included these references because of the verse from surah Saa'd which says ... suleyman (a.s) was given not on
ly the rulership on the jinns but ... they used to build constructions for them and this book does speak about zub'aa lifting and placing a heavy stone in the temple and that they used to dive in the depths of the oceans as zub'aa did, and upon his return he brought some kind of a purple rare stone pillar only Allah knows best in the exegesis of 34th verse of surah Saa'd, ibn kathir speaks of a jin named "sakhar" who tried to steal the royal seal of prophet suleyman (a.s) and a 9th century mus
lim scholar ibn-faqih who was also a geographer and a historian he speaks of "sakhar" in his book "strange and weird creatures" that after his crime, king solmon punished him by .. imprisoning him in a chest and throwing him into the black depths of the oceans similarly in a 14th century book called "the book of wonders" speaks of a jinn called ... ... "the black king" "close contact" between the jinns and humans will be discussed a bit later but ... ... yes, it is possible quranic references
do support it and a hadith by ayesha (r.a) is very clear that once the prophet told something to his wives upon which, one of the wives said, oh messenger of Allah, it seems to be one of the reports by "khurafa" prophet muhammad (s.a.w) was surprised and he asked, how do you know ? according to this hadith, "kharafa" was a man from the tribe of "ezra" who was ... captured by the jinn in young age and stayed in their imprisonment for a long time and after a long time, they released him and he us
ed to tell strange tales about jinn and his tales were called "reports of kharafa" before i tell you about the demons ... once, a group of jinn came to prophet (s.a.w) to meet and learn from him and they asked some questions from him about the holy Quran prophet answere their questions and recited surah Rahman to them, in which ... it is mentioned over and over again that "what bounties of your lord will you deny" and hearing that ... they said, by the grace of Allah, we do not deny any of his
blessings anymore and when prophet recited the same surah in front of humans once, they stayed quite and prophet (s.a.w) said, the jinns responded better than you on the "night of the jinn" they has asked the prophet about their food as well ... ... and the prophet replied that "every bone which ... was from a "halal" animal (meaning slaughtere in the name of Allah) its meat, will increase in quantity when your hands will touch it that will be your food and excrement of camels and of any animal
with split hooves will be the food for your animal basically this is the reason why prophet mohammad (s.a.w) forbade humans to ... wash themselves with these two things so far, you may have a pretty good idea, how the jinn must look like they understand the difference between the good and the evil they eat and they drink but the word used in Quran for their composition is "ma'arij" "a smoke-less fire" and another word "samoum" "an intense flame of fire" exactly what is the nature of this fire .
.. the report of ayesha (r.a) makes it clear that we can never fully understand the true nature of this fire an his popular 8th century book "the book of animals", aljahiz writes ... that if he does good and bad, both, then it is a jinn if he can hide in the skies can lift heavy loads and is more powerful and faster than humans, then it is a "ma'arij" and if he is more than that ... then he is an "ifreet" meaning ... an extremely powerful class of the jinn it was an ifreet, present in the cour
t of king solomon it was an ifreet, mentioned in surah Naml who claimed that he could bring the throne of queen sheiba to jerusalem, before ... king solomon could stand up from his place i have written details about that incident in the chapter of solomon an egyptian scholar sheikh kishk has spent a great deal of his time writing about the ... invisible class of the jinn and i always remember what he once said that some of those invisible jinns ... are so marvellous in their beauty that ... if w
ere able to see them ... probably we would forget the meaning of beauty from this point on, i will tell you about the demons most of the scholars differentiate between the jinns and the demons and ... consider the jinns, closer to humans because often, Quran has addressed the jinn and the humans together and the evidence for this claim is ... the 112th verse of surah Ana'am that we created many demons as enemy of prophets from both, the humans and the jinns demons can be from both, the humans a
nd the jinn as hudaifa bin yaman (r.a) reports that prophet muhammad (s.a.w) said ... after me, there will be such leaders who will not follow my path and some of them will have the bodies of the humans and hearts of the demons but the purpose of this chapter is to talk about the demons from the jinns who only act in an evil way i will tell you about these demons through a collection of hadiths and historical literature the arabic word for demon is "shaytan" which has two root sources in hebre
w source, it means "the enemy" or "the adversary" and the arabic root word "shatan" means ... someone who astrayed the history of jinns and demons goes far back than humans simply because ... they were created before humans according to al-Quran, we created the human with n vibrating, echoing black mud and before him we created jinn from an intense flame of fire according to first generation muslim scholars like ibn-kaseer, before the the humans ... the world was inhabited with the jinn and the
demons and he takes the reference from abdullah-ibn-umer (r.a) that ... 2000 years before adam (a.s) jinns roamed the earth ibn-kaseer speaks about another creature, even before the jinns, called ... hins and bins, meaning demonic souls and that Allah (s.w.t) ... imposed slightly powerful jinns on them, who replaced them from this earth by killing and basically it was this slaughter, which raised the concerns in angels that ... why do you create a creature that kills hins and bins are not mentio
ned in hadiths but surely found in historical literature for example another reference is from a moroccon scholar abdullah syed habib that hins and bins were an extinct species before adam another reference is from a sought-after book from aljahiz, called "the book of animals" that essentially, hins and bins ... were a weak creation compared to the jinn did hins and bins really existed ? only Allah knows best ... but after they killed hins and bins, slowly the jinn too, became rebellious and mu
tinous and considered themselves the true ruler of this world, in his exegesis, imam sadi ... reports from marra bin masood and other companions for example ibn abbas (r.a) that when the jinn became too rebellious it was then, when another jinn, who used to live in heavens among the angels and about whom; i'll tell you in great details in the third half of this chapter he was sent to earth with other angels, forcing jinn to go to the islands and forests the interesting thing is that during my re
search much of the detailed information about the forms of demons was found in the culture of "inuits' living in the islands of canadian north-pole inuit community lives closer to north pole and in their culture, i found the descriptions of ... more than 3,500 demons and the second largest details in one of the most ancient religions of the world ... "zoroastrianism" but before, i present you thousands of years old literature about the demons ... in the light of quran and hadiths ... i want to d
escribe demonds for you in three major books of hadiths there is a report made by jaffar bin abdullah that prophet muhammad said ... do not let your animals wander out in dark and call your children back inside the home because this is when the demons come out until, the night becomes much darker then with the name of Allah, close your doors, with the name of Allah put out the lamps and with the name of Allah, cover your water pot and all the other pots and if you not have any cover; place somet
hing in between demons have a strong relationship with the darkness abu huraira (r.a) reports that prophet (s.a.w) said, if you hear the rooster at night ask Allah for his blessings because at that time, the rooster ... is looking at an angel and when you hear the donkey braying at night; ask for Allah's forgiveness because ... at that time, it is looking at a demon there is another reference to the night's darkness in the hadith, that if people knew ... the dangers of travelling at night nobod
y will travel at night alone, ever besides night; there is another reference in hadith, for the hours of demons that do not pray when the sun is setting or the sun is rising because these are hours of demons whenever prophet used to look at east; he would lament and say, woe ... that is where the sedition will rise and that would be a demonic century prophet also forbade his companions to sit in half-sunlight and half-shade because ... that is the demons sit these reports provide a fair account
of how demons think and act, but their appearance is specifically described in certain other reports qatadda bin noman reports of a perticularly dark night and it was raining terribly i went to masjid-e-nabawi to say the night's prayer when the prophet completed his prayer he looked at me and asked with a surprised that what brought you here at this hour ? qatadda replied that i did not want you to pray alone as very few would come in rain so i came to pray with you prophet replied that when
you complete your prayer, stay where you are unless i come back when prophet came back, he was holding a branch from a date tree, walking on it he gave that branch to qatadda and said, in your absence a demon came to your home hold this branch firmly and keep it with you until you reach your home and when you see a form in the corner of your home; hit it before you speak anything qatadda says; when i left the mosque, that branch glowed like a flame and when i reached home i found everyone aslee
p and there was some kind of an animal in a corner whos entire body was ... ... covered with long thorns and i started to beat it, until it fled my house that night, qatadda saw a demon in a body covered with thorns an animal resembling to a porcupine but according to my research; the most notorious form of a demon is a black dog abu zar-ghifari (r.a) reports that prophet muhammad (s.a.w) said ... that a woman, a donkey and a black dog will disarrange the prayer if walked from front abu samit sa
ys that i asked abu zar, that what is the difference of black, red or a yellow dog abu zar replied that i asked prophet the same question and he said, a black dog is a demon meaning a demon often takes the form of a black dog and in my research i found many hadiths about demons in the form of a black dog one of the oldest mentions of a black demon dog is found from the anciet egypt called "the cerberus' they used to draw its image on their pots and ancient egyptians often wrote the names of th
eir demons in significantly red ink which shows the high status of demons in their mythology and another interesting thing is that the ancient egyptian word for ... "demon" and "worshipped lord" is the same i will tell you about those egyptians in details in 14th chapter but since the year 1400s you will see the presence of a black dog in european newspapers again and again sometimes in 1856, a black dog is seen inside a french church ... ... even though the church's main door is locked and som
e times a large black dog is seen in the fields of belgium, wearing a ... ... broken steel chain around his neck sometimes in 1677, a large black dog is seen at the funeral of "richard cabel" who was ... ... well renowned for his satanic practices there was a detailed account in a newspaper from "the isle of man" that the crew of a ... waited for their captain all through the night but the captain did not come in early hours of next morning, the captain finally came and reported about a large ..
. black dog blocking his way and that wherever he turned ... the dog turned too and did not let him pass jabir reports about another order of prophet muhammad (s.a.w) that once he issued ... ... the orders of killen dog, even if it belonged to a beduin woman but later, prophet forbade us from this and ordered to kill only a black dog with two white dots above his eyes, for that is a demon but demons are not only among the animal looking jinns, they are also from ... those who are "invisible" t
o us abu darda (r.a) reported that ... once during the prayer we saw prophet saying "i seek Allah's refuge from you" the the prophet said "may the curse from the curses be upon you and then the prophet repeated the last words thrice but then he stretched his hand as if trying to grab something from the air when the prophet completed his prayer, we asked, oh messenger of Allah ! today ... we heard something from you which we never heard from you before and you stretched out your hand too the pro
phet replied that it was a demon, attempting to burn my face with fire ... so first i addressed it and ... asked for Allah's protection then i cursed it from the curses and then i tried to grab it but he retreated or the children of medina would have played with its corpse which would have ... looked like a strange sphere this "demon with the flame" seems to be from a perticular class of demons because ... because a similar demon appears in another hadith, the night of another incident that inci
dent is reported by abdul rahman bin khanbash that one night, demons ... started to climb down from mountains to attack the prophet, there was a ... ... certain demon among them who had a fierce flame of fire and it wanted to burn the prophet with flame but it got scared and it started to retreat then the angel gabriel descended to prophet and said, oh messenger of God, say ! ... the prophet asked, what must i say ? the angel replied, say ... i seek refuge in all the praise of Allah from which,
nothing dares to exceed neither good, nor bad from the evil of everything he created and spread into the earth from the evil of everything that descends from the sky and ascends into it from the evil of everything that emerges from the earth and spreads into it and from the sedition of day and night and from the evil of that which comes at night, except the one which brings the glad tidings oh merciful ! and then by the will of Allah the flame of that demon ... diminished jinns and demons ... b
oth are proven to come into close contact with humans and there are hadiths about it one of which reports about a demon, tying three knots behind the head of a ... ... sleeping person another report is about a demon, sitting in the nostril of a sleeping person through the night not only that, but there are hadiths reporting about demons living in the house ... that where there are five house or where there are three people living and they neither pray nor do they call for prayer the demons ta
ke over that place then surah Safa'at speaks about the demons flying in the sky that the sky of our world is decorated with stars and is protected from rebellious demons that they cannot even hear the angels but if a demon is able to hear something with stealth then they are bombarded with burning stones from everywhere usually these burning stones are taken to be as meteorites but what does it mean that ... if they are able to hear something by stealth ayesha (r.a) reports that once, some p
eople asked prophet that oh messenger of Allah these pagan priests sometimes deliver the accurate news then the prophet replied, that is from the demons who steal it from the angels in sky and then deliver this message to pagan priests mixing it with a hundred differe lies and the pagan priest hears this news from demon as if a hen is cluckin into his ears rebellious jinns and demons, indeed fly through the sky and according to ibn abbas once a man came to see the prophet (s.a.w) that oh messeng
er of Allah ! i have seen a strange object descending from the sky and reaching slowly towards me and i too wanted to talk to it but then i controlled myself and fled awy ibn abbas reports that he clearly wanted to ask about that object but prophet only said that Allah is the greatest be thankful that because of your faith, you repelled the desire to talk to it there is plenty of evidence that there are female demos aswell called "shaytana" for example the 46th hadith of "silsila sahiha" in whic
h the word "shaytana" is present and then zayd bin arqam reports about a prayer of prophet, before enting washroom that i seek refuge of Allah from the he-demons and the she-demons these hadiths confirm the existence of she-demons but to what extent a male or a female demon can interact with a female or a male human there's a debate on that topic among scholars, that if such relationship develops ... can the female demon or the female human, conceive the child or not ? however i found a great a
mount of details about female demons in a european book ... ... written in the year 1486 this book holds such strange information within that i have written the entire ... 19th chapter on the circumstances and the background, in which this book was written so i'm not going to get into much details about that book right now the concept of demons in history are as old as history itself in mordern iraq, lies, one of the oldest civilizations of mesopotamia 5000 years ago, also speaking about "an i
nvisible entity" willing harm humans ancient egyptians too, talk about "the invisible ones" who astrayed and they invented spells for the protection from them because they believed ... those "invisible demons" to be responsible for illness, plague and even death and egyptians have left this information with great details in their hieroglyphs about which, i will tell you in the 13th chapter christians and jews too speak about the demons in significant details they speak about a demon which sits i
n the water pots and badgers the drinker in the talmudic literature an "ashmadaeva' is mentioned as a demon who claims to be ... a prince and claims to be so old that ... it has seen the great flood of prophet noah but to modern christians and jews ... we get to see a strange description of demons with pointy fangs, pointy tail and ... ... a trident in its hand or a demon in the form of a he-goat these images are driven from the characters of greek mythology for example pan ... which is a charac
ter similar to a goat or the poseidon, who holds a trident of fire in his hands or bes, who has the hair in the shape of fire these images are taken from such characters but there is no doubt that the literature... ... from all around the world ... ... is filled with the descriptions of many different demons, and for your interest i wish to tell you about some of them there is a common word in indo-pak called "deo" i and you have been hearing its stories since our childhood but the origin of
this word is actually 2,500 years old when zoroastrianism was practiced in ancient persia i observed an ancient zoroastrian word "daeva" in ancient persia which was used to define a certain order ... ... a certain class of the demons a class of demons which is physically extremely powerful in 9th century iran, king shah mahmood ghaznavi's poet firdous wrote an epic ... called "the book of the kings" and he wrote some most interesting details on the concept of "deo" perticularly about a demon c
alled "the white demon" which was eventually defeated by rustam similarly another powerful order of demons called "halfa and malfa" can be found with great details in african cultures or the concepts of "pishaj" and "rakh-shish" in ancient india there is no culture in the world, that did not give birth to the concept of demons to be continued ...



Ma-Shaa-ALLAH ! ! ! Well needed EFFORT. Keep on doing Dawat-e-HAQ of ISLAM without Firqawariyat. May ALLAH guide all of us towards his path of TRUTH. Aameen ! ! ! TRUTH Lovers ko SALAM ! ! !


Diamond 💎 of Islam Furqan Qureshi Ma Sha Allah




i have no words... Ma sha Allah.. just speechless... Allah o Akbar... asal tahqeeqi knowledge aur asal ghoor o fikar ye tha jo ham ne krna tha aur hum kin dunyavi cheezo ma ulajh k rah gaye... her field ma ap jaisi mehnat darqaar ha hamain... Ma sha Allah.. Allah ghoor o fikar krny walo k liye asania peda kr deta ha aur rasty kholta rahta ha jaise k apki videos dekh k andaza ho raha ha


One of the best channels for our modern-day's knowledge needs. May Allah bless you, brother.


This is the pure knowledge ❤ Deep heart prayers my brother So many doors are opening after listening your chapter God bless you JazakALLAH


Getting addicted to these holistic details one after another..MA tabarika!!!


Allah aap ko jaza e khair de (Ameen)Lot of love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳


I have no words to describe your WORK. I randomly watched one of your CHAPTER and started it from CHAPTER 1.


Its crystal clear Allah pak ke taeed haasil hay aap kay aik aik word ko .


I'm mesmerized and shocked after watching your videos, this is too much. My mind can't even imagine these things, i think I'll gi crazy, How powerful Allah is, it's just mind blowing, totally speechless


Feeling sad that that much informative efforts having very few exposure, IN SHA ALLAH, ALLA will help you to spread the word its really amazing research Huge #Respect for you Brother


Sir bht Aala end kr dia ap ne jesa ap ne explain kia ni suna ap se pehla aj tak Good Work


Great work bhai..... I am amazed to see your of my friend recommend me your channel and I am very shocked after seeing your videos ...... that is the pure knowledge about the history of islam and everthing... May you live long and doing your work always like this.... Thank you so much Bhai❤❤


Idk how did i end up on your channel but your channel is the best thing yt algorithm has brought me to I’m binge watching all of your content in hope learning as much as i can to level my intellect.may Allah (swt) has his blessing upon you


Thankyou for doing a detailed research on this topic. You are doing a great effort in spreading this knowledge in a professional way. May Allah reward you for your efforts


Salam Br. Furqan, appreciative of your commitment of spreading authentic knowledge. This awareness you’re creating in relevance with modern sciences and non-Islamic literature, make it authentic & appeals young minds. Allah rewards your efforts & widens your horizons of knowledge. رب ذہنی علماء آمین!


detailed research, speechless.... Allah ap k maa baap pe rehum farmay, ap khush or abad rakhy, ameen


Brilliant work, I am so hooked to your vlog ❤️🙏


Very very impressed great work Allah bless you Ameen