
Character Demo - "Navia: Unofficial Operation" | Genshin Impact

Although the Spina di Rosula operates efficiently, the results achieved are often proportional to the ruckus caused. Occasionally, when the scene gets out of control, a Melusine officer would hurriedly step in to intervene by stating "Now, now, everyone, please, don't panic. They're just filming the latest crime movie!" Download FREE: #GenshinImpact #HoYoverse #CharacterDemo #Navia #UnofficialOperation ↓ Follow us for the latest news ↓ HoYoLAB: Official Website: Official Community: Facebook: Twitter: Twitch: Instagram: Reddit:

Genshin Impact

2 months ago

老板 那个小偷,有些眉目了 他被称为「海影」 这是他的通缉令 只可惜他嗅觉灵敏 神出鬼没,一直抓不到现行… 别跑! 别跑! 别跑! 怎么跑这么快! 没想到吧? 你好呀! 正面偷袭! 猜我还有几颗子弹? 好汉不吃眼前亏! 可恶,居然早有准备! 谢谢啦—— 逃到海上又如何! 给我加速! 老板, 请先把伞收起来——! 玫瑰礼花! 这下心服口服了吧? 跟我去执律庭! 老板… 要不还是先送他去看医生吧…





The thief guy is absolutely goated. He escaped through the sewers while being pursued, literally ran around every square metre of the city, got attacked in the city, somehow escaped and ended up in the outskirts of the city across the lake, fought with Navia (a vision wielder) who shot him with a gun which he survived, then he ended up back in the city (teleportation through a smoke bomb in open daylight???), grabbed an airship and probably piloted it by himself, got onto a boat at one point, then finally survived being blown up by Navia. Strongest character in Genshin Impact.


That little moment with Lynette honestly makes the trailer for me. The music change is incredible


All the transitions are actually so clean the editor needs a raise


Navia is such a good character, arguably underrated and nearly as good as Furina during the archon quests.


Navia and Furina having some of the best demos in genshin impact hands down


Lynette just happening to be around to help Navia catch the thief is just so like her


It must be so horrifying to run past your pursuer only for her to laugh, strike a pose then start wall running at the speed of light at you 😭


I'm pretty sure most people missed Charlotte at around 0:45 Dude she's everywhere...


Major props to the designer behind Navia's character because it's a spot-on representation! Navia seamlessly blends various tropes, embodying the elegance of a high society lady, the energy of a spirited tomboy, and the temperament of a vigilant hero. The resemblance to Itto is striking, both being bosses with playful natures. The shared attributes of claymore and geo elements, along with the necessity to maintain a presentable appearance, draw an intriguing parallel. Navia almost feels like a more refined version; I can imagine her and Itto hitting it off famously.


This reminds me so much of Itto, what with her being a boss and her playful nature. Her claymore and geo attributes aswell as the need to look presentable are so similar to Itto. It's like she's a fancier version. I reckon they'd get along very well.


The transitions and the use of camera work is so beautiful with the animations.


Even while chasing someone she still manages to look absolutely FABULOUS


Navia stopping at nothing to chase you to the ends of the Earth whilst looking fabulous at the same time, what a woman!


That opening setting and break was damn great, giving a slightly carefree tone to this without delving into pure comedy. Within 10 seconds we are given the tone, and it jives perfectly well and is conistent throughout the demo. Via: Starts off with a slightly serious feeling, immediately breaks it with the dude who was literally just introduced as a really slick dude just walks right in front of them to this sudden silence lxD Then with little lighthearted bits throughout the remainder of the demo through the various characters actions made a unique tone that sets this demo apart from the others in an interesting niche. I'm really blown away at how much contrast in tone there is between all the characters and how they are presented in their demos throughout Genshin's ...geeze 3 year history now. From Klee's trailer to present, they have all been atleast freakin' great ahnd all carry a unique feeling to them that complements the characters they are presenting. Incredible job Mihoyoverse, thanks for making this incredible game l:,)


1:28 - 1:50 man I love that build up and the sirens in the back make it so hyped!


pretty damn sure Navia is the dev's favorite in fontaine😂 i can feel their love and dedication with every little thing about her


Actually their best character demo video yet. The transitions were so smooth. The bits of comedy, Navia with the apple, this whole thing was gold, just as Geo mains would want.


Let us Navia mains never forget her two true companions, Melus and Silver


This is definitely one of the most fun character trailers they've ever made