
Character Demo - "Raiden Shogun: Judgment of Euthymia" | Genshin Impact

Warning: This video contains flashes of light that may trigger discomfort in patients with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewers are advised to watch with caution. The sentimental cherry blossoms of days of yore have been stained with black. When thunder falls silent, the fleeting dream of an illusory bubble will be shattered. Download FREE: #GenshinImpact #miHoYo ↓ Follow us for the latest news ↓ Official Website: Official Community: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Reddit:

Genshin Impact

2 years ago

鸣神的国土 浮世越百千年未曾变易。 道坂街巷集聚之处,矗立着雷电将军的居所。 于此俯瞰世相爱憎离合, 所见不过刹那无常的枷锁。 挟紫电稻光之威,统制须臾幻灭之梦。 无谓的爱执也好,无明的狂欲也罢… 拂去瞬晞白露,将军所追逐的… 乃是无念无执的永恒。 唯有永恒,才最接近天理。 威光之下,尘世如影。 「幻」如浮世, 依附于本质而得以侥幸存有。 「寂」乃本质,深隐于易碎泡影之下, 其名「永恒」。 无念,断绝! 于此浮世中 不独入寝可成梦 事事皆虚空。



yo what the hell that beat drop was insane


Raiden climbs on top of her castle's roof 'WHO THE HELL REMOVED THE ELECTROCULUS I PLACED HERE!'


2 years later that beat still insane 😭


I’m hoping for the Pyro Archon to be a badass like her, to give us an iconic moment like what Inazuma hype brought.


I’m speechless and inspired this video storyboarding was absolutely incredible.


Basically Yae Miko in the demo: “Here, we see Raiden Shogun in her natural habitat”.


2 years later and this is still one of the best demos we have as of now


For anyone confused about the last line in this trailer “Waking world, you seem Woven from the stuff of dreams All shall fade away” This is a Haiku, 5 syllable in the first and last line, 7 syllable in the middle line. If you understand Japanese, it’s even more cool since the VÀ said it in a old version of the Japanese language. Which fits Raiden since she is stuck in the past and is very noble and elegant and obviously royalty


Zhongli: "This is order." Baal: "This is eternity." Venti: *drunk* "This is...ehe"


Zhongli: "I will have Order" Baal: "I will have Eternity" Venti: "I will have Wine"


Gotta say tho, a lot of players reaction in her booba sword is that it's "so hot" and stuff. The first time i saw it tho, i really thought it was very cool, the act of pulling a sword capable of slicing space and 3 islands straight from her heart is just so badass to me. She's a representation of power and destruction and if Murata doesn't hold the title "God of War" Raiden would might as well have it as she's a warrior herself. Very very cool character i don't think someone can contest in her epicness until natlan and murata arrives.


Her demo always sends shivers down my spine


Baal: This is eternity Morax: This is order Barbaros: mUsT yOu iNtRuDE a bArD'S lEiSuRe TImE? 🥴


So the archons REALLY love Trap music, huh? 😳




Here after furina's demo yet nothing beats this masterpiece


Baal: This is eternity Zhongli: This is order Venti: This is wine…?


Zhongli: This is order Baal: This is eternity Venti: This is too expensive, can I sing a song instead?


even after 2 nations and more than 2 years, NOTHING AFTER BEAT THE FIRST TIME I SAW THIS. i rewatch it just to remember the Shogun hype


Even after Furina was released, and Raiden still number 1