
Charges to be announced in Edgewater stabbing that left boy, 11, dead, pregnant mother hurt

A pregnant mother had sought an order of protection before she and her 11-year-old son were attacked in their Edgewater neighborhood home on Wednesday. The stabbing attack resulted in the boy's death. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBS 2 News Chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the CBS 2 Investigators. Subscribe to CBS 2 News Chicago on YouTube : CBS 2 NEWS 24/7 LIVESTREAM: CBS 2 NEWS ON PLUTO TV: CBS 2 NEWS WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: X (TWITTER): GET THE CBS 2 NEWS APP:

CBS Chicago

2 days ago

and Chicago Police just told us charges will be announced later this morning in that domestic attack in Edgewater that took the life of an 11-year-old boy new court documents showed that she had been threatened by the suspect so CBS 2's Marissa Pearlman is live outside of Chicago Police Headquarters digging into this Twisted history Marissa good morning to you yeah good morning such a terrible Story Each detail seemingly getting worse we know that the suspect's rap sheet dates back to the early
2000s many of these cases revolve around domestic battery we also know this pregnant woman tried to obtain an emergency protection order but was denied by the court system now just late last night family and friends of that 11-year-old boy you mentioned Jaden Preston uh they came together we know he was killed when police say a man his mother feared showed up to their home now again we are not yet naming the suspect because we have not received formal charges just yet again that will come down a
t 11:00 a.m. this morning court records obtained by CBS to show the suspect has four orders of protection from four different women again dating back to 2004 we also know Jaden Preston's mother went to court just last month requesting that emergency order of protection for quote harassment physical abuse and stalking against the suspect but the judge denied that emergency order the case was continued to this week now records show the suspect was locked up most recently for attemp attempting to b
reak into the same family's apartment in Edgewater for violating his parole all while this mother kept pressing for that order of protection the suspect was released from prison before he was served to appear in court and then Wednesday just 1 hour before that hearing police say the suspect showed up to the Edgewater home and stabbed that mother mother and killed her son now it's not exactly clear why the suspect was never served that court order before his prison release a lot of questions we h
ave for Chicago Police the State's Attorney's office again we expect to hear more including those formal charges when the press conference happens right here at 11:00 a.m. we will bring you that live as soon as it happens for now Jackie I'll Dre that back to you Marissa thank you so much



& the judge denied the emergency order.....,disgusting 🤮


The judge needs to be held accountable for this tragedy!


The news needs to start questioning the judges for letting these bad people go


The Illinois SAFE-T Act is doing what every citizen in Chicago wanted and more. Thank the Governor for signing it into law. I’m sure he will brag about it when he speaks at the dnc convention.


Why. Bother. The Judges ain’t gonna do anything


They killed him !! He was a repeat offender and they let him loose to kill again !!


This what happens when have another man take care of your kids !


Are we ever finally going to admit we have a serious black problem nationwide? Facts and statistics are not racist but the truth. Also, Scott Adams (Dilbert) is owed an apology for telling the truth. 🙄


Rip to the Child but these Women love Thugs n Dead Beats an Drama an she brang that around her children I can't cry for her cuz she knew what type of man she was dealing with


wow everywhere a black person goes its going to be problems let's face the fact it's dam true this child should not be dead so sad 😢this woman should not be hurt ladies becareful who you deal with we are living in bad times 😢 no one cares for each other anymore I'm really surprised at black peoples killing each other wow 😢so sad 😢soon it won't be none left then what will they do to much hate envy strife Jealousy it will be to late to come together when ain't no blacks around anymore stop this madness now take a look around you how so many other people are here 😮is that what you want to be replaced wow