
Chasing 40 : The northern Pike Pursuit episode 1

🎣 Welcome to "Chasing 40: The Northern Pike Pursuit" - the ultimate series dedicated to the thrill of tracking down formidable Northern Pike across various challenging and beautiful landscapes! Join us on this gripping adventure as we aim for the prestigious 40-inch mark - a true angler's milestone. 🐟 Each episode, we delve deep into the habitat, techniques, and stories surrounding one of freshwater's most Aggressive predators. 🏞️ With expert tips, stunning up-close encounters, tactical gear reviews, this series is a must-watch for seasoned and aspiring anglers alike. ⚠️ Don't miss an episode! Subscribe now for your front-row seat to this epic journey and be part of a community chasing not just a fish, but a dream. 💭 Embrace the chase with "Chasing 40: The Northern Pike Pursuit." 👍 Like | ✍️ Comment | 🔔 Subscribe | 📢 Share #Chasing40 #NorthernPike #PikeFishing #FishingAdventure #AnglerLife #FishingSeries #CatchAndRelease

Adventure Time Fishing & Hunting

1 day ago

so I feel as an anger there are a lot of moments when you start off just wanting to catch fish and as you get a little bit better into catching fish I feel we hit a moment where we'd like to try and see if we can test oursel and maybe catch a bigger fish that doesn't mean that we all do but sometimes every now and then I like to set goal for myself and after the last number of years of being quite serious into fishing and um just spending so much time on the water um I started setting goals each
year once I learned how to catch the fish then I started trying to learn how to tr try and see if I could catch bigger fish so for little bit of backstory um for many years I've been fishing for Walley and Pike and and um doing a lot of camping and my family would do a family fishing trip in Northern Ontario where we would go camping for a couple weeks a week to two weeks on end and uh you know would have little family fishing derby and we go out catch a bunch of Wy when every now and then you
catch the big Pike and we had like a random prize for the pike usually it was generally never about the pike it was always about the walleye but my family's always fist for walleye as a means of know eating them and uh you know having fish over the winter and stuff like that for for the freezer that's that's basically how I grew up fishing was like fishing for walleye and you catch the O Pike now my grandfather I think a few times and even my dad probably would go on to catch the odd bigger fish
here and there um but nothing that really stands out in my mind or would be memorable and I probably just wasn't really looking for that at the point that point in time I'd go on many years later where um I would be at my best friend what my one of my best friend's weddings uh it's after his wedding and uh we go out in his dad's pontoon boat and I'm fishing for walleye and I catch this little walleye and this Pike com comes out of nowhere it hammers it and this thing is massive so I flip my bai
l I let the line out let it take take the fish I want to I want to catch this thing right so it goes and it uh takes a bit of time but then I unclip the bail set the hook and I uh start reeling this fish in as I'm reeling this fish in my buddy hooks into a fish and he's struggling with this fish and I'm ring him cuz I'm like there's no way you're having that much trouble like come on like stop being such a pansy so um get this fish in and well actually I almost get it to the boat and it spits th
e fish and I'm like no like I just lost this fish of a lifetime like no like you know so sad so I flip it I'm like well you know what maybe it comes back it doesn't so I flip the bail again let this fish fall as you know it's it's basically dead already and uh the pike turns around comes and and takes it so I'm like okay I'm just going to leave it for a second let the fish go and as I'm doing this the I flip it B over set the hook and I get this fish in and as I'm getting this fish in my buddy g
ets his fish in so mine comes in at 36 in 12 lb it's uh 6 oz that's his was 4 in longer twice the girth so it was 40 in and 24 lbs at this point in time I had never seen a fish this big in my life um like just wow like I was blown away like I didn't think I'd ever see a pike that big again I knew musky could get bigger and at first we almost thought it was a Musky but I didn't think like and I mean on a general note Pike don't get that much bigger they they do get bigger but not that much on a g
eneral not it' be 40 maybe 44 whatever and you get a 48 which I have seen and heard of people getting they're very rare they're not common that they get that big usually just start getting larger fatter which this must have been a very old fish fast forward few years back later and we're out fishing at uh family fishing trip in Ontario and I'm going up for walleye fishing with my dad and I we're not really having too much luck so I decided I'm going to go do some trolling we go do some trolling
and uh coming off like about a 10t um flat and near a hole with some weedy structure and I get smashed so um thinking it's a Walley cuz it's dogging me but then it starts booing me which I was pretty confident at this point this is a massive Pike what is this a log it's definitely not a [Applause] log [Music] this no I'm trying to fight it [Applause] out this is pretty big holy smokes this is big holy [ __ ] guys this is huge Jason's got something I got something big hell is [Music] [Music] this
so um we uh my wife grabs the net and she's waiting for this thing to uh to kind of surface and it surfes like a gator and um I only have I had two Nets but one definitely wasn't big enough for the fish and I had one that was but it was one of my son's Nets and it was a mesh net which by the way when you're fishing for pike don't use a smesh [Music] net okay you got to put the net down actually grab the other one because he's pretty big holy smokes this is a [Music] gator Qui because you did pu
t it down okay put underneath grab them there you go um you're probably more likely to kill a big fish with a meshnet than you are with any other type of net and the main reason is they like to Gator Roll they get in and just boom they'll start rolling in and if you haven't seen it go look it up um look what Gators do when they grab a prey that's basically what a pike will do so oh there you go holy smokes look at that thing yes thing Barr rolls Gator rolls whatever you want to call it and uh it
uh it it's caught in the net real bad and I'm trying to get it out and I finally get it out and put it in the water let it kind of we're like kind of letting it revive a little bit and then I take it out quickly put it on the bump board 35 in just under 35 we're trying to weigh this fish out or we we we I put hook my little clip on put it back in the water quickly hold it up I have the the uh the the the scale zeroed com 12 PBS 5 O 1230 so really close to about my fish but still not not a bigge
r one but a beautiful fish and I'm I have been losing my mind over this fish and I don't know why but this one just hit so much differently than what maybe I was more passionate into the fishing at this point in time or who knows really but this one hit and it hit hard like it just it it I needed more I uh I decide you know what it it's time to start seeing if I can actually specifically Target larger [Music] fish so there's going to be two moments in a year where you're going to have a much hig
her chance of being able to catch big Pike and on a general note that's going to be in the fall and in the spring now Canada here um generally the fall is right before our ice is on and like October late September October is November right before ice on um these Pike are going to be fattening up a lot of fish will be fattening up they are going to be getting ready to Fat fatten up so that they can handle the long weit for a um a lot of food cuz generally as the ice comes on the weed that the wee
ds go down and the fish like all the bait goes into hiding basically and they're harder to find so your moment is going to be right then when they're fattening up in the fall and then the other one is going to be at the very end of our ice season usually February March for us um a lot of people will call it March Madness cuz the pike are getting ready to spawn now the walleye kind of turn off for for a little while but the pike generally go crazy and it's a great time to catch big ones too so I
never got a chance in the fall I was off chasing rivers and trout and stuff like that but I had gotten a chance come the end of the season when most of the legs have had ice on them for too long there's a couple legs that I know of that the ice gets on them later and so it usually prolongs the season a little bit better and then I can time it properly where I hit these legs late in the season so first day I get a chance to start that I actually start putting time in on doing this to break down a
lake you're going to want to look for structure right different types of structure now Pike on a general note love Flats with steep drop off and like a safe place where they can kind of hide and find more consistent water temps and and out of the warmth or out of the you know where when it's ice season to go deeper then they'll they'll be looking for that more consistent water temperature so they'll be going down but then they have the key moments where they come up in those Flats like near wee
dy spots and they will they like to come up and feed so anytime you see like on a graph like say you have a point which this is where we were fishing in this this particular time we're fishing on a point and points can be great because wind can be hitting one side and it pushes bait around and fish will sit it's almost creates like a back Edy like in a river and the they're not actual back Eddies but it's kind of the same concept the the wind will be hitting it there'll be a slack spot and the f
ish will sit here and then come and hit any eight but the other thing you got to think about that's that's a condition of the whatever the lake is handling at that point but when you're in ice season well you're not really going to have that condition so you want to choose like a on on this point it had a very steep break so usually when you see the lines on a map close together that generally indicates a steep drop off like very sharp and when you you have it next to say an area where there's w
eeds and bait to hide you it's a perfect place to start trying and it's a good way to break a lake down and this lake has so many different types of structure some that we didn't even know about cuz we've never even grafted this Lake before so it was a matter of just putting feet on the ground and testing out our theories and see where we come up and see what happens [Music] that's awesome I looked on the thing I like she like [Music] no [Music] like I have a scale with me too [Music] no no holy
something holy [Music] [Music] SM oh you just got him [Music] though nice there you go I can snap a photo from thing SN today yeah even oh my God he [Music] look small as fish spicy but not [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go yeah I just got it on video so it's easier to yeah [Music] exactly SM oh wow oh wow oh wow hey hey monster fish [Music] nice all right so day one was a pretty damn decent day um we caught a ton of fish obviously we didn't catch anything of size um it was quite the quit
e the mixed bag that we caught that day so we had I don't know probably 24 25 26 maybe in that range and then a lot of small ones too but like as you seen they all looked very healthy so going into day the second attempt of doing this um I got me and we were hooking up to get out and uh fish he'd had a bit of rough go at this point he wasn't really having a whole lot of success out on some of his trips and I was pretty confident he should be able to catch so I said hey man well you know come out
uh come out fish with me and uh I think I think there's a solid chance you might actually get into some fish um I you know he knew what my plan was we were I was scouting out this Lake and we were going to hit a different area now this area was more of a a flat spot with a few holes and humps kind of around it we were like I was kind of sectioning off the lake and that's what I was hit that's what I was doing through this whole process just um sectioning off the whole lake to see what was there
and really get a lay of the lay of the lake and I like to like sit in spots on leges that's kind of how I like to do it um like sections where and then I just jump within those sections so like micro basically like micro spots on a lake and I find it I learn a lot there are some days where yeah I might get skunked or you may think that you're wasting too much time on a lake but to be quite honest with you I feel if you really do want to learn a lake then you kind of need to be able to you need
to be willing to have your skunk days um or have your days where you're not really catching the size of fish that you really want to you you know cuz sometimes it could be time of day big ones come out later who know like there are there are certain factors that can run into when a big fish and where a big fish hits uh on within a lake so by doing this I find I rule out certain factors uh they roam obviously fish roam within Lakes but they will have areas where you will find them more commonly s
o this was a fun day we get out and uh we catch a fish that was kind of on my bucket list but it wasn't uh uh I was extremely surprised to catch it and you will see this um not sugarco it it's funny it's a lot funny and probably one of my most genuine reactions a couple years ago when I uh when I caught it but uh I hope you enjoy well welcome back everyone um in today's today's episode we are uh we're out fishing for some Walley and Pike and got my Quantum I really want to catch a fish on it I s
till haven't haven't caught a fish on it since I bought it ooh I think that's something off the bottom definitely looks like something on the bottom um we're going to we got a tip up set up closer to Shore and I'm jigging in about uh 20 ft water we're going to we're going to use some Plastics first so first things first we're going to dig some I have a ton of plastics so small actually where are all my big ones I had bigger ones they go okay we got some okay so we got some of these zman tough ca
tch more fish per bit we might try that I think we're just going to try a I don't know maybe just a white jig for now on here and see if this works we have a couple holes drilled one obviously is going to be for the other I got a mark oh I need to fish on this Rod real bad oh I had a mark right away no he didn't come in he's still there though oh come on I really wish the GoPro would work be epic if there was like a bouret just sitting on the bottom like some like trophy siiz bouret okay well we
we're waiting for that fish to make up its mind if it wants to bite or not so I guess the big question is does this thing really whoa got one oh yeah got one it's not very big big no my dude dude it's a perch it's a [ __ ] perch what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh how big is he that's like a well what is that that's a per that's my first perch ever wait no way I've never caught a perch no way he was sitting right on the bottom and your first perch is like massive that's like a 9 in perch no that's b
igger than 9 in dude oh I that looks way bigger than what the [ __ ] oh my God you're scoop oh yeah there we go there we go there we go yeah it's like a 9 in is it yeah no 10 10 it's a 10 in about 10 and a qu 10 and a quar that's pretty good 10 and a quarter man that's that's that's deadly look at that guys holy smokes all right well I'm going to let it go I would to ate him but was joking woo nice job that is epic awesome I can't believe I caught a per like I had no idea there was per here that
's what was coming in probably okay and we're at the right depth dang oh man okay dude that's awesome if you caught a perch that's you caught a purch that big I guarantee you there's probably 12 13 Let's uh let's keep trying yeah that's that's [Laughter] something oh yes I'm so jealous yes I've never been so ex excited to get attention fish oh [ __ ] I want to change I have other rods here too if you want something lighter cuz I pretty do you want I could set up the Hut with the T with the heate
r I should be okay for now if you need to I got I got like three tanks I got enough for us to last the whole day [Music] [Music] yeah probably like 15ish if this reads like the most the rest of the lake does 15 right on the money right on the money okay well that's not a bad spot to try and then maybe we'll just pound some holes that way and then fish them throw two tip ups shallow and and then we'll we'll hop around and try and see if we can find them perch I want to find those perch man what d
o you got what do you got what do you got I don't know but I'm too scared to tighten up my drag right now do you got a leader on yeah uh not really do you want me to I'll get your camera that's no problem yes yes is your camera running uh yeah it's running okay just yeah I got you I I'll get you to actually help me untangle me from the transducer there it's uh kind of stuck yeah oh it's a big pipe oh oh w w w oh no no I can't believe that okay you go oh while your skunk is off the board let me g
et your camera okay I'll put him back in quick here quick as possible no time for anything else we go okay I thought okay truthfully yeah I thought I was going to get skunk today but I told you we get you on fish thank you I told you it was a a good start yeah it a good start big 10in perch and a pike yeah like you know a healthy size bike healthy yeah he wasn't uh he he wasn't skinny or anything so I'll take it yes thank you yes [Music] yes we're on the board we're on the board for well that's
really cool so we caught a perch we got a pike we got a 10-in perch little something off the bottom there to boot it wasn't even a small one and it well I mean it wasn't jumbo jumbo but that's a good size perch for especially for around here in Alberta that's a that's a nice size perch so that was really cool I uh totally I'm sorry if I was like over the top but perch was on my list this year and I haven't specifically gone out to Target him today I just wanted a good Walley and Pike bite that's
basically the whole the whole point of this video to actually come up with a uh a perch that was totally unexpected like completely unexpected and uh I'm very very very happy I might move around a little bit I just kind of want to set up the Hut I think I'm going to stay in the area and just fish around here for the day we're marking stuff so if there's perch here there's got to be a school of them somewhere just where are they is the question at this point I'm trying to get this camera working
this camera doesn't want to work and I don't know why kind of annoying so this is what a bit on little jig with a little white tail that's that's what I hit it on so I'm going to try and I think I'm just going to leave a ride here I might even pull out my tip up and then go start fishing a little bit more but I need to get my heater going cuz I need to try and get my GoPro working it doesn't want to work right now and it's kind of annoying I got a fish I think it's a pike oh [ __ ] yeah little
Pike little Pike little pike pike yeah I got a little Pike just a little guy he was sitting right on bottom I dropped down over here like got a little tiny red worm thing on there yeah just hammered it dude epic second fish sweet back on the hole You go Okay well I'm that's we're definitely in an area of fish so yeah it's a fun place yeah oh that is great man another fish I wasn't sure what that was sitting off the bottom okay so the grub wasn't really working caught it on uh that little tiny li
ke uh it's like a leech kind of jig and I also have cuz where we're catching perch sometimes you'll catch them on like uh bugs bug patterns as well so I also have if you look at there I got like a little uh another little red uh chromid kind of style thing although I'm not so sure that how that's going to do here but we will see we will see I'm going to switch it up here yes my camera is charging finally I haven't been using my GoPro cuz my GoPro decided to uh not want to work so um my hands are
too cold now all right let's try and catch another one you huh it's not spinning or moving so let's see here here false alarm probably well he maybe he picked it up possibly doesn't look like it's running oh yeah there you go [Laughter] yes yes there you go there's a fish oh all day how long has I this tip I've been I know all day what that's okay that's okay oh well it went off that is all right I guess it is what it is he'll come [Laughter] back yeah I just looked up and I'm like dude when it
pops you just you just know way yeah I just looked up Dar see this is it right here like I uh it gets pretty annoying yeah oh well now at least I saw some form of action and felt something yeah did it feel like it had weight yeah I would say that that felt like probably about 10 lb fish like within that range yeah maybe a little smaller like eight eight eight 10 like it was hard to tell it was definitely a lot stronger than the previous ones yeah yeah your Rod was what's that a medium uh medium
heavy yeah so he bent Your Rod let's hope that happens again dude dude F he's back I'll be right there he's taking line he's taking line give him the beef he's taking line there you go [Music] yes average maybe yeah oh lo popped off again oh what the hell big Deb Barb hook but uh that's too bad just my luck that's twice now I'm so bad I'm so bad we could set my tip up over there or you could put more on that you I'm I'm just going to throw another Herring on that's so terrible no it's not I don
't know if it's going to be there or not I think it is it's there ready yep we got it I don't think it's very big [Music] though here we go got him about damn TI [Music] yes yeah see right in the corner of the mouth yeah you just got to like just got to rip [Music] it not very big but and what'd you catch this one on uh 6 in hering another another 6in Herring a second mess up his teeth [Music] done hell yeah a good fish end of the day well half decent anyway it's fish it's a healthy one yeah yea
h look at the Bell well he just ate a 6- In Herring too got a thick thick belly on him so yeah look at the belly on it all right d that uh that's pretty much it for the day so man' be nice to see that thing we running to yours right on cool all right folks well I guess that's it for the day and uh we got to head home now so thanks for watching don't forget to comment like subscribe it was a slow day really slow day but at least at least we caught some fish and hey I caught my first perch so that
's a win and we caught got got the skunk off the table so sweet man all right guys talk to you later ciao I'm like you're coming out of the hole let's go it's peeling it's peeling dude it's gone that's nuts it's full ooh this is better oh no oh did you lose him yeah I let off the slack for a second second in yeah oh well drop it back down and continue uh cleaning he was peeling line man that was nuts look at that
