
"Children's Toys" | Dystopian Animated Short Film (2018)

Created by David James Armsby. "Imagination. So Powerful. Your children are full of it. Always having their minds drift off into the wonderous and magical expanse of their creativity. Often visualising brilliant and terrible things. Impossible things." This film is a sequel/spin-off to two previous animations of mine, "Being Pretty" and "No Monsters". It's the first of three animated shorts I have planned set in the universe. I honestly forgot how much I like working in this universe. The aesthetic and tone of Autodale is really fun to work with. I know that this short doesn't really expand on the lore much beyond what we've already seen but that's why it was the idea I told first out of the three. This was a smaller story about manipulation and imagination that I really wanted to tell and I hope you guys enjoy it! ^_^ This is the third short film in the Autodale series. Check out the whole playlist here!: Making of: Songs by Ross Bugden.

Dead Sound

5 years ago

Imagination. So powerful. Your children are full of it. Always having their minds drift off into the wondrous and magical expanse of their creativity. Often visualizing brilliant and terrible things. Impossible things. It's a dangerous thing, imagination. But... an amazing thing. Toys! Such imaginative and wondrous things. Toys shape and influence your child as they grow. Mean toys may make them bullies; Soft toys may make them queer. Have your child grow up with the correct influences. Have you
r child grow up... [TV]: ... pretty, [Handyman Doll]: "Pretty." With the new 9-inch handyman doll. This is "action figure", as the boys may like to call it, comes in hardy blue and delicate pink; a handyman and a handy maiden for your little boys and your little girls. Your doll comes complete with a friendly action feature, electronic lights and five memorable phrases. Phrases that will help inspire confidence in your child and help steer your young one in the correct direction Toys! Such imagi
native and wondrous things. [soft jazzy music] Hello child. Don't worry, you're safe here in Auto Dale. "You're safe here in Auto Dale." [music turns ominous and very quiet] [factory and machine sounds] ["ugly" people screaming] [thunderclap] [Matriach gasps] Toys, such imaginative and wondrous things. Imagination. So powerful. Your children are full of it. They're often visualizing brilliant and terrible things. But impossible things.



‘You’re safe here in auto dale’ KILLS OLD PEOPLE


She knows, she knows and is scared. But she also knows the handyman would put her into the pit if they knew she knew so she puts on the smile


I'm afraid that this girl is going to be 'exceptional' when she grows up


“Comes in hardy blue or delicate pink” Comes in hardy grey or delicate grey.


Ok but It’s literally so sad how the child is full of hope and happiness here and her dad is just like “Yeah, nah.”


Mom: “Can I have a blue handyman doll for my boy?” Seller: “We don’t have any in blue” Mom: “What about a pink, then?” Seller: “We don’t have any in pink, but we have them in black and white”


I can't be the only one who couldn't imagine this world in color when he said the figures come in blue and pink... right?


I think this shows how Imagination has a negative side when she saw the blood on the robot But still remains positive as children in the dystopian era sometimes Become suspicious


”Are we sitting comfortably?” is indeed a phrase that inspires confidence


The line “soft toys may make them queer” is the greatest thing humans have ever written


simple theory: little girl is the woman who was caught while escaping from the autodale system (no monster episode) and used to develope it because she was "exceptional".


I like how it says "impossible things" when showing the drawing of the lady whose brain and lungs and heart is wired up to autodale itself, who very much is real and possible because they take the exceptional ones and turn them into a council


"Comes in Hardy Blue and Delicate Pink" Animation: Wait, that's illegal


"Hello child. Don't worry, you're safe here in Autodale." Autodale : kills people just for dont being pretty and just for feeling bad emotions


Man these robots sure do make lots of burgers, that would explain the ketchup. Right...


love the shot at 3:22 where the antenna of the robot actually cuts through the scene's boundary. That is a really great subtle style choice. Outstanding work!


the pictures are actually amazing. It shows that the girl knows something is wrong, She knows about the requirement to be pretty. She knows about the main power. She knows what happens to uglies... and she knows the truth of the robots. She is the girl from no monsters... the exceptional one. And her mother talking to her about the story of the scared girl... was the finale story she ever told her daughter.....


When they say " they're often visualizing brilliant and terrible things but impossible things" that means children see reality but everyone just deny it


I just realised The only thing that has color in autodale is actually blood


I'm sorry, but the final interaction between the Handy-man and the child was cute.