
🚪 Choosing the Perfect Video Doorbell | Smart Home Technology Guide 🏡

In this video, join us as we navigate the world of video doorbells and share the tips that led us to the perfect choice for our home. If you're in the market for a smart doorbell and feeling a bit overwhelmed, we hope this video helps. 🤔 0:11 WHAT HOME TECH DO YOU HAVE? Get a glimpse into our home tech setup and find out how it influenced our decision-making process. 🔌 0:24 WIRED OR WIRELESS? One of the first decisions you'll face - we break down the pros and cons of wired and wireless options to help you make the right choice for your needs. 💸 1:01 SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE OR NOT? Explore the world of subscription services and find out whether opting for one is a game-changer for your video doorbell experience. ⚙️ 2:07 WHAT SETTINGS DO YOU NEED? Dive into the settings available on different video doorbells and discover which features are essential for your peace of mind. 👤 2:29 FACE RECOGNITION Learn about the convenience and security benefits of face recognition technology in video doorbells. 📦 2:55 WHAT IS INCLUDED? Find out what comes in the package – from essential components to additional features that might sway your decision. 🔔 3:15 DOES IT RING? Explore the different notification options and decide which one suits your lifestyle – does it ring, ping, or notify through a dedicated app? 📡 3:41 DOES THE WIFI REACH? A crucial factor! We discuss the importance of a stable and reliable Wi-Fi connection for seamless functionality. 💧 4:00 IS IT WATERPROOF? Discover why waterproofing matters and how it can extend the lifespan of your video doorbell. Whether you're a smart home aficionado or just dipping your toes into the home tech pool, our insights will help you make an informed decision. Don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe for more tech tips, and ring the bell to stay updated on all things home technology! #hometechnology #videodoorbell #home #smarttech #techreview #smarthomeguide #doorbell #smartsecurity

Georgina Bisby

1 year ago

there's no right or wrong when it comes  to choosing a video doorbell different video doorbells suit different people and  different lifestyles but there are some questions that you can ask to make sure  that you get the right doorbell for you the first thing to consider is what technology you  already have if any because if you're already set up on the alexa system or the google home system  you might want to choose a video doorbell that will integrate with your existing system and  keep your t
echnology as streamlined as possible another factor to consider is whether or not you  want your video doorbell to be wired or wireless if you go for the wireless option then it's going  to be running on batteries which means that you can get it up and running straight away and it's  nice and easy to set up however that means that those batteries have a life of course and be  very careful to check how long that life will be because some of them can last as little as a  week which means every wee
k you've got the hassle of recharging and thinking about those batteries  all the time of course it depends on the settings how long they will last as well so have a look  into that the other option is wired now this means that you're going to have to get power to wherever  you put your doorbell so potentially it's a little bit more hassle and expense to get that set up at  the beginning but perhaps easier in the long run next up you need to consider whether or not you  need or want to sign up t
o a subscription service so this is where you pay to have all of your video  history stored on the cloud so that you can access it at a later date the easy way to work out  whether or not you need this is think about what you're using your video doorbell for if you  just want to see who's at the door then you don't necessarily to look need to look back at that  history however if you're using it as a security camera as well then it may be worth paying that  monthly fee but it is quite a big comm
itment and it can add up over the year so i would think  about this one carefully i would also bear in mind the fact that there are some security and legal  questions around these doorbells as well so if you are actually storing people's data you need to  be quite careful even just using the normal system you need to make sure that you're notifying people  that you're recording them and be very careful if you're recording any areas that fall outside of  your actual property itself if you don't s
ign up for the monthly subscription your doorbell will  just temporarily record what it sees to the cloud but it will write over that continually quite  quickly so you are still storing data to some extent another alternative is that some of them  have sd card slots where you can insert an sd card and you can record that as well but with both  of those you also need to be careful about the privacy rules another thing to look carefully at  is what settings your video doorbell has so some of them
are really quite clever and you can use  them to exclude certain zones so they don't get triggered by animals all the time for example  others of them will actually tell you there's a person with a parcel at the door for example  and some of them you can get just to record very specific zones so check that it's got the options  that you need before you go ahead and buy one something else to think about is does your video  doorbell have face recognition so this is quite a nice feature that some o
f them include and that  means they'll recognize who's at the door and tell you so you might get a notification on your  phone or whichever device you're using linked to your to your doorbell and it will say a certain  person is at the door now this can be useful for people who live alone or for if you've perhaps got  carers visiting an elderly relative so make sure you think about what you want your video doorbell  for and whether or not that's an important factor now when you're looking at all
the lovely things  that your video doorbell can do make sure you also check out what's actually included in the package  because some of them are set up so that you then have to pay extra and pay subscriptions  for certain things so for example two-way communication on some of them it can do it but  it's not actually included in that initial price you then have to pay on top of that so you  don't want to get stung at a later date now this may seem like a very silly question  but you actually ne
ed to check whether or not your video doorbell rings believe it or not with  some of them ringing is not included they will just send you a push notification to your phone  and you actually have to buy a separate chime to ensure that you get that bell ring so if that's  important to you check out whether or not it's included because you don't want to get then have  to pay an extra they're about 50 pounds sometimes afterwards when you think all your money is spent  and you think you're ready to s
et up that could be a nasty surprise another important factor  that's very easy to overlook is does your wi-fi reach the video doorbell so traditional doorbells  don't run on wi-fi never had to think about this before but if you've got a poor connection in your  house or perhaps you've got a huge great porch or you're putting it at the end of somewhere far away  then is that wi-fi actually going to reach because if it doesn't it's not going to work one to think  about if you're in the uk in our
lovely climate is is it waterproof now this is very easy to check  on the specifications just make sure that it's ip rated most of them will be but there might be  some rogue ones out there that are coming from different places that don't enjoy quite so much  rain that haven't thought about this factor something else to consider these days with any  wireless product is is it secure and can it easily be hacked now of course there's  no definitive answer to this question but perhaps go for a more
trusted brand and then  you can look into what efforts they're making to keep the devices secure the good news is the  longer these products are around on the market the more the manufacturers are having to make  effort to keep them secure otherwise we wouldn't buy them so i hope that you found that useful  if you are in the process of choosing a video doorbell with all that said and done the one that  we went for is drumroll please the google nest video doorbell and that's because we've already
  got that system at home so it integrates well with all the technology that we've already got  we've got a nice little hub in our kitchen and so when someone comes to the door we can glance  over there we get a voice notification and we can look at exactly who's at the door so that works  for us but maybe something else works for you if you've got your own experiences or comments  please feel free to share them and add them down in the comments below but that's all for today  if you're new here
please do consider subscribing i post lots of helpful home content so i'd  love to see you again soon and if you enjoyed this video and found it useful do give it  a thumbs up but that's all for now bye-bye



Great video Georgina, and good timing as my sister wants a new 🚪 🛎. 🙌