
Classical & Jazz Musicians React: (G)I-DLE 'Oh my god'

Welcome to the 83rd reaction video of Season 5 of this series: Classical & Jazz Musicians React to (G)I-DLE's 'Oh my god' MV! ▢️ Watch Oh my god MV here: ❀️ If you'd like to support ReacttotheK and help us grow, support us on Patreon and get early access to videos and to a bunch of exclusive content: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C&JMR Reaction Release Schedule (and list of Patreon exclusive videos): Songs that are currently being voted on or waiting to be voted on by our musician voting panel (or votes are tied akjnfsakjdfn): Will not react to list: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Channel IG: ~Channel Twitter: ~Channel Tumblr: ~Channel Facebook: ~Join our discord! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video edited by Colton Burge (Twitter: Script written by Umu Intro design by Alex Chen (website: Thumbnail by Nozomi Murayama (IG: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow the ReacttotheK squad and keep up-to-date with our lives: 🎡 Will + Jory (Bourbon Chai.): Will IG: Jory IG: Band IG: Band Spotify: 🎡 Rachel: IG: 🎡 Liam: IG: IG #2: 🎡 Kevin: Twitter: YouTube: IG: 🎡 Henry: IG: 🎡 Charlotte: N/A (she doesn't have any social media accounts) 🎡 Stephen: 🎡 Brianna: 🎡 Cloud: 🎡 Jason: 🎡 Ju Young: 🎡 Raffi: 🎡 Sam: 🎡 Stephanie: 🎡 Leon:


2 years ago

Liam: OHOHOHOOO! Rachel: AAaAAaRGH! [Rossini's Semiramide Overture playing] Umu: And the first one is 'Oh my god', right? Sam: Uhhhh... yes. By Giddle. Umu: No! "Hi guys, we are-" Kevin: *plays G* I-dle. *Umu, Kevin & Owen laughing* Umu: Oh my god. Oh my god, we're getting to this song so late but right before we jump in we wanted to let you know we were able to film and edit this video thanks to our Patreon. Since we are unable to monetize any of our react videos uploaded to this channel it is
our Patreon that provides us the funding to continue making our channel bigger and better. We have a lot of interesting and exclusive content uploaded to our Patreon which includes uncut reactions to this song, reactions to Japanese releases, live stages, games, and more. Alright, enough stalling already, let's get to the reaction! You are now reaction to the girl group (μ—¬μž)아이듀 aka (G)I-dle and their title track 'Oh my god' off of their 2020 'I Trust' album. The message that they hope to give th
rough this album is "I realize that I have to believe in myself through the bumps against reality as I experience emotions of rejection, confusion, recognition and dignity. I trust just believing in yourself can make you stand out." The title track 'Oh my god' represents the theme of "I believe in me" aka self-trust. When it comes to the lyrics of 'Oh my god', they sing: "Oh my god, she showed me all the stars" and it leaves viewers wondering to whom they are referring, to themselves, to the per
sonification of love itself, or a woman. Soyeon says that she will leave it to the fans to interpret, she said: "I didn't want to limit that 'she' to a certain being or a certain definition, so it's up to anything. I believe that all kinds of love are valuable and must be respected." "She's got a point. She's an icon, she's a legend." Umu: This song is composed by Bicksancho (Yummy Tone) and the leader of (G)I-dle, Soyeon. Stephanie: Yummy Tone, I love that. Raffi: *casual vocal flex* [t/n: Raff
i how you do that?] . . . Raffi&Sam: 3 2 1 Stephanie: Woah. Rachel: I know this song. Liam: OH. MY. GOD. Liam: That mix is so good. Raffi: Also the stilettos. Work it, girl. Sam: Oh, you hear those harmonies, Sam: vocal harmonies in the back that descend? Kevin: *Singing melody*, Doctor Who theme right there! Owen: Or prelude in E minor. Kevin: Mm. Liam: Got the kind of reggaeton feel here. Kevin: Uh, I like that percussion, and I normally... don't like that percussion. Liam: OHOHOHOOO! Rachel:
AAaAAaRGH! Liam: GODDAMN! Jory: They committed, that's sick. Will: I really love those different voices of the vocals. (Jory: Yeah) Liam: This is so much more subdued, it's really nice contrast. Jason: I love the bass and how the bass is playing with the offbeat piano groove. It's really nice. Liam: Mm? A little swing? Jory: Oho. Gnja. [t/n: How do I even sub this?] Jason: And then the snare, making this a very Latin inspired groove. *mimics percussion* OH?! Rachel: Oh it's so good. Liam: Pfffff
ffff. Goddamn. Jory: Yeah, that's great sound design. Kevin: It's been a long time since I've heard a half-drop, like a half tempo drop that's this committed to it. Will: Oh, that background vocals... (Jory: Yeah) Kevin: Also this is supposed to be the bridge but it's the same style as the verses, it's really refreshing. Sam: Oh? Raffi: ASMR! Leon: It's so scary, oh my god. Stephanie: Wow, that's scary, yeah. Wow. Will: They put the two beats on top of each other! Jory: Did they really? Will: Th
e *mimics Latin-style beat* gets on top of the trap. Jory: Oh sh*t! Kevin: This music video is so great. Jason: Oooh! Jason: What they're doing to her voice! Ju Young: It's like *wiewiewiew* Jason: It's like... Ju Young: The waves, if we visualize the waves, Ju Young: it's so close to like- Jason: There's like a gradient on it. Ju Young: THAT'S IT!!? Ju Young: Wow, wait, what? Jason: That ended really fast. Liam: That was crazy! That was so good! Rachel: So good! It's mixed so well... Liam: Yeah
. That was the first thing that I noticed. Rachel: Number 1, like, it is mixed SO well. Rachel: It like automatically pulls you in at the beginning cuz it's just this like really interesting atmosphere that we were kinda talking about cuz it comes back at the end, right? It's like... almost demonic, and then like the chime sounds... Rachel: It's just like this whole like story in a song, Liam: It's otherworldly. Rachel: yeah, it's otherworldly. Ju Young: This is a beautiful music video. Jason: I
t gives you like a very sensual eeriness (Ju Young: Yyyeah?) Jason: cuz it's very like skin and... blood and lips and... Jason: gooey maple syrup and just weird. (Ju Young: I don't know, I don't think-) Ju Young: I don't think this is like sexual... Jason: No, not sexual, sensual. Ju Young: OoHh! Jason: Cuz it has to do with a lot of body and motion and... all that stuff that she's doing, like crawling, all this weird stuff, but also creepy as sh*t. Ju Young: I kind of feel like I went through a
sinful religious experience... Jason: Yes! YES! Jason: That's kind of what it's like. Ju Young: With like the deep bass too. Jason: It's almost like 'The Rite of Spring'! Like the choreography in 'The Rite of Spring' where it's like a, cuz it's a very weird, what is it like, they make the youngest virgin dance until death. And like a lot of the choreography with all the people surrounding and doing all these interesting motions that reminded me of the choreography for 'The Rite of Spring'. Owen
: Well this feels like it has a religious and sexual energy with it because of the "oh my god" I saw this interesting interview with Carlos Santana, he talked about, in his solos, that he has two main moods when he plays guitar, one is like this sort of spiritual, larger than you can conceive and sort of universal way of playing: another one is like a sexual sort of: And he says those both converge in the phrase "oh my god" in terms of like "oh my god" and then "oh my god" at the point of... com
pletion, for euphemism's sake, and I feel like this song kind of plays with that idea in terms of that like religious heightened, sort of like pious, and then this, from a religious perspective, base and beastly sort of thing. Kevin: Their portrayal of religion has, there is a lot of sin as well, you know, like I mean the image of the wine being poured is like okay, wine obviously is supposed to be the blood of Jesus Christ but it's also wine, it's also pleasure of the kind that probably isn't r
eally condoned in religion, so yeah, there is a lot of duality, and yet the music is so simple, and yet the music supports it so well! Owen: Yeah, it's a good song. Jory: It's such like a... almost Gothic hook, they really committed to it and then the rest of the song was nowhere near that vibe so it was like really interesting, getting thrown into that and then pulled right back out of it, it was pretty sick, pretty well done. I wish the verses were a little less cutesy, maybe. The vocal produc
tion was crazy, like everybody dropped in and out and then like layered it, and it was really cool in the chorus and then just kind of like: "Oh, we don't get any more of that? Okay." Will: I liked the two, I didn't have any qualms with switching between... Jory: ...qualms... Will: ...with switching between the two different vibes, I thought it was super effective, actually, to- it makes the chorus like really stand out (Jory: That's true) and like the trap beat comes in and it's that darker sou
nd. The chords are interesting because - like they're kinda simple, but it's the same progression between the verses and the pre-chorus but it's like offset, and then the dominant chord became just a minor chord, but it's like, the root note was all the same. And I think it was the same in the chorus too. (Jory: Ah, I didn't notice that.) It kind of added to that contrast. Will: So yeah, so the chord progression is like: E minor G Cmaj7 and then a, I think a B7. And then it suddenly changes just
a little bit. So that's the same thing but offset, it starts in a different place, starts on the Cmaj7, then it goes to B minor instead of dominant, and then E (minor) and then to G again. So that's the same thing but it starts in a different place and then changes the dominant chord, and so it's like a really subtle change, like the tonality is still all the same, but it just like adds that extra little bit of like difference to make that section separate. Kevin: I mean moments that stood out
were like at the beginning there was like a minor ninth leap, *vocalizes* which also reminds me of the Doctor Who theme, cuz it's in the same key and then the other moment that was cool was how the very first chorus we hear a fully diminished "oh my god" where it doesn't even sound like a blues note anymore because she doesn't slide up to the 5, so it's just a diminished chord, or a broken diminished chord, and then the future times they do emphasize the 5, so it's "oh my god" [with slides] and
I like that they're really flexing their voice and playing with that a lot. There's also the 1-4-5~slide~, which I like, they're exploring their range, the music is doing its half-time thing that just feels so committed to it cuz their vocal lines are long, it's not just some instrumental thing when everyone is doing a dance break, you know, there is a vocal correlation with why they're doing the half-time. If any other song would do a half-time this long and this repetitively, I would not have
liked it, but here it works so well and I like the mood change every single time. Rachel: The chorus is just so good, like the drop into the chorus... Oh my god... Oh my god! The silence on four into that drop and then just like the biggest bass of all time... (Liam: BOOOM!) Liam: Oh my god. Leon: What I like the most is the chorus, the chorus is just... unbelievable. It's super catchy, the *vocalizes* like all diatonic and then all quarter notes, but the simplicity is what we can all remember.
Oh, the bass! Stephanie: Yes, yeah! Leon: The bass is super killing! Leon: All the composers, arrangers, and the producers, mixing engineers, they are all like... together. Like sometimes when I listen to a song they feel separated, but this one, when the melody comes out the arranger will just like: "Okay, I'll back it off, I'll just play a bass" and the mixing engineer knows like: "Okay. Yeah. This one is the melody. So I'll put here like a fat bass and keep the simplicity" And the producer wo
uld be like: "Yeah, you're right!" Liam: And like it's beautiful in its simplicity too, cuz like the chord progression doesn't really change all that much (Rachel: No, it's the same.) and it's fairly simple. Somehow they still created like a really interesting soundscape. Like this just sound freakin' pristine, (Rachel: Yeah) like it's SO good. Umu: And the first one is 'Oh my god', right? Sam: Uhhhh... yes. By Giddle. Raffi: Oh oh. Umu: By Giddle? Sam: By Giddle. Umu: By Giddle? Raffi: (G)I-DLE
! Umu: Yes. . . . Sam: No, I know it's (G)I-dle, I was just... Umu: Ah, okay, hahaha... Sam: I was just being quirky and funny.



I know Neverland have waited almost tWO FULL YEARS for this video and I'M SO SORRY!!! First, this song took a while to get through our vetting process and then I developed tendonitis which turned into tendonosis and then a bunch of managements asked us to interview their groups ( which heeeeellllaa delayed all react videos on our schedule. But It has come to the point where I really miss (G)I-DLE, so I asked my assistant editor Colton to work his magic and he did. Sorry again for the delay :') β€Ό More (G)I-DLE reaction content on our Patreon:


from what i've heard, a lot of ppl think Soojin is a devilish-dark figure, and the rest of the (G)I-DLE are all getting lured by her and they want to express their feelings towards her, which why a lot of ppl say this song gives off Lesbian Vibes! One of my favorite tracks of (G)I-DLE


This song is a legit religious experience, everytime I listen to it I'm thrown back into the obsession of it 😩


I don't need to be a fan of (G)i-dle to say that this song is amazing. Pure art. And the MV is, in my opinion, one of the best. It's different from most kpop music videos.


I was so shocked when I first hearded it and when I saw that a lot of people had the opposite opinion I was confused! It's one of my all time favorite kpop songs!!!


This is the song that got me to fully stanning IDLE and of course, the visuals, the song, and the concept all slapped but what really solidified my love for them was the message. The moment Soyeon said it's open to interpretation and that all forms of love must be valued and respected, that just spoke to me. Since I'm a part of the LGBT+ community and personally have self-love issues, this song helped me come to terms with those problems that I've had trouble with for a long time (with a sick ass beat too). I can never really thank the girls enough for this. They're one of the few groups, if not the only group, in K-pop who could've pulled it off as masterfully as they have done.


I LOVE OH MY GOD WITH ALL MY HEART, It always inspires me when I feel like I can't write or produce a good song, Soyeon really put all of her Soyeussy into this one




Soyeon is an incredible songwriter, composer and producer! This was an absolute masterpiece!


This song is on my β€œDon’t Drive to This” list (along with bops like Daechwita) due to the fact that I will lose it and jam with the song instead of paying attention to the road. πŸ™ƒ


1:50 "she's got a point. She's an icon. She's a legend." FACTS


Worth knowing that Soyeon is the producer AND the mixer AND the arranger as well as the writer and composer.... so it's no wonder it all fits together so well, it's one person's vision.


BETTER LATE THAN NEVER OMGOMG This man did not just say GIDDLE πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€


I don't really follow kpop anymore esp. the newer generation but i'm obsessed with this song when I first heard it!


OH MY GOD IS OUR ANTHEM πŸ–€ and the fact that SOYEON produced it πŸ’…πŸ»


The song is basically about girls being lured to sin by lilith (a demon/mother of evil) but they're too blinded by the love they feel for lilith no one is regretting their sins or asking for forgiveness. The "she" in the song refers to lilith as she make members feel the stars with beauty to make them commit sins. In stories, lilith is the first wife of Adam but she rebels and get punished because of this. She wants to take revenge from god who made her suffer and swears to lure innocent people especially innocent girls and make them leave god's way (start commiting sins) Members fall into her trap and commit sins because of her, in the mv you can see different scenes when girls sin but they are willing to burn in fires if that means being close to lilith. I love how they used classic biblical terms and turned them into this masterpiece


Gidle is sooo talented man, their songs are all incredible. I miss soojin to death but I'm excited for their next comeback.


Yuqi has got one the unique voices in kpop currently.


HONESTLY! I'm so happy to see this! Oh My God was the first comeback they had when I became their fan and it's literally an experience for everyone. I especially love that the girls are pushing their boundaries here--the norm in pop musical compositions, the restrictive views in SK about LGBTQA, the borderline blasphemy on religious tones, and everything in between! I'm so happy to hear that others can appreciate it as well, since we can all feel the love and dedication and tears and blood that was put into this masterpiece. Production was really well-thought out and the vocal arrangement was so beautifully done while giving each member a time to shine. Honestly! Thank you for doing this!


I love every song from g-idle. But this song is just just chef's kissπŸ”₯