
Closing to Family Guy In Blue Harvest DVD 2007 MADE FOR KIDS


Chanel Bell

1 day ago

right what my what oh yay thank you pigs yay I'm part of things too yay [Applause] the end hey wow Dad thanks for keeping us entertained that was a great story yeah but didn't Robot Chicken already do this three months ago well I wouldn't worry about a crush I I don't think people are even aware of that show's existence I don't know Dad I think a decent number of people watch it oh really to find decent I think it's the highest rated show on Cartoon Network in the Star Wars Episode doubled that
audience well you have a double 10 people is like 20 people so I mean what kind of numbers are we talking about here you know don't be glib about this stuff Dad it's a legitimate show and they beat you to the punch uh I don't know about that Chris I mean to me a legitimate show is on ABC CBS NBC you know what are the real networks I don't know about that Dad and besides what's up with that 15 minute run time what is that that's like 15 minutes a guy's playing with Star Wars dolls Oh yay I mean i
f you do know the show I read part of a review online I am not a fan you know that you're real you're real [Music] foreign [Music]
